Auction of To-day Part 17

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The modern system adopted in the up-to-date clubs, in which the game has received its most scientific development, and in the highest cla.s.s of social games, does away with the antiquated methods and exacting mathematical problems of the above- and below-the-line system, by using a form of score-sheet which allows and encourages the scorer to mentally compute simple sums during the progress of the rubber. By the elimination of complicated figuring, it minimizes the opportunity for mistake, and delay at the end of the rubber.

All players are doubtless familiar with the old system of above-and below-the-line scoring, but only three now use it:

A. Those who have never had the modern system and its advantages called to their attention.

B. Those who believe that, having once become accustomed to any method, it should never be changed for a better.

C. Those who believe that, because foreign clubs adopt a certain method, we should do the same.

It is probably wasting time to attempt to convert any representative of either B or C, and fortunately for the intelligence of American card players there are comparatively few who deserve to be included in either of these cla.s.sifications.

Cla.s.s A, however, comprises the vast majority of Auction players, who have either never had the modern system of scoring called to their attention, or, if they have seen it, have not thoroughly grasped its numerous advantages, and have continued the old method merely because they were more familiar with it and did not perfectly understand the new. It is not putting the matter too strongly to a.s.sert that every intelligent scorer, who gives the new plan a thorough test, never returns to the trials and vexations incident to keeping the tally above and below the line.

Sample sheets are appended, showing the up-to-date scoring-blank as it appears at the beginning of the rubber; the same sheet with a rubber scored, the net totals being computed at the end of each game; and also with the same rubber scored, the net totals being computed at the end of each deal. One scorer will prefer to make up his totals at the end of a game, another will elect to compute them at the termination of each deal; but either way the advantages of the score-sheet are apparent.

It goes without saying that any system which allows a player to see at a glance, not only the score of the game, but also the exact status of the rubber, is more advantageous than one which, until some time after the rubber is completed, may leave him in the dark as to whether he is ahead or behind. Some players allow, whether they or their opponents are in the lead upon the total score of the rubber, to affect their declarations and doubles. This practice cannot be enthusiastically commended, but all must admit that for such players the new scoring system is most essential.

It is, however, mainly as a labor- and time-saving device that the new plan is advocated. If any one doubt, let him keep the score of any rubber under the old method while the same rubber is being scored by some one familiar with the advantages of the new. The result is sure to be most convincing. Under the new method, the short sums in addition or subtraction are mentally computed, during the deal of the cards, etc.

This occupies waste time only, and at the end of the rubber, leaves a very simple, frequently nothing more than a mental, problem.

It has been estimated that during an evening's play, at least one more rubber can be completed when the scoring is conducted under the new method.

The various score-sheets, all showing the same rubber, follow.


----------------------------------------------------- OUR SCORE OPPONENTS' SCORE ----------------------------------------------------- TRICKS HONORS TOTALS TOTALS TRICKS HONORS =======+========+========++========+========+======== -------+--------+--------++--------+--------+-------- -------+--------+--------++--------+--------+-------- -------+--------+--------++--------+--------+-------- -------+--------+--------++--------+--------+-------- -------+--------+--------++--------+--------+-------- -------+--------+--------++--------+--------+-------- -------+--------+--------++--------+--------+-------- -------+--------+--------++--------+--------+-------- -------+--------+--------++--------+--------+-------- -------+--------+--------++--------+--------+-------- -------+--------+--------++--------+--------+-------- -------+--------+--------++--------+--------+-------- -------+--------+--------++--------+--------+-------- -------+--------+--------++--------+--------+-------- -------+--------+--------++--------+--------+-------- -------+--------+--------++--------+--------+-------- -------+--------+--------++--------+--------+-------- -------+--------+--------++--------+--------+-------- -------+--------+--------++--------+--------+-------- -----------------------------------------------------


----------------------------------------------------- OUR SCORE OPPONENTS' SCORE ----------------------------------------------------- TRICKS HONORS TOTALS TOTALS TRICKS HONORS =======+========+========++========+========+======== 16 32 18 72 -------+--------+--------++--------+--------+-------- 100 30 -------+--------+--------++--------+--------+-------- 60 60 268 120 =======+========+========++========+========+======== (148) -------+--------+--------++--------+--------+-------- 216 266 27 18 -------+--------+--------++--------+--------+-------- 20 30 414 145 48 52 =======+========+========++========+========+======== (269) 200 -------+--------+--------++--------+--------+-------- 64 249 100 -------+--------+--------++--------+--------+-------- 36 518 356 24 32 -------+--------+--------++--------+--------+-------- 21 56 -------+--------+--------++--------+--------+-------- 36 36 =======+========+========++========+========+======== (162) -------+--------+--------++--------+--------+-------- 250 -------+--------+--------++--------+--------+-------- 412 -------+--------+--------++--------+--------+-------- -------+--------+--------++--------+--------+-------- -------+--------+--------++--------+--------+-------- -------+--------+--------++--------+--------+-------- -------+--------+--------++--------+--------+-------- -----------------------------------------------------

The score included in the circle is the _net_ total at the end of each game. It is obtained by subtracting the smaller score from the larger; as, for example, in the first game above, 120 from 268, which leaves a net of 148. If a scorer find it more satisfactory to subtract when the figures are in line, he can always write the smaller amount under the larger; as, for example, the 120 under the 268.


----------------------------------------------------- OUR SCORE OPPONENTS' SCORE ----------------------------------------------------- TRICKS HONORS TOTALS TOTALS TRICKS HONORS =======+========+========++========+========+======== 16 32 48 -------+--------+--------++--------+--------+-------- 42 18 72 -------+--------+--------++--------+--------+-------- 100 28 30 -------+--------+--------++--------+--------+-------- 60 60 148 =======+========+========++========+========+======== -------+--------+--------++--------+--------+-------- =======+========+========++========+========+======== 103 27 18 -------+--------+--------++--------+--------+-------- 216 319 -------+--------+--------++--------+--------+-------- 20 30 369 -------+--------+--------++--------+--------+-------- 269 48 52 =======+========+========++========+========+======== -------+--------+--------++--------+--------+-------- =======+========+========++========+========+======== 64 133 200 -------+--------+--------++--------+--------+-------- 36 69 100 -------+--------+--------++--------+--------+-------- 13 24 32 -------+--------+--------++--------+--------+-------- 21 56 90 -------+--------+--------++--------+--------+-------- 36 36 162 =======+========+========++========+========+======== 250 -------+--------+--------++--------+--------+-------- 412 -------+--------+--------++--------+--------+-------- -------+--------+--------++--------+--------+-------- -------+--------+--------++--------+--------+-------- -------+--------+--------++--------+--------+-------- -------+--------+--------++--------+--------+-------- -----------------------------------------------------

All figures under the head of totals are net, and show at the end of each deal the exact status of the rubber. It is also possible, when the above method is employed, to further reduce the amount of bookkeeping by making only one entry whenever one pair scores honors and the other a penalty. This method could have been employed above, deal 3 of game 1, by merely entering 70 under "Our Score" Honors, and also in deal 2 of game 3, by entering 64 under "Opponents' Score" Honors.


----------------------- WE THEY -----------+----------- 36 56 36 32 64 100 30 200 216 52 60 18 100 30 32 72 ===========+============ 16 18 60 -----------+------------ 20 27 48 -----------+------------ 21 24 36 ___ 250 621 ____ 1033 621 ____ 412 ===========+============


SCORE BY RUBBERS ------------------------------------------------------- NAMES + - + - + - + - + - + - ------------------+-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+- ------------------+-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+- ------------------+-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+- ------------------+-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+- ------------------+-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+- ------------------+-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+- ------------------+-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+- ------------------+-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+- ------------------+-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+- ------------------+-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+- ------------------+-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+- ------------------+-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+- ------------------+-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+- TOTAL -------------------------------------------------------



--------------------------------------------------------- NAMES + - + - + - + - + - + - ------------------+-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++--+-- Smith 2 2 2 3 3 2 ------------------+-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++--+-- Jones 2 2 6 5 5 6 ------------------+-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++--+-- Brown 2 5 5 4 6 6 ------------------+-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++--+-- White 2 1 1 2 X X X X ------------------+-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++--+-- Green 3 1 1 1 2 ------------------+-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++--+-- King 3 1 1 3 4 ------------------+-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++--+-- ------------------+-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++--+-- ------------------+-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++--+-- ------------------+-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++--+-- ------------------+-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++--+-- ------------------+-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++--+-- ------------------+-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++-+-+++--+-- TOTAL 4 4 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 ---------------------------------------------------------

It is always well to total at the end of each rubber and to note the size of the rubber. These precautions make it easy to correct mistakes, should any occur.



In 1902, some years before Auction had been heard of in the United States, a number of the best-known clubs of New York, Philadelphia, Boston, and other cities were represented at a meeting held in New York for the purpose of drafting a code of Bridge Laws to be used by the clubs of this country. The so-called "American Laws of Bridge" were adopted, and duly published. It was then expected that they would be universally accepted.

In a few months, however, some clubs, including several that had been represented at the meeting, found that certain penalties of the "American Laws" were not popular with their members. One club after another made alterations or adopted its own code, so that the object in calling the meeting, namely, club uniformity, was soon as far as ever from being attained. Gradually, however, the various clubs began to recognize that the Whist Club of New York deserved to be ranked as the most conservative and representative card-playing organization in the United States. They realized that it devoted its attention entirely to card games, and included in its members.h.i.+p not only the most expert players of the metropolis, but also of many other cities. It was but natural, therefore, that the admirable Bridge Code of the Whist Club should be accepted by one club after another, until in the end the desideratum of the drafters of the American Laws was virtually obtained.

When, in 1909-10, Auction, with its irresistible attractions, in an incredibly brief s.p.a.ce of time made Bridge in this country a game of the past, the only Auction laws available had been drafted in London by a joint committee of the Portland and Bath Clubs. They were taken from the rules of Bridge, which were altered only when necessary to comply with the requirements of the new game. It is probable that the intent of the members of the Bath-Portland Committee was merely to meet an immediate demand, and that they expected to revise their own code as soon as wider experience with the game demonstrated just what was needed.

Under these circ.u.mstances, it was to be expected that the Whist Club of New York would promulgate a code of Auction laws which would be accepted from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The club, however, did not act hastily, and it was not until May, 1910, that it issued its first edition of "The Laws of Auction Bridge." This was amended in 1911, and in 1912 subjected to a most thorough and comprehensive revision.

Until the adoption of a national code by an American congress of Auction players, an event not likely to occur, it is doubtless for the best interest of Auction in this country that the laws of the Whist Club of New York be generally followed. Uniformity is most important; otherwise, players from one city, visiting another, are sure to find local conditions which will, temporarily at least, prove something of a handicap.

When any improvement is suggested, which, after due trial, meets with local favor, it would seem wise that such suggestion, whether it emanate from a club committee or an individual, be forwarded to the Card Committee of the Whist Club of New York. It may be authoritatively stated that all such ideas will be cordially received, thoroughly considered, and, if approved, incorporated in the club code at its next revision.

Appended hereto will be found "The Laws of Auction Bridge" as published by the Whist Club of New York, November, 1912. These laws should be carefully read, if not studied, by every devotee of the game. No matter how familiar a player may have been with the old laws, he will find an examination of the new to be advisable, as the changes are both numerous and important. If it has not been his practice to keep in touch with Auction legislation, he should realize that a close acquaintance with the code which governs the game he is playing will prove most beneficial.

As the laws speak for themselves, it is not necessary to explain them, or even to point out the various alterations. The wording in many cases has been materially changed, in order to clarify and simplify. Some penalties that seemed too severe have been reduced, and certain modifications have been made which appear to be in the line of modern thought. Special attention is called to the elimination of the law which prevented consultation as to the enforcement of a penalty, and also of the law which provided that when a wrong penalty was claimed, none could be enforced. The laws referring to cards exposed after the completion of the deal, and before the beginning of the play, have been materially changed, and the law covering insufficient and impossible declarations has been altered and redrafted. A point worthy of special attention is Law 52 of the Revised Code. It covers the case, which occurs with some frequency, of a player making an insufficient bid and correcting it before action is taken by any other player. Under the old rule, a declaration once made could not be altered, but now when the player corrects himself, as, for example, "Two Hearts--I mean three Hearts"; or "Two Spades--I should say, two Royals," the proper declaration is allowed without penalty.

The laws follow.



1. The partners first winning two games win the rubber. If the first two games decide the rubber, a third is not played.

Auction of To-day Part 17

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