Journal of a Horticultural Tour through Germany, Belgium, and part of France,Autumn of 1835 Part 14

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_Colvilli_ ..

_Jenkinsoni_ .. _sc._ ...... ---- D.S.S.

_Kiardi_ .. _sc._ ...... ---- D.S.S.

_Lothi_ .. _sc._ ...... ---- D.S.S.

_Mackoyi_ .. _sc._ ...... ---- D.S.S.

_oxypetalus_ .. _sc._ ...... ---- D.S.S.

_Guillardieri_ .. _sc._ ...... ---- D.S.S.

_Smithii_ .. _sc._ ...... ---- D.S.S.

_Vandesii_ .. _sc._ ...... ---- D.S.S.

rhombeus Salm. .. ...... 1835 D.S.S.

ramulosus Salm. .. ...... ---- D.S.S.

truncatus _sc._ Brazil 1818 D.S.S.

_coccineus_ _sc._ ...... ---- D.S.S.

_OPU'NTIA. OPU'NTIA_. Cal. of many leaves, united to the ovary, the inner sepals petal-like obovate. Stamens shorter than petals. Style cylind. constricted at the base. Stigma many erect thick. Berry ovate, often spiny.


_Systematic English Form of Name. Name. Stems, &c._ --------------------+-----------------+-------------------- cylindrica DC. cylindrical st. erect cyl. tuber.

clavarioides batoon-like stm. erect cyl.

decipiens DC. deceptive stm. erect gl. r.

imbricata DC. imbricated tuber. imbricated Kleini DC. Klein's st. erect tuber. r.

leptocaulis DC. thin-stem. st. erect ramose ramulifera n.o.b. branching stm. erect tunicata tunicated stm. ramose p.u.b.escens Wend. p.u.b.escens stm. erect slend.

virgata twiggy st. erect ramose

_Systematic No. and Colour of Col. of Native Year of Name. Spines. Flower. Country. Introduc._ ---------------+---------------------+-------+--------+---------- cylindrica DC. sp. wh. hairy .. Peru 1799 D.S.S.

clavarioides sp. wh. setac. .. ...... 1836 D.S.S.


decipiens DC. sp. wh. ye. elong. .. ...... 1835 D.S.S.

imbricata DC. sp. 5-7 wh. .. ...... 1826 D.S.S.

Kleini DC. sp. li. br. elong. .. ...... 1836 D.S.S.

leptocaulis DC. sp. small br. .. ...... ---- D.S.S.

ramulifera n.o.b. sp. br. ye. arcol. .. Mexico ---- D.S.S.


tunicata sp. 5-6 wh. & pk. .. ...... ---- D.S.S.

p.u.b.escens Wend. sp. wh. apex br. .. ...... 1836 D.S.S.

virgata sp. li. br. elong. .. ...... ---- D.S.S.


_Caule articulato, et articulis subcylindraceis._

_Systematic English Form of Name. Name. Stems, &c._ --------------------+-----------------+----------------- articulata Ott. jointed st. erect ramose alpina Gill. Alpine stm. ramose br.

stapelia DC. stapelia stm. ramose corrugata Gill. corrugated br. erect cy. com.

dichotoma forked joints cyl. elong.

cura.s.savica How. joints. cyl. com.

_elongata_ _elongated_ andicola joints cyl.

foliosa Haw. leafy jnts. comp. ramos.

fragilis Nut. brittle joints cyl. obl.

glomerata Haw. glomerated joints cyl.

extensa extended joints cyl.

horizontalis Ott. horizontal jnts. cyl. ramose platyacantha flat-spined joints cycl. ov.

pusilla Haw. dwarf jnts. divar. cyl.

sulphurea Gill. sulphur-fld. joints erect aurantiaca orange-col. jnts. com. elon.

missouriensis DC. Missouri joints com. ob. o.

media Haw. intermediat. jnts. cyl. elong.

attulica jnts. elon. cyl.

Sabini Sabine's jnts. com. obov.

ciliosa ciliated jnts. com. glau.

_Systematic No. and Colour of Col. of Native Year of Name. Spines. Flower. Country. Introduc._ -----------------+--------------------+---------+--------+---------- articulata Ott. sp. 1-wh. pelluc. .. ...... ---- D.S.S.

alpina Gill. sp. wh. recurv. .. ...... ---- D.S.S.

stapelia DC. sp. 4-6 wh. .. ...... ---- D.S.S.

corrugata Gill. sp. wh. apex br. .. Chili 1824 D.S.S.

dichotoma sp. br. apex wh. .. B. Ayr. 1836 D.S.S.

cura.s.savica How. sp. 1-4 ye. wh. .. Curas. 1690 D.S.S.

_elongata_ ...... ---- D.S.S.

andicola sp. wh. elong. .. ...... ---- D.S.S.

foliosa Haw. sp. 1-2 elong. wh. _ye._ S. Am. 1805 D.S.S.

fragilis Nut. sp. wh. slend. .. N. Am. 1814 D.S.S.

glomerata Haw. sp. flat .. ...... ---- D.S.S.

pellucid extensa sp. wh. apex br. _li. ye._ ...... ---- D.S.S.

horizontalis Ott. sp. wh. elong. .. ...... ---- D.S.S.

platyacantha sp. wh. elong. _ye._ ...... ---- D.S.S.

apex bk.

pusilla Haw. sp. 1-2 twisted _ye._ S. Am. 1826 D.S.S.


sulphurea Gill. sp. twist. ap. .. Chili 1827 D.S.S.


aurantiaca sp. 3-5 br. ap. _ye._ ...... ---- D.S.S.

wh. y.

missouriensis DC. sp. br. & wh. _ye._ Missou. ---- D.S.S.

media Haw. sp. wh. recurv. .. N. Am. ---- D.S.S.

attulica sp. wh. ye. .. ...... ---- D.S.S.

tomen. br.

Sabini sp. wh. deflex. .. ...... ---- D.S.S.

ciliosa sp. ye. br. .. ...... ---- D.S.S.


_articulis oblongis._

_Systematic English Form of Name. Name. Stems, &c._ -------------------+-----------------+------------------- spinosissima Haw. very-spiny joints obl.

dolabriformis hatchet-fd. jnts. obl. dk. gr.

leucacantha Ott. white-spin. jnts. erect obl.

calacantha Ott. pretty-spin. joints obl.

_rubra_ _red-sp._ leucotriche DC. white-hairy jnts. erect obl.

senilis Parm. grey jnts. obov. obl.

Journal of a Horticultural Tour through Germany, Belgium, and part of France,Autumn of 1835 Part 14

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Journal of a Horticultural Tour through Germany, Belgium, and part of France,Autumn of 1835 Part 14 summary

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