New Word-Analysis Part 23

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FEDER: fed'eral; fed'eralist (in the United States a member of the party that favored a strong league of the States); fed'erate; confed'erate; confed'eracy; confedera'tion.

82. FO'LIUM, _a leaf_.

FOLI: -aceous, -age, -ate; fo'lio (ablative case of _fo'lium_, a leaf), _a book made of sheets folded once_; exfo'liate, _to come off in scales_; foil, _a thin leaf of metal_; tre'foil, _a plant with three (tres) leaves_; cinque'foil (Fr. _cinque_, five).

83. FOR'MA, _shape, form_.

FORM: form (-al, -ality); conform' (-able, -ation, -ity); deform' (-ity); inform' (-ant, -er, -ation); perform' (-ance, -er); reform' (-ation, -atory, -er); transform' (-ation); for'mula (Lat. n. _for'mula_, pl.

_for'mulae_, a little form, a model); for'mulate; mul'tiform (Lat. adj.

_mul'tus_, many); u'niform (Lat. adj. _u'nus_, one).

84. FOR'TIS, _strong_.

FORT: fort; for'tress, _a fortified place_; for'tify; fortifica'tion; for't.i.tude; com'fort, n., _something that strengthens or cheers_ (-able, -er, -less); discom'fort; effort, _a putting forth of one's strength_; force (Fr. n. _force_, strength); for'cible; enforce' (-ment); reinforce'


85. FRAN'GERE: fran'go, frac'tum, _to break_; Fra'gilis, _easily broken_.

FRANG, FRING: fran'gible (-ibility); infran'gible; infringe' (-ment); refran'gible.

FRACT: frac'tion; frac'tious; fract'ure; infract' (-ion); refract' (-ion, -ory).

Fra'gile; frag'ment; frail (old Fr. ad; _fraile_ = Lat. _fra'gilis_); frail'ty.

86. FRA'TER, fra'tris, _a brother_; Frater'nus, _brotherly_.

FRATR: frat'ricide (Lat. v. _caed'ere_, to kill).

FRATERN: -al, -ity, -ize; confrater'nity.

Fri'ar (Fr. n. _frere_, a brother); fri'ary.

87. FRONS, fron'tis, _the forehead_.

FRONT: front (-age, -al, -less, -let); affront'; confront'; effront'ery; fron'tier (Fr. n. _frontiere_); front'ispiece (Lat. n. _frontispi'cium_, from _frons_ and _spic'ere_, to view; literally, that which is seen in front).

88 FRU'OR: fruc'tus, _to enjoy_; Fru'ges, _corn_; French Fruit, _fruit_.

FRUCT: -ify, -ification; fructif'erous (Lat. v. _fer're_, to bear).

FRUG: -al, -ality; frugif'erous (Lat. v. _fer're_, to bear).

FRUIT: fruit; fruit'erer; fruit'ful; frui'tion.

89. FU'GERE: fu'gio, fu'gitum, _to flee_.

FUG: fuga'cious; centrif'ugal (Lat. n. _cen'trum_, the center); feb'rifuge (Lat. n. _fe'bris_, fever); fugue (Lat. n. _fu'ga_, a flight), _a musical composition_; ref'uge (-ee); sub'terfuge; ver'mifuge (Lat. n. _ver'mis_, a worm).

FUGIT: fu'gitive (adj. and n.).

90. FU'MUS, _smoke_.

FUM: fume; fu'mid; fumif'erous (Lat. v. _fer're_, to bear), _producing smoke_; fu'matory, _a plant with bitter leaves_; per'fume (-er, -ery).

Fu'migate (Lat. v. _fumiga're_, _fumiga'tum_, to smoke), _to disinfect_; fumiga'tion; fu'migatory.

91. FUN'DERE: fun'do, fu'sum, _to pour_.

FUND: refund'; found (Fr. v. _fondre_ = Lat. _fun'dere_), _to form by pouring into a mould_ (-er, -ery); confound' (Fr. v. _confondre_, literally, to pour together; hence, to confuse).

FUS: fuse (-ible, -ion); confuse' (-ion); diffuse' (-ion, -ive); effuse'

(-ion, -ive); infuse' (-ion); profuse' (-ion); refuse' (-al); suffuse'

(-ion); transfuse' (-ion).

92. GER'ERE: ge'ro, ges'tum, _to bear or carry_.

GER: ger'und, _a Latin verbal noun_; bellig'erent (Lat. n. _bel'lum_, war); con'geries (Lat. n. _conge'ries_, a collection); vicege'rent (Lat. _vi'ce_, in place of), _one bearing rule in place of another_.

GEST: gest'ure; gestic'ulate (Lat. n. _gestic'ulus_, a mimic gesture); gesticula'tion; congest' (-ion, -ive); digest', literally, _to carry apart_: hence, _to dissolve food in the stomach_ (-ible, -ion, -ive); suggest', literally, _to bear into the mind from below_, that is, _indirectly_ (-ion, -ive); reg'ister (Lat. v. _reger'ere_, to carry back, to record); reg'istrar; registra'tion; reg'istry.

93. GIG'NERE: gig'no, gen'itum, _to beget_; Gens, gen'tis, _a clan or nation_, Ge'nus, gen'eris, _a kind_.

GENIT: gen'itive, _a case of Latin nouns_; congen'ital, _born with one_; primogen'itor (Lat. adj. _pri'mus_, first), _an ancestor_; primogen'iture, _ state of being first born_; progen'itor, _an ancestor_.

GENT: genteel' (Lat. adj. _genti'lis_, pertaining to the same clan; hence, of good family or birth); gentil'ity; gen'tle (_genti'lis_, of good birth), _mild, refined_; gen'try (contracted from gentlery), _a cla.s.s in English society_; gen'tile, _belonging to a nation other than the Jewish_.

GENER: gen'eral (-ity, -ize); gen'erate (Lat. _genera're, genera'tum_, to produce); genera'tion; regenera'tion; gener'ic; gen'erous; generos'ity; con'gener, _of the same kind_; degen'erate, _to fall off from the original kind_; degen'eracy.

Gen'der (Fr. n. _genre_ = Lat. _ge'nus, gen'eris_), _the kind of a noun as regards the s.e.x of the object_; gen'ial (Lat. adj. _genia'lis_, cheerful); gen'ius (Lat. n. _ge'nius_, originally, the divine nature innate in everything); gen'uine (Lat. adj. _genui'nus_, literally, proceeding from the original stock; hence, natural, true); ge'nus, a kind including many species; engen'der (Fr. v. _engendrer_, to beget); ingen'ious (Lat. adj.

_ingenio'sus_, acute, clever); ingen'uous (Lat. adj. _ingen'uus_, frank, sincere).

94. GRA'DI: gra'dior, gres'sus, _to walk_.

GRAD: grada'tion; gra'dient (_gra'diens, gradien'tis_, pres. part. of v.

_gradi_), _rate of ascent, grade_; grad'ual (Lat. n. _gradus_, a step); grad'uate; degrade' (-ation); ingre'dient (Lat. part. _ingre'diens_, entering); ret'rograde.

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