Catherine The Great Part 9
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100. Sochineniia Sochineniia, xii: 2601.
101. Sochineniia Sochineniia, xii: 296.
102. KfZh KfZh (1751), 415. (1751), 415.
103. Sochineniia Sochineniia, xii: 309, 3135 (315).
104. Sochineniia Sochineniia, xii: 325.
105. KfZh KfZh (1753), 93; (1753), 93; PSZ PSZ, xiii: 10,103, 27 May 1753.
106. KfZh KfZh (1753), 656; (1753), 656; Sochineniia Sochineniia, xii: 32830; SIRIO SIRIO, cxlviii: 51920, Guy d.i.c.kens to Newcastle, 4/15 Nov. 1753.
107. AKV AKV, x.x.xiii: 4669, 'O pozhare moskovskago dvortsa'.
108. A. Mikhailov, Arkhitektor D.V. Ukhtomskii: Ego shkola Arkhitektor D.V. Ukhtomskii: Ego shkola (M, 1954), 1713. (M, 1954), 1713.
109. SIRIO SIRIO, cxlviii: 542, Guy d.i.c.kens to Newcastle, 20/31 Dec. 1753.
110. KfZh KfZh (1753), 745; (1753), 745; AKV AKV, v, 17.
111. Sochineniia Sochineniia, xii: 329, 332, 324.
112. Sochineniia Sochineniia, xii: 3367.
113. Sochineniia Sochineniia, xii: 3389.
Chapter 4.
1. Walpole Correspondence Walpole Correspondence, xx: 4578, Sir H. Mann to Walpole, 13 Dec. 1754 NS.
2. Rovinskii, Obozrenie ikonopisaniia Obozrenie ikonopisaniia, 2446.
3. KfZh KfZh (1754), 1214. (1754), 1214.
4. Sochineniia Sochineniia, xii: 3417 (341, 345); KfZh KfZh (1754), 789; McGrew, 2931. (1754), 789; McGrew, 2931.
5. R. b.u.t.terwick, Poland's Last King and English Culture: Stanislaw August Poniatowski 17321798 Poland's Last King and English Culture: Stanislaw August Poniatowski 17321798 (Oxford, 1998), 86100; A. Zamoyski, (Oxford, 1998), 86100; A. Zamoyski, The Last King of Poland The Last King of Poland (London, 1992), 4153. (London, 1992), 4153.
6. Quoted in extenso in extenso by Zamoyski, by Zamoyski, Last King Last King, 58.
7. KfZh KfZh (1755), 6870: 77 men and 44 women were present. (1755), 6870: 77 men and 44 women were present.
8. V. A. Korentsvit, 'Krepost' Peterstadt v Oranienbaume', in Pamiatniki istorii i kul'tury Peterburga Pamiatniki istorii i kul'tury Peterburga, ed. A. V. Pozdnukhov (SPb, 1994), 20822.
9. Sochineniia Sochineniia, xii: 307, 3556.
10. AKV AKV, x.x.xiii: 83, M. L. Vorontsov to F. D. Bekhteev, 15 June 1756.
11. Uspenskii, Imperatorskie dvortsy Imperatorskie dvortsy, i: 389, 41; PSZ PSZ: 10,246, 16 June 1754.
12. Sochineniia Sochineniia, xii: 117; Benois, Tsarskoe Selo Tsarskoe Selo, 78.
13. AKV AKV, x.x.xi: 86, M. L. to A. R. Vorontsov, 19 Dec. 1758.
14. A. N. Petrov, Savva Chevakinskii Savva Chevakinskii (Leningrad, 1983), 72, 756, 79. (Leningrad, 1983), 72, 756, 79.
15. Iu. V. Trubinov, Stroganovskii dvorets Stroganovskii dvorets (SPb, 1996), 3861. (SPb, 1996), 3861.
16. Shcherbatov, 223, 225.
17. A. V. Demkin, Britanskoe kupechestvo v Rossii XVIII veka Britanskoe kupechestvo v Rossii XVIII veka (M, 1998), 70. (M, 1998), 70.
18. Sipovskaia, 'Obedy', 1623.
19. AKV AKV, x.x.xi: 83, M. L. Vorontsov to M. P. Bestuzhev-Riumin, Feb 1758; 101, M. L. to A. R. Vorontsov, undated (Jan/Feb 1760); 105, 4/15 Apr. 1760; 110, 24 Oct. 1760.
20. Sochineniia Sochineniia, xii: 3912.
21. Correspondance Correspondance, 70, 23 Aug. 1756; 81, 24 Aug.
22. AKV AKV, x.x.xiii: 3248. By the same token, no account was taken of Vorontsov's artistic expenses, for which see S. O. Androsov, 'Zabytyi russkii metsenatGraf Mikhail Vorontsov', PKNO PKNO, 2000 (M, 2001), 24677.
23. SIRIO SIRIO, clxviii: 466, Guy d.i.c.kens to Newcastle, 7 July 1753.
24. [J-L Favier], 'Russkii dvor v 1761 G.o.du', RS RS, Oct. 1878.
25. Cross, 558; Demkin, Britanskoe kupechestvo Britanskoe kupechestvo, 12835.
26. Kazakevich, Tsarskie zastol'ia Tsarskie zastol'ia, 24.
27. AKV AKV, x.x.xiii: 50, 'Zapiska prikhodu i raskhodu den'gam na 1754 G.o.d'; x.x.xii: 19, M. L. Vorontsov to I. I. Shuvalov, 27 Oct. 1756.
28. Correspondance Correspondance, 82, 24 Aug. 1756.
29. Correspondance Correspondance, 55, 20 Aug. 1756. See also, p. 74, 23 Aug. (cf. 124, 6 Sept.) 30. Correspondance Correspondance, 197, 6 Oct. 1756.
31. Correspondance Correspondance, 255, undated, Nov. 1756.
32. SIRIO SIRIO, vii: 73, C. to Wolff, 11 Nov. 1756.
33. Correspondance Correspondance, 272, 17 Nov. 1756.
34. SIRIO SIRIO, cxlviii: 118, Guy d.i.c.kens to Newcastle, 8 Sept. 1750.
35. SIRIO SIRIO, cxlviii: 113, Guy d.i.c.kens to Newcastle, 11 Aug. 1750.
36. Shcherbatov, 195.
37. C. Marsden, Palmyra of the North: The First Days of St Petersburg Palmyra of the North: The First Days of St Petersburg (London, 1942), 130. (London, 1942), 130.
38. SIRIO SIRIO, cxlviii: 3212, 28 Jan. 1752; ibid., 332, 7 Mar., prompted by ibid., 309, Newcastle to Guy d.i.c.kens, 27 Dec. 1751 NS.
39. Sochineniia Sochineniia, xii: 266.
40. SIRIO SIRIO, cx: 2923, Hyndford to Newcastle, 2 Feb. 1749.
41. Correspondance Correspondance, 121, 6 Sept; KfZh KfZh (1758), 112. (1758), 112.
42. KfZh KfZh (1756), 51, 102; Benois, (1756), 51, 102; Benois, Tsarskoe Selo Tsarskoe Selo, 2468.
43. Correspondance Correspondance, 4, 3 Aug. 1756.
44. Sochineniia Sochineniia, xii: 227.
45. Sochineniia Sochineniia, xii: 224, 219, 225.
46. PSZ PSZ, xii: 8908, 3 Apr. 1744.
47. SIRIO SIRIO, cxlviii: 295, Guy d.i.c.kens to Newcastle, 26 Nov. 1751; KfZh KfZh (1751), 1089. (1751), 1089.
48. Sochineniia Sochineniia, xii: 2889.
49. Sochineniia Sochineniia, xii: 348.
50. Correspondance Correspondance, 34, 11 Aug. 1756; 45, 18 Aug.
51. Correspondance Correspondance, 145, 11 Sept. 1756.
52. Frotier de la Messeliere, Voyage a Petersbourg, ou nouveaux memoires sur la Russie Voyage a Petersbourg, ou nouveaux memoires sur la Russie (Paris, 1803), 2178, punctuation adjusted. (Paris, 1803), 2178, punctuation adjusted.
53. Sochineniia Sochineniia, xii: 3935, where the event is misdated to 1758. The mistake recurs in A. L. Porfir'eva, 'Muzykal'nye razvlecheniia Petra Fedorovicha v Oranienbaume', in Archivo RussoItaliano Archivo RussoItaliano, IV, eds. Daniela Rizzi and A. s.h.i.+shkin (Salerno, 2005), 340, and also in The Memoirs of Catherine the Great The Memoirs of Catherine the Great, eds. M. Cruse and H. Hoogenboom (New York, 2005), 178. Alexander, 51, gives 17 June 1757. The chronology of this period in C.'s memoirs is especially unreliable.
54. Zamoyski, Last King Last King, 55.
55. Quoted in Alexander, 51.
56. KfZh KfZh (1757), 83. (1757), 83.
57. J. L. H. Keep, 'Feeding the Troops: Russian Army Supply Policies during the Seven Years' War', Canadian Slavonic Papers Canadian Slavonic Papers, 2831 (1987).
58. Bil'basov, i: 33246.
59. PSZ PSZ, xv: 10,940, 5 Apr. 1759, para. 5; KfZh KfZh (1759), 42; (1759), 42; Sochineniia Sochineniia, xii: 407, 423; Alexander, 535.
60. AKV AKV, x.x.xi: 88, M. L. to A. R. Vorontsov, 10 Mar. 1759; PSZ PSZ, xv: 10,930, 9 Mar. 1759.
Chapter 5.
1. G. S. Rousseau, '"A strange pathology": Hysteria in the Early Modern World', in S. L. Gilman, et al, Hysteria beyond Freud Hysteria beyond Freud (Berkeley, 1993), 157; L. Brockliss and C. Jones, (Berkeley, 1993), 157; L. Brockliss and C. Jones, The Medical World of Early Modern France The Medical World of Early Modern France (Oxford, 1997), 444. (Oxford, 1997), 444.
2. AKV AKV, ii: 6336.
3. See E. V. Anisimov, 'I. I. Shuvalovdeiatel' rossiiskogo Prosveshcheniia', Voprosy istorii Voprosy istorii, 1985, no. 7, 94104.
4. KfZh KfZh (1761), 7. (1761), 7.
5. KfZh KfZh (1760), 175. (1760), 175.
6. Alexander, 'Ivan Shuvalov', 8.
7. 'Russkii dvor',.
8. AKV AKV, iv: 461, 20 Feb. 1761.
9. F.G. Volkov i russkii teatr ego vremeni F.G. Volkov i russkii teatr ego vremeni, 13843.
10. KfZh KfZh (1761), 22. The artist's name is not given. (1761), 22. The artist's name is not given.
11. AKV AKV, iv: 461, 20 Feb. 1761; 462, 23 Feb.
12. Ia. V. Bruk, U istokov russkogo zhanra: XVIII vek U istokov russkogo zhanra: XVIII vek (M, 1990), 45, pl. 535; (M, 1990), 45, pl. 535; AKV AKV, x.x.xiv: 129.
13. Chappe d'Auteroche, Voyage en Siberie Voyage en Siberie, ed. M. Mervaud, ii: 3445, SVEC SVEC, 2004:04.
14. KfZh KfZh (1761), 34, 7, 10; (1761), 34, 7, 10; AKV AKV, xxi: 84.
15. Zapiski Shtelina Zapiski Shtelina, i: 261.
16. 'Dnevnik statskogo sovetnika Misere', in Ekaterina: put' k vlasti Ekaterina: put' k vlasti, eds. M. Lavrinovich and A. Liberman (M, 2003), 54.
17. AKV AKV, iv: 464, 10 Apr. 1761, A. K. Vorontsova to her daughter, Anna Mikhailovna.
18. AKV AKV, iv: 4645, 17 Apr. 1761; KfZh KfZh (1761); Alexander, 'Ivan Shuvalov', 9. (1761); Alexander, 'Ivan Shuvalov', 9.
19. AKV AKV, iv: 465, 24 Apr. and 30 Apr. 1761.
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