Catherine The Great Part 8

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1. Sochineniia Sochineniia, XII: 236.

2. Bil'basov, i: 21922, 2278.

3. P. F. Karabanov, 'Stats-damy i freiliny russkago dvora XVIII v.', RS RS, 2 (1870), 4456.

4. Sochineniia Sochineniia, xii: 845, 89, 91.

5. Sochineniia Sochineniia, xii: 245.

6. Sochineniia Sochineniia, xii: 2456.

7. Sochineniia Sochineniia, xii: 2434.

8. Sochineniia Sochineniia, xii: 27.

9. Sochineniia Sochineniia, xii: 215, 601.

10. Sochineniia Sochineniia, xii: 329.

11. Khoteev, Kniga v Rossii v seredine XVIII v., Kniga v Rossii v seredine XVIII v., 79. 79.

12. Sochineniia Sochineniia, xii: 532.

13. J. Hardman, Louis XVI Louis XVI (New Haven, CT, 1993), vii. (New Haven, CT, 1993), vii.

14. PSZ PSZ, xii: 9276, 10 Apr. 1746; N. Rozanov, Istoriia Moskovskago Eparkhial'nago Upravleniia so vremeni uchrezhdenii Sv. Sinoda Istoriia Moskovskago Eparkhial'nago Upravleniia so vremeni uchrezhdenii Sv. Sinoda, 17211821 17211821 (M, 1869), ii: 1, 153, 159, n. 370. (M, 1869), ii: 1, 153, 159, n. 370.

15. PSZ PSZ, xii: 9286, 15 May 1746; xiii: 9860, 11 June 1751.

16. J. McManners, Death and the Enlightenment Death and the Enlightenment (Oxford, 1981), 302. (Oxford, 1981), 302.

17. Sochineniia Sochineniia, xii: 2325.

18. P. Salvadori, La sous l'ancien regime La sous l'ancien regime (Paris, 1996), 207; Kutepov, (Paris, 1996), 207; Kutepov, Tsarskaia okhota Tsarskaia okhota, 30.

19. Kutepov, Tsarskaia okhota Tsarskaia okhota, 64; KfZh KfZh (1751), 925; (1751), 925; PSZ PSZ, xiii: 9903, 3 Nov. 1751.

20. Sochineniia Sochineniia, xii: 117.

21. Wortman, Scenarios Scenarios, 107.

22. AKV AKV, x.x.xiv: appendix, n.p, undated. A flask (shtof) measured 1.23 litres.

23. Mrs Vigor, Letters from a lady, who resided some years in Russia, to her friend in England Letters from a lady, who resided some years in Russia, to her friend in England (London, 1775), 73. See also Bespiatykh, (London, 1775), 73. See also Bespiatykh, Peterburg Anny Ioannovny Peterburg Anny Ioannovny, 145 (C. R. Berch).

24. C. von Manstein, Memoirs of Russia, historical, political and military, from the year M DCC XXVII, to M DCC XLIV Memoirs of Russia, historical, political and military, from the year M DCC XXVII, to M DCC XLIV (London, 1770), 248. (London, 1770), 248.

25. S. Panchulidzev, Istoriia Kavalergardov 172417991899 Istoriia Kavalergardov 172417991899, 4 vols. (SPb, 1899), i: 25468, at p. 260.

26. Decree of 5 May 1758, quoted in N. Findeizen, History of Music in Russia from Antiquity to 1800, 2: The Eighteenth Century History of Music in Russia from Antiquity to 1800, 2: The Eighteenth Century, trans. S. W. Pring, eds. M. Velimirovii and C. R. Jensen (Bloomington, IN, 2008), 30.

27. SIRIO SIRIO, ciii: 552, Hyndford to Chesterfield, 23 Feb. 1748.

28. Anisimov, Elizaveta Petrovna Elizaveta Petrovna, 1323, notes a tradition dating back to the empress's contemporaries.

29. C. Koslofsky, 'Princes of Darkness: The Night at Court, 16501750', Journal of Modern History Journal of Modern History, 79, 2 (2007), 236, 244, 251ff., 258ff.

30. See Zitser, Transfigured Kingdom Transfigured Kingdom, pa.s.sim.

31. Hughes, Russia in the Age of Peter the Great Russia in the Age of Peter the Great, 2679; P. Keenan, 'The Function of Fas.h.i.+on: Women and Clothing at the Russian Court (17001762)', in Women in Russian Culture and Society, 17001825 Women in Russian Culture and Society, 17001825, eds. W. Rosslyn and A. Tosi (Basingstoke, 2007), 1279.

32. Manstein, Memoirs Memoirs, 319.

33. Manstein, Memoirs Memoirs, 2489.

34. Vigor, Letters Letters, 75.

35. Keenan, 'The Function of Fas.h.i.+on', 1323.

36. Bil'basov, i: 166, n. 2.

37. C. M. Foust, Muscovite and Mandarin: Russia's trade with China and its setting, 17271805 Muscovite and Mandarin: Russia's trade with China and its setting, 17271805 (Chapel Hill, NC, 1969), 10563 (esp. 13941), 357; 'Kitaiskie tovary v Rossii XVIII v.', (Chapel Hill, NC, 1969), 10563 (esp. 13941), 357; 'Kitaiskie tovary v Rossii XVIII v.', Istoricheskii arkhiv Istoricheskii arkhiv, 2006:4, 197200.

38. SIRIO SIRIO, cxlviii: 104, Guy d.i.c.kens to Newcastle, 17/28 July 1750.

39. P. Mansel, Dressed to Rule: Royal and Court Costume from Louis XIV to Elizabeth II Dressed to Rule: Royal and Court Costume from Louis XIV to Elizabeth II (New Haven, CT, 2005), xiiixiv and (New Haven, CT, 2005), xiiixiv and pa.s.sim pa.s.sim.

40. Sbornik Biografii Kavalergardov 17241762 Sbornik Biografii Kavalergardov 17241762, ed. S. Panchulidzev (SPb, 1901), 342 (I. I. Babaev); Benois, Tsarskoe Selo Tsarskoe Selo, 31.

41. Manstein, Memoirs Memoirs, 248.

42. Sochineniia Sochineniia, xii: 211; Russkii pridvornyi kostium ot Petra I do Nikolaia II iz sobraniia Gosudarstvennogo Ermitazha Sankt-Peterburg Russkii pridvornyi kostium ot Petra I do Nikolaia II iz sobraniia Gosudarstvennogo Ermitazha Sankt-Peterburg (M, 1999), 2831. (M, 1999), 2831.

43. N. Iu. Bolotina, 'Zhenshchiny roda Vorontsovykh v povsednevnoi zhizni imperatorskogo dvora XVIII v.', in E.R. Dashkova i zolotoi vek Ekateriny E.R. Dashkova i zolotoi vek Ekateriny, ed. L. Tychinina (M, 2006), 142, 1503.

44. Sochineniia Sochineniia, xii: 301, 2112, 2524.

45. For comparisons, see Duindam, Vienna and Versailles Vienna and Versailles, ch. 3.

46. KfZh KfZh (1748), suppl., 12032, 149 (these figures are almost certainly underestimates); K. Pisarenko, (1748), suppl., 12032, 149 (these figures are almost certainly underestimates); K. Pisarenko, Povsednevnaia zhizn' russkogo dvora v tsarstvovanie Elizavety Petrovny Povsednevnaia zhizn' russkogo dvora v tsarstvovanie Elizavety Petrovny (M, 2003), 4764, esp. 49, 5960. On t.i.tles, see O. G. Ageeva, (M, 2003), 4764, esp. 49, 5960. On t.i.tles, see O. G. Ageeva, Evropeizatsiia russkogo dvora 17001796 gg. Evropeizatsiia russkogo dvora 17001796 gg. (M, 2006), 8196. (M, 2006), 8196.

47. C. de Wa.s.senaer, A Visit to St Petersburg, 18241825 A Visit to St Petersburg, 18241825, trans. and ed. I. Vinogradoff (Norwich, 1994), 58.

48. KfZh KfZh (1748), suppl., 1409. (1748), suppl., 1409.

49. S. M. Troitskii, Finansovaia politika russkogo absoliutizma v XVIII veke Finansovaia politika russkogo absoliutizma v XVIII veke (M, 1966), 246; (M, 1966), 246; PSZ PSZ, XIII: 9757, 2 June 1750.

50. KfZh KfZh (1748), suppl., 1068. (1748), suppl., 1068.

51. Blanning, Power of Culture Power of Culture, 59, 32.

52. Benois, Tsarskoe Selo Tsarskoe Selo, 656, 68.

53. Puteshestvie brat'ev Demidovykh po Evrope: Pis'ma i podnevnye Zhurnaly 17501761 G.o.dy Puteshestvie brat'ev Demidovykh po Evrope: Pis'ma i podnevnye Zhurnaly 17501761 G.o.dy, ed. G. A. Pobedimova (M, 2006), 101.

54. N. W. Wraxall, Memoirs of the Courts of Berlin, Dresden, Warsaw and Vienna in the years 1777, 1778 and 1779 Memoirs of the Courts of Berlin, Dresden, Warsaw and Vienna in the years 1777, 1778 and 1779, 2 vols. (London, 1806), ii: 213.

55. Benois, Tsarskoe Selo Tsarskoe Selo, 1045.

56. A. I. Uspenskii, Imperatorskie dvortsy Imperatorskie dvortsy, i: 34, Zapiski Imperatorskago Moskovskago Arkhaeologicheskago Inst.i.tuta Zapiski Imperatorskago Moskovskago Arkhaeologicheskago Inst.i.tuta, xxiii (M, 1913).

57. I. Reyfman, Vasilii Trediakovsky: The fool of the 'new' Russian literature Vasilii Trediakovsky: The fool of the 'new' Russian literature (Stanford, CA, 1990), 239. (Stanford, CA, 1990), 239.

58. Marker, Imperial Saint Imperial Saint, 2168 and pa.s.sim pa.s.sim.

59. Quoted in Anisimov, Rossiia bez Petra Rossiia bez Petra, 73.

60. Mooser, i: 247.

61. Quoted in K. Ospovat, 'Towards a cultural history of the Court of Elizaveta Petrovna', SGECRN SGECRN, 35 (2007), 38.

62. S. W. Mintz, Sweetness and power: The place of sugar in modern history Sweetness and power: The place of sugar in modern history (Harmondsworth, 1986), 8894. (Harmondsworth, 1986), 8894.

63. Sipovskaia, 'Obedy', 161.

64. Starikova, doc. 936; N. Kazakevich, Tsarskie zastol'ia v XVIII veke: Tseremonial i dekorativnoe oformlenie paradnykh stolov pri dvore imperatrits Elizavety i Ekateriny II Tsarskie zastol'ia v XVIII veke: Tseremonial i dekorativnoe oformlenie paradnykh stolov pri dvore imperatrits Elizavety i Ekateriny II (SPb, 2003), 224. (SPb, 2003), 224.

65. E.g., KfZh KfZh (1753), 27, C.'s birthday; 74, Elizabeth's birthday. (1753), 27, C.'s birthday; 74, Elizabeth's birthday.

66. P. Stolpianskii, 'V starom Peterburge: Banketnye stoly', Starye G.o.dy Starye G.o.dy, Mar. 1913, 2832.

67. KfZh KfZh (1745), Zhurnal banketnyi, 19; (1745), Zhurnal banketnyi, 19; KfZh KfZh (1748), 1415, 323; Iu. Denisov and A. Petrov, (1748), 1415, 323; Iu. Denisov and A. Petrov, Zodchii Rastrelli Zodchii Rastrelli (Leningrad, 1973), 1489, 1878; (Leningrad, 1973), 1489, 1878; Zapiski Vasiliia Aleksandrovicha Nashchokina Zapiski Vasiliia Aleksandrovicha Nashchokina (SPb, 1842), 101. (SPb, 1842), 101.

68. Starikova, doc.; Mooser, i: 221; KfZh KfZh (1746), 11. (1746), 11.

69. AKV AKV, ii: 109.

70. G. M. Zelenskaia, Novyi ierusalim: putevoditel' Novyi ierusalim: putevoditel' (M, 2003), 4451. (M, 2003), 4451.

71. PSZ PSZ, xiii: 9646, 10 July 1749; 9803, 3 Oct. 1750.

72. Shtelin, Muzyka Muzyka, 545, para. 6.

73. Sochineniia Sochineniia, xii: 265, 150.

74. KfZh KfZh (1752), 56. (1752), 56.

75. KfZh KfZh (1757), 68. (1757), 68.

76. E. I. Indova, Dvortsovoe khoziaistvo v Rossii: Pervaia polovina XVIII veka Dvortsovoe khoziaistvo v Rossii: Pervaia polovina XVIII veka, (M, 1964), 20215, pa.s.sim pa.s.sim. For fruit from Astrakhan, see PSZ, xii: 8997, 20 July 1744; 9186, 8 July 1745.

77. E. Justice, A Voyage to Russia A Voyage to Russia (York, 1739), 16. (York, 1739), 16.

78. Pisarenko, Povsednevnaia zhizn' Povsednevnaia zhizn', 51520; the list probably dates from 1747. For information relating to 17401, see Vnutrennii byt Russkago gosudarstva Vnutrennii byt Russkago gosudarstva, i: 366402.

79. Bespiatykh, Peterburg Anny Ioannovny Peterburg Anny Ioannovny, 141 (C. R. Berch).

80. PSZ PSZ, xii: 9161, 27 May 1745; N. I. Batorevich, Ekateringof: Istoriia dvortsovo-parkovogo ansamblia Ekateringof: Istoriia dvortsovo-parkovogo ansamblia (SPb, 2006), 839. (SPb, 2006), 839.

81. Benois, Tsarskoe Selo Tsarskoe Selo, 767.

82. Sochineniia Sochineniia, xii: 117.

83. I. Vinogradoff, 'Russian Missions to London, 17111789: Further Extracts from the Cottrell Papers', Oxford Slavonic Papers Oxford Slavonic Papers, NS 15 (1982), 71, C. to R. Cottrell, 1741.

84. Sochineniia Sochineniia, xii: 2547.

85. Iu. Ovsiannikov, Franches...o...b..rtolomeo Rastrelli Franches...o...b..rtolomeo Rastrelli (Leningrad, 1982), 74. (Leningrad, 1982), 74.

86. Sochineniia Sochineniia, xii: 320.

87. A. A. Kedrintsev, 'Iantarnyi zal v Sankt-Peterburge', in I. P. Sautov, et al, Iantarnaia komnata: Tri veka istorii Iantarnaia komnata: Tri veka istorii (SPb, 2003), 1106. The Amber Room was later transferred to Tsarskoe Selo. (SPb, 2003), 1106. The Amber Room was later transferred to Tsarskoe Selo.

88. Sochineniia Sochineniia, xii: 241, 291.

89. Sochineniia Sochineniia, xii: 181.

90. Sochineniia Sochineniia, xii: 183.

91. B. Kemp, 'Sir Francis Dashwood's Diary of his Visit to St Petersburg in 1733', SEER SEER, 38 (195960), 201.

92. PSZ PSZ, xi: 8820, 16 Nov. 1743; Sochineniia Sochineniia, xii: 106.

93. S. B. Gorbatenko, Petergofskaia doroga: Oranienbaumskii istoriko-landshaftnyi kompleks Petergofskaia doroga: Oranienbaumskii istoriko-landshaftnyi kompleks (SPb, 2001), 194; (SPb, 2001), 194; Sochineniia Sochineniia, xii: 923; 2445.

94. Gorbatenko, Petergofskaia doroga Petergofskaia doroga, 197, 199; Sochineniia Sochineniia, xii: 127.

95. SIRIO SIRIO, clxviii: 111, Guy d.i.c.kens to Newcastle, 29 July 1750.

96. Sochineniia Sochineniia, xii: 157.

97. Sochineniia Sochineniia, xii: 273.

98. Sochineniia Sochineniia, xii: 2934.

99. R. Dimsdale, '20 October 1768: Doctor Dimsdale Spends a Day with the Empress', in Days from the Reigns Days from the Reigns, ed. Cross, ii: 190.

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