The International Auxiliary Language Esperanto Part 50

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As a prefix, _Subetago_ = A bas.e.m.e.nt (floor below). _Submeti_ = To put under, to subdue. _Subtegmento_ = A garret (under roof).

259 (31). Super = _Over_, _above_.

May be followed by the accusative of direction. It differs from sur, since sur generally means that something is upon or touching something else, whilst super signifies that the object is over or above something, but not in actual contact.

Place = _Over_, _above_, _beyond_.

Examples.--_La balono estis vidata super la urbo_ = The balloon was seen over the town. _Super mia kapo preterflugis birdo_ = A bird flew by, over my head. _Li jetis stonon super la muron, sed li ne havis sufice da forto, kaj la stono falis sur la muron_ = He threw a stone over the wall, but he had not sufficient (of) strength, and the stone fell upon (on to) the wall. _La spirito de Dio svebis super la akvo_ = The Spirit of G.o.d moved upon the face of (above) the waters (water). _Mi konas nenion super tio_ = I know nothing beyond that.

Super is the root of _Superi_ = To surpa.s.s. As a prefix, _Superflui_ = To overflow. _Superhoma_ = Super-human. _Supervesto_ (or, _palto_) = An overcoat.

259 (32). Sur = _On_, _upon_, _on to_.

May be followed by the accusative of direction. See remarks on sub and super. Do not confound sur with super.

Place = _On_, _upon_ (_resting on_, _touching_).

Examples.--_Sur lia vizago mi vidis gojan rideton_ = On his face I saw a joyful smile. _Vi trovos la paperojn sur la skribtablo_ = You will find the papers on the writing-table. _La birdo_ (_sur_)_flugis sur la tegmenton_ = The bird flew on to the roof. _Li metis la capelon sur sian kapon_ = He put his (the) hat on his head. _Li staris supre sur la monto, kaj rigardis malsupren sur la kampon_ = He stood above on the mountain, and looked down (below) upon the field (note the accusatives of direction, _malsupren_ and _kampon_). _Lau la komando "tri" vi ekpafos sur la arbon_ = At the command "three"

you will shoot at (on to) the tree.

Dependence = _On_, _to_.

Examples.--_Tio ci povas tre influi sur la sukceson de nia afero_ = This can have much influence on the success of our business. _Sur la danan tronon mi havas rajtojn_ = I have rights on (to) the Danish throne.

As a prefix, _Surmeti_ = To put on.

259 (33). Tra = _Through_.

Tra, trans, and preter. The following compound verbs will best show the meaning of the three prepositions:--

Preterpasi = _To pa.s.s by_, _go beyond_.

Trapasi = _To pa.s.s through_, _to traverse_.

Transpasi = _To pa.s.s over_, _to cross over_.

Example.--_Trapasinte la arbaron, li preterpasis la pregejon, kaj poste transpasis la riveron per la ponto_ = Having pa.s.sed through (traversed) the wood, he pa.s.sed by the church, and then crossed the river by the bridge.

Place = _Through_, _across_.

Examples.--_Li iris tra la amaso, kaj eniris en la domon_ = He went through the crowd and entered the house. _Tra la mondo iras forta voko_ = Through the world goes a powerful call. _Li estas tiel dika, ke li ne povas trairi tra nia mallarga pordo_ = He is so stout (thick) that he cannot go through our narrow door.

Adverb: _trae_ = right through.

Occasionally the accusative of direction is used after tra, when this seems useful for emphasis, or to remove ambiguity.

As a prefix, _Tralegi_ = To read through. _Trapasi_ = To pa.s.s through, to traverse. _Traguti_ = To percolate.

259 (34). Trans = _Across_; _on the other side of_, _beyond_.

May be followed by the accusative of direction.

Place = _Across_, _beyond_, _on the other side of_.

Examples.--_La hirundo flugis trans la riveron, car trans la rivero sin trovis aliaj hirundoj_ = The swallow flew across the river, because on the other side of (beyond) the river were (found themselves) other swallows.

As a prefix, _Transiri_ = To go over, to cross. _Transmigri_ = To migrate. _Transvivi_ = To outlive, survive (a period of time).


260. English prepositions are used with many various meanings. In fact, to express the sense of some of those in common use correctly, five or six or more Esperanto prepositions have to be used to give the different meanings of one English preposition. For instance, "_by_"

has five different meanings in the following expressions:--"_He went by the house._" "_He was. .h.i.t by a stone._" "_By his advice._"

"_Little by little._" "_He stood by the door._"

261. The following common English prepositions are given with their Esperanto equivalents and examples of their use, viz., "_At_, _by_, _for_, _from_, _in_, _of_, _on_, _to_, _with_."


261. (_a_). Represented by:--

Apud, as:--_La gefiancoj staris apud la altaro_ = The betrothed stood at the altar.

Ce, as:--_Ce ciu paso kiun si faris_ = At every step that she took. _Si estas ce la pordo_ = She is at the door.

De, as:--_Li estas mirigita de la lukso de la kortego_ = He was astonished at the luury of the court.

En, as:--_En la unua tempo_ = At (in) the outset. _En Parizo_ = At Paris. _En la fino_ = At the end. _En la kunveno_ = At the meeting.

_En la de_ ... = At the distance of ...

Je, as:--_Je la kvara horo_ = At four o'clock.

Po, as:--_Piroj po du pencoj por funto_ = Pears at (at the rate of) twopence a (for a) pound.

Por, as:--_Por tiu ci prezo_ = At (for) this price.

Pri, as:--_Si ridetis pri_ (_je_) _lia kolero_ = She smiled at (about) his anger.

Sur, as:--_Ili pafis unu sur la alian_ = They fired at one another.

Accusative, as:--_Si mokadas lian kredemon_ = She jeers at his credulity.

Adverb, as:--_Tuj_ = At once. _Almenau_ = At least. _Iafoje_ = At times. _Nune_ = At present, etc.


261 (_b_). Represented by:--

The International Auxiliary Language Esperanto Part 50

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