Not Alone Part 5

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Eddie couldn't help but smile, almost laughing in relief. "So if I do this," he said, sliding his hips back slowly to pull his c.o.c.k out of that clenching heat and then slightly pus.h.i.+ng back in, "it's okay?"

"Aaahh!" Andy's forehead hit the mattress with a thud. There was no escaping the constant pressure against his prostate. It was glorious to the point of hurting. "Again!"

"Again?" Eddie asked, voice playful though hoa.r.s.e as he rocked ever so slightly within Andy, maybe only moving a matter of a couple inches.


The utter relief and pleasure kept Eddie from getting too aroused as he fought not to laugh aloud, still chuckling and groaning, rocking in and out. As he got more comfortable, he pulled out farther, pus.h.i.+ng back into his lover firmly.

The lengthened strokes pa.s.sed firmly over Andy's prostate. "That's it. That spot, remember?"

Eddie groaned as Andy s.h.i.+fted and sank to the bed, which tightened the muscle around his d.i.c.k. "Oh G.o.d, Andy," he gasped, thrusting once in reaction, harder than he had yet.

Andy yowled at the rough thrust, wondering what he could do to encourage another one. Instead, on Eddie's next downward slide, he shoved his hips back, groaning loudly as it produced the same effect.

Eddie sucked in a breath and clasped Andy's hips, thrusting again, losing some control. "Not long," he gasped as he thrust again, pausing in between each movement, savoring the feel. "Andy?"

"Yeah?" Andy gasped, just barely able to think, much less talk. His prostate was being mercilessly rubbed, his c.o.c.k was being dragged over the sheet, and the feel of Eddie's c.o.c.k plunging in and out of him was driving him to the edge at a frantic pace.

"Can I...?" Eddie thrust a bit harder, gasping, not waiting as long before the next, low cries of pleasure coming from deep in his chest. "You're okay?" he ground out, not able to move faster or harder without making sure.

Andy nodded frantically, hands digging into the mattress to brace himself.

His gasp coming out almost in a mewl, Eddie held Andy's hips and pulled most of the way out of that tight heat before closing his eyes and thrusting in, hard, sending a shudder through Andy's body. He pulled back and repeated almost immediately, the thrill and sensation shooting through him ripping a keening cry from his throat.

Andy's body overloaded, short-circuiting on pleasure as his eyes closed and his breathing stuttered. He whined as his o.r.g.a.s.m washed over him with no warning, tightening his muscles and sending c.u.m shooting from his c.o.c.k in thick streams.

Suddenly Eddie was pitched into an inferno, Andy's body clenching around him, so hot and so tight, and with a wild yell he thrust twice and then buried himself deep as he came hard, body shuddering, hips still flexing as his head lolled back, eyes screwed shut tight.

Each thrust buried Eddie deeper until Andy felt a rush of warmth inside him. A soft smile spread over his face as his body became limp beneath his lover.

Gasping, Eddie collapsed down, catching his weight on his elbows as he rested mostly on Andy's back, still buried deep inside him. He rubbed his cheek against the sweaty skin, unable to form a coherent sentence.

The soft nuzzling made Andy's heart swell. It made the moment into so much more than just a f.u.c.k between friends. He closed his eyes tighter, unwilling to let the moment pa.s.s.

Eddie's brain whirled. He could hardly believe the pure ecstasy he'd just experienced. He turned his lips to Andy's back, kissing lightly to his nape before nuzzling there, sighing happily.

Andy attempted to turn his head, trying to reach Eddie's lips. "Kiss me?" he asked, voice low and hoa.r.s.e from overuse.

s.h.i.+fting slightly, Eddie moved to kiss Andy tenderly, lovingly, even rubbing their noses together. Their height difference meant that Eddie didn't have to pull free of Andy to kiss him. "Okay?" Eddie whispered, one hand sliding down to ghost over where his d.i.c.k sank into Andy's body, thick and long even after climax. "Should I move?"

"No, don't move. I've wanted this for too long now. I want it to last." Andy's eyes closed as Eddie's hand ghosted over his stretched entrance. "Just stay this way."

"You are so incredible," Eddie murmured. "You took me in, all of me, and wanted more! I still can't believe it." His lips brushed Andy's as he spoke slowly, leaning his face forward to nuzzle Andy's cheek.

"No, you were incredible. You took a chance on me. You don't know what that means to me."

"I took... ? Andy, you have no idea. Oh G.o.d." Eddie shook his head and then leaned to claim those luscious lips in a deep, desperate kiss.

Andy half-turned under Eddie, lips spreading beneath the other man's as he moaned deep in his throat. When the kiss broke, he confessed out loud. "I love you."

An almost hoa.r.s.e sob broke from Eddie as he curled his arms around Andy. "Oh Andy. You mean so much to me, I can't even begin...." He kissed Andy's cheek, then his ear.

Andy pushed at Eddie, turning beneath him even as he missed the fullness when Eddie's c.o.c.k slipped from his body. He gathered Eddie as well as he could into his arms, pulling his full weight on top of him and holding him tightly.

"We're not alone anymore," Eddie breathed.

About the Author.

SONJA S SPENCER has always enjoyed writing as an escape from her professional life. She spends what spare time she has with her family and friends; and she loves long walks on the beach, jumping in puddles and cuddling puppies. She aspires to be an entertaining writer and a gourmet chef. has always enjoyed writing as an escape from her professional life. She spends what spare time she has with her family and friends; and she loves long walks on the beach, jumping in puddles and cuddling puppies. She aspires to be an entertaining writer and a gourmet chef.

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