Journal of a Horticultural Tour through Germany, Belgium, and part of France,Autumn of 1835 Part 13

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_Systematic No. and Colour of Col. of Native Year of Name. Spines. Flower. Country. Introduc._ -------------------+-------------------+--------+--------+---------- flagelliformis Haw. sp. br. ye. _pk._ ...... 1835 D.S.S.

_minor_ ...... ---- D.S.S.

*costatus sp. slender white .. Peru 1690 D.S.S.

flagriformis ...... 1834 D.S.S.

Martia.n.u.s sp. wh. _pu._ ...... 1835 D.S.S.

leptophis DC. sp. wh. & ye. .. ...... ---- D.S.S.

Smithi sp. br. ye. .. ...... ---- D.S.S.

tenuissimus sp. wh. slen. .. ...... ---- D.S.S.



_Caule_ 3-7-_angulari articulato_.

_Systematic English Form of Name. Name. Stems, &c._ --------------------+-----------------+------------- radicans DC. rooting 4-5 ang.

humilis dwarf 4-5 ang.

grandiflrus Haw. long-fld. 6-7 ang.

myriacaulon Mart. myriad-st. 4-ang.

nycticalius Lk. night-beau. 4-5 ang.

Schrankii Zun. Schranks 4-5 ang.

*arcuatus arched 3-4 ang. sinu.

Napoleonis Salm. Napoleon's 3-4 ang.

triangularis L. three-ang. 3-ang.

_pictas_ _variegated_ Lancea.n.u.s Lance's 3-ang.

speciosissimus shewy 3-4 ang.

prismaticus Salm. prismatic 3-4 ang.

tripterus Salm. three-wing. 3-ang.

triqueter Haw. three-sided 3-ang.

extensus Salm. extended 3-ang.

coccineus Salm. scarlet 3-4 ang.

setaceus Salm. bristly 3-ang.

setosus setose 3-ang.

ramosus Karw. branching 3-ang.

myosurus Salm. mouse-tail 3-dented-ang.

quadrangularis Ha. quadran. 3-4 ang.

_Systematic No. and Colour of Col. of Native Year of Name. Spines. Flower. Country. Introduc._ -----------------+-------------------+--------+--------+------------ radicans DC. sp. short dk. br. .. B. Ay. 1836 D.S.S.

humilis sp. wh. slender .. S. Am. 1827 D.S.S.

grandiflrus Haw. sp. wh. ye. _ye. wh._ Jamai. 1700 D.S.S.

myriacaulon Mart. ...... 1835 D.S.S.

nycticalius Lk. sp. erect .. ...... 1834 D.S.S.

slender wh.

Schrankii Zun. sp. 6-8 sh. .. ...... 1835 D.S.S.

dk. br.

*arcuatus sp. 4 dk. br. _wh._ ...... ---- D.S.S.

Napoleonis Salm. sp. 3 remote _gr. wh._ ...... 1834 D.S.S.

sh. br.

triangularis L. Mexico 1690 D.S.S.

_pictas_ ...... ---- D.S.S.

Lancea.n.u.s sp. ye. wh. _sc._ ...... 1834 D.S.S.

& br.

speciosissimus sp. cent. 2-3 .. Mexico 1816 D.S.S.

ye. erect prismaticus Salm. sp. dark br. .. ...... 1826 D.S.S.

tripterus Salm. sp. dk. br. .. ...... 1827 D.S.S.

triqueter Haw. sp. dk. br. .. S. Am. 1794 D.S.S.

extensus Salm. sp. ext. w. sl. .. ...... 1826 D.S.S.

c. 3-4 w. ye.

coccineus Salm. sp. ext. wh. sl. _sc._ Brazil 1828 D.S.S.

cent. 4 ye.

setaceus Salm. sp. ext. w. slen. .. ...... ---- D.S.S.

cent. 1-3 setosus sp. br. setac. .. ...... 1835 D.S.S.


ramosus Karw. sp. br. ye. .. ...... 1836 D.S.S.

remote myosurus Salm. wool-white .. ...... 1828 D.S.S.

quadrangularis Ha. sp. 5-7 .. Amer. 1809 D.S.S.


_Epiphyllum Haw._

_Systematic English Form of Name. Name. Stems, &c._ ------------------+-----------------+----------------------------- Ackermanni Haw. Ackerman's br. elon. compr. serr. cyl.

at base alatus winged br. obl. compr. crenate coccineus scarlet br. compr. glau. crenate crispatus Haw. curled br. obl. compr. cren. invol.

Hookeri Sir W. Hooker's br. comp. lin. lanc. sinuate phyllanthoides DC. Phyllanthus-like br. comp. sinuat. cyl. at base

_Systematic No. and Colour of Col. of Native Year of Name. Spines. Flower. Country. Introduc._ ------------------+------------------+-------+---------+---------- Ackermanni Haw. _sc._ Mexico 1830 D.S.S.

alatus _wh. gr._ Jama. 1818 D.S.S.

coccineus _sc._ Brazil 1828 D.S.S.

crispatus Haw. _pu._ Mexico 1826 D.S.S.

Hookeri _wh._ S. Am. ---- D.S.S.

phyllanthoides DC. _pk._ Mexico 1816 D.S.S.


_Systematic English Form of Name. Name. Stems, &c._ ---------------+-----------------+----------------------------- _aurantiacus_ _orange-coloured_ ..

_ignescens_ _fiery_ ..

_Colvilli_ _Colvill's_ _Jenkinsoni_ _Jenkinson's_ ..

_Kiardi_ _Kiard's_ ..

_Lothi_ _Loth's_ ..

_Mackoyi_ _Mackoy's_ ..

_oxypetalus_ _sharp-petaled_ ..

_Guillardieri_ _Guillardier's_ ..

_Smithii_ _Smith's_ ..

_Vandesii_ _Vandes's_ ..

rhombeus Salm. rhomboid br. elong. comp. sinuated ramulosus Salm. branching stm. cyl. bran. com. o. lan.

truncatus truncated br. com. thin d. n. at apex _coccineus_ _scarlet_

_Systematic No. and Colour of Col. of Native Year of Name. Spines. Flower. Country. Introduc._ ----------------+-------------------+-------+--------+------------- _aurantiacus_ .. _or._ ...... ---- D.S.S.

_ignescens_ .. _sc._ ...... ---- D.S.S.

Journal of a Horticultural Tour through Germany, Belgium, and part of France,Autumn of 1835 Part 13

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Journal of a Horticultural Tour through Germany, Belgium, and part of France,Autumn of 1835 Part 13 summary

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