New Word-Analysis Part 22

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Affable (Lat. adj. _affab'ilis_, easy to be spoken to); affabil'ity; inef'fable; in'fant (Lat. participle, _in'fans_, _infan'tis_, literally, not speaking) (-ile, -ine); in'fancy; nefa'rious (Lat. adj. _nefa'rius_, impious); pref'ace (Fr. n. _preface_), _something spoken or written by way of introduction_.

68. FATE'RI: fa'teor, fas'sus (_in comp._ fes'sus), _to acknowledge, to show_.

FESS: confess' (-ion, -ional, -or); profess' (-ion, -ional, -or).

69. FELIX, feli'cis, _happy_.

FELIC: -ity, -itous; infeli'city; feli'citate, _to make happy by congratulation._

70. FEN'DERE: fen'do, fen'sum, _to keep off, to strike_.[6]

FEND: fend (-er); defend' (-er, -ant); offend' (-er).

FENS: defense' (-ible, -ive); offense' (-ive); fence (n. and v., abbreviated from defence);[7] fencer; fencing.

71. FER'RE: fe'ro, la'tum, _to bear, to carry_.

FER: fer'tile (Lat. adj. _fer'tilis_, bearing, fruitful); fertil'ity; fer'tilize; circ.u.m'ference, literally, _a measure carried around anything_; confer', _to consult_; con'ference; defer'; def'erence; deferen'tial; dif'fer (-ence, -ent); infer' (-ence); of'fer; prefer' (-able, -ence, -ment); prof'fer; refer' (-ee, -ence); suf'fer (-ance, -able, -er); transfer' (-able, -ence); conif'erous (Lat. n. _co'nus_, a cone); florif'erous (Lat. n. _flos_, _flo'ris_, a flower); fructif'erous (Lat. n.

_fruc'tus_, fruit); Lu'cifer (Lat. n. _lux_, _lucis_, light), _the morning or evening star, Satan_; pestif'erous (Lat. n. _pes'tis_, pest, plague).

LAT: ab'lative (literally, carrying away; the sixth case of Latin nouns); collate' (-ion); dilate' (-ory); elate'; ob'late, _flattened at the poles_; obla'tion, _an offering_; prel'ate; prel'acy; pro'late, _elongated at the poles_; relate' (-ion, -ive); correla'tion; correl'ative; super'lative; translate' (-ion); delay' (= dis + lat, through old Fr. verb _delayer_, to put off).

72. FERVE'RE: fer'veo, _to boil_; Fermen'tum, _leaven_.

FERV: -ent, -ency, -id, -or; effervesce', _to bubble or froth up_; efferves'cence.

FERMENT: fer'ment, -ation.

73. FES'TUS, _joyful, merry_.

FEST: -al, -ival, -ive, -ivity; feast (Old Fr. _feste_, a joyous meal); fete (modern Fr. equivalent of _feast_), _a festival_; festoon (Fr. n.

_feston_, originally an ornament for a festival).

74. FID'ERE: fi'do, _to trust_; Fi'des, _faith_; Fide'lis, _trusty_.

FID: confide' (-ant, -ence, -ent, -ential); dif'fidence; dif'fident; per'fidy (per = through and hence _away from_ good faith); perfid'ious.

FIDEL: fidel'ity; in'fidel; infidel'ity.

Fe'alty (Old Fr. n. _fealte_ = Lat. _fidel'itas_), _loy'alty_; fidu'cial (Lat. n. _fidu'cia_, trust); fidu'ciary; affi'ance, _to pledge faith_, _to betroth_; affida'vit (Low Lat., signifying, literally, he made oath), _a declaration on oath_; defy' (Fr. v. _defier_, originally, to dissolve the bond of allegiance; hence, to disown, to challenge, to brave).

75. FI'GERE: fi'go, fix'um, _to join, fix, pierce_.

FIX: affix'; cru'cifix (Lat. n. _crux_, _cru'cis_, a cross); cru'cify; fix'ture; post'fix; pre'fix; suf'fix (n., literally, something fixed below or on; hence, appended); transfix', _to pierce through_.

76. FIN'GERE: fin'go, fic'tum, _to form, to feign_; Figu'ra, _a shape_.

FICT: fic'tion; ficti'tious.

FIGUR: fig'ure; figura'tion; configura'tion; disfig'ure; prefig'ure; transfig'ure.

Feign (Fr. v. _feindre_, _feignant_, to pretend); feint (_feint_, past part. of _feindre_); ef'figy (Lat. n. _effig'ies_, an image or likeness); fig'ment (Lat. n. _figmen'tum_, an invention).

FINIS. (See page 40).

77. FIR'MUS, _strong, stable_.

FIRM: firm; firm'ness; infirm' (-ary, -ity); fir'mament, originally, _firm foundation_; affirm' (-ation, -ative); confirm' (-ation, -ative).

78. FLAM'MA, _a stream of fire_.

FLAM: flame; inflame' (-able, -ation, -atory).

Flambeau' (Fr. n. _flambeau_ from v. _flamber_, to blaze); flamin'go (Span.

n. _flamenco_), _a bird of a flaming red color_.


Age does not always _exempt_ one from _faults_. _Peremptory _orders were given that all the princes should be _present_ at the _diet_. Many _beneficial_ results must come from the _introduction_ of drawing into the public schools. The lady is _affable_ and _perfectly_ free from _affectation_. The field is _fertile_ and _produces_ abundant crops. The _professor's_ lecture _related_ to _edentate_ animals. Men sometimes _feign_ a _fealty_ they do not feel. The lady _professed_ that her _felicity_ was ineffable. The King seized a _flambeau_ with zeal to destroy. It is a _nefarious_ act to make a _false affidavit_. _Fanaticism_ is often _infectious_. The _confirmed offender_ had issued many _counterfeits_. d.i.c.kens gives us the _quintessence_ of the _facetious_. In _figure_ the earth is an _oblate_ spheroid.

79. FLEC'TERE: flec'to, flex'um, _to bend_.

FLECT: deflect' (-ion); inflect' (-ion); reflect' (-ion, -ive, -or).

FLEX: -ible, -ile, -ion, -or (a muscle that bends a joint), -ure; flex'-uous; flex'uose; cir'c.u.mflex; re'flex.

80. FLOS, flo'ris, _a flower_.

FLOR: -al, -et, -id, -ist; Flo'ra, _the G.o.ddess of flowers_; flor'iculture (Lat. n. _cultu'ra_, cultivation); florif'erous (Lat. v. _fer're_, to bear); flor'in (originally, a Florentine coin with a lily on it); flour (literally, the _flower_ or choicest part of wheat); flow'er (-et, -y); flour'ish (Lat. v. _flores'cere_, to begin to blossom, to prosper); efflores'cence; efflores'cent.

FLUERE. (See page 41.)

81. F'DUS, fd'eris, _a league or treaty_.

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