New Word-Analysis Part 24

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GRESS: aggres'sion; aggres'sive; con'gress (-ional); digress' (-ion); e'gress; in'gress; prog'ress (-ion, -ive); retrogres'sion; transgress'

(-ion, -or).

Grade (Fr. n. _grade_ = Lat. _gra'dus_, degree or rank); degree' (Fr. n.

_degre_ = _de_ + _gradus_).

95. GRA'TUS, thankful, _pleasing_.

GRAT: grate'ful; gra'tis (Lat. _gra'tiis_, by favor, for nothing) grat'itude; gratu'ity; gratu'itous; grat'ify (-ication); congrat'ulate (-ion, -ory); ingra'tiate.

Grace (Fr. _grace_ = Lat. _gra'tia_, favor, grace); grace'ful; gra'cious; grace'less; disgrace'; agree' (Fr. v. _agreer_, to receive kindly), -able, -ment; disagree'.

96. GRA'VIS, _heavy_.

GRAV: _grave_, literally, _heavy_: hence, _serious_; grav'ity; gravita'tion; ag'gravate (-ion).

Grief (Fr. _grief_ = Lat. _gra'vis_), literally, _heaviness of spirit, sorrow_; grieve; griev'ance; griev'ous.

GREX. (See page 41.)

97. HABE'RE: ha'beo, hab'itum, _to have or hold_; HABITA'RE, hab'ito, habita'tum, _to use frequently, to dwell_.

HABIT: habit'ual; habit'uate; hab'itude; hab'itable; hab'itat, _the natural abode of an animal or a plant_; habita'tion; cohab'it; inhab'it (-able, -ant).

HIBIT: exhib'it, literally, _to hold out, to show_ (-ion, -or); inhib'it (-ion); prohib'it (-ion, -ory).

Hab'it (Lat. _hab'itus_, state or dress); habil'iment (Fr. n.

_habillement_, from v. _habiller_, to dress); a'ble (Lat. adj. _hab'ilis_, literally, that may be easily held or managed; hence, apt, skillful.)

98. HaeRE'RE: hae'reo, hae'sum, _to stick_.

HER: adhere' (-ency, -ent); cohere' (-ence, -ency, -ent); inhere (-ent).

HES: adhe'sion; adhe'sive; cohe'sion; cohe'sive.

Hes'itate (Lat. v. _haesita're, haesita'ium, _to be at a stand, to doubt); hes'itancy; hesita'tion.

99. HaeRES, haere'dis, _an heir or heiress_; French Heriter, _to be heir to_.

HERED: hered'itary, _descending to heirs_.

HERIT: her'itable; her'itage; inher'it (-ance); disinher'it.

Heir (Old Fr. _heir_ = Lat. _hae'res_); heir'ess; heir'loom (Anglo-Saxon _geloma_, goods).

100. HO'MO, hom'inis, _a man_; Huma'nus, _human_.

HOM: hom'age (Fr. _hommage_, literally, acknowledgment by a _man_ or va.s.sal to his feudal lord); homicide (Lat. v. _caed'ere_, to kill)

HUMAN: hu'man, _belonging to a man_; humane', _having the feelings proper to a man, kind_; human'ity; hu'manize; inhu'man.


_Floral devices_ were tastefully _introduced_. The _friar_ gives himself to _reflection_, and does not care a _florin_ for worldly pleasures. The tree is covered with _foliage_, but bears no _fruit_. The rights of the _fraternity_ have been _infringed_. The metal was _fused_ in iron pans. By the law of _primogeniture_ the eldest son will _succeed_ to the estate.

_Congress_ met, and a _general_ of the army was chosen president. The _gradient_ is _gentle_, and the _access_ easy. The _reform_ of the _refractory_ was in the highest _degree genuine_. We _received_ our _frugal_ meal with _grat.i.tude_. Many of the _inhabitants_ perished in the _flames_. Hamilton and Jay were leading _federalists_. To err is _human_; to forgive, _divine_. The boy _gesticulated_ violently, but it was a mere _subterfuge_. Your words _infuse comfort_ into my heart. May one not be _human_ without being _humane_? Do you know the _difference_ between the _genitive_ and the _ablative case_?

101. HU'MUS, _the earth_; Hu'milis, _on the ground, lowly_.

HUM: exhume' (-ation); inhume.

HUMIL: humil'ity; humil'iate (-ion); hum'ble (Fr. adj. _humble_ = Lat.


IRE. (See page 41.)

102. JA'CERE: ja'cio, jac'tum, _to throw or cast_.

JECT: ab'ject; ad'jective; conject'ure (-al); deject'ed; dejec'tion; eject'

(-ion, -ment); inject' (-ion); interject' (-ion); object' (-ion, -ionable, -ive, -or); project' (-ile, -ion, -or); reject' (-ion); subject' (-ion, -ive); traject'ory.

Ejac'ulate (Lat. v. _ejacula're, ejacula'tum_, to hurl or throw); ejacula'tion; ejac'ulatory; jet (Fr. v. _jeter = ja'cere_); jet'ty; jut.

103. JUN'GERE: jun'go, junc'tum, _to join_; Ju'gum, _a yoke_.

JUNCT: junc'tion; junct'ure, _a point of time made critical by a joining of circ.u.mstances_; ad'junct; conjunc'tion; conjunc'tive; disjunc'tion; disjunc'tive; injunc'tion; subjunc'tive (literally, joined subordinately to something else).

JUG: con'jugal, _relating to marriage; _conjugate (-ion); sub'jugate (-ion).

Join (Fr. v. _joindre_ = Lat. _jun'gere_); adjoin'; conjoin'; disjoin'; enjoin'; rejoin'; subjoin'; joint (Fr. part, _joint_ = Lat. _junc'tum_); joint'ure, _property settled on a wife_, _to be enjoyed after her husband's death_; jun'ta (Spanish _junta_ = Lat. _junc'tus_, joined), _a grand council of state in Spain; _jun'to (Span, _junt_), _a body of men united for some secret intrigue_.

104. JURA'RE: ju'ro, jura'tum, _to swear_.

JUR: ju'ry; ju'ror; abjure'; adjure'; conjure'; con'jure, _to effect something as if by an oath of magic_; con'jurer; per'jure, _to forswear_; per'jurer; per'jury.

105. JUS, ju'ris, _right law_; Jus'tus, _lawful_; Ju'dex, ju'dicis, _a judge_.

JUR: jurid'ical (Lat. v. _dica're_, to p.r.o.nounce), _relating to the administration of justice_; jurisdic'tion, _legal authority_; jurispru'dence, _science of law_; ju'rist; in'jure; in'jury.

JUST: just; jus'tice; justi'ciary; jus'tify; justifica'tion.

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