A History of Giggleswick School Part 22

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58. The Governors may receive any additional donations or endowments for the general purposes of the Foundation. They may also receive donations or endowments for any special objects connected with the Foundation not inconsistent with or calculated to impede the due working of the provisions of this Scheme. Any question arising upon this last point shall be referred to the Board of Education for their decision.

_Orders for Replacement not affected._

59. Nothing in this Scheme shall affect any Order of the Charity Commissioners or the Board of Education now in force, so far as it makes provision for the discharge of any debt or for the replacement of any stock or money.

_Alteration of Scheme._

60. The Board of Education may, in the exercise of their ordinary jurisdiction under the Charitable Trusts Acts, 1853 to 1894, frame Schemes for the alteration of any portions of this Scheme, provided that such alteration shall not be contrary to anything contained in the Endowed Schools Acts, 1869, 1873 and 1874, and that the object of the Foundation shall always be:--

(1) to supply a liberal education for boys by means of a School or Schools in the Ancient Parish of Giggleswick or otherwise, and

(2) to promote the education of girls.

_Questions under Scheme._

61. Any question as to the construction of this Scheme or as to the regularity or the validity of any acts done or about to be done under this Scheme, shall be determined conclusively by the Board of Education, upon such application made to them for the purpose as they think sufficient.


62. The Interpretation Act, 1889, applies to the interpretation of this Scheme as it applies to an Act of Parliament.

_Date of Scheme._

63. The date of this Scheme shall be the day on which it is established by an Order of the Board of Education.



1. The Governors shall hold ordinary or stated meetings at least twice in each year. A special meeting may at any time be summoned by the Chairman or any two Governors upon four clear days' notice being given to the other Governors of the matters to be discussed.


2. The Governors shall, at their first ordinary or stated meeting in each year, elect one of their number to be Chairman of their meetings for the year. If it is necessary to supply his place at any meeting, the Chairman of that meeting shall be appointed before any other business is transacted. The Chairman shall always be re-eligible.

_Rescinding Resolutions._

3. Any resolution of the Governors may be rescinded or varied at a subsequent meeting, if due notice of the intention to rescind or vary the same has been given to all the Governors.

_Adjournment of Meetings._

4. If at the time appointed for a meeting a sufficient number of Governors to form a quorum are not present, or if at any meeting the business is not completed, the meeting shall stand adjourned _sine die_, and a special meeting shall be summoned as soon as conveniently may be.

Any meeting may be adjourned by resolution.

_Minutes and Accounts._

5. The Governors shall provide and keep a minute-book and books of account. All proper accounts in relation to the Foundation shall in each year be made out and certified, and copies sent to the Board of Education and the West Riding County Council in such form as the Board may require.

_Publication of Accounts._

6. On sending accounts for any year to the Board of Education the Governors shall exhibit for public inspection in some convenient place in Giggleswick, copies of the accounts so sent for that year, giving due public notice where and when the same may be seen, and they shall at all reasonable times allow the accounts for any year to be inspected, and copies or extracts to be made, by all persons applying for the purpose.

_General Power to make Rules._

7. Within the limits prescribed by the Scheme, the Governors shall have full power to make rules for the management of the Foundation, and for the conduct of their business, including the summoning of meetings, the deposit of money at a proper bank, the custody of doc.u.ments, and the appointment during their pleasure of a Clerk or of any necessary officers at such a rate of remuneration as may be approved by the Board of Education.


8. The Governors shall manage the property of the Foundation not occupied for the purposes thereof according to the general law applicable to the management of property by Trustees of charitable foundations.

_Repairs and Insurance._

9. The Governors shall keep in repair and insure against fire all the buildings of the Foundation not required to be kept in repair and insured by the lessees or tenants thereof.

_Allotments Extension Act, 1882._

10. The Governors may set apart and let in allotments under the Allotments Extension Act, 1882, any portions of the land belonging to the Foundation other than buildings and appurtenances of buildings.

_Letting of Property._

11. The Governors shall give public notice of the intention to let any property in such manner as they shall consider most effectual for insuring full publicity. The Governors shall not create any tenancy in reversion, or for more than 21 years certain, or for less than the improved annual value at rackrent, without the sanction of the Board of Education or a competent Court.


12. The Governors shall provide that on the grant by them of any lease the lessee shall execute a counterpart; and every lease shall contain a covenant on the part of the lessee for the payment of rent, and all other usual and proper covenants applicable to the property comprised therein, and a proviso for re-entry on non-payment of the rent, or non-performance of the covenants.

_Timber and Minerals.--Surplus Cash._

13. Any money arising from the sale of timber, or from any mines or minerals on the estates of the Foundation; and

Any sum of cash now or at any time belonging to the Foundation and not needed as a balance for working purposes;

shall (unless otherwise ordered by the Board of Education) be treated as capital and be invested in the name of the Official Trustees of Charitable Funds.


14. The Governors shall cause a copy of the Scheme to be given to every Governor, Head Master, and other Teacher, upon entry into office, and copies may be sold at a reasonable price to all persons applying for the same.



=========================================================================== Description. | Extent | Tenant, Person liable, |Gross Yearly | or Amount.|or Persons in whose Name| Income.

| | invested. | -------------------------+-----------+------------------------+------------ REAL ESTATE. | | | | | | _At Giggleswick._ | | | | A. R. P. | | _s._ _d._ Sites and buildings of | ---- | In hand. | ---- the Grammar School, | | | Chapel, hostel, Masters'| | | houses, &c. | | | | | | Eatage of Football field | 6 1 17 | Emanuel Johnson | 10 0 0 (Lower Ashton). | | | | | | Tram Pasture | 4 1 32 | | | | | Eatage of Cricket field | 15 0 7 | Messrs. Harrison & Sons| 8 0 0 | | | Brookside croft | 1 0 36 | W. W. Vaughan | 3 0 0 | | | Site for Sanatorium | 6 3 32 | } | | | } George Jenkinson | 44 10 0 Spen pasture | 11 3 26 | } | | | | Land called "Cappleriggs"| 16 3 2 | Do. do. | 20 0 0 | | | " " "Poor Ashton"| 2 0 33 | Emanuel Johnson | 10 10 0 | | | Bath Croft | 1 1 14 | William Simpson | 3 10 0 | | | _At North Cave, in the | | | East Riding._ | | | | | | Farm buildings and land |129 2 14 | Charles Dennis | 88 0 0 called "North Cave | | | Farm." | | | | | | Farm buildings and land |128 2 0 | Do. do. |100 0 0 called "Common Farm." | | | | | | Farm Buildings and land | 67 3 15 | Thomas Cleminshaw | 47 0 0 called "Stoney Carr | | | Farm." | | | | | | "White Hart" Inn and | 48 0 22 | Mrs. Emily Gray | 80 0 0 garden, farm buildings, | | | and land called | | | | | | Watermill, cottage, and | 15 2 34 | Richard Boast | 40 0 0 land. | | | | | | House, foundry, and land | 5 2 18 | W. and T. Saunders | 25 0 0 | | | House and land | 0 0 30 | Major Dunlop | 7 4 0 | | | Do. | 1 0 12 | H. S. Clarke | 7 0 0 | | | Do. (Nordham House) | 1 0 15 | Thomas Gregson | 25 0 0 | | | Do. | 0 1 10 | W. J. Tuton | 7 0 0 | | | Garden | 0 1 5 | Do. | 2 10 0 | | | Do. | 0 1 32| W. E. Blanchard | 2 10 0 | | | Do. | 0 1 32 | Do. do. | 2 10 0 | | | Land at Drewton | 0 1 21 | W. Moverley | 1 1 0 | | | Twenty-eight Sheepwalks | ---- | J. G. A. Jowett | 7 7 0 on Drewton. | | | | | | Rent for shooting over | ---- | Colonel c.l.i.therow | 9 9 0 estate at North Cave. | | | | | | _Rentcharges._ | | | | | | Quit-rents in respect of | ---- | Various | 3 2 10 lands at North Cave. | | | | | | t.i.the rentcharges on | | Various | 23 10 4 lands at Etherdwick, in | | | Aldborough, in the East | | | Riding. | | | | | | Rentcharge on land at | | Christopher Other's | 14 0 0 Burton-in-Lonsdale, | | Representatives | West Riding. | | | | | | Do. do. | | ----Foxcroft | 0 13 4 | | | Rentcharge on land at | | Fine Cotton Spinners' | 0 3 6 Langcliffe, in Parish | | a.s.sociation, Limited, | of Giggleswick. | | Manchester. | | | | PERSONAL ESTATE. | | | | _s._ _d._| | Consols | 4 11 0 | The Official Trustees | 0 2 0 | | of Charitable Funds. | | | | _The Howson Prize Fund._ | | | | | | Proceeds of Sale of |104 0 0 | Governors of the School| shares in the Settle | | | Public Buildings | | | Company. | | |---------- | | Total |594 13 0 -------------------------+-----------+------------------------+------------

This schedule is made up to 1 November 1909.

A History of Giggleswick School Part 22

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