Catherine The Great Part 13
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109. Ibid., 52, C. to Falconet, 14 June 1768.
110. Ibid., 567, C. to Falconet, 1 July 1768.
111. Schenker, Bronze Horseman Bronze Horseman, 1145.
112. SIRIO SIRIO, xii: 360, Cathcart to Weymouth, 19 Aug. 1767.
113. Madariaga, 16778.
114. Sochineniia Sochineniia, xii: 617.
115. Best. D14611, C. to Voltaire, c c. 22 Dec. 1767.
116. Sochineniia Sochineniia, xii: 170.
117. Madariaga, 17083; Ransel, Politics Politics, 18690; W. R. Augustine, 'Notes toward a Portrait of the Eighteenth-Century n.o.bility', Canadian Slavic Studies Canadian Slavic Studies, 4 (1970).
118. L. Hughes, 'Seeing the Sights in Eighteenth-Century Russia: the Moscow Kremlin', in Eighteenth-Century Russia: Society, Culture, Economy Eighteenth-Century Russia: Society, Culture, Economy, eds. R. Bartlett and G. Lehmann-Carli (Munster, 2007), 326.
119. Richardson, 76; Madariaga, 168, 2034.
Chapter 8.
1. SIRIO SIRIO, xii: 28990, Macartney to Conway, 28 Nov. 1766.
2. The standard account is H. M. Scott, The Emergence of the Eastern Powers, 17561775 The Emergence of the Eastern Powers, 17561775 (Cambridge, 2001), here 434. (Cambridge, 2001), here 434.
3. SIRIO SIRIO, xii: 232, Macartney to Grafton, 5 Nov. 1765.
4. AKV AKV, xiii: 19, A. A. Bezborodko to R. L. Vorontsov, Smolensk, 3 July 1780.
5. AKV AKV, xxi: 112.
6. Madariaga, 1889.
7. The most detailed treatment of these developments is now B. V. Nosov, Ustanovlenie rossiiskogo gospodstva v Rechi Pospolitoi, 17561768 gg. Ustanovlenie rossiiskogo gospodstva v Rechi Pospolitoi, 17561768 gg. (M, 2004), here 98102, 119, which underscores the scale of Chernyshev's ambitions later in the decade. (M, 2004), here 98102, 119, which underscores the scale of Chernyshev's ambitions later in the decade.
8. Translated in A. Lentin, Enlightened Absolutism (17601790): A Doc.u.mentary Sourcebook Enlightened Absolutism (17601790): A Doc.u.mentary Sourcebook (Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1985), 220. (Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1985), 220.
9. Scott, Emergence Emergence, 1045.
10. SIRIO SIRIO, vii: 321.
11. H. M. Scott, 'France and the Polish Throne, 17631764', SEER SEER, 53 (1975), 37088.
12. SIRIO SIRIO, vii: 3734.
13. Scott, Emergence Emergence, 657; Madariaga, 192.
14. T. Schieder, Frederick the Great Frederick the Great, ed. and trans. S. Berkeley and H. M. Scott (London, 2000), 151.
15. H. M. Scott, 'Frederick II, the Ottoman Empire and the origins of the Russo-Prussian alliance of April 1764', European Studies Review European Studies Review 7 (1977), 15375. 7 (1977), 15375.
16. Quoted in Scott, Emergence Emergence, 121. The s.h.i.+p carrying Chernyshev's uninsured possessions on his return in the following year sank off Kronstadt with an estimated loss of 200,000 roubles. Only his English horses were saved: SIRIO SIRIO, clxiii: 71, Sabatier to Choiseul, 15 Dec. 1769.
17. SIRIO SIRIO, xii: 244, Macartney to Grafton, 11 Feb. 1766; Madariaga, 1934.
18. Madariaga, 206.
19. SIRIO SIRIO, xiii: 408, C. to Grimm, 19 June 1774; Alexander, 1435.
20. SIRIO SIRIO, xx: 246, C. to Frederick II, 5 Dec. 1768.
21. R. P. Bartlett, 'Russia in the Eighteenth-Century European Adoption of Inoculation for Smallpox', in Russia and the World of the Eighteenth Century Russia and the World of the Eighteenth Century, eds. R. P. Bartlett, A. G. Cross and K. Rasmussen (Columbus, OH, 1988), 193213; D. Beales, 'Social Forces and Enlightened Policies', in Enlightened Absolutism Enlightened Absolutism, ed. H. M. Scott (London, 1990), 4950.
22. Cross, 13741.
23. SIRIO, SIRIO, xii: 363, Cathcart to Weymouth, 29 Aug. 1768. xii: 363, Cathcart to Weymouth, 29 Aug. 1768.
24. John Thomson, quoted in Cross, 138.
25. KfZh KfZh (1768), 20612. (1768), 20612.
26. SIRIO SIRIO, xii: 391, Cathcart to Weymouth, 21 Oct. 1768. C. herself subsequently referred to a 'period when I was forbidden to conduct business': Pis'ma Saltykovu Pis'ma Saltykovu, 73, 9 Nov.
27. R. Dimsdale, '20 October 1768: Doctor Dimsdale Spends a Day with the Empress', in Days from the Reigns Days from the Reigns, ed. Cross, ii: 1869, reproduces his ancestor's invaluable notes.
28. Pis'ma Saltykovu Pis'ma Saltykovu, 73, 27 Oct. 1768.
29. Falconet, 689, C. to Falconet, 30 Oct. 1768.
30. KfZh KfZh (1768), 2125. (1768), 2125.
31. 'Pis'ma imperatritsy Ekateriny II k grafu Ivanu Grigor'evichu Chernyshevu (17641773)', RA RA, 9 (1871), 1319, 17 Nov. 1768.
32. Richardson, 334.
33. KfZh KfZh (1768), 233. (1768), 233.
34. SIRIO SIRIO, xiii: 126, C. to Dimsdale, June 1771.
35. SIRIO SIRIO, xii: 4056, Cathcart to Rochford, 25 Nov. 1768.
36. Shtelin, Muzyka Muzyka, 28491; not mentioned in KfZh KfZh.
37. Bartlett, 'Smallpox', 203.
38. Beales, Joseph II Joseph II, 158.
39. Best. D15396, Dec. 1768.
40. Ermitazh Ermitazh, ed. Piotrovskii, 31623. Korshunova, Iurii Fel'ten Iurii Fel'ten, 2931, says the model was sent to Moscow, but C. had returned to St Petersburg in Jan. 1768. The first mention of the Hermitage in the Court journals is KfZh KfZh (1769), 23, 1 Feb. (1769), 23, 1 Feb.
41. E. Maxtone Graham, The Beautiful Mrs Graham and the Cathcart Circle The Beautiful Mrs Graham and the Cathcart Circle (London, 1927), quoting Lady Cathcart to Mrs Walkinshaw of Barrowfield, 8 Feb. 1768. For the Sheremetevs' table at Kuskovo, see Parkinson, 213. (London, 1927), quoting Lady Cathcart to Mrs Walkinshaw of Barrowfield, 8 Feb. 1768. For the Sheremetevs' table at Kuskovo, see Parkinson, 213.
42. SIRIO SIRIO, x: 332, C. to Bielke, 4 Mar. 1769; see also Pis'ma Saltykovu Pis'ma Saltykovu, 78, 5 Mar.
43. SIRIO SIRIO, xii: 428, Cathcart to Rochford, 17 Mar. 1769.
44. Gray, Russian Genre Painting Russian Genre Painting, 1416.
45. Grimm, 367, 12 Nov. 1785.
46. G. Apgar, L'Art singulier de Jean Huber: Voir Voltaire L'Art singulier de Jean Huber: Voir Voltaire (Paris, 1995), 16, 968, 1067 (98), a reference to (Paris, 1995), 16, 968, 1067 (98), a reference to Le Patriarche en colere faisant une correction a coups de pied a un cheval qui rue Le Patriarche en colere faisant une correction a coups de pied a un cheval qui rue. The Hermitage now holds eight paintings from the series; there may have been four more.
47. C. Frank, 'Secret deals and public art: Catherine II's cultural patronage in Bachaumont's Memoires secret Memoires secrets (17621786)', in Vek prosvescheniia I: Prostranstvo evropeiskoi kul'tury v epokhu Ekateriny II Vek prosvescheniia I: Prostranstvo evropeiskoi kul'tury v epokhu Ekateriny II, ed. S. Ia. Karp (M, 2006), 559, (60).
48. G. Dulac, 'La question des beaux-arts dans les relations de Diderot avec la Russie: Les reflexions d'un philosophe (17651780)', in Vek prosvescheniia Vek prosvescheniia, I I: 10.
49. Letter of 1777, quoted in R. Davison, Diderot et Galiani: etude d'une amitie philosophique Diderot et Galiani: etude d'une amitie philosophique, SVEC SVEC: 237 (1985), 989.
50. B. V. Anan'ich, et al, Kredit i banki v Rossii do nachala XX veka: Sankt-Peterburg i Moskva Kredit i banki v Rossii do nachala XX veka: Sankt-Peterburg i Moskva (SPb, 2005), 7280 (73, 75); (SPb, 2005), 7280 (73, 75); PSZ PSZ, xv: 11,550, 25 May 1762; SIRIO SIRIO, clxiii: 1834, Sabatier to Choiseul, 7 Sept. 1770.
51. SIRIO SIRIO, x.x.xvii: 214, Solms to Frederick, 3 Feb. 1769.
52. SIRIO SIRIO, x: 334, C. to Elagin, 1 Apr. 1769.
53. F. Venturi, The End of the Old Regime in Europe, 17681776 The End of the Old Regime in Europe, 17681776, trans. R. B. Litchfield (Princeton, NJ, 1989), 79.
54. 'Pis'ma Chernyshevu', 1325, 14 Dec. 1768.
55. Venturi, End of the Old Regime End of the Old Regime, 1012, 15 (7).
56. Ibid., 27.
57. KfZh KfZh (1769), 44; T. Kudriavtseva and H. Whitbeck, (1769), 44; T. Kudriavtseva and H. Whitbeck, Russian Imperial Porcelain Easter Eggs Russian Imperial Porcelain Easter Eggs (London, 2001), 13. (London, 2001), 13.
58. Madariaga, 206.
59. KfZh KfZh (1769), 69, 705; (1769), 69, 705; Pis'ma Saltykovu Pis'ma Saltykovu, 79, 1 May 1769.
60. SIRIO SIRIO, x: 337, C. to Panin, 10 May 1769.
61. KfZh KfZh (1769), 869, 969. (1769), 869, 969.
62. KfZh KfZh (1769), 1046, 1246. (1769), 1046, 1246.
63. SIRIO SIRIO, cxliii: 36, Sabatier to Choiseul, 3 Oct. 1769.
64. Richardson, 1034.
65. Quoted in W. G. Jones, Nikolay Novikov: Enlightener of Russia Nikolay Novikov: Enlightener of Russia (Cambridge, 1984), 22. (Cambridge, 1984), 22.
66. Catherine's babushka babushka persona quoted in K. J. McKenna, 'Empress behind the mask: the personae of Md. Vsiakaia Vsiachina in Catherine the Great's periodical essays on manners and morals', persona quoted in K. J. McKenna, 'Empress behind the mask: the personae of Md. Vsiakaia Vsiachina in Catherine the Great's periodical essays on manners and morals', Neophilologus Neophilologus, 74 (1990), 3.
67. Satiricheskie zhurnaly N.I. Novikova Satiricheskie zhurnaly N.I. Novikova, ed. P. N. Berkov (Moscow-Leningrad, 1951), 92, Truten' Truten', 21 July 1769.
68. Sochineniia Sochineniia, xii: 636.
69. Bentham, ii: 126, J. Bentham to S. Bentham, 18 June 1778; RBS RBS, 'Knappe-Kiukhel'bekher' (SPb, 1903), 3940.
70. Madariaga, Short History Short History, 95.
71. Best. D17127, C. to Voltaire, 26 Mar. 1771; Jones, Nikolay Novikov Nikolay Novikov, 65.
72. Platon, Pouchitel'nye slova Pouchitel'nye slova, ii: 31011.
73. PSZ PSZ, xix: 13,603, 6 May 1771.
74. Jones, Nikolay Novikov Nikolay Novikov, 20 (curlers), 613; P. N. Berkov, Istoriia russkoi komedii XVIII v. Istoriia russkoi komedii XVIII v. (Leningrad, 1977), 144. (Leningrad, 1977), 144.
75. SIRIO SIRIO, xii: 427, Cathcart to Rochford, 17 Mar. 1769.
76. Herder on Social and Political Culture Herder on Social and Political Culture, ed. F. M. Barnard (Cambridge 1969), 87, 'Journal of my Voyage in 1769'.
77. Best. D16286, C. to Voltaire, 31 Mar. 1770.
78. Letter to Voltaire, quoted in L. Wolff, Inventing Eastern Europe: The Map of Civilization on the Mind of the Enlightenment Inventing Eastern Europe: The Map of Civilization on the Mind of the Enlightenment (Stanford, CA, 1994), 223; Madariaga, 337. (Stanford, CA, 1994), 223; Madariaga, 337.
79. The Antidote; or an enquiry into the merits of a book, ent.i.tled A Journey into Siberia The Antidote; or an enquiry into the merits of a book, ent.i.tled A Journey into Siberia (London, 1772), 22, 76, 25. (London, 1772), 22, 76, 25.
80. KfZh KfZh (1769), 1424. (1769), 1424.
81. Madariaga, 210; Best. D16057, C. to Voltaire, 13 Dec. 1769; D16071, Voltaire to C., 2 Jan. 1770 NS.
82. M. S. Anderson, 'Great Britain and the Russo-Turkish War of 17681774', English Historical Review English Historical Review, 69 (1954), 44.
83. Cross, 1858; E. V. Tarle, Chesmenskii boi i pervaia russkaia ekspeditsiia v arkhipelag Chesmenskii boi i pervaia russkaia ekspeditsiia v arkhipelag (Moscow-Leningrad, 1945), 4553; Venturi, (Moscow-Leningrad, 1945), 4553; Venturi, End of the Old Regime End of the Old Regime, 74. The latest scholarly study is G. A. Grebenshchikova, Baltiiskii flot v period pravleniia Ekateriny II: dok.u.menty, fakty, issledovaniia Baltiiskii flot v period pravleniia Ekateriny II: dok.u.menty, fakty, issledovaniia (SPb, 2007). (SPb, 2007).
84. Best. D16670, C. to Voltaire, 16 Sept. 1770. Turkish losses were probably closer to 10,000.
85. SIRIO SIRIO, i: 62, C. to A. G. Orlov, 3 Oct. 1770.
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