A History of Giggleswick School Part 21

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(_a_) for the payment of such tuition fee, at the rate of not more than 30_l._ and not less than 12_l._ a year, as is prescribed in the rules:

(_b_) for the payment of an entrance fee not exceeding 3_l._ and

(_c_) in the case of any boarder, for the payment of a boarding fee, at the rate of not more than 66_l._ a year, in addition to the tuition fee.

The Rules for Payments shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Education signified by writing under their seal, and when so approved shall have effect accordingly.


_Exemptions from Fees._

45. (1.) The Rules for Payments shall provide for total or partial exemptions from payment of tuition fees or entrance fees.

(2.) They shall, among other things, provide--

(_a_) that a yearly sum of not less than 60_l._ out of the income of the Foundation applicable for the general purposes of the School may, if funds permit, be applied in providing total or partial exemptions from payment of tuition fees for boys who are and have for not less than three years been resident in the Ancient Parish of Giggleswick; and

(_b_) that the income of the property representing the endowment of Josias Shute shall be applied in providing total exemptions from payment of tuition fees and the cost of books and stationery, to be called Shute Scholars.h.i.+ps, and to be offered in the first instance to boys who are and have for not less than two years been in attendance at a Public Elementary School in the Ancient Parish of Giggleswick;

and may also provide--

(_c_) that any boys who are exempted from payment of tuition fees under the provisions of sub-clauses (2) (_a_) and (2) (_b_) of this clause, and who by reason of their proficiency are deserving of the distinction, shall be called Giggleswick Scholars and Shute Scholars respectively, and that any other boys who are exempted from payment of tuition fees, and are likewise worthy of the distinction, shall be called Foundation Scholars.

_Maintenance Allowances._

46. The Governors may award to such of the Giggleswick Scholars or Foundation Scholars as in the opinion of the Governors are in need of financial a.s.sistance to enable them to enter or remain in the School, Maintenance Allowances each of a yearly value of not more than 5_l._ Any such Allowance may, at the discretion of the Governors, be paid to the parent or guardian of the boy, or may be applied by them towards payments (other than tuition or entrance fees under the Rules for Payments or in providing the boy with travelling facilities or meals).

_Boys' Moiety of Yearly Sum of 90l._

47. The Governors shall apply one moiety of the above-mentioned yearly sum of 90_l._, in one or both of the following ways:--

(1) in providing additional Shute Scholars.h.i.+ps,

(2) in awarding maintenance allowances each of a yearly value of not more than 10_l._ to Shute Scholars.

Any unapplied residue of the said moiety shall be applied by the Governors in augmenting the value of the Giggleswick and other Exhibitions herein-after mentioned.

_Boarding Scholars.h.i.+ps._

48. The Governors may, if funds permit, apply a yearly sum of not more than 150_l._ out of the income of the Foundation applicable for the purposes of the School in the maintenance of Boarding Scholars.h.i.+ps, each consisting of exemption, total or partial, from payment of boarding fees. These Scholars.h.i.+ps may be held in conjunction with any Scholars.h.i.+p or Exemption maintained under this Scheme.

_Giggleswick and other Leaving Exhibitions._

49. The Governors shall, as soon as funds permit, maintain a Leaving Exhibition, to be called the Giggleswick Exhibition, of the yearly value of not less than 30_l._ nor more than 50_l._ to be awarded for proficiency in any one or more of the subjects of general instruction provided for by this Scheme. They may also maintain (1) a Leaving Exhibition to be called the Clapham and Tennant Exhibition, and (2) other Leaving Exhibitions.

(_a_) The Exhibitions shall be tenable at any University, Training College for pupils intending to enter the teaching profession, or other Inst.i.tution of higher, including professional or technical, instruction.

(_b_) An Exhibition shall be either

(i) a single payment, or

(ii) a series of payments extending over not more than four years,

and in either case shall not exceed a total value of 200_l._

(_c_) Exhibitions shall be awarded for merit only, on the result of such examination as the Governors think fit, to boys who then are and have for not less than two years been in the School. Within the limits fixed by this Scheme the Exhibitions shall be freely and openly competed for, and shall be awarded under such rules and conditions as the Governors think fit, but so that as nearly as possible the same number may be awarded each year. Any Exhibition for which there is no duly qualified candidate, who on examination is adjudged worthy to take it, shall for that turn not be awarded.


50. The Scholars.h.i.+ps and Exhibitions shall be tenable only for the purposes of education. If, in the judgment of the Governors, the holder of any Scholars.h.i.+p or Exhibition or any boy exempted as aforesaid is guilty of serious misconduct or idleness, or fails to maintain a reasonable standard of proficiency, or ceases to pursue his education, the Governors may deprive him of the Scholars.h.i.+p, Exhibition, Exemption, or any Maintenance Allowance, but in the case of an Exemption (unless the Rules for Payments otherwise provide) only upon grounds sufficient to justify the removal of any boy from the School. In the case of an Exhibition, the Governors may act on the report of the proper authorities of the University, College, or Inst.i.tution, at which the Exhibition is held, or on such other evidence as the Governors think sufficient. Under this clause the decision of the Governors shall be final in each case.


_Preparatory Department._

51. The Governors may, if they think fit, maintain in the School a Preparatory Department for the education of boys. For this department the Governors may make such modifications as they think fit in the foregoing provisions relating to ages, instruction, and examination, and the Rules for payments may prescribe such tuition fees as may be thought suitable.

_Education of intending Elementary School Teachers._

52. The Governors may, with the approval in writing of the Board of Education, make special provision in or in connexion with the School for the education of boys who intend to qualify as teachers in Public Elementary Schools. For these boys, subject to the like approval, the Governors may make such modifications as they think fit in the foregoing provisions relating to ages, instruction, and examination, and the Rules for Payments may prescribe such tuition fees as may be thought suitable.


_Payment to Settle Girls' School._

53. The Governors shall pay the other moiety of the said yearly sum of 90_l._ to the Governing Body of the new Public Secondary School for girls established or about to be established at Settle, to be applied by such Governing Body for the general purposes of that School, on condition that the Governing Body maintain therein not less than three free places for girls who are resident in the Ancient Parish of Giggleswick, and who are and have for not less than two years been in attendance at a Public Elementary School.


_Continuance of Existing Arrangements._

54. Until the expiration of two months from the date of this Scheme, or such further period as may be sanctioned in writing by the Board of Education, matters which under this Scheme are to be the subject of rules which require the approval of the Board under their seal may be conducted in accordance, as far as circ.u.mstances permit, with the arrangements existing at the date of this Scheme.

_First Meeting of Governors._

55. The first meeting of the Governors shall be summoned by the Clerk of the present Governing Body as soon as possible after the date of this Scheme, or, if he fails to summon a meeting for two months after that date, by any two Governors.

_Present Head Master._

56. The present Head Master shall, if willing, take and hold the office of Head Master of the School under this Scheme. He shall be ent.i.tled while holding office to receive a fixed yearly stipend of 200_l._ and also a capitation payment calculated on such a scale, uniform or graduated, as may be fixed from time to time by the Governors, at the rate of not less than 4_l._ a year for each boy in the School.

_Saving of Interests._

57. No boy who is and on 8 September 1909 was in the School shall be liable to any payment to which he might not have been liable if this Scheme had not been made, and any holder of a Scholars.h.i.+p or Exhibition awarded on or before the date of this Scheme shall be ent.i.tled to hold his Scholars.h.i.+p or Exhibition as if this Scheme had not been made.


_Further Endowments._

A History of Giggleswick School Part 21

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