Catherine The Great Part 12
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9. Poros.h.i.+n, 239, 29 July 1765; 251, 10 Aug.
10. G. V. Ibneeva, Puteshestviia Ekateriny II: Opyt 'osvoeniia' imperskogo prostranstva Puteshestviia Ekateriny II: Opyt 'osvoeniia' imperskogo prostranstva (Kazan', 2006), 80; Bessarabova, 58, 43; Kutepov, (Kazan', 2006), 80; Bessarabova, 58, 43; Kutepov, Tsarskaia okhota Tsarskaia okhota, 701.
11. A. V. Gorbunova, 'Triumfal'nye vorota Tverskoi gubernii vo II polovine XVIII v.', in Russkaia kul'tura XVIIXX vv. Russkaia kul'tura XVIIXX vv., 3 (Tver', 2005), 302.
12. [I. I. Stafengagen], Geograficheskoe opisanie reki Volgi ot Tveri do Dmitrevska dlia puteshestviia Eia Imperatorskago Velichestva po onoi reke Geograficheskoe opisanie reki Volgi ot Tveri do Dmitrevska dlia puteshestviia Eia Imperatorskago Velichestva po onoi reke (St Petersburg, n.d. [1767]), unpaginated, (St Petersburg, n.d. [1767]), unpaginated, SK SK, 6847. The Academy also prepared more detailed maps.
13. D. Ostrowski, 'The a.s.sembly of the Land (Zemskii sobor) as a representative inst.i.tution', in Modernizing Muscovy: Reform and social change in seventeenth-century Russia Modernizing Muscovy: Reform and social change in seventeenth-century Russia, eds. J. Kotilaine and M. Poe (London 2004), 11742, suggests that these a.s.semblies were adapted from the Tatar khanates' quriltai quriltai.
14. SIRIO SIRIO, x: 180, C. to Bielke, 28 Apr. 1767; Falconet, 14, C. to Falconet, 27 Mar.
15. Pis'ma Saltykovu Pis'ma Saltykovu, 47, 19 July 1766; 48, 6 Aug.
16. Falconet, 5, C. to Falconet, 18 Feb. 1767.
17. KfZh KfZh (1767), 4287. (1767), 4287.
18. Pis'ma Saltykovu Pis'ma Saltykovu, 56, 24 Apr. 1767.
19. KfZh KfZh (1767), 83. (1767), 83.
20. Slovo o dushe zakonov v publichnom sobranii Imperatorskago Moskovskago Universiteta Aprelia 23. dnia, 1767. G.o.da govorennoe Iogannom Matfiem Shadenom Slovo o dushe zakonov v publichnom sobranii Imperatorskago Moskovskago Universiteta Aprelia 23. dnia, 1767. G.o.da govorennoe Iogannom Matfiem Shadenom (M, 1767). (M, 1767).
21. KfZh KfZh (1767), 92; (1767), 92; SIRIO SIRIO, x: 183, C. to Panin, 30 Apr. 1767.
22. Ibid., 186, C. to Panin, 3 May 1767; Orlov, 'Dnevnik', 26; KfZh KfZh (1767), 98101. (1767), 98101.
23. KfZh KfZh (1767), 1036; (1767), 1036; SIRIO SIRIO, xlii: 353, C. to Paul, 5 May 1767.
24. Alexander, 105.
25. Quoted in V. M Zhivov, Razyskaniia v oblasti istorii i predistorii russkoi kul'tury Razyskaniia v oblasti istorii i predistorii russkoi kul'tury (M, 2002), 449. (M, 2002), 449.
26. Sochineniia Sochineniia, v: 129; Ibneeva, Puteshestviia Ekateriny Puteshestviia Ekateriny, 2209; F.-X. Coquin, 'Un inedit de Marmontel: epitre a Sa Majeste Catherine II', in La France et les francais a Saint-Petersbourg XVIIIXIX siecles La France et les francais a Saint-Petersbourg XVIIIXIX siecles (SPb, 2005), 1125. (SPb, 2005), 1125.
27. SIRIO SIRIO, x: 187, C. to Marmontel, 7 May 1767.
28. Pis'ma Saltykovu Pis'ma Saltykovu, 59, 8 May 1767.
29. KfZh KfZh (1767), 1235; Orlov, 'Dnevnik', 303; W. Daniel, 'Conflict between Economic Vision and Economic Reality: The Case of M. M. Shcherbatov', (1767), 1235; Orlov, 'Dnevnik', 303; W. Daniel, 'Conflict between Economic Vision and Economic Reality: The Case of M. M. Shcherbatov', SEER SEER, 67 (1989), 604.
30. KfZh KfZh (1767), 12930. (1767), 12930.
31. SIRIO SIRIO, x: 190, C. to Panin, 13 May 1767. The 51 n.o.bles presented on 10 May are listed at KfZh KfZh (1767), 3946. (1767), 3946.
32. I. Syrtsov, Arkhipastyri kostromskoi eparkhii za 150 let eia sushchestvovaniia (17451898 gg.) Arkhipastyri kostromskoi eparkhii za 150 let eia sushchestvovaniia (17451898 gg.) (Kostroma, 1898), 1619, 212; (Kostroma, 1898), 1619, 212; KfZh KfZh (1767), 137, 147; Orlov, 'Dnevnik', 35. (1767), 137, 147; Orlov, 'Dnevnik', 35.
33. KfZh KfZh (1767), 13747; Orlov, 'Dnevnik', 35. (1767), 13747; Orlov, 'Dnevnik', 35.
34. G. V. Lukomskii, Kostroma: Istoricheskii ocherk Kostroma: Istoricheskii ocherk (SPb, 1913), 1712. (SPb, 1913), 1712. KfZh KfZh (1767), 139, says that a new tsar's place was built. (1767), 139, says that a new tsar's place was built.
35. L. I. Zoziula and E. G. Shcheboleva, 'Ekaterina v usad'be Kniazei Kozlovskikh', in Mir russkoi usad'by Mir russkoi usad'by, ed. L. V. Ivanova (M, 1995), 1412; KfZh KfZh (1767), 14851, Orlov, 'Dnevnik', 37; (1767), 14851, Orlov, 'Dnevnik', 37; SIRIO SIRIO, xlii: 354, C. to Paul, 18 May 1767.
36. Alexander, 108.
37. See AKV AKV, x.x.xiv: 325, for the case of the Pyskorskii monastery in the 1750s.
38. Orlov, 'Dnevnik', 38.
39. SIRIO SIRIO, x: 199200, C. to Dimtrii, 22 May 1767; KfZh KfZh (1767), 1556; [Arkhimandrit Feodosii] (1767), 1556; [Arkhimandrit Feodosii], Istoricheskoe opisanie Feodorovskago monastyria (Nizhnii Novgorod, 1890), 201, 334. (Nizhnii Novgorod, 1890), 201, 334.
40. SIRIO SIRIO, x: 199200, C. to Dimtrii, 22 May 1767.
41. D. Mackenzie Wallace, Russia Russia (London, 1912 edn.), 304. Ibneeva, (London, 1912 edn.), 304. Ibneeva, Puteshestvie Ekateriny Puteshestvie Ekateriny, 87110, has significant new material on the schism.
42. SIRIO SIRIO, x: 201, C. to Panin, 22 May 1767. cf. Chappe d'Auteroche, Voyage en Siberie Voyage en Siberie, ed. Mervaud, ii: 275: 'La ville est aussi desagreable par la facon dont elle est batie, qu'agreable par sa situation.'
43. Orlov, 'Dnevnik', 3940.
44. KfZh KfZh (1767), 15868. (1767), 15868.
45. SIRIO SIRIO, x: 1923; Cross, 749 (77).
46. V. N. Pinunirov, N. M. Raskin, Ivan Petrovich Kulibin 17351818 Ivan Petrovich Kulibin 17351818 (Leningrad, 1986), 3045. (Leningrad, 1986), 3045.
47. KfZh KfZh (1767), 145. (1767), 145.
48. P. W. Werth, 'Armed Defiance and Biblical Appropriation: a.s.similation and the Transformation of Mordvin Resistance, 17401814', Nationalities Papers Nationalities Papers, 27 (1999), 24955; idem idem, At the Margins of Orthodoxy: Mission, Governance and Confessional Politics in Russia's Volga-Kama Region, 18271905 At the Margins of Orthodoxy: Mission, Governance and Confessional Politics in Russia's Volga-Kama Region, 18271905 (Ithaca, NY, 2002), 2235. (Ithaca, NY, 2002), 2235.
49. KfZh KfZh (1767), 1702; (1767), 1702; SIRIO SIRIO, x: 202, 207, C. to Panin, 25 May and 3 June 1767.
50. RA RA (1870), nos. 45, 75863, C. to I. I. Melissino, 24 May and 4 June 1767. (1870), nos. 45, 75863, C. to I. I. Melissino, 24 May and 4 June 1767.
51. Pis'ma Ekateriny II k Adamu Vasil'evichu Olsuf'evu, 17621783 Pis'ma Ekateriny II k Adamu Vasil'evichu Olsuf'evu, 17621783 (M, 1863), 81, 30 May 1767. (M, 1863), 81, 30 May 1767.
52. R. P. Bartlett, 'Julius von Canitz and the Kazan' Gimn.a.z.ii Gimn.a.z.ii in the Eighteenth Century', in the Eighteenth Century', Ca.s.s Ca.s.s, 14 (1980), 3434, 3589; Orlov, 'Dnevnik', 44.
53. N. D. Chechulin, Russkoe provintsial'noe obshchestvo Russkoe provintsial'noe obshchestvo (SPb, 1889), 2734, 602, remains the only general study. (SPb, 1889), 2734, 602, remains the only general study.
54. Orlov, 'Dnevnik', 43.
55. KfZh KfZh (1767), 185, 191, 193. (1767), 185, 191, 193.
56. Best. D14219, C. to Voltaire, 29 May 1767.
57. Geograficheskoe opisanie Geograficheskoe opisanie, n.p.
58. Quoted in Bartlett, Human Capital Human Capital, 94.
59. KfZh KfZh (1767), 231. (1767), 231.
60. Ibid., 2312.
61. Maikov, Izbrannye proizvedeniia Izbrannye proizvedeniia, 2925; SIRIO SIRIO, x: 22134.
62. Pis'ma Saltykovu, Pis'ma Saltykovu, 47, 1 July 1766; 49, 10 Aug., 1 Sept.; (54), 29 Dec.; 5960, 30 May 1767; 47, 1 July 1766; 49, 10 Aug., 1 Sept.; (54), 29 Dec.; 5960, 30 May 1767; KfZh KfZh (1767), 259. (1767), 259.
63. KfZh KfZh (1767), 2334, 262. (1767), 2334, 262.
64. Ibid., 2345, 266; E. N. Savinova, 'Dvortsovaia votchina Pakhrino XVIIseredina XIX v.', Russkaia usad'ba Russkaia usad'ba, 7 (2001), 296, 301.
65. V. O. Vitt, Iz istorii russkogo konnozavodtsva: Sozdanie novykh porod loshadei na rubezhe XVIIIXIX stoletii Iz istorii russkogo konnozavodtsva: Sozdanie novykh porod loshadei na rubezhe XVIIIXIX stoletii (M, 1952), 16. (M, 1952), 16.
66. Kutepov, Tsarskaia okhota Tsarskaia okhota, 71, 945.
67. KfZh KfZh (1767), 24755, esp. 253. (1767), 24755, esp. 253.
68. Ibid., 2736; Alexander, 1123; Omel'chenko, 1145.
69. Falconet, 25, C. to Falconet, 12 Oct. 1767.
70. W. G. Jones, 'The Spirit of the Nakaz Nakaz: Catherine II's Literary Debt to Montesquieu', SEER SEER, 76 (1998), 662.
71. P. Dukes, Catherine the Great and the Russian n.o.bility Catherine the Great and the Russian n.o.bility (Cambridge, 1967), 80. (Cambridge, 1967), 80.
72. Dixon, 'Posthumous Reputation', 673; Diderot, 'Observations sur le Nakaz Nakaz', in Oeuvres Oeuvres, ed. L. Versini (Paris, 1995), iii: 537, para. 57.
73. Madariaga, Politics and Culture Politics and Culture, 231, 23561; Ransel, Politics Politics, 17884.
74. Madariaga, 156, 1589, 554.
75. This point was echoed in Maikov's 'Ode on the occasion of the election of deputies to compose a new Code of Laws in 1767', Izbrannye sochineniia Izbrannye sochineniia, 201, stanza 12.
76. Doc.u.ments of Catherine the Great Doc.u.ments of Catherine the Great, ed. Reddaway, arts. 156, 123, 222, 240, 245, 265.
77. SIRIO SIRIO, xii: 3045, s.h.i.+rley to Conway, 13/24 Aug. 1767.
78. Ibid., 307.
79. Madariaga, 1612, 166.
80. Omel'chenko, 134.
81. Madariaga, 165. Phil Withington generously discussed this point with me.
82. Best. D14611, C. to Voltaire, c c. 22 Dec. 1767.
83. SIRIO SIRIO, x: 216; Madariaga, Politics and Culture Politics and Culture, 13743; D. Beales, 'Joseph II, pet.i.tions and the public sphere', in Cultures of Power in Europe during the Long Eighteenth Century Cultures of Power in Europe during the Long Eighteenth Century, eds. H. Scott and B. Simms (Cambridge, 2007), 257.
84. O. A. Ivanov, Graf Aleksei Grigor'evich Orlov-Chesmenskii v Moskve Graf Aleksei Grigor'evich Orlov-Chesmenskii v Moskve (M, 2002), 3340; (M, 2002), 3340; SIRIO SIRIO, xii: 302, s.h.i.+rley to Conway, 28 May 1767; KfZh KfZh (1767), 3756. (1767), 3756.
85. KfZh KfZh (1767), 3678. (1767), 3678.
86. Falconet, 25, C. to Falconet, 12 Oct. 1767.
87. Omel'chenko, 11824.
88. KfZh KfZh (1768), 202, 32; (1768), 202, 32; SIRIO SIRIO, x: 277, 279, C. to Panin, 24, 27, 28 Jan. 1768.
89. C. Burney, A General History of Music from the Earliest Ages to the Present Period A General History of Music from the Earliest Ages to the Present Period, 4 vols. (London, 1789), iv: 540.
90. KfZh KfZh (1768), 748; Shtelin, (1768), 748; Shtelin, Muzyka Muzyka, 579, 234. MP MP, i: 2312, has the date wrong.
91. KfZh KfZh (1768), 801. Betskoy was also promoted: see N. N. Bantysh-Kamenskii, (1768), 801. Betskoy was also promoted: see N. N. Bantysh-Kamenskii, Spiski kavalerov Rossiiskikh Imperatorskikh ordenov Spiski kavalerov Rossiiskikh Imperatorskikh ordenov (M, 2006 edn.), 90. (M, 2006 edn.), 90.
92. SIRIO SIRIO, x.x.xvi: 139, Solms to Frederick, 22 Feb. 1768.
93. SIRIO SIRIO, x: 2823, C. to Saltykov, 6 Mar. 1768.
94. KfZh KfZh (1768), 36, 54, 70. (1768), 36, 54, 70.
95. See, for example, Poros.h.i.+n, 313, 19 Oct. 1765.
96. SIRIO SIRIO, x: C. to Elagin, 5 May 1768.
97. KfZh KfZh (1768), 834, 878, 96, 99104; (1768), 834, 878, 96, 99104; Pis'ma Saltykovu Pis'ma Saltykovu, 69, 31 May 1768.
98. SIRIO SIRIO, x: 295, C. to Panin, 8 June 1768.
99. PSZ PSZ, xviii: 13,066, 19 Jan. 1768.
100. Falconet, 59, C. to Falconet, 14 July 1768.
101. Religioznyi Peterburg Religioznyi Peterburg, ed. Klimov, 12831; Iu. I. Kitner, 'Kistorii stroitel'stva tserkvi Isaakiia Dalmatskogo v Peterburge', PKNO PKNO, 1993 (M, 1994), 44953; A. Buccaro, et al, Antonio Rinaldi: architetto vanvitelliano a San Pietroburgo Antonio Rinaldi: architetto vanvitelliano a San Pietroburgo (Milan, 2003), 746, 1225. (Milan, 2003), 746, 1225.
102. KfZh KfZh (1768), 1328; (1769), 9, 7 Jan.; Falconet, 634, C. to Falconet, 17 July 1768; A. E. Ukhnalev, (1768), 1328; (1769), 9, 7 Jan.; Falconet, 634, C. to Falconet, 17 July 1768; A. E. Ukhnalev, Mramornyi dvorets v Sankt-Peterburge: Vek vosemnadtsatyi Mramornyi dvorets v Sankt-Peterburge: Vek vosemnadtsatyi (SPb, 2002). (SPb, 2002).
103. Richardson, 1617.
104. KfZh KfZh (1768), 154, 15667. (1768), 154, 15667.
105. Richardson, 19. [Platon], Pouchitel'nye slova pri Vysochaishem Dvore Eia Imperatorskago Velichestva...s 1763 G.o.da po 1780 G.o.d Pouchitel'nye slova pri Vysochaishem Dvore Eia Imperatorskago Velichestva...s 1763 G.o.da po 1780 G.o.d (M, 1780), ii: 1834, 189. (M, 1780), ii: 1834, 189.
106. A. Cross, '8 August 1768: The Laying of the Foundation Stone of Rinaldi's St Isaac's Cathedral', in Days from the Reigns Days from the Reigns, ed. Cross, ii: 178, 184.
107. Quoted in A. M. Schenker, The Bronze Horseman: Falconet's Monument to Peter the Great The Bronze Horseman: Falconet's Monument to Peter the Great (New Haven, CT, 2003), 102. (New Haven, CT, 2003), 102.
108. Falconet, 48, Falconet to C., 13 June 1768.
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