New Word-Analysis Part 55
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ANTECE'DENT, Lat. _antecedens_, pres. part. of _antecedere_, to go before: _the noun or p.r.o.noun represented by a relative p.r.o.noun_.
APPOSI'TION, Lat. _appositio_, from _ad_, to, and _ponere_, to place beside: _the state of two nouns put in the same case without a connecting word between them_.
AR'TICLE, Lat. _articulus_, a little joint: _one of the three words_, a, an, _or_ the.
AUXIL'IARY, Lat. _auxiliaris_, from _auxilium_, help, aid: _a verb used to a.s.sist in conjugating other verbs_.
CASE, Lat. _casus_, from _cadere_, to fall, to happen: _a grammatical form denoting the relation of a noun or p.r.o.noun to some other word in the sentence_.
CLAUSE, Lat. _claudere_, _clausum_, to shut: _a dependent proposition introduced by a connective_.
COMPAR'ISON, Lat. _comparatio_, from _comparare_, to liken to: _a variation in the form of an adjective or adverb to express degrees of quant.i.ty or quality_.
COM'PLEMENT, Lat. _complementum_, from _con_ and _plere_, to fill fully: _the word or words required to complete the predication of a transitive verb_.
COM'PLEX (sentence), Lat. _complexus_, from _con_ and _plectere_, to twist around: _a sentence consisting of one independent proposition and one or more clauses_.
COM'POUND (sentence), Lat. _componere_ (= _con_ and _ponere_), to put together: _a sentence consisting of two or more independent propositions_.
CONJUGA'TION, Lat. _conjugatio_, from _con_ and _jugare_, to join together: _the systematic arrangement of a verb according to its various grammatical forms_.
CONJUNCTION, Lat. _conjunctio_, from _con_ and _jungere_, to join together: _a word used to connect sentences or the elements of sentences_.
DECLEN'SION, Lat. _declinatio_, from _declinare_, to lean or incline: _the process of giving in regular order the cases and numbers of a noun or p.r.o.noun_.
ELLIP'SIS, Gr. _elleipsis_, a leaving or defect: _the omission of a word or words necessary to complete the grammatical structure of the sentence_.
ETYMOL'OGY, Gr. _etumologia_, from _etumon_, the true literal sense of a word, and _logos_, a discourse: _that division of grammar which treats of the cla.s.sification and grammatical forms of words_.
FEM'ININE (gender), Lat. _femininus_, from _femina_, woman: _the gender of a noun denoting a person of the female s.e.x_.
GEN'DER, Lat. _genus_, _generis_, kind: _a grammatical form expressing the s.e.x or non-s.e.x of an object named by a noun_.
GRAM'MAR, Gr. _gramma_, a letter, through Fr. _grammaire_: the science of language.
IMPER'ATIVE (mood), Lat. _imperativus_, from _imperare_, to command: _the mood of a verb used in the statement of a command or request_.
INDIC'ATIVE (mood), Lat. _indicativus_, from _indicare_, to proclaim: _the mood of a verb used in the statement of a fact, or of a matter taken as a fact_.
INFLEC'TION, Lat. _inflexio_, from _inflectere_, to bend in: _a change in the ending of a word_.
INTERJEC'TION, Lat. _interjectio_, from _inter_ and _jacere_, to throw between: _a word which expresses an emotion, but which does not enter into the construction of the sentence_.
INTRAN'SITIVE (verb), Lat. _intransitivus_ = _in_, not, and _transitivus_, from _trans_ and _ire_, _itum_, to go beyond: _a verb that denotes a state or condition, or an action not terminating on an object_.
MAS'CULINE (gender), Lat. _masculus_, male: _the gender of a noun describing a person of the male s.e.x_.
MODE. See _mood_.
MOOD, Lat. _modus_, through Fr. _mode_, manner: _a grammatical form denoting the style of predication_.
NEU'TER (gender), Lat. _neuter_, neither: _the gender of a noun denoting an object without life_.
NOM'INATIVE (case), Lat. _nominativus_, from _nomen_, a name: _that form which a noun has when it is the subject of a verb_.
NOUN, Lat. _nomen_, a name, through Fr. _nom_: _a name-word, the name of anything_.
NUM'BER, Lat. _numerus_, through Fr. _nombre_, number: _a grammatical form expressing one or more than one of the objects named by a noun or p.r.o.noun_.
OB'JECT, Lat. _ob_ and _jacere_, to set before: _that toward which an activity is directed or is considered to be directed_.
OBJEC'TIVE (case), Lat. _objectivus_, from _ob_ and _jacere_: _the case which follows a transitive verb or a preposition_.
Pa.r.s.e, Lat. _pars_, a part: _to point out the several parts of speech in a sentence and their relation to one another_.
PAR'TICIPLE, Lat. _participium_, from _pars_, part, and _capere_, to take, to share: _a verbal adjective, a word which shares or partic.i.p.ates in the nature both of the verb and of the adjective_.
PER'SON, Lat. _persona_, the part taken by a performer: _a grammatical form which shows whether the speaker is meant, the person spoken to, or the person spoken of_.
PHRASE, Gr. _phrasis_, a brief expression, from _phrazein_, to speak: _a combination of related words forming an element of a sentence_.
PLE'ONASM, Gr. _pleonasmos_, from _pleion_, more: _the use of more words to express an idea than are necessary_.
PLU'RAL (number), Lat. _pluralis_, from _plus_, _pluris_, more: _the number which designates more than one_.
POSSESS'IVE (case), Lat. _possessivus_, from _possidere_, to own: _that form which a noun or p.r.o.noun has in order to denote owners.h.i.+p or possession_.
POTEN'TIAL (mood), Lat. _potens_, _potentis_, being able: _the mood of a verb used in the statement of something possible or contingent_.
PREDICATE, Lat. _praedicatum_, from _prae_ and _dicare_, to proclaim: _the word or words in a proposition which express what is affirmed of the subject_.
PREPOSI'TION, Lat. _praepositio_, from _prae_ and _ponere_, to put before: _a connective word expressing a relation of meaning between a noun or p.r.o.noun and some other word_.
PRO'NOUN, Lat. _p.r.o.nomen_, from _pro_, for, and _nomen_, a noun: _a word used instead of a noun_.
PROP'OSITION, Lat. _propositio_, from _proponere_ (_pro_ and _ponere_), to put forth: _the combination of a subject with a predicate_.
REL'ATIVE (p.r.o.noun), Lat. _relativus_, from _re_ and _ferre_, _latus_, to bear back: _a p.r.o.noun that refers to an antecedent noun or p.r.o.noun_.
SEN'TENCE, Lat. _sententia_, from _sentire_, to think: _a combination of words expressing a complete thought_.
SIM'PLE (sentence), Lat. _simplex_, from _sine_, without, and _plica_, fold: _a sentence having but one subject and one predicate_.
SUB'JECT, Lat. _subjectus_, from _sub_ and _jacere_, to place under: _that of which something is predicated_.
SUBJUNC'TIVE (mood), Lat. _subjunctivus_, from _sub_ and _jungere_, to subjoin: _the mood used in the statement of something merely thought of_.
SYN'TAX, Gr. _suntaxis_, from _sun_, together, and _taxis_, arrangement: _that division of grammar which treats of the relations of words in sentences_.
New Word-Analysis Part 55
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