Auction of To-day Part 7

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The principle is that an offensive bid having been made, the declaration of the player following does not of necessity show high cards, but does suggest the ability of the Declarer to successfully carry out the proposed contract.

When the Dealer has called a No-trump, the Second Hand is obliged either to pa.s.s, or declare two of some suit, or of No-trump. He must remember that against the Dealer's No-trump he is the leader, and as the information regarding his strong suit will be given to his partner by the first card played, it is not important that he convey it by a bid.

The No-trump may be only of minimum strength, but it may, on the other hand, be of much more than average calibre. The Third Hand has yet to be heard from, and if, as is possible, he have considerable strength in the suit that the Second Hand thinks of declaring, such a bid will offer an ideal opportunity for a profitable double. The Second Hand, therefore, should be somewhat diffident about bidding two in a suit. He should make the declaration only when his hand is so strong that in spite of the No-trump, there seems to be a good chance of scoring game, or he has reason to think he can force and defeat an adverse two No-trumps, or the No-trump bidder is a player who considers it the part of weakness to allow his declaration to be easily taken away, and can, therefore, be forced to dangerous heights.

This is an opportunity for the Second Hand to use all his judgment. The Dealer may be taking desperate chances with a weak No-trumper, and the balance of strength may be with his partner and himself, in which case it is important for him now to show his colors; yet he must always keep in mind that conservatism, in the long run, is the main factor of Auction success. It is the ability (possibly "instinct" is the proper term) to act wisely in such cases that makes a bidder seem inspired.

With a strong Club or Diamond holding and a reentry, such a hand as, for example,--

Spades Two small Hearts Two small Diamonds King, Queen, Knave, and two small Clubs Ace, Knave, Ten, Nine

it is generally unwise to bid Second Hand over one No-trump.

There is little danger of the adversaries going game in No-trumps, but they may easily do so in Hearts or Royals. A Second Hand declaration in this position may point out to the opponents their safest route to game, and is not apt to prove of material benefit, as with such hand, eleven tricks against a No-trump is extremely improbable.

A similar principle presents itself when the holding is five of any suit, headed by the four top honors, or even by the three top honors, and no other strength. With such cards, the No-trump can almost certainly be kept from going game, and if the partner be able to a.s.sist, the declaration may be defeated. If, however, two of that suit be called, the adversaries, not having it stopped, will not advance the No-trump, but if sufficiently strong, will declare some other suit in which they may score game.

THE s.h.i.+FT

Holding six or more of a suit, headed by Ace, King, Queen, some writers have very properly called it an Auction "crime" to double. The question arises, however, "What should the Second Hand do under such circ.u.mstances?" A bid of two in his solid suit will eliminate any chance of the No-trump being continued, and an adverse call of two No-trumps is just what the holder of the solid suit most desires, as he can double with comparative safety, being a.s.sured both of the success of the double and of the improbability that the Declarer will be able to take himself out.

There has been suggested to meet this emergency a declaration called the "s.h.i.+ft." It consists in bidding two of a suit in which the Declarer has little or no strength. For this purpose a suit of lower value than the solid suit, should, if possible, be selected. The theory of the bid is that either the original No-trump declarer or his partner, having the suit securely stopped, will bid two No-trumps and that the double can then be effectively produced. The advocates of the s.h.i.+ft urge that should the worst happen, and the declaration be doubled, the player making it can then s.h.i.+ft (this situation giving the declaration its name) to his real suit, and that no harm will ensue.

The trouble is that a double under such circ.u.mstances is not the worst that can happen. When the s.h.i.+ft was first suggested, players were not familiar with nor on the lookout for it. Success, or at least the absence of failure, therefore, often attended its use. Now, however, it is generally understood, and players will not either overbid or double a declarer they suspect of it. They merely allow him to meet his doom attempting, with weak Trumps, to win eight tricks against an adverse No-trumper.

While, therefore, at long intervals and under advantageous circ.u.mstances, the s.h.i.+ft may be successfully utilized, against experienced players it is a dangerous expedient, especially for any one known to be fond of that character of declaration.

The conservative and safe course to follow with a holding of the character described is to pa.s.s the one No-trump.


The bid of two No-trumps over one No-trump is a more or less spectacular performance, that appeals to those fond of the theatrical. There are some hands that justify it, but it is safe to say that in actual play it is tried far more frequently than Second Hand holdings warrant.

Such a bid may be made with a strong suit--not of great length--and the three other suits safely stopped, with the four suits stopped twice, with a long solid Club or Diamond suit and two other suits stopped, or with some similar, and, under the circ.u.mstances, equally unusual combination.


With two Spades bid by the Dealer, if the Second Hand have a suit he desires led against a No-trump, it is of the utmost importance that he indicate it to his partner.

Under such conditions, the Second Hand should declare a suit headed by King, Queen, Knave, or some similar combination, but should avoid bidding a long, weak suit, as the No-trump declarer may hold Ace, Queen of it, and the partner may, by the call, be invited to lead his King into the jaws of death. Of course, if the hand contain reentries, it may be advisable to make such a bid, although even then it may advantageously be delayed until the second round, since against a two Spade declaration the Second Hand is sure of having another opportunity to speak.

With three Spades declared by the Dealer, the Second Hand expects a Royal from the Third Hand. He knows that he will have another chance to bid, but, as he will then probably have to go much higher, it is just as well not to wait if the hand contain any advantageous declaration.


The question of what amount of strength warrants the Second Hand in bidding one No-trump, after a suit has been declared by the Dealer, is somewhat difficult to accurately answer. It goes without saying that to justify a No-trump under such circ.u.mstances, the Second Hand must have much better than merely an average holding. The suit that the Dealer has bid should be safely stopped, and when the declarer has only one trick in that suit, at least four other tricks should be in sight.

Occasionally cases arise in which the Second Hand may bid one No-trump over a suit declaration without the suit that has been declared being stopped, but these are rare and such a call should only be made with unusual strength, as it gives the partner the right to a.s.sume that the adverse suit is stopped and he may consequently advance the No-trump to dangerous figures.

It is probably a good rule that a No-trump should not be called over a declared suit, that suit not being stopped, with a holding of less than six sure tricks. Even with one stopper in the suit bid, it is generally better to declare either Royals or Hearts in preference to No-trump, provided the hand contain sufficient length and strength to warrant such declaration.



Third Hand declarations can best be considered by dividing them into three

1. When the Dealer has called one Spade, and the Second Hand pa.s.sed.

2. When the Dealer has made an offensive declaration, and the Second Hand pa.s.sed.

3. When the Second Hand has declared.

The distinction between these three situations is so clearly drawn that each is really a separate and distinct subject. They will be taken up _seriatim_.


In the old days, when the Dealer's "one Spade" was without significance, the Third Hand was always obliged to declare, in order to give the Dealer the opportunity to get back into the game, as it was possible that he had great strength. Now the Third Hand recognizes that there is not the least obligation upon him to bid, and that it is inadvisable for him to do so unless his hand be so strong that, even with a weak partner, game is in sight, or unless it be important for him to indicate to the Dealer what to lead if the Fourth Hand make the final declaration.

Should the Third Hand pa.s.s, and the Fourth Hand also pa.s.s, allowing the one Spade declaration to stand, the liability of the Declarer cannot exceed 100 points, but if the Third Hand bid, the liability becomes unlimited. While the Dealer and Second Hand both have the right to a.s.sume that their partners have an average percentage of the remaining cards, the Third Hand is not justified in any such presumption, after the Dealer, by bidding one Spade, has virtually waved the red flag.

True it is, a similar warning has appeared on the right, but if both danger signals are to be believed, the only inference is that the strength is ma.s.sed on the left. The bidding by the Third Hand must, therefore, be of a very different character from that of the Dealer or Second Hand. He should not venture a No-trump unless he have four sure tricks with the probability of more and at least three suits stopped.

When in doubt whether to declare No-trump or a suit, it is generally wise for him to select the latter.

Third Hand suit declarations should be made under either of two conditions:--

(_a_) When the hand is so strong that there appears to be at least a fair chance for game with the suit he names as Trump.

(_b_) When he expects a No-trump from the Fourth Hand and wishes to indicate to his partner the lead he desires.

In the former case, it is often good policy for the Third Hand to start with a bid of two. This serves a double purpose, as it shows the Dealer the character of the hand and helps to shut out an adverse declaration.

If the main idea of the bid be to indicate a lead, it is advisable to make it on the first round, when one can be called, rather than wait until it becomes necessary to bid two, which, against a No-trump, may prove dangerous. If the Third Hand have any such combination as King, Queen, Knave, with one or more others of that suit, and a reentry, a declaration at this stage is most important, as unless the partner open that suit, it will probably never be established against a No-trump.

Even if the long suit be headed by Queen, Knave, it may be important to show it, as the partner may hold an honor, in which case the suit may be quickly established. When the long suit is headed by a Knave, it should not be shown unless the hand contain more than one reentry. It may be so necessary for the Third Hand, in the position under consideration, to indicate a lead that no absolute strength requirement, such as a fixed number of tricks, is essential for a bid.

It frequently keeps the adverse No-trumper from going game to have the right suit called originally--otherwise, the Dealer has to lead his own suit, and when the Third Hand is without strength in it, such a lead greatly facilitates the Declarer.


One of the cardinal principles of harmonious team play is that when the partner has made a suit declaration which is apt to result in game, it is inadvisable to "take him out" merely with the hope of obtaining a slightly higher score. Suppose the partner has declared a Heart and the Third Hand holds three Hearts, headed by the Ace, four Clubs headed by the King, no Diamonds, and five Spades with three honors. Of course, the partner may have an honor and some other Spades, and, therefore, a bid of Royals may produce a higher count than Hearts, but that is only "may." The Declarer certainly has Heart strength, and the Third Hand, valuable a.s.sistance. It takes the same number of tricks to score game in each suit. Why, therefore, risk the game for a paltry addition to the trick and honor score?

Auction of To-day Part 7

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