The International Auxiliary Language Esperanto Part 25

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_Kies libro estas tiu ci?_ = Whose book is this?

_Kies plumon vi uzas?_ = Whose pen are you using?

_La domo, kies tegmenton vi vidas, apartenas al mia patro_ = The house the roof of which you see belongs to my father.

_El kies ciuj pasoj, oni povas konkludi, ke ili estas lacaj_ = From all of whose steps we can conclude that they are tired.

_Tiu libro estas tre malpura, kies ajn gi estas_ = That book is very dirty, whosesoever it is.

_Ties opinio ne multe valoras_ = That one's opinion is not worth much.

_Mi neniam sekvas ties konsilon_ = I never take (follow) that one's (his, her, their) advice.

N.B.--Be careful not to use _kies_ for "of which," when these words do not mean possession. We cannot say _La afero kies ni parolis_ for "The affair of which we spoke"; we must say _La afero, pri kiu ni parolis_.

155. Series ending in O (thing (not specified) indefinite), substantival or p.r.o.nominal.

Io = _something_.

Io ajn, _anything_ (_whatever_).

Cio = _everything_, _all things_, _all_.

Kio = _what_ (_thing_), _which_.

Nenio = _nothing_, _not any thing_.

Tio = _that_ (_thing_). Ci tio or tio ci = _this_ (_thing_).

Examples.--_Kio estas tio, kion vi skribas?_ = What is that (_or_, that which) you are writing?

_Io estis sub la tablo, sed mi ne povis vidi ion tie_ = Something was under the table, but I could not see anything (something) there.

_Li vidis ion, kion li tre amis_ = He saw something he liked very much.

_Estas tempo por cio_ = There is a time for everything.

_Cio_ (_tio_) _ci montras, ke_ ... = All this shows that ...

_Cio, kion mi havas, estas_ (_la_) _via_ = All I have is yours.

_Kio estas tio ci, kion mi vidas?_ = What is this that I see?

_Nenio estas preta_ = Nothing is ready.

_Mi nenion trovis_ = I found nothing.

_Tio havas malbonan odoron, kio ajn gi estas_ = It (that) has a bad smell, whatever it is.

_Li ne diris ec unu vorton pri cio tio ci_ (or, _cio ci_) _al iu_ = He did not say even one word about all this to anyone.

156. Series ending in OM (quant.i.ty), adverbial.

Iom = _somewhat_, _some quant.i.ty_, _rather_, _a little_, _some_.

Ciom = _all_, _all of it_, _the whole_, _every quant.i.ty_.

Kiom = _how much_, _how many_, _what quant.i.ty_.

Neniom = _none_, _none at all_, _no quant.i.ty_.

Tiom = _so much_, _so many_, _as much_, _as many_, _that quant.i.ty_.

Tiom ... kiom = _as much_ (_many_) ... _as_.

Examples.--_La vetero estas iom pli varma_ = The weather is somewhat (a little) warmer.

_Jen estas sukero, prenu iom, sed ne ciom_ = Here is sugar, take some, but not all (the whole).

_Kiom da cevaloj vi havas?_ = How many horses have you?

_Mi havas neniom_ = I have none (none at all).

_Tiom pli bone_ = So much the better.

_Tiom estas malfacile memori_ = So much is difficult to remember.

_Donu al mi tiom da akvo, kiom da vino_ = Give me as much water as wine.

_Kiom vi scias_ = As far (much) as you know.

_Kiom eble_ = As far (much) (many) as possible.

_Kiom ajn da teo tiu kesto povas enhavi, tiu ci povas enhavi duoble tiom_ = Whatever quant.i.ty (however much) of tea that chest will (can) hold, this one will hold twice as much.

157. Series ending in U (persons or specified things), p.r.o.nominal or adjectival.

Iu = _someone_, _somebody_.

Iu ajn, _anyone (whatever)_.

Ciu = _everyone_, _each one_. Ciuj = _all_, _all (of) the_....

Kiu = _who_, _which_, _that_, _which one_.

Neniu = _n.o.body_, _no one_, _no_.

Tiu = _that (one)_, _the former_. Ci tiu, or tiu ci = _this one_, _the latter_. Tiuj, _those_; Ci tiuj, _these_.

The International Auxiliary Language Esperanto Part 25

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