The Solomon Islands and Their Natives Part 35

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Vernonia cinerea, Less

Adenostemma viscosum, Forst.

Blumea aft. B. glandulosae, D.C.

Eclipta alba,

Bidens pilosa, L.

Wedelia biflora, D.C. A very common littoral plant, but in one instance I found it 1600 feet above the sea.


Scaevola Knigii, Vahl. vulgo "Nano." A very common littoral shrub.


Sapotacea? Seeds only obtained.

Sapotacea (dub): vulgo "Maranato." A forest tree, a hundred feet high with large plank-like b.u.t.tresses.


Ochrosia parviflora, Hensl: vulgo "Pokosola."

Ochrosia aff. 0. (Lactaria) calycarpae (Miq.). Tree 30 feet high.

Ochrosia sp... vulgo "Bararai." A tree 30 to 40 feet high.

Cerbera Odollam, Gaertn: vulgo "Lukapau."

Cerbera sp... vulgo "Anoumi." A tree about 50 feet high, growing away from the coast.

Lyonsia??: vulgo "Awi-sulu." A stout climber: its bark supplies the fibres used for making fis.h.i.+ng-lines.


Hoya australis, Br.? (H. bicarinata, A. Gr.) forma: vulgo "Alulu."

Hoya sp... (narrow-leaved species).

Hoya Guppyi, Oliv. sp. nov. Ramulis ultimis parce hirtellis dense glabratis, foliis petiolatis coriaceis late ellipticis breviter ac.u.minatis cuspidatisve base late rotundatis subcordatisve supra glabris, subtus praecipue versus basin plus minus hirtellis, umbellis pedunculatis, pedunculis pedicellisque glabris, calyce parvo tubo corollae 2-4-plo breviore lobis ovatis obtusis ciliolatis, corolla rotata lobis patentibus ovatis v. late ovato-lanceolatis acutatis medio depressis intus hirtellis extus glabris sinubus reflexis, coronae foliolis cartilagineo-incra.s.satis disco ovato lanceolatis concavis obtusis basi angustatis dorso profunde excavatis marginibus lateralibus utrinque carinatis, folliculis subteretibus parce hirtellis.

Folia 3-4 poll. longis, 2-2 poll. latis; petiolo hirtello - poll. longo; umbella 10-14 flora; pedunculo 2 poll. longo, pedicellis 1 poll. longis. Corolla 1 poll. diam. rubro-purpurea.

Follicula 8-9 poll, longa.

Faro Island: Bougainville Straits: "A climber on coast trees."


Couthovia, nearly allied to C. Seemanni A.Gr., if not a variety with inflorescence throughout tawny-p.u.b.erulous. Vulgo "Palinoromus." A forest tree 70 feet high.

f.a.graea Berteriana A.Gr.? vulgo "Bubulata."

f.a.graea morindaefolia, Bl. forma. Vulgo "Kirofe."

f.a.graea sp... vulgo "Mamuli." A tree twenty-five feet high.


Tournefortia argentea, L. f. vulgo "Diave."

Cordia subcordata, Lam.

Cordia? (Corollas picked off ground.)


Ipoma denticulata, Chy.

Ipoma (Calonyction) grandiflora, Lam?

Ipoma pes-caprae, Roth.

Ipoma sp...


Solanum repandum, F? vulgo "Kirkami." }

Solanum repandum, F? vulgo "Kobureki."}

Natives distinguish these two plants, which grow in their plantations, as shrubs 4 to 6 feet high. Fruits edible when cooked.

Solanum vitiense, Seem. vulgo "Koriele."

Physalis angulata, L.


Vandellia Crustacea, Bth.


Cyrtandra v. gen. nov. aff.


The Solomon Islands and Their Natives Part 35

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