Spanish Composition Part 24

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=Entregue la carta a el mismo.=--JOSe MaRMOL.

_I am inclined to believe that the widow loves herself above all._

=Inclino a creer que la viuda ama a si misma sobre todo.=


_He hurts himself in order to annoy the rest._

=Es que se hace dano a si mismo para dar un disgusto a los demas.=--ECHEGARAY.

_Note._--=Mismo= may take the emphatic ending =-isimo=. So =el mismismo= ..., _the very ... himself_.

=89.= _Last_, meaning _the most recent of a series_, or _the final one of a series_, is translated =ultimo=. Meaning _the one just past_, it is translated =pasado=.

_The last French invasion proves how difficult it is to attack our independence._

=La ultima irrupcion francesa prueba cuan dificil es atacar nuestra independencia.=--EMILIO CASTELAR.

_We ourselves were there last week._

=Nosotros mismos estabamos alli la semana pasada.=

_I said to myself, "This will be the last time."_

=Dije para mi--Esta sera la ultima vez.=

(_a_) The verb _to last_ is translated =durar=.

_Come! Be patient, for this will not last long._

=Vamos! Tenga usted paciencia, que esto no durara mucho.=


(_b_) _Last night_ is rendered =anoche= or =ayer por la noche=.

_They must have stolen them from me last night._

=Debieron de robarmelas anoche.=--ALARCoN.

(_c_) _At last_ is translated =al fin= or, more emphatically, =al fin y al cabo=.

_At last! I was beginning to think that you were lost._

=Al fin y al cabo! Yo empezaba a creer que se habia perdido usted.=

=90.= The verb _to tell_ has three common translations. Meaning simply _to say to_ it is rendered =decir=. Meaning _to relate_ it is =contar=. Meaning _to be effective_ it is rendered =producir efecto=.

_Tell me, grandfather, what is the name of the queen in your story?_

=Dime, abuelito, como se llama la reina de tu cuento?=


_I told them the terrible story of the miner._

=Les conte la espantosa narracion del minero.=--ALARCoN.

_It was a telling narrative._

=Fue una narracion que produjo efecto.=


(_a_) 1. Me dice que esta lloviendo en este mismo momento. 2. Contaba a los ninos las aventuras de los conquistadores. 3. Maria se corto hace poco con ese cuchillo. 4. Lo hemos comprado para nosotros mismos, no para ellos. 5. Bien podia ver que sus palabras habian producido efecto.

6. Esta es la ultima obra del insigne autor espanol Perez Galdos. 7.

Murio el mes pasado. 8. Al fin han venido a contarme lo ocurrido. 9. La mismisima madre de la nina no hubiera podido hacer mas para salvarla.

10. Respeto a la inteligencia de las hormigas se cuentan muchas anecdotas.

(_b_) 1. Please tell them that this is not the book that I need. 2. I like to hear him tell how he learned to play the piano. 3. He knows how to tell it in such a way that every word tells. 4. I myself had forgotten all my troubles. 5. I was just saying to myself that it is time to go. 6. The very general himself could not have done more. 7.

This is the last story that I am going to tell you. Last night you went to bed too late. 8. I was just wondering (say, _asking myself_) whether I was dreaming or not. 9. I'm going to take her the roses. I myself like the lilies best. 10. At last, last week, I was able to buy the last one that I needed.

LESSON x.x.x

_Digan lo que quieran, la alegria es muy barata._[30]


=92.= _To save_ in the sense of _to rescue_ is =salvar=; meaning _to keep_, _conserve_, it is =ahorrar=, or =conservar=.

_To save a child, I am capable of throwing myself into the fire._

=Por salvar a un nino soy capaz de echarme en el fuego.=


_It's a pity that he didn't save more while he was earning more._

=Es lastima que no haya ahorrado mas mientras ganaba mas.=

_We must save our strength._

Spanish Composition Part 24

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