Modern Machine-Shop Practice Part 250

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30 " 94 " " " "

40 " 90 " " " "

60 " 143 " " " "


10 lbs. 14 " " " "

12 " 20 " " " "

16 " 30 " " " "

20 " 40 " " " "

24 " 48 " " " "

30 " 60 " " " "

32 " 64 " " " "

40 " 80 " " " "

48 " 96 " " " "

50 " 100 " " " "

60 " 120 " " " "

64 " 128 " " " "

80 " 160 " " " "

A spring that is strong enough for a given pressure may be used for any less pressure.

The height of the diagram will, however, be less, and accuracy is best secured by having the diagram up to the limit of about 2-1/2 inches, using a spring that is light enough to secure this result.

Diagrams of high speed engines, however, will have their lines

more regular in proportion as a stronger spring is used.

This occurs because the spring, being under more tension, is less liable to vibration.

An indicator requires careful cleaning and oiling with the best of oil, as the slightest undue friction seriously impairs the working of the instrument.

Instructions upon the care of the instrument, and how to take it apart, etc., are usually given by the makers of the indicator.

There are various methods of giving to the paper drum of the indicator a motion coincident with that of the engine piston, but few of them give correct results.

Reducing levers, such as shown in Fig. 3365, are constructed as follows:

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 3365.]

Fig. 3365 represents a reducing lever with the indicators attached. A C is a strip of pine board three or four inches wide and about one and one-half times as long as the stroke of the engine. It is hung by a screw or small bolt to a wooden frame attached overhead. A link C one-third as long as the stroke is attached at one end to the lever, and at the other end to a stud screwed into the cross head, or to an iron clamped to the cross head by one of the nuts that adjust the gibs, or to any part of the cross head that may be conveniently used. The lever should stand in a vertical position when the piston is at the middle of the stroke. The connecting link C, when at that point, should be as far below a horizontal position as it is above it at either end of the stroke. The cords which drive the paper drums may be attached to a screw inserted in the lever near the point of suspension; but a better plan is to provide a segment, A, B, the centre of which coincides with the point of suspension, and allow the cord to pa.s.s around the circular edge. The distance from edge to centre should bear the same proportion to the length of the reducing lever as the desired length of diagram bears to the length of the stroke. On an engine having a stroke of 48 inches, the lever should be 72 inches, and the link C 16 inches in length, in which case, to obtain a diagram 4 inches long, the radius of the segment would be 6 inches. It is immaterial what the actual length of the diagram is, except as it suits the operator's fancy, but 4 inches is a length that is usually satisfactory. It may be reduced to advantage to 3 inches at very high speeds. The cords should leave the segment in a line parallel with the axis of the engine cylinder.

The pulleys over which they pa.s.s should incline from a vertical plane and point to the indicators wherever they may be located. If the indicators and the reducing lever can be placed so as to be in line with each other, the pulleys may be dispensed with and the cords carried directly from the segment to the instruments, a longer arc being provided for this purpose. The arm which holds the carrier pulleys on each indicator should be adjusted so as to point in the direction in which the cord is received.

In all arrangements of this kind the reduced motion is not mathematically exact, because the leverage is not constant at all points of the stroke.

Pantagraph motions have been devised for overcoming these defects. Two forms have been successfully used, which, if well made, well cared for, and properly handled, reproduce the motion on the reduced scale with perfect accuracy. They are shown in working position in Figs. 3366 and 3367.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 3366.]

Fig. 3366 represents the manner of attaching the pantagraph motion, or _lazy tongs_, as it is sometimes called, when the indicators are applied to the side of the cylinder. It works in a horizontal plane, the pivot end being supported by a post B erected in front of the guides, and the working end receiving motion from an iron attached to the cross head.

By adjusting the post to the proper height and at a proper distance in front of the cross head, the cords may be carried from the cord pin C to the indicators, without the intervention of carrier pulleys.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 3367.]

If the indicators are attached to the side of the cylinder, the simplest form of pantagraph shown in Fig. 3367 may be used. The working end A receives motion from the cross head, and the front piece B is attached to the floor. The cord pin D is fixed in line between the pivot and the working end, and the pulleys E, attached to the block C, guide the cords to the indicators.

The indicator rigging that gives the best results at high speeds is a plain reducing lever like that first described, provided at the lower end with a slot that receives a stud, screwed into the cross head. The length of the lever should be one and one-half times the engine stroke, as given on the preceding page.

Whatever plan is followed, it is desirable to avoid the use of long stretches of cord. If the motion must be carried a long distance, strips of wood may often be arranged in their place and operated with direct connections. Braided linen cord, a little in excess of one-sixteenth of an inch in diameter, is a suitable material for indicator work.

To take a diagram, a blank card is stretched smoothly upon the paper drum, the ends being held by the spring clips. The driving cord is attached and so adjusted that the motion of the drum is central.

For convenience two diagrams, one from each end of the cylinder, may be made on the same card, as shown in Fig. 3368.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 3368.]


The usual manner of testing the expansion curve of a diagram is to compare it with a curve representing Mariotte's law for the expansion of a perfect gas.

A theoretic expansion curve that will accord with Mariotte's law may be constructed on the diagram by the following method:

The diagram, as drawn by the indicator, will have the atmospheric line upon it, and from this as a basis we may mark in the line of no pressure or line of perfect vacuum.

To do this we draw, beneath the atmospheric line, a line as far beneath it as will represent the atmospheric line, on the same scale as the spring used, in the indicator, to draw the diagram.

Suppose, for example, that a 30 lb. spring was used, and a.s.suming the atmospheric pressure to be 15 lbs. per inch, then the line of no pressure would be drawn half an inch below the atmospheric line, because 15 lbs. pull on the spring would cause it to distend half an inch.

The clearance line must then be drawn in, according to directions that have already been given.

The next thing to do is to divide the length of the diagram into any convenient number of equal parts, by vertical lines parallel to, and beginning at, the clearance line, as shown in Fig. 3369. These lines are numbered as shown, ten of them being used because that is a convenient number, but any other number would do.

We next decide at which part of the diagram its expansion curve and the test curve shall touch, and in this example we have chosen that it shall be at line 10.

We have now to find what pressure the length of line 10 represents on the scale of the indicator spring, which in this case we will suppose to be 25 lbs., the line measuring 25/30 of an inch, and a 30 lb. spring having been used to draw the diagram. Next multiply the pressure (25 lbs.) by the number of the line (10), and divide the product (250) by the number of each of the other lines in succession, and the quotient will be the pressures to be represented by the lines.

For example, for line 9 we have that 250 divided by 9 gives 27.7, hence line 9 must be long or high enough to represent a pressure of 27.7 lbs.

above a perfect vacuum, or in this case 27.7/30 of an inch.

For line 8 we have that 250 divided by 8 gives 31.25 lbs., hence line 8 must be high enough to represent a pressure of 31.25 lbs. above a perfect vacuum.

The atmospheric line is, in this case, of no other service than to form a guide wherefrom to mark in the line of no pressure, or of perfect vacuum.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 3369.]

Now take the case of line 5, and 250 divided by 5 gives 50, hence the height of line 5 must represent a pressure above vacuum of 50 lbs.

Modern Machine-Shop Practice Part 250

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