The International Auxiliary Language Esperanto Part 56

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Example.--_Li staris, kvazau li vidas terurajon_ = He stood as if he saw a terrible object.

Lau tio ... ke = According as.

Example.--_Lau tio, ke vi estos atenta au maldiligenta, la lernejestroj vin laudos au mallaudos_ = According as you are (will be) attentive or idle, the schoolmaster will praise or blame you.

Malgrau cio = _In spite of all_ (_everything_), _after all_.

Example.--_Li foriris malgrau cio, kion mi diris_ = He went away in spite of all I said.

Malgrau tio, ke = _Notwithstanding that._

Example.--_Malgrau tio, ke mi ne havis palton, mi eliris_ = Notwithstanding that I had no overcoat, I went out.

Malpli ... ol = _Less ... than_ (par. 112).

Example.--_Li estas malpli kuraga, ol lia frato_ = He is less courageous than his brother.

Ne nur, ne sole = _Not only._

Example.--_Li ne nur stelis, sed li mortigis ankau_ = He not only stole, but he committed murder (murdered) also.

Nek = _Nor_ (par. 59 (_c_)).

Example.--_Li ne estis tie, nek mi_ = He was not there, nor I.

Nek ... ankau = _Nor ... also_, _nor ... too_, _nor ... either_.

Example.--_Vi ne estis tie, nek mi ankau_ = You were not there, nor I either.

Nek ... nek = _Neither ... nor_ (par. 59 (_c_)).

Example.--_Nek vi nek mi estis tie_ = Neither you nor I was there.

_Ol_ = _Than_ (par. 112).

Examples.--_Pli bone malfrue, ol neniam_ = Better late than never. _La libro ne kostos pli ol tri silingojn_ = The book will not cost more than three s.h.i.+llings.

Per (or, pro) tio, ke = In that, since.

Example.--_La akvo diferencas de la glacio per tio, ke tiu estas fluida, kaj ci tiu malfluida_ = Water differs from ice, in that the former is fluid and the latter solid.

Pli ... ol = _More ... than_ (par. 112).

Example.--_Li estas pli forta, ol vi_ = He is stronger than you.

Plie = _Moreover_, _further_ (also adverb).

Example.--_Plie, mi diras al vi, ke ..._ = Moreover, I tell you that....

Por ke = _In order that_, _so that_, _to the end that_. Por ke is always followed by the Imperative mood, because, when used, this expression implies order (see remarks on Imperative, par. 201).

Examples.--_Por ke mi rekompencu vin, konvenas, ke vi gin meritu_ = In order that I may recompense you, it is proper (fitting) that you merit it. _Mi volas cion fari, por ke vi estu kontenta je mi_ = I wish to do everything, so that you may be satisfied with me, _or_, I will do everything to please you.

Post kiam = _After_.

Example.--_Post kiam la suno subiris, ni revenis hejmen_ = After the sun set we returned home.

Same kiel = _As_, _just as_ (par. 112).

Example.--_Same kiel la patrino amas sian infanon, tiel mi amas vin_ = Just as the mother loves her child, so do I love you.

Se = _If_.

Example.--_Mi gin faros, se mi povos_ = I shall do it if I can (shall be able).

Se ne = _If not_, _otherwise_, _lest_.

Example.--_Lernu vian lecionon, se ne, mi vin vergos!_ = Learn your lesson, otherwise I shall cane you!

Se nur = _If only_, _provided that_.

Example.--_Vi vidos Johanon, se nur vi alvenos frue_ = You will see John, provided that you (will) arrive early.

Se okaze = _If perchance_, _in case_, _in the event of_.

Example.--_Se okaze vi venus malfrue, Johano ne estus tie ci_ = If perchance you should come late, John would not be here.

Se tamen = _If however_, _if still_, _if though_, _if notwithstanding_.

Example.--_Se tamen vi ne povos veni morgau matene, venu vespere_ = If, however, you are not (will not be) able to come to-morrow morning, come in the evening.

Sed = _But_.

Example.--_Li legas, sed ne komprenas tion, kion li legas_ = He reads, but does not understand what he reads.

Sed ankau = _But also_.

Example.--_Si donis al mi ne nur hundon, sed ankau cevalon_ = She gave me not only a dog, but also a horse.

Sed ec = _But even_.

Example.--_Ne sole viroj, sed ec infanoj estis tie_ = Not only men, but even children were there.

Sekve = _Consequently_.

Example.--_Ekpluvis, sekve ni revenis domen_ = It began to rain, consequently we returned home.

Tamen = _However_, _yet_, _still_, _nevertheless_, _but_.

The International Auxiliary Language Esperanto Part 56

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