The Solomon Islands and Their Natives Part 34

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Papilionacea (dub); vulgo "Droau." A stout climber on forest trees, with large purple flowers.

Canavalia turgida, Grah.

Vigna lutea, A. Gray.

Pongamia glabra, Vent.? vulgo "Ansapo."

Sophora tomentosa, L.

Caesalpinia Nuga, Ait.

Adenanthera Pavonina, L. (probably). Seeds only obtained.

Leucaena sp...?? vulgo "Gehala." A tree thirty to forty feet high.


Parinarium laurinum, A. Gr.: vulgo "t.i.ta." A tree about sixty feet high. From the fruit is obtained a resin used by the natives for caulking the seams of their canoes.


Rubus tilaceus, Sm.


Terminalia Catappa, L.: vulgo "Saori." Seeds eaten by the natives.

Lumnitzera coccinea, W. and Arn.


Eugenia sp... vulgo "Pakuri." A tree thirty feet high, growing 1600 feet above the sea.

Eugenia clusiaefolia, A. Gray (allied to E. Jambolana).

Eugenia sp... vulgo "Tsugi." A littoral tree.

Eugenia, aff. E. Richii, A. Gr.: vulgo "Malapo." A tree eighty feet high, with b.u.t.tresses, growing on coral islets.

Barringtonia speciosa, F.

Barringtonia cf. B. edulis, Seem. and B. excelsa, Huds. (New Hebrides): vulgo "Borolong." A tree thirty to thirty-five feet in height, growing in plantations. Flowers gathered into very conspicuous pendent yellow spikes, two and a half feet long. Kernel of fruit edible.

Barringtonia aff. B. racemosae, Bl.: vulgo "Misioko." A tree forty feet high, growing near coast.

Barringtonia?? vulgo "Sioko." A tree fifteen to twenty feet high, growing in plantations. Fruit edible.


Medinilla sp... A climbing plant around the trunks of trees.


Pemphis acidula, Forst.


Cuc.u.mis Melo, L., forma?


Panax fruticosum, L.

Plerandra, near Pickeringii, A. Gray: vulgo "Fo."

Araliacea (dub?): vulgo "Bubolio." A littoral tree, fifteen feet high.


Hedyotis Auricularia, L.

Ophiorrhiza aff. O. cantonensis, Hance.

Ophiorrhiza sp...

Dolicholobium aff. D. longissimo an D. longissimum, Seem. forma macranthus: vulgo "Lowasi." A tree fifty feet high and under, common along the sides of streams.

Geophila reniformis, C. and S.

Morinda citrifolia, L.: vulgo "Urati."

Guettarda speciosa, L.: vulgo "Orgoi."

Myrmecodia salomonensis, Becc. A new species separated from M.

samoensis, Becc. Noticed commonly on tall mangrove trees bordering the sides of streams in the lower part of their courses. The swollen tuberous stem measures as much as one and a half feet in length, and is usually occupied by many ants.

Hydnophytum longistylum, Becc. Found on coast trees. Those I examined contained no ants, but, instead, a few c.o.c.kroaches. On the outside of one of them I found a crab.

Hydnophytum Guppyanum, Becc. A new species. Noticed commonly on the tall mangrove trees bordering the sides of streams in the lower part of their courses. The swollen tuberous portion of the stem has a characteristic scaphoid form; those I examined being nearly full of dirty rain-water, and almost free from ants; a few c.o.c.kroaches occurred in all; some of them are one and a half feet in length.

(Hydnophytum inerme, a specimen I obtained from Ugi Island, at the east end of the group in 1882, and identified by Mr. C. Moore of Sydney.)

Psychotria sp... vulgo "Popotu."

Psychotria, aff. P. Forsterinae, A. Gr.

Bikkia sp... A littoral tree, twenty feet high, with large handsome white flowers.


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