The International Auxiliary Language Esperanto Part 59

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(_d_). The difference in meaning of words with and without the suffix is seen in such words as:--

_Movo_ = a motion, _movado_ = movement (general), _progreso_ = a step of progress, _progresado_ = progress (general), _parolo_ = word (spoken), _parolado_ = speech, discourse, _fumo_ = smoke, _fumado_ = smoking (habit of smoking), _verko_ = a work (literary or musical), _verkado_ = composition (lit.).

(_e_). In the verb itself we use this suffix to show that the action is not merely momentary, but is being _continued_, _repeated_, or _is habitual_; an aspect of the verb which is, in English, often expressed by the words "keep on," "used to," etc.

Examples.--_Mi saltadis la tutan tagon de loko al loko_ = I jumped (about) all day long from place to place (kept on jumping). _Viziti_ = To visit. _Vizitadi_ = To frequent, to haunt.

(_f_). Where the root plus o denotes the name of an object, the ending -ado introduces the idea of action, thus: krono = _a crown_; kronado = _coronation_; martelo = _a hammer_; martelado = _hammering_, etc.

(_g_). Do not therefore use _-AD-_ without thinking of its significance, or merely for the sake of euphony.

271. Suffixes -AJ- and -EC-. (Ex. 20).

(_a_). _-AJ-_ denotes something having the quality denoted by the root, or made or derived from that which is named by the root. It is also used to denote the flesh of animals intended for food.

Examples.--_Casi_ = to hunt, _casajo_ = game. _Armi_ = to arm, _armajo_ = armour. _Bovo_ = an ox, _bovajo_ = beef. _Ovo_ = an egg, ovajo = an omelet.

(_b_). _-EC-_ denotes an _abstract_ quality, similar to the English suffixes, _-nce_, _-ncy_, _-ness_, _-tude_, _-ity_.

Examples.--_Pura_ = clean, _pureco_ = purity, cleanness. _Felica_ = happy, _feliceco_ = happiness, felicity. _Sen_ = without, _seneco_ = dearth, want. _Kuraga_ = courageous, _kurageco_ = fort.i.tude.

_Danki_ = to thank, _dankeco_ = grat.i.tude, thankfulness. _Rica_ = rich, _riceco_ = wealth.

(_c_). Both suffixes apply to good or bad qualities. They can be used as roots, as ajo = _a thing_, eco = _a quality_, _a distinctive mark_.

(_d_). A comparison of the following words will best ill.u.s.trate their meaning.

_Amiko_ = a friend, _amikajo_ = a friendly act, _amikeco_ = friends.h.i.+p. _Bona_ = good, _bonajo_ = a good (action or thing), _boneco_ = goodness. _Fortika_ = solid, robust, _fortikajo_ = a stronghold, _fortikeco_ = robustness. _Mola_ = soft, _molajo_ = a soft substance, pulp, _moleco_ = softness. _Sprita_ = witty, _spritajo_ = a witticism, _spriteco_ = wittiness. _Malsprita_ = dull, stupid, _malspritajo_ = a stupidity, a _betise_, _malspriteco_ = stupidity, a state of silliness.

(_e_). To express an idea itself, namely, one that is neither concrete (_-AJ-_) nor abstract (_-EC-_), we add only the grammatical termination to the root. For instance, la bono = _the good_, _good (itself)_, and from this arises bonajo = _a good action_, or, _something good_, the abstract quality being boneco = _goodness_.

Again, acido = _an acid_, acidajo = _an acid thing_, something which has an acid taste, acideco = _acidity_. So, heroo = _a hero_, heroajo = _an exploit_ (something heroic), heroeco = _heroism_.

The student should guard against the tendency of some writers to over-use -ec-: e.g., to use feliceco, kurageco, boneco, rapideca, in cases where the sense does not call for a qualitative suffix, and simple felico, kurago, bono, rapida, would be more appropriate.

In other words, use eco only when you wish to accentuate the abstractness, the "_nessness_" of the idea.

Examples.--_La bono, kiun vi faras estas rimarkinda, car via boneco ciam instigadas vin fari bonajojn_ = The good that you are doing is remarkable, for your goodness is always prompting you to do kind acts. _Vitriolo estas acido, sed vinagro estas nur acidajo, kvankam ambau posedas acidecon_ = Vitriol is an acid, but vinegar is only a sour fluid, although both possess acidity. _La heroo de la heroajo montris grandan heroecon_ = The hero of the exploit showed great heroism. _La amiko montras sian amikecon per amikajoj_ = A friend shows his friends.h.i.+p by friendly acts.

272. Suffixes -AN-, -IST-, -ESTR-, -UL-. (Ex. 21).

These four suffixes relate to individuals. When combined with a root, one or other of them serves to show a person's country, religion, profession, occupation, character, etc. Each has its distinct meaning, and care must be taken not to confuse them. The feminine suffix _-IN-_ is added to denote females.

(_a_). Like the English _-an_, _-man_, _-AN-_ denotes a member of something, such as a club, society, etc.; an inhabitant of a place or country; a partisan; an adherent to a party, faction, religion, etc.

Examples.--_Klubo_ = a club, _klubano_ = a member of a club. _Senato_ = senate, _senatano_ = a senator. _Ameriko_ = America, _amerikano_ = an American. _Londono_ = London, _londonano_ = a Londoner. _Parizo_ = Paris, _parizano_ = a Parisian. _Urbo_ = a town or city, _urbano_ = a townsman or citizen. _Kamparo_ = country (rural), _kamparano_ = a countryman. _Vilago_ = a village, _vilagano_ = a villager. _Insulo_ = an island, _insulano_ = an islander. _Kristo_ = Christ, _Kristano_ = a Christian. _Partio_ = a party, _partiano_ = a partisan.

(_b_). The suffix _-AN-_ itself is used as a root. Ano = _a member_, anaro = _a band_ (a collection of members of something).

(_c_). _-IST-_, like the English affix _-ist_, denotes a person following a profession or trade, or some occupation by which he gains his livelihood, or who is habitually engaged in science, art, etc. In short, it denotes _habitual occupation_ (not necessarily for the sake of gain).

Examples.--_Jugi_ = to judge, _jugisto_ = a judge. _Kuraci_ = to treat the sick, _kuracisto_ = a doctor. _Drogo_ = a drug, _drogisto_ = a druggist. _Maro_ = sea, _maristo_ = a sailor (by occupation).

_Rabi_ = to rob, _rabisto_ = a robber. _Steli_ = to steal, _stelisto_ = a thief. _Pentri_ = to paint, _pentristo_ = a painter (art). _Kolorigi_ = to colour, paint, _kolorigisto_ = a painter (house). _Servi_ = to serve, _servisto_ or _servistino_ = servant (male or female). _Astrologio_ = astrology, _astrologiisto_ (or, _astrologo_) = an astrologer.

(_d_). _-IST-_ is used only when there is a root to which it may be added to form the name of someone engaged in a trade, occupation, etc., as shown in the above examples. Thus, from Kudri = _to sew_, suo = _a shoe_, boto = boot, we get kudristino = _a seamstress_ or _dressmaker_, suisto = _a shoemaker_, botisto = _a bootmaker_.

When there is no such root, Esperanto provides an independent root, as:--Tajloro = _a tailor_, lakeo = _a lackey_, or _valet_.

(_e_). When the person is engaged in a temporary occupation, or is not a professional, but an amateur, a participle is often used.

Examples.--_Juganto_ = a judge (of something), _jugisto_, a judge (by occupation or profession). _Amanto_ = a lover, _amisto_ = a lover, a sweetheart, a gallant. _Fotografanto_ = a photographer, one who is now photographing, _fotografisto_ = a professional photographer.

_Laboranto_ = a person working, _laboristo_ = a labourer, or man who works for a livelihood.

(_f_). _-ESTR-_ denotes a person who is a chief, leader, ruler,, or head of a State, party, body, etc. In the same way as the suffix _-AN-_ denotes a member of some profession, body, etc., so _-ESTR-_ would designate the head of it, as:--Urbo = _a city_, urbano = _citizen_, urbestro = _a mayor_, _a chief citizen_.

Examples.--_Imperio_ = an empire, _imperiestro_ = an emperor, _imperiestrino_ = an empress. _Regno_ = (the) State, _regnestro_ = a ruler, head of (the) State. _Sipo_ = a s.h.i.+p, _sipestro_ = a captain of a merchant vessel, a skipper. _Lernejo_ = a school, _lernejestro_ = a schoolmaster, head master (a teacher would be _instruisto_). From _polico_ = police, we get _policano_ = a policeman (a member of the police force), _policisto_ = an officer of police (one who has made the police his profession), _policestro_ = chief of police.

(_g_). Cefo = _chief_, _head_, is used as a prefix as an equivalent of the English _chief_, _main_, _head-_, _prime_.

Examples.--_Episkopo_ = a bishop, _cefepiskopo_ = archbishop.

_Angelo_ = an angel, _cefangelo_ = archangel.

Compare _-estro_ (the one in command over) with _cef-_ ( in honour, in comparison with the others). Cefsipo = s.h.i.+p_, sipestro = _s.h.i.+p's captain_.

(_h_). _-UL-_ denotes a person characterized by the idea contained in the root, the root being used in an adjectival sense to express that an individual is "rich," "poor," "just," "good," etc.

Examples.--_Rica_ = rich, _riculo_ = a rich man. _Malrica_ = poor, _malriculo_ = a poor man, a pauper. _Justa_ = just, _justulo_ = a just or righteous man. _Bona_ = good, _bonulo_ = a good man. _Bela_ = beautiful, _belulino_ = a beauty, a beautiful woman. _Paca_ = peaceful, _paculo_ = a man of peace. _Juna_ = young, _junulo_ = a youth, junulino = a young woman. _Avara_ = avaricious, _avarulo_ = a miser.

(_i_). Primary words can be used also as roots when applicable.

Examples.--_Tie_ = there, _tieulo_ = an aborigine (a man of there).

_Tiam_ = then, at that time, _tiamulo_ = a contemporary (a man of that time). _Kun_ = with, _kunulo_ = a companion (a person with you).

(_j_). Since words like legi = _to read_, viziti = _to visit_, etc., are not adjectival in character, we use with them (in describing a person) by preference not _-UL-_ but _-IST-_ or a participial termination.

Examples.--_Leganto_ = a reader (who is reading), _leginto_ = a reader (who has read), _legonto_ = a reader (who is about to read), _legisto_ = a reader (by habitual occupation). But _legemulo_ = a person who is fond of reading.

273. Suffixes -AR- and -ER-. (Ex. 22.)

Aro = _a collection_, and ero = _an item_; therefore aro da eroj might be termed "a collection of items."

(_a_). _-AR-_ denotes a reunion or a collection of the idea contained in the root; a whole formed from a union of the parts.

Examples.--_Vorto_ = a word, _vortaro_ = a collection of words, a dictionary. _h.o.m.o_ = a man, _homaro_ = mankind. _Arbo_ = a tree, _arbaro_ = a wood, _arbareto_ = a small wood, clump of trees.

_Arbeto_ = shrub, small tree, _arbetaro_ = shrubbery, a grove.

_Insulo_ = an island, _insularo_ = an archipelago. _Vagono_ = a (railway) carriage, _vagonaro_ = a train. _Sekvanto_ = a follower, _sekvantaro_ = suite, cortege, retinue. _Nomo_ = a name, _nomaro_ = list of names, a register. _Stupo_ = a step, _stuparo_ = a staircase, _stupetaro_ = a ladder, succession of small steps.

_Aristokrato_ = an aristocrat, _aristokrataro_ = (the) aristocracy.

_Aro_ = a collection, a flock, a herd. If we wish to specify the animals, we can add the suffix to the name, as:--_Bruto_ = cattle, _brutaro_ = a herd of cattle. _Safo_ = a sheep, _safaro_ = a flock of sheep. _Abelo_ = a bee, _abelaro_ = a swarm of bees.

(_b_). _-ER-_ denotes one of many objects of the same kind, a small fragment, one of many similar parts which together form the whole.

Examples.--_Sablo_ = sand, _sablero_ = a grain of sand. _Hajlo_ = hail, _hajlero_ = a hailstone. _Fajro_ = fire, _fajrero_ = a spark.

_Mono_ = money, _monero_ = a coin. _Polvo_ = dust, _polvero_ = an atom or speck of dust. _Pulvo_ = gunpowder, _pulvero_ = a grain of gunpowder. _Sukero_ = sugar, _sukerero_ = a grain of sugar.

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