Not Alone Part 4

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"He was just some nameless guy. But he had a face. He had.... G.o.d, Eddie. He looked like.... f.u.c.k. I didn't realize it until now. Why I let him...." He poured another drink, hoping to forget it.

Eddie tilted his head, not sure if he should say anything else. But he did. "You let him suck you off," he said quietly, shaking his head. "So, did you want more? Is that what's bothering you?"

"No," Andy denied. Hiding his face he whispered, "Yes. But not with him."

Eddie swallowed hard, feeling awkward, but intensely curious. "What did you want?" He couldn't bring himself to ask who. It was probably Andy's ex.

Andy sat up, angry with himself for being so needy, and angry with Eddie for demanding to know. "I wanted to be f.u.c.ked. I wanted to be held afterward. I wanted to wake up in your arms the next morning!"

Frozen, Eddie stared at Andy, sure he'd misheard the last bit. At the same time, heat and embarra.s.sed yearning flushed through him.

Andy flushed as he realized what he had said. He stood up quickly, tripping over the quilt as he rushed to the bathroom, emptying the contents of his stomach into the toilet.

Struck still for a moment, Eddie bolted for the bathroom when he heard Andy being sick. He wet a washcloth and knelt next to him, wiping his mouth and face tenderly, chest aching. This man wanted him. And he thought that was the most incredible thing. Confusing, but incredible.

Andy cried as Eddie cared for him so sweetly. "I'm sorry," he whispered, rocking back and forth on his knees. "I tried to stop it. I'm sorry."

Eddie choked a little as he realized Andy was crying. His chest hurt with all these new feelings. He pulled Andy into his arms and held him close. Wrapping his arms around Eddie's waist, Andy crouched as close as he could get, trying his best to get his emotions under control. He sniffed pitifully, reaching blindly for the tissue.

Eddie leaned so Andy could reach the tissue, s.h.i.+fting to both knees so he could keep him close, unwilling to let go. Andy wanted him. What do I want? What do I want? He slid a hand soothingly through the light hair of the closest friend he'd ever had. A man he'd known only a few months. His eyes closed. He slid a hand soothingly through the light hair of the closest friend he'd ever had. A man he'd known only a few months. His eyes closed. A man I don't want to let go. A man I don't want to let go.

ANDY woke up the next morning, head and mouth equally fuzzy as he wondered what the h.e.l.l had happened last night. He squinted in the early-morning sunlight, hand sliding across the bed to find the cords to the drapery. Instead, he encountered warm flesh. He groaned as his eyes opened fully in the bright light, and he whispered, "Eddie?" woke up the next morning, head and mouth equally fuzzy as he wondered what the h.e.l.l had happened last night. He squinted in the early-morning sunlight, hand sliding across the bed to find the cords to the drapery. Instead, he encountered warm flesh. He groaned as his eyes opened fully in the bright light, and he whispered, "Eddie?"

After Andy had fallen asleep, Eddie had carried him to his bed, pulled off his clothes, and covered him up. He'd sat there next to him for a long time, thinking, before kicking off his shoes and laying down next to him atop the blankets, and turning off the light. He'd lain awake until almost dawn before he fell asleep, hard.

Eddie didn't move. Realizing the other man was deep asleep, Andy took advantage, sliding closer and closing his eyes, pretending that he had been held all night. It felt so d.a.m.n good.

s.h.i.+fting when he felt warmth through layers of sleep, Eddie turned and curled an arm around Andy, pulling him close, before stilling, snoozing softly. A smile crossed Andy's face as he dozed back off, forgetting all about closing the drapes.

Eddie yawned awake a few hours later, starting to roll to his back when he realized he wasn't alone. His eyes blinked open, and he smiled softly, relaxing. When the heat surrounding him disappeared, Andy whined, smacking his mouth slightly. "G.o.d, I'd give my kingdom for a toothbrush right now."

Chuckling, Eddie nudged Andy in the side. "You're at home. Your toothbrush is in the other room."

"But I'm here here," Andy whined, starting to scoot out of bed. He slipped out from under the warm covers to find he was only wearing boxer briefs. He shrugged, scratching at his belly and hip as he hurried to the bathroom and made himself human again.

Eddie watched him roll out of bed and smiled. He s.h.i.+fted to his back, stretching, forgetting that he'd unb.u.t.toned the fly of the leather pants so he could sleep more comfortably, and the wrinkled black s.h.i.+rt rode up his belly as he closed his eyes again, yawning.

Andy finished brus.h.i.+ng his teeth and wiped himself down with a soapy cloth before returning to the bedroom. Eddie was all stretched out, leather pants open to show white boxers, black s.h.i.+rt riding high on a surprisingly tanned belly. Andy couldn't help himself. He crawled across his bed and wrapped himself around Eddie.

Eddie ooofed as Andy crawled back onto the bed and curled around him, and chuckling, he closed his arms about the other man, hugging him and dropping his chin to his hair. "Good morning, sleepyhead."

"Good afternoon is more like it," Andy murmured into the crook of Eddie's neck. "Past noon. Way past noon." This felt so right to him. So very right. So very right.

"Hmmmm," Eddie answered lazily, feeling very comfortable. He'd done a lot of thinking last night before deciding to play things by ear today, just trying to be himself and see what Andy did. So, since he wanted to hold Andy, he was holding Andy. Simple. "So? You got somewhere to be?"

"Nope," Andy sighed. "I am where I want to be."

Eddie's heart skipped a beat, and he tentatively squeezed his arms around Andy.

Andy melted into the embrace, content to have it for what it was. A friend comforting a friend. "This is nice, spending time with you like this." He avoided the subject of the night before, avoided mention of his embarra.s.sing confession.

"Then we'll do it more often," Eddie replied seriously.

Andy buried his face deeper, allowing himself to inhale deeply of Eddie's scent, something he'd never allowed himself to do before. He held Eddie tightly, humming his appreciation at being held in return.

Eddie sighed deeply, feeling content and warm with Andy wrapped around him. Content, warm, and tingly. He s.h.i.+fted without thinking, the leather pants pulling tight against his d.i.c.k, which had certainly noticed what was going on, and Eddie gasped slightly. Okay, tingly. He could handle it.

At Eddie's gasp, Andy reared back, hand braced on Eddie's chest. "Are you okay? I'm not too heavy, am I?" He looked down toward where his leg draped over Eddie's upper thighs. Oh. Oh! Oh G.o.d. Oh. Oh! Oh G.o.d. His eyes flew back up to meet Eddie's. His eyes flew back up to meet Eddie's.

Eddie's eyes were dark and serious, reflecting some of the heat he was feeling. He didn't blush or frown; he just looked at Andy evenly. "I'm okay," he murmured. "You're not heavy at all." He s.h.i.+fted a little more, bringing Andy's thigh into alignment with his groin, inhaling a bit as sensation sparked through him.

Andy's bare thigh glided over the slick leather of Eddie's pants, and he closed his eyes as first his knee and then his inner thigh dragged over a growing ridge beneath the leather. Andy settled against Eddie again, hand slipping to rest against Eddie's bare stomach as he hitched his hips, dragging his thigh over that hard flesh again.

Eddie gasped a little, eyes sparking as one hand clutched at Andy's waist, the other at the crumpled blanket. He lifted his hips to press against Andy's leg, being clear about what he wanted. His eyes sought Andy's, wanting to be sure. "You want me. Me," he said quietly.

"You," Andy confirmed, sliding both leg and hand lower so that his fingers slid beneath the open waistband of the tight leather pants. "You," he whispered again, lips seeking the spot just beneath Eddie's jawline.

Eddie shuddered against him. "Oh Christ," he whispered, d.i.c.k tightening as he received that confirmation. "Please, Andy. I want you too," he rasped, voice thick with arousal. "I haven't done something like this since high school," he mumbled.

Eddie didn't sound too sure, but Andy was desperate, willing to take any morsel Eddie offered him. He pushed at Eddie's pants, freeing him completely from the tight leather. "Good thing you bought those jeans." He worked slowly at the b.u.t.tons to the black s.h.i.+rt, revealing inch by inch of firm chest.

Blinking in confusion, Eddie tilted his head, hands sliding to Andy's waist. "What for?" he asked, eyes riveted on Andy's lips.

"I can't handle this leather all of the time. I wanted to bat those boys away from you last night. But I couldn't. I didn't have the right to. I still don't." He pushed the s.h.i.+rt off, leaving Eddie in his boxers with an impressive tent in the front. "What was that you said about 'unusual size'?"

Eddie blushed faintly, but didn't smile or shy away; rather, he reached out to grasp Andy's chin. "What if I said you do have the right?" he asked quietly.

Andy's eyes met Eddie's. "You'd do that? For me?" The intensity of Eddie's gaze humbled him, bringing him low and prostrating him as he lowered his head to Eddie's chest and simply breathed. "Why?"

Drawing an unsteady breath, Eddie swallowed hard. "With you, I'm not alone anymore," he murmured. "And neither are you."

Andy was shocked by Eddie's simple words. He rolled onto his back, pulling Eddie with him. "I don't know how, and I won't question why, but I will say this. You mean so much to me, Eddie Ferguson. More than anyone ever has."

Eddie braced himself on one elbow over Andy, lifting a hand to lightly touch his features. "You are so delicate. So beautiful," he murmured. "Please, may I kiss you?"

Andy lifted his face, meeting Eddie halfway. Their lips touched for the first time and Andy sighed in disbelief even as his lips parted to deepen the kiss. Lips slightly quivering from nerves, Eddie leaned to kiss Andy, the explosion of sensation in his lips coursing through him. His eyes fluttered shut on a soft moan as he met Andy's kiss.

Andy closed his eyes, tongue darting out to wet his lips. He smiled in pleased surprise as it instead met Eddie's lips. He teased along the seam of the soft lips above him, tempting the larger man into taking control of the kiss.

Eddie pressed their mouths together, his own tongue appearing when he felt Andy's, and he licked along Andy's bottom lip. The whole experience was surreal and super hot; Eddie could feel himself throbbing in his boxers.

Realizing Eddie was hovering above him, Andy spread his legs and tugged Eddie down to rest in the cradle of his hips. He groaned loudly when his c.o.c.k was matched by Eddie's, hidden beneath white fabric.

Eddie swore into Andy's mouth as their hips crashed together, and he wiggled, s.h.i.+fting to one side, succeeding only in heating himself up more. He tore his mouth from Andy's and looked down at him, the surprise showing in his eyes. "I didn't remember that it could be like this."

Andy took the opportunity to slow things down a little, not wanting to pressure Eddie. "How did you think it would be?" he asked, fingers tracing over a strong jawline.

Eddie shrugged despite leaning his weight on his arms. "I don't know. But this...." He swallowed hard. "G.o.d, you're turning me on like crazy. Just touching you, and feeling you, and knowing you want me."

A gentle smile crossed Andy's face, and his hands wandered from chin, down over neckline, down to chest and beyond. He closed his eyes and inventoried Eddie's body, wanting to catalog every part. Just waiting, Eddie let Andy take his time touching him. It was new to him-someone wanting to touch him, just because just because. He s.h.i.+vered slightly and s.h.i.+fted, pressing his d.i.c.k into Andy's hip and groaning.

Andy's wandering hands soon found their way to Eddie's boxers, and he pushed at the fabric, bunching it beneath taut b.u.t.tocks as he teased at the clenching muscles. He pushed harder to slide the fabric down Eddie's legs, and then he pushed again, sending Eddie onto his back.

Eddie s.h.i.+fted enough to kick off the pants and boxers while avoiding looking up at Andy. This was always one of the worst parts. When she would look at him and say he was just too much, how could he expect her to handle that? He sighed and laid his head back against the pillow before looking at Andy warily.

Andy sucked in a breath at Eddie's size. What had he done to be blessed like this? To have this man in his bed? He moved onto his hands and knees, climbing over Eddie's body, moving down to face that gorgeous c.o.c.k. He buried his face in the curls around it, mouth whispering praise against the base of the shaft. It was perfect.

Gasping in surprise as Andy climbed over him, Eddie looked down with wide eyes to see the other man nuzzling his d.i.c.k. In amazement, Eddie could just watch, jaw dropped.

Andy grasped the hard c.o.c.k at the juncture of Eddie's thighs, stroking it firmly as he kissed the heavy sac that hung beneath it. He rubbed his own cotton-clad c.o.c.k against the bed, hardening even further at the thought of ever having this inside him.

Eddie moaned aloud as Andy kissed him, his thighs quivering. Just having Andy this close was enough to drive him crazy; he felt harder than he could remember ever being. Andy had seen him and still wanted him! Was paying attention to him! Eddie's eyes fluttered shut for a long moment before he looked back down at the wonder between his legs.

Andy looked up at the exact same moment Eddie looked down. He smiled, hoping his eyes showed how much he was feeling at the moment. He kissed the base of Eddie's c.o.c.k, rising up on his knees as he slid up the considerable length of it, tongue peeking out to trace the veins that lined it.

Hissing slightly and s.h.i.+fting his hips, Eddie couldn't lay still. "Andy," he said pleadingly. He dragged his fingertips along Andy's side.

Pressing a soft, sucking kiss to the end of Eddie's shaft, Andy closed his eyes as he gathered a taste of his soon-to-be lover. He slid up Eddie's body, groaning as his body grazed that of the man's beneath him. "Eddie," he whispered, kissing a trail up the taut abdomen, "my Eddie."

"G.o.d yes," Eddie moaned, giving himself over to whatever Andy wanted to do. "Yours, whatever you want. Oh G.o.d." He pulled up one knee to give himself some leverage to push himself against the other man.

s.h.i.+mmying out of his own boxers, Andy kicked them away and then lowered himself against Eddie's body. He sighed happily as flesh that had desired Eddie for weeks now finally was allowed to feel the texture of the other man's skin. He laid still, merely soaking in Eddie's presence.

With a relieved sigh when Andy returned to lie against him, Eddie curled his arms and pulled him close, savoring the feel of warm flesh against him, even if it was new. Hard, muscled flesh instead of soft, feminine curves. Eddie didn't think he minded at all.

Andy loved the feel of Eddie's arms holding him close. It was everything he'd dreamed of since he'd first met the other man. Even before he'd grown to cherish his friends.h.i.+p, he'd found Eddie attractive. His hand slid along the taller man's chest, fingers teasing through chest hair before settling over Eddie's heart. "I love you," he mouthed against the warm skin, unable to vocalize the feeling swamping him.

Eyes closed as he held Andy close, Eddie smiled as he felt Andy kissing him. "You're amazing, you know that?" he asked lazily. "I guess I expected this to be more... slam bam, I guess." He chuckled.

Andy laughed as he raised up on his elbow. Looking down at Eddie's smiling face, he asked, "Is that what you wanted?"

Eddie shrugged as well as he was able, looking agreeable. "Honestly, I don't have any expectations for this. I've no idea what to expect. Last I tried was clumsy fumbling in the locker room years and years ago. Although my hopes are now quite a bit higher than they were a few minutes ago."

"I want you," Andy whispered, finger lifting to tap against Eddie's lips. "I want you inside me."

Eddie's eyes widened, and he glanced down at himself, noting that he was still quite hard, although the eager throbbing had subsided a bit. "You want... ? Really?" He was totally surprised. "Even seeing-?" He gestured to himself.

"More than ever," Andy's eyes were wide and anxious, waiting for Eddie to take control.

Looking rather bowled over, Eddie swallowed as that throbbing returned full force, and he unconsciously moved a hand to stroke himself. "Well, you'd know what you can handle, and frankly, it turns me on like crazy thinking about it. But I've got no idea how to start. I've seen it, but...."

Rolling back on the bed, Andy reached into the bottom nightstand drawer. He pushed the phallus aside. Instead, he grasped the bottle of lube, handing it to Eddie along with a wrapped condom. "Make me wet. Stretch me."

Eddie raised an eyebrow, quickly figuring out what he meant, watching the length of Andy's body in front of him. "All right," he murmured, opening the bottle and drizzling some lube into Andy's cleft, laughing when Andy squeaked.

"'s cold!" Andy gasped, bucking into the mattress as he laughed. He lifted onto his elbows, bending his knees and twisting toward Eddie. "But you have the right idea."

Grinning, Eddie slid his hand down Andy's back, trailing his fingers through the lube and into the cleft, lightly pressing against the hidden place he knew was there.

Andy's breath hitched at the first intimate touch. His legs spread further, opening himself up to Eddie's questing fingers.

"All right; you're wet," Eddie murmured, leaning over to nip at Andy's ear as he lightly pressed against the furled hole with his thumb. "Is this what I should do?" he asked, teasing with the pressure of that thick, slick digit.

Andy turned his head, catching Eddie's lips. "Yeah, you're on the right path, just-just more!" He pressed back, pus.h.i.+ng against the finger that threatened to invade him. Eddie's fingers seemed bigger than some c.o.c.ks he'd had inside him.

Eddie pressed his thumb forward, kissing Andy as he pushed against that muscle, and slipped inside into heat and pressure. He slowly stroked in and out, eagerly drinking in all the noises Andy made.

Eddie's lips caught Andy's groans and sighs as the other man began to prepare him. His hips rocked against the bed and back against Eddie's hand. Sucking the lower cusp of the larger man's mouth into his own, Andy nibbled at it, teeth teasing gently at the soft flesh.

After a long minute of slow stroking, Eddie exchanged his thumb for his forefinger, slowly pus.h.i.+ng it farther in, amazed at the heat and tightness of it. "Is it okay?" he asked against Andy's swollen lips.

"Perfect," Andy answered, breath coming in quick gasps as Eddie delved deeper. "Add another. I want to be prepared for you."

Carefully, Eddie pressed his two longest fingers into Andy, slowly pus.h.i.+ng against the resisting muscle and sinking deep into the slick heat. He swallowed hard, imaging the feel of that around his c.o.c.k. He gasped as a shot of desire shocked his groin. "G.o.d, I don't know how I'll last any amount of time inside you."

"I don't know how I'll last with you in me. Please! Soon!" Andy was begging in all earnestness as the wide fingers stretched him. He reached down, grabbing the bottle of lube and spreading it onto his fingers. He stroked Eddie's impressive erection, preparing it for his body.

Shuddering from the other man's touch, Eddie pressed farther into Andy, spreading his fingers and twisting as he stroked in and out, then adding a third finger and pus.h.i.+ng deep. "I can hardly believe this feels so good," he whispered. "And just on my fingers."

Just wait, rang through Andy's mind. If Eddie thought it felt good to be on the giving end of the touch, wait until he experienced it from the other aspect. rang through Andy's mind. If Eddie thought it felt good to be on the giving end of the touch, wait until he experienced it from the other aspect.

Pressing three fingers deep into Andy, Eddie was amazed at how the other man's body opened to him, though slowly and what had to be uncomfortably. But Andy's hand on his own c.o.c.k made him pull free to put his slick fingers over Andy to stop him. "Too much," he breathed.

"I need you now," Andy sighed, turning to press back against Eddie's body. He moaned at the solidity of the form behind himself.

"G.o.d, Andy, please-" Eddie closed his eyes and laid his forehead against the back of Andy's neck, "-please don't let me hurt you," he begged as his fat d.i.c.k slid against the slick cleft.

"You won't hurt me, baby," Andy promised. "Even if it does hurt, it'll be good pain. It'll pa.s.s, and I'll take you inside, but please. Please...."

Eddie hurriedly rolled on the condom. Whispering against Andy's neck, Eddie lined up his d.i.c.k and felt the slick hole give reluctantly, and for a moment he was sure and afraid he wouldn't fit. But Andy's hand pulled at his hip, and with a deep breath Eddie pushed in, shocked again at how tight Andy's body closed around him. He cried out softly and pressed deeper. It would never have been possible without the lubrication; that was obvious. His fists closed tight in the sheets.

Andy closed his eyes, forehead pressed to the mattress as he bit his lip. There was pain, but it was so good. It was the kind of pain that foretold something better, that made you realize you were alive. He squeezed his hand on Eddie's hip and encouraged him to move.

Eddie gasped as he levered up to his knees, hands on Andy's hips, taking a breath and pus.h.i.+ng farther. He was more than half-buried into Andy, his thick length throbbing inside the other man's body. Fingers gripping into warm flesh, Eddie pushed carefully farther as Andy encouraged him, amazed to see his c.o.c.k sucked in so deep. "Oh G.o.d," he whispered.

Andy slid his knees apart, bracing himself to push up against Eddie. He felt so full, so complete. No matter if this was all Eddie could offer him. He'd make sure it'd be enough. He took a deep breath and let it fill him before letting all the air out of his lungs.

He'd just about pressed as much as he could stand to, afraid of hurting his lover, when Andy suddenly relaxed and pushed back against him, sinking the last inches of Eddie's long, thick c.o.c.k into him. Eddie gasped aloud. "Oh G.o.d! I'm, I'm inside you. All of me... all of it!" His voice was amazed.

"You've... you've never?" Andy's voice was slightly strained, but a note of deep pleasure was evident in the strains of it. "G.o.d, Eddie, the world has really missed out on you."

Shuddering against Andy, Eddie slid his hands up and down Andy's back. "Is it okay?" he asked softly, afraid to move.

"f.u.c.k yes!" Andy yelped. "Better than okay! Better than anything!"

Not Alone Part 4

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