Three Plays: The Fiddler's House, The Land, Thomas Muskerry Part 4

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CONN You were listening to what the town is saying.

MAIRE What does the town know? Does it know that you stripped us of stock and crop the year after we came here? Does it know that Anne and myself, two girls of the roads, had to struggle ever since to keep a shelter?

CONN _(bitterly)_ It knows that. It couldn't help but know it, maybe.

But does it know all the promises you made and broke?

CONN _(angrily)_ Hush now; I'll hear no more. I went my own way always, and I'll go my own way always.

_He goes to the entrance, and remains with his back turned. Maire goes to Anne_.

MAIRE _(raising her voice)_ Ay, he'll go his own way always. What was the good of working and saving here?

ANNE Be quiet with him.

MAIRE He'll go his own way always, and it's foolish of us to be fretting for him night and day.

_Maire sits on stool and puts her hands across her face_.

CONN _(turning his head)_ Fretting for me. It was too easy that I reared you.

ANNE G.o.d help Maire! She kept the house together at the worst, and she is always fretting for us.

CONN I'm oul' enough to mind myself. Let her remember that.

ANNE It's you that ought to remember that.

CONN _(going to Maire)_ Did I ever give the harsh word to you, child?

_No answer_.

CONN There, there; I never could see tears in a woman's eyes; there, there, colleen. I'm an oul' man; I won't be a trouble to you long.

MAIRE _(rising)_ Why need you play in Flynn's? You're as good as any that goes there.

CONN I know that. I'm disgusted with Flynn. May h.e.l.l loosen his knees for him! I'll go in and throw his money on the counter.

MAIRE Some one else can do that. Promise me you won't go near the place.

CONN You'll have me promise. I promise.

MAIRE Take this in your hand and promise. It's a medal that belonged to mother.

_She takes a medal from her neck_

CONN _(taking the medal)_ I'm disgusted with Flynn. I promise you, Maire.

MAIRE Now you've honour and respect.

CONN And what about Ardagh, Maire?

MAIRE Sure, you're not the rambling fiddler any more.

CONN That would be the good rambling. I see the trees making shadows across the roads.

MAIRE We'll talk about it again.

ANNE Brian MacConnell will be coming in now. CONN I'm going out to Brian MacConnell.

_He goes to the door_.

ANNE Tell Brian to come in now.

_Conn Hourican goes out. There is a pause. Maire hums a tune as she goes to the mirror_.

MAIRE Am I looking well to-day?

ANNE _(rather distantly)_ You're looking your best, I think.

_(Seriously)_ Maire, I didn't like the way you talked to father.

MAIRE _(petulantly)_ What have you against it?

ANNE You're becoming a stranger to us, Maire.

MAIRE _(as an apology)_ I'm out often, I know, but I think as much as ever of the house, and about you and father. You know we couldn't let him go to the Feis at Ardagh. We couldn't let him go off like a rambling fiddler.

ANNE We couldn't let him go off by himself.

MAIRE You're going to Moynihan's.

ANNE Maybe I'll go.

MAIRE Anne, honey, do something for me.

ANNE What will I do?

MAIRE You'll meet father coming up with Brian, and take him away.

ANNE And will you tell me everything to-night?

MAIRE Who else would I talk to but yourself, Nancy? _(Anne goes out)_ I wish Anne hadn't spoken to me like that. I feel the like of that.

_(Desperately)_ Well, I'll pray for nothing now but to look my best.

_(She goes to the fire. Brian MacConnell comes in)_ You're welcome, Brian.

BRIAN We didn't finish to-day. I'll come in to-morrow and finish.

MAIRE O no, Brian, we won't take another day from you.

BRIAN Well, what's a day after all? Many's the day and night I put in thinking on you.

Three Plays: The Fiddler's House, The Land, Thomas Muskerry Part 4

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Three Plays: The Fiddler's House, The Land, Thomas Muskerry Part 4 summary

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