The International Auxiliary Language Esperanto Part 51

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Apud, as:--_Mi volus stari apud la patrino_ = I would like to stand by mother.

Ce, as:--_Mi tenis lin ce la kruro per snurego_ = I held him by the leg with a rope.

De, as:--_Li estas amata de ciuj siaj amikoj_ = He is loved by all his friends.

Lau, as:--_Mi restadas tie ci lau la konsilo de mia kuracisto_ = I am remaining (staying) here by (according to) the advice of my doctor.

Per, as:--_Li eliris el la urbo per flanka vojeto_ = He left the town by a by-path.

Post, as:--_Iom post iom, si pli trankviligis_ = Little by (after) little she became more tranquil.

Preter, as:--_En tiu momento iris preter ni du sinjorinoj_ = At that moment two ladies pa.s.sed by (beside) us.

Adverb, as:--_Legante, ni lernas_ = By reading, we learn. _Tage_ = by day. _Lautage_ = By the day. _Mi staris apude dum li paroladis_ = I stood by (near to, close by) whilst he was talking.


261 (_c_). Represented by:--

Al, as:--_Ili ekiris al Berlino_ (or, _Berlinon_) = They started for Berlin.

Anstatau, as:--_Li skribis trion anstatau kvaro_ = He wrote a three for (instead of) a four.

De, as:--_Tro baldau alvenis la horo de foriro_ = Too soon came the hour for (of) departure. _De tri semajnoj mi estas malsana_ = For three weeks I have been (am) ill.

Dum, as:--_Dum la tuta tago li restis sola_ = For (during) the whole day he remained alone.

Lau, as:--_Si estas granda lau sia ago_ = She is big for (according to) her age.

Malgrau, as:--_Malgrau cio li ne estis felica_ = For (notwithstanding) all that, he was not happy.

Por, as:--_Tiu ci monujo estas por vi_ = This purse is for you.

Pri, as:--_Li petis lin pri helpo_, or, _Li petis helpon de li_ = He asked him for help. _Vi ne devas peti pri tio, kio estas nia suldo_ = You have not to beg for that which is our obligation.

Pro, as:--_Oni laudis lin pro lia boneco_ = They praised him for (because of) his goodness. _La domo estis vendita pro suldoj_ = The house was (had been) sold for debt. _Mi volas esti amata pro mi mem, ne pro mia riceco_ = I want to he loved for myself, not for my wealth.

Pro tio, ke, as:--_Li riprocis min pro tio, ke mi foriris_ = He reproached me for having gone away (lit., because of that that I went away).

Tra, as:--_Li ne povas gin porti tra tia inters.p.a.co_ = He cannot carry it for (through) such a distance.

Accusative, as:--_Li restis sola la tutan tagon_ = He remained alone all day long (for the whole day) (see the example under _dum_).


261 (_d_). Represented by:--

Al, as:--_Ni ne vidas, car la lumo estas kasata al ni per la kurtenoj_ = We do not see, because the light is hidden from (towards) us by the curtains.

De, as:--_Apartigu la pajlon de la fojno_ = Separate the straw from the hay. _De tiu tempo_ = From that time. _De lundo gis vendredo_ = From Monday to Friday.

El, as:--_Mi konkludis el lia mieno, ke li estas oficiro_ = I concluded from (out of) his appearance that he was (is) an officer.

Kontrau, as:--_Tie mi estis sirmata kontrau la vento_ = There I was sheltered from (against) the wind.

Lau, as:--_Tiu ci figuro estas skulpt.i.ta lau mia modelo_ = This figure is sculptured (carved) from (in accordance with) my model.

Per, as:--_Tion mi eksciis per mia frato_ = I learnt that from (by means of) my brother.

Pro, as:--_Li tremis pro_ (or, _de_) _timo_ = He trembled from (because of) fear.

Sen, as:--_Ok sen du estas ses_ = Two from eight (lit., eight without two) is six.


261 (_e_). Represented by:--

Ce, as:--_Tio donas helpon ce la lernado de la vortoj_ = That gives help in the learning of the words.

Da, as:--_Tri metroj da longo_ = Three metres in length.

En, as:--_Li estas en la domo_ = He is in the house.

Je, as:--_La suna disko sajne duobligis je grandeco_ = The sun's disc apparently became doubled in size.

Lau, as:--_Lau mia opinio_ (or, _miaopinie_) _ili estas tute pravaj_ = In (according to) my opinion they are quite right. _Li edukigis lau la timo al Dio_ = He was brought up in (according to) the fear of G.o.d.

Per, as:--_La ambau estis similaj per la vizago kaj la karaktero_ = The two were alike in (by means of) features (the face) and (the) character.

Post, as:--_Ni foriros post du au tri tagoj_ = We are (shall be) going away in (after) two or three days.

Pri, as:--_La instruisto povas pri nenio lin instrui_ = The teacher can instruct him in nothing.

Sub, as:--_Io, sub la formo de h.o.m.o, aperas_ = Something, in (under) the shape of a man, appears.

Sur, as:--_Promenante sur la strato, mi falis_ = While walking in (on) the street, I fell.

Accusative, as:--_Li estis naskita la vintron de_ 1902a = He was born _in_ the winter of 1902.

Adverb, as:--_Forme_ = In shape. _Troe_ = In excess. _Vespere_ = In the evening. _Alivorte_ = In other words, etc.


261 (_f_). Represented by:--

Al, as:--_La amo al Dio_ = The love of (towards) G.o.d. _Ilia timo al la morto estas granda_ = Their fear of (to) death is great. _Pro malamo al mi li foriris_ = Through hatred of me he went away.

Da, as:--_Granda nombro da ideoj_ = A great number of ideas.

The International Auxiliary Language Esperanto Part 51

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