The International Auxiliary Language Esperanto Part 26

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Examples.--_Iu estas tie_ = Someone is there.

_Mi ne vidis iun_ = I did not see anyone (someone).

_Ciu ago havas siajn devojn_ = Each age has its duties.

_Si legis ciun libron, kiun si povis ricevi_ = She read every book she could get.

_Kiu estas en la gardeno?_ = Who is in the garden?

_Mi konis ciun viron, kiun mi renkontis_ = I knew every man whom I met.

_Mi legis ciujn librojn, kiujn vi pruntis al mi_ = I read all the books that you lent to me.

_Tiu pano estas fresa, sed tiu ci estas pli fresa_ = That bread is new, but this is newer.

_Tiu, kiu havas la harojn nigrajn_ = He who has the black hair.

_Neniu estis tie, tial mi vidis neniun_ = No one was there, therefore I saw n.o.body.

_Tiu h.o.m.o, kiu ajn li estas, ne estas malsagulo_ = That man, whoever he is, is not a fool.

_Si farigis edzino de iu bankiero, kiun si konis pli bone, ol_ ciun _alian_ = She became wife of a certain (someone, a) banker, whom she knew better than _any_one (everyone) else.

Ciu _vorto povas esti kombinata kun ciu alia_ = Any (each) word can be combined with _any_ (each) other word.

_Li pli sincere malgojis je li, ol_ (k)iu _ajn el liaj parencoj_ = He was more sincerely sorry for him, than _any_ of his relations.

_La pafilo povos en_ ciu _tempo (ciam) esti sargita_ = The gun can be (will be able to be) loaded at _any_ time.

_Li ne permesos al_ (k)iu ajn _tion fari_ = He will not allow _anyone_ (whatever) to do that (see par. 158 (_d_)).

158. General Remarks.--The foregoing remarks on the correlative words show the importance of a correct knowledge of their true meanings. Twenty or more of them will be found in nearly every page of the "Krestomatio." Note the following difference in meaning of those ending in:--

(_a_). -_AL_ and -_EL_. It will be noticed that the series _AL_ represent phrases in English commencing with "for," as:--"for some reason," "for every reason," etc.; whereas in the series _EL_ the phrases commence with "in," as:--"in some way," "in every way." Bear in mind that -_AL_ relates to _motive_, and -_EL_ to _manner_. Note the difference of meaning in tial and tiel when followed by ke.

Tial, ke = _for the reason that_, _forasmuch as_, _because that_.

Tiel, ke = _in such a manner that_, _so that_. Some beginners seem to think that kial and kiel have no difference in meaning, which is equivalent to using "why" and "how" indiscriminately. Kial li faras tion? = _Why_ (_for what reason_) _is he doing that?_ Kiel li faras tion? = _How_ (_in what way_) _is he doing that?_

(_b_). -_O_ and -_U_. The series _O_ is rarely used in the plural; it relates to things which are not mentioned by name or referred to by a personal p.r.o.noun. _Examples_.--Kio estas tio? = _What is that?_ Kiu estas tiu? = _Who is that?_ Tiu estas mia frato, kiu promenadas kun sia edzino = _That is my brother who is walking with his wife._ Tio estas, kion mi bezonis = _That is what I wanted._ Tio, kio kreskas en mia gardeno, estas arbo = _That which is growing in my garden is a tree._ Tiu arbo, kiu kreskas en mia gardeno, estas kverko = _That tree, which is growing in my garden, is an oak._

Tio is sometimes used for "it," relating to both persons and things, as:--_Tio_ (or, _gi_) _estis mi, kiu lin vidis_ = It was I who saw him. _Tio estas ponto_ = It (that) is a bridge.

(_c_). -_I_: "_ANY_" (= _SOME_). It will be seen from the table of Correlative Words on pages 98, 99, that the words in the column commencing with _I_ have as their main idea _indefiniteness_, corresponding to the English _some_ (_or other_). Thus: Li estas ie = _he is somewhere_ (_or other_). Mi mangos ion = _I shall eat something_ (_or other_). Iu faris tion = _Someone_ (_or other_) _did that._

In English, especially in a sentence which is negative, interrogative, or suppositional, the word _any_ is often used in this sense instead of the word _some_. In such cases (as shown in brackets in the table) the i- words may be translated with _any_; thus: Cu vi mangis ion? = _Did you eat anything_ (_something_)_?_ Mi ne mangos ion = _I shall not eat anything._ Se li estus ie en la cambro = _If he were anywhere_ (_somewhere_) _in the room._ Cu iu faris tion? = _Did anyone_ (_someone_) _do that?_ Mi ne konas iun, kiu povus = _I do not know anyone who could._ Se iu faris tion = _If anyone did that_....

(_d_). "_ANY_" (= _ANY WHATEVER_). Sometimes, however, the word _any_ is used not with the meaning of _some_ (as in the preceding paragraph), but with the meaning _any whatever_. Take, for example, the questions: _What will you eat for breakfast? Where shall we go?_ The answers might be: _Oh, anything_ (_you like_, _it doesn't matter what_); and _Anywhere_ (_you like_). This meaning of _any_ (_any whatever_) may be expressed in various ways: (1) By a k-word followed by ajn, thus: Kion ajn, Kien ajn (the words vi volas or similar words being understood). (2) By an i-word followed by ajn, thus: Ion ajn, Ien ajn. Method 1 is usually adopted by Zamenhof, but method 2 is increasingly used. (3) Sometimes a c-word may be used. Thus, the sentence: _Anyone could do that_, may be translated: Kiu ajn (or, Iu ajn, or, Ciu) povus tion fari.

(_e_). _AJN_. The word ajn is used not only as shown in the preceding paragraph, but also after the k-series, to correspond to the English _-ever_ (see par. 248 (_b_)). It is also occasionally used with the c-series and the nen-series, thus: Mi sercis lin cie ajn = _I looked for him absolutely everywhere._ Li estas nenie ajn = _He was nowhere at all, absolutely nowhere._

THE VERB (La Verbo).

159. There are no irregular verbs in Esperanto. Every verb is conjugated exactly the same.

160. The following are the grammatical terminations of all verbs, from which it will be seen that there are only three tenses (see pars. 214-236), three moods (see pars. 171-202), and six participles (see pars. 203-213).

TENSES. (Indicative Mood.)

-AS, Present, as: Mi faras = _I do_, or, _make_.

-IS, Past, as: Vi faris = _you did_, or, _have_ (or, _had) done_.

-OS, Future, as: Ili faros = _they will do_.


-US, as: Se mi farus = _if I did_, or, _should_ (or, _would) do_, or, _were to do._


-U, as: Diru al li, ke li tion faru = _tell him to do that_ (lit., _that he do that_). Ni faru tion = _let us do that_.


-I, as: Fari = _to do_.


-ANTA, Active, Present, as: Faranta = _doing_.

Farante (adv.) = _in_ (_when_, or, other prep.) _doing_.

-INTA, Active, Past, as: Farinta = _having done_.

Farinte (adv.) = _in having done_.

-ONTA, Active, Future, as: Faronta = (_being_) _about to do._ Faronte (adv.) = _on being about to do_.

-ATA, Pa.s.sive, Present, as: Farata = _being done_, or, _done_.

Farate (adv.) = _on being done_.

-ITA, Pa.s.sive, Past, as: Farita = _been done_, or, _having been done_.

Farite (adv.) = _on having been done_.

-OTA, Pa.s.sive, Future, as: Farota = (_being_) _about to be done_.

Farote (adv.) = _on being about to be done_.

N.B.--For examples of the noun-participles see par. 209.

The International Auxiliary Language Esperanto Part 26

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