Military Memoirs of Capt. George Carleton Part 2
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The two Regiments appointed on the same Duty, with some few Dragoons, were already on their March, which having join'd, we march'd together through _Louquebar_. This sure is the wildest Country in the _Highlands_, if not in the World. I did not see one House in all our March; and their Oeconomy, if I may call it such, is much the same with that of the _Arabs_ or _Tartars_. Hutts, or Cabins of Trees and Trash, are their Places of Habitation; in which they dwell, till their half-horn'd Cattle have devour'd the Gra.s.s, and then remove, staying no where longer than that Convenience invites them.
In this March, or rather, if you please, most dismal Peregrination, we could be very rarely go two on a Breast; and oftner, like Geeze in a String, one after another. So that our very little Army had sometimes, or rather most commonly, an Extent of many Miles; our Enemy, the _Highlanders_, firing down upon us from their Summits all the Way. Nor was it possible for our Men, or very rarely at least, to return their Favours with any Prospect of Success; for as they pop'd upon us always on a sudden, they never stay'd long enough to allow any of our Soldiers a Mark; or even time enough to fire: And for our Men to march, or climb up those Mountains, which to them were natural Champion, would have been as dangerous as it seem'd to us impracticable. Nevertheless, under all these disheartning Disadvantages, we arriv'd at _Inverlochy_, and there perform'd the Task appointed, building a Fort on the same Spot where _Cromwell_ had rais'd one before. And which was not a little remarkable, we had with us one _Hill_, a Colonel, who had been Governor in _Oliver's_ Time, and who was now again appointed Governor by General _Mackay_. Thus the Work on which we were sent being effected, we march'd back again by the Way of _Gillycrancky_, where that memorable Battle under _Dundee_ had been fought the Year before.
Some time after, Sir _Thomas Levingston_, afterwards Earl of _Tiviot_, having receiv'd Intelligence that the _Highlanders_ intended to fall down into the lower Countries, in a considerable Body, got together a Party of about five Hundred (the Dragoons, call'd the _Scotch Greys_, inclusive) with which he resolv'd, if possible, to give them a Meeting.
We left _Inverness_ the last Day of _April_, and encamp'd near a little Town call'd _Forrest_, the Place where, as Tradition still confidently avers, the Witches met _Mackbeth_, and greeted him with their diabolical Auspices. But this Story is so naturally display'd in a Play of the immortal _Shakespear_, that I need not descend here to any farther Particulars.
Here Sir _Thomas_ receiv'd Intelligence, that the _Highlanders_ design'd to encamp upon the _Spey_, near the Laird of _Grant's_ Castle. Whereupon we began our March about Noon; and the next Day, about the Break thereof, we came to that River, where we soon discover'd the _Highlanders_ by their Fires. Sir _Thomas_ immediately, on Sight of it, issued his Orders for our fording the River, and falling upon them as soon after as possible. Both were accordingly perform'd, and with so good Order, Secrecy and Success, that _Cannon_ and _Balfour_, their Commanders, were obliged to make their Escape naked.
They were about one Thousand in Number, of which were kill'd about three Hundred; we pursued them, till they got up _Crowdale-Hill,_ where we lost them in a Fog. And, indeed so high is that Hill, that they, who perfectly knew it, a.s.sured me that it never is without a little dark Fog hanging over it. And to me, at that Instant of Time, they seem'd rather to be People receiv'd up into Clouds, than flying from an Enemy.
Near this there was an old Castle, call'd _Lethendy_, into which about Fifty of them made their Retreat, most of them Gentlemen, resolving there to defend themselves to the last. Sir _Thomas_ sent a Messenger to them, with an Offer of Mercy, if they would surrender: But they refus'd the profer'd Quarter, and fir'd upon our Men, killing two of our Grenadiers, and wounding another. During my Quarters at the _Grave_, having learnt to throw a Grenado, I took three or four in a Bag, and crept down by the Side of a Ditch, or d.y.k.e, to an old thatch'd House near the Castle, imagining, on my mounting the same, I might be near enough to throw them, so as to do execution. I found all Things answer my Expectation; and the Castle wanting a Cover, I threw in a Grenado, which put the Enemy immediately into Confusion. The Second had not so good Success, falling short, and the Third burst as soon as it was well out of my Hand, though without Damage to my self. But throwing the Fourth in at a Window, it so increas'd the Confusion, which the first had put them into, that they immediately call'd out to me, upon their Parole of Safety, to come to them.
Accordingly I went up to the Door, which they had barricaded, and made up with great Stones; when they told me they were ready to surrender upon Condition of obtaining Mercy. I return'd to Sir _Thomas_; and telling him what I had done, and the Consequence of it, and the Message they had desir'd me to deliver (a great many of the _Highland_ Gentlemen, not of this Party, being with him) Sir _Thomas_, in a high Voice, and broad _Scotch_, best to be heard and understood, order'd me back to tell 'em, _He would cut them all to Pieces, for their Murder of two of his Grenadiers, after his Proffer of Quarter_.
I was returning full of these melancholy Tidings, when Sir _Thomas_, advancing after me a little Distance from the rest of the Company; _Hark ye, Sir_, says he, _I believe there may be among 'em some of our old Acquaintance_ (for we had serv'd together in the Service of the _States_ in _Flanders_) _therefore tell them they shall have good Quarter_. I very willingly carry'd back a Message to much chang'd to my Mind; and upon delivering of it, without the least Hesitation, they threw down the Barricado, open'd the Door, and out came one _Brody_, who, as he then told me, had had a Piece of his Nose taken off by one of my Grenadoes. I carry'd him to Sir _Thomas_, who confirming my Message, they all came out, and surrendered themselves Prisoners. This happen'd on _May Day_ in the Morning; for which Reason we return'd to _Inverness_ with our Prisoners, and Boughs in our Hats; and the _Highlanders_ never held up their Heads so high after this Defeat.
Upon this Success Sir _Thomas_ wrote to Court, giving a full Account of the whole Action. In which being pleas'd to make mention of my Behaviour, with some Particularities, I had soon after a Commission order'd me for a Company in the Regiment under the Command of Brigadier _Tiffin_.
My Commission being made out, sign'd, and sent to me, I repair'd immediately to _Portsmouth_, where the Regiment lay in Garrison. A few Days after I had been there, Admiral _Russel_ arriv'd with the Fleet, and anchor'd at St. _h.e.l.len's_, where he remain'd about a Week. On the 18th of _May_ the whole Fleet set Sail; and it being my Turn the same Day to mount the Main Guard, I was going the Rounds very early, when I heard great shooting at Sea. I went directly to acquaint the Governor, and told him my Sentiments, that the two contending Fleets were actually engag'd, which indeed prov'd true; for that very Night a Pinnace, which came from our Fleet, brought News that Admiral _Russel_ had engag'd the _French_ Admiral _Turvile_; and, after a long and sharp Dispute, was making after them to their own Coasts.
The next Day, towards Evening, several other Expresses arriv'd, one after another, all agreeing in the Defeat of the _French_ Fleet, and in the Particulars of the burning their _Rising Sun_, together with many other of their Men of War, at _la Hogue_. All which Expresses were immediately forwarded to Court by Mr. _Gibson_, our Governor.
About two Months after this, our Regiment, among many others, was, according to Order, s.h.i.+pp'd off on a Secret Expedition, under the Command of the Duke of _Leinster_, no Man knowing to what Place we were going, or on what Design; no, not the Commander himself. However, when we were out at Sea, the General, according to Instructions, opening his Commission, we were soon put out of our Suspence, and inform'd, that our Orders were to attack _Dunkirk_. But what was so grand a Secret to those concern'd in the Expedition, having been intrusted to a Female Politician on Land, it was soon discover'd to the Enemy; for which Reason our Orders were countermanded, before we reach'd the Place of Action, and our Forces receiv'd Directions to land at _Ostend_.
Soon after this happen'd that memorable Battle at _Steenkirk_, which as very few at that Time could dive into the Reason of, and mistaken Accounts of it have pa.s.s'd for authentick, I will mention somewhat more particularly: The Undertaking was bold; and, as many thought, bolder than was consistent with the Character of the wise Undertaker.
Nevertheless, the _French_ having taken _Namure_; and, as the Malecontents alledg'd, in the very Sight of a superior Army; and nothing having been done by Land of any moment, Things were blown into such a dangerous Fermentation, by a malicious and lying Spirit, that King _William_ found himself under a Necessity of attempting something that might appease the Murmurs of the People. He knew very well, though spoke in the Senate, that it was not true, that his Forces at the Siege of _Namure_ exceeded those of the Enemy; no Man could be more afflicted than he at the overflowing of the _Mehaigne_, from the continual Rains, which obstructed the Relief he had designed for that important Place; yet since his Maligners made an ill Use of these false Topicks, to insinuate that he had no Mind to put an End to the War, he was resolv'd to evince the contrary, by shewing them that he was not afraid to venture his Life for the better obtaining what was so much desired.
To that Purpose, receiving Intelligence that the Duke of _Luxemburg_ lay strongly encamp'd at _Steenkirk_, near _Enghien_ (tho' he was sensible he must pa.s.s through many Defiles to engage him; and that the many Thickets between the two Armies would frequently afford him new Difficulties) he resolv'd there to attack him. Our Troops at first were forc'd to hew out their Pa.s.sage for the Horse; and there was no one difficulty that his Imagination had drawn that was lessen'd by Experience; and yet so prosperous were his Arms at the Beginning, that our Troops had made themselves Masters of several Pieces of the Enemy's Cannon. But the farther he advanc'd, the Ground growing straiter, so strait as not to admit his Army's being drawn up in Battalia, the Troops behind could not give timely Succour to those engag'd, and the Cannon we had taken was forcibly left behind in order to make a good Retreat. The _French_ had lost all their Courage in the Onset; for though they had too fair an Opportunity, they did not think fit to pursue it; or, at least, did it very languidly. However, the Malecontents at Home, I remember, grew very well pleas'd after this; for so long as they had but a Battle for their Money, like true _Englishmen_, lost or won, they were contented.
Several Causes, I remember, were a.s.sign'd for this Miscarriage, as they call'd it; Some there were who were willing to lay it upon the _Dutch_; and alledge a Saying of one of their Generals, who receiving Orders to relieve some _English_ and _Scotch_ that were over-power'd, was heard to say, _Dam 'em, since they love Fighting let 'em have their Bellies full_. But I should rather impute the Disappointment to the great Loss of so many of our bravest Officers at the very first Onset. General _Mackay_, Colonel _Lanier_, the Earl of _Angus_, with both his Field-Officers, Sir _Robert Douglas_, Colonel _Hodges_, and many others falling, it was enough to put a very considerable Army into Confusion. I remember one particular Action of Sir _Robert Douglas_, that I should think my self to blame should I omit: Seeing his Colours on the other Side the Hedge, in the Hands of the Enemy, he leap'd over, slew the Officer that had them, and then threw them over the Hedge to his Company; redeeming his Colours at the Expense of his Life. Thus the _Scotch_ Commander improv'd upon the _Roman_ General; for the brave _Posthumius_ cast his Standard in the Middle of the Enemy for his Soldiers to retrieve, but _Douglas_ retriev'd his from the Middle of the Enemy, without any a.s.sistance, and cast it back to his Soldiers to retain, after he had so bravely rescued it out of the Hands of the Enemy.
From hence our Regiment receiv'd Orders to march to _Dixmuyd_, where we lay some time employ'd in fortifying that Place. While we were there, I had one Morning stedfastly fix'd my Eyes upon some Ducks, that were swimming in a large Water before me; when all on a sudden, in the Midst of a perfect Calm, I observ'd such a strange and strong Agitation in the Waters, that prodigiously surpriz'd me. I was at the same Moment seiz'd with such a Giddiness in my Head, that, for a Minute or two, I was scarce sensible, and had much a-do to keep on my Legs. I had never felt any thing of an Earthquake before, which, as I soon after understood from others, this was; and it left, indeed, very apparent Marks of its Force in a great Rent in the Body of the great Church, which remains to this Day.
Having brought the intended Fortifications into some tolerable Order, we receiv'd a Command out of hand to reimbarque for _England_. And, upon our Landing, Directions met us to march for _Ipswich_, where we had our Quarters all that Winter. From thence we were order'd up to _London_, to do Duty in the _Tower_. I had not been there long, before an Accident happen'd, as little to be accounted for, without a divine Providence, as some would make that Providence to be, that only can account for it.
There was at that Time, as I was a.s.sur'd by my Lord _Lucas_, Constable of it, upwards of twenty Thousand Barrels of Gun-powder, in that they call the _White-Tower_, when all at once the middle Flooring did not only give way, or shrink, but fell flat down upon other Barrels of Powder, together with many of the same combustible Matter which had been placed upon it. It was a Providence strangely neglected at that Time, and hardly thought of since; But let any considerate Man consult the Consequences, if it had taken fire; perhaps to the Destruction of the whole City, or, at least, as far as the _Bridge_ and Parts adjacent. Let his Thoughts proceed to examine, why, or how, in that precipitate Fall, not one Nail, nor one Piece of Iron, in that large Fabrick, should afford one little Spark to enflame that Ma.s.s of sulphurous Matter it was loaded with; and if he is at a loss to find a Providence, I fear his Friends will be more at a loss to find his Understanding. But the Battle of _Landen_ happening while our Regiment was here on Duty, we were soon remov'd to our Satisfaction from that pacifick Station, to one more active in _Flanders_.
Notwithstanding that fatal Battle the Year preceding, namely, _A.D._ 1694, the Confederate Army under King _William_ lay encamp'd at _Mont.
St. Andre_, an open Place, and much expos'd; while the _French_ were entrench'd up to their very Teeth, at _Vignamont_, a little Distance from us. This afforded Matter of great Reflection to the Politicians of those Times, who could hardly allow, that if the Confederate Army suffer'd so much, as it really did in the Battle of _Landen_, it could consist with right Conduct to tempt, or rather dare a new Engagement.
But those sage Objectors had forgot the well-known Courage of that brave Prince, and were as little capable of fathoming his Designs. The Enemy, who to their Sorrow had by Experience been made better Judges, was resolv'd to traverse both; for which Purpose they kept close within their Entrenchments; so that after all his Efforts, King _William_ finding he could no way draw them to a Battle, suddenly decamp'd, and march'd directly to _Pont Espiers_, by long Marches, with a Design to pa.s.s the _French_ Lines at that Place.
But notwithstanding our Army march'd in a direct Line, to our great Surprize, we found the Enemy had first taken possession of it. They gave this the Name of the _Long March_, and very deservedly; for though our Army march'd upon the String, and the Enemy upon the Bow, sensible of the Importance of the Post, and the Necessity of securing it, by double horseing with their Foot, and by leaving their Weary and Weak in their Garrisons, and supplying their Places with fresh Men out of them, they gain'd their Point in disappointing us. Though certain it is, that March cost 'em as many Men and Horses as a Battle. However their Master, the _French_ King, was so pleas'd with their indefatigable and auspicious Diligence, that he wrote, with his own Hand, a Letter of Thanks to the Officers, for the great Zeal and Care they had taken to prevent the Confederate Army from entring into _French Flanders_.
King _William_, thus disappointed in that n.o.ble Design, gave immediate Orders for his whole Army to march through _Oudenard_, and then ecamp'd at _Rofendale_; after some little Stay at that Camp we were remov'd to the _Camerlins_, between _Newport_ and _Ostend_, once more to take our Winter Quarters there among the Boors.
We were now in the Year 1695 when the strong Fortress of _Namur_, taken by the _French_ in 1692 and since made by them much stronger, was invested by the Earl of _Athlone_. After very many vigorous Attacks, with the Loss of many Men, the Town was taken, the Garrison retiring into the Castle. Into which soon after, notwithstanding all the Circ.u.mspection of the Besiegers, Mareschal _Bouflers_ found means, with some Dragoons, to throw himself.
While King _William_ was thus engag'd in that glorious and important Siege, Prince _Vaudemont_ being posted at _Watergaem_, with about fifty Battallions, and as many Squadrons, the Mareschal _Villeroy_ laid a Design to attack him with the whole _French_ Army. The Prince imagin'd no less, therefore he prepar'd accordingly, giving us Orders to fortify our Camp, as well as the little time we had for it would permit. Those Orders were pursu'd; nevertheless, I must confess, it was beyond the Reach of my little Reason to account for our so long Stay in the Sight of an Army so much superior to ours. The Prince in the Whole could hardly muster thirty Thousand; and _Villeroy_ was known to value himself upon having one Hundred Thousand effective Men. However, the Prince provisionally sent away all our Baggage that very Morning to _Ghent_, and still made shew as if he resolv'd to defend himself to the last Extremity in our little Entrenchments. The enemy on their Side began to surround us; and in their Motions for that Purpose, blew up little Bags of Gun-powder, to give the readier Notice how far they had acomplish'd it. Another Captain, with my self, being plac'd on the Right, with one Hundred Men (where I found Monsieur _Montal_ endeavouring, if possible, to get behind us) I could easily observe, they had so far attain'd their Aim of encompa.s.sing us, as to the very Fas.h.i.+on of a Horse's Shoe. This made me fix my Eyes so intently upon the advancing Enemy, that I never minded what my Friends were doing behind me; though I afterwards found that they had been fileing off so very artfully and privately, by that narrow Opening of the Horse-Shoe, that when the Enemy imagin'd us past a Possibility of Escape, our little Army at once, and of a sudden, was ready to disappear. There was a large Wood on the Right of our Army, through which lay the Road to _Ghent_, not broader than to admit of more than Four to march a breast. Down this the Prince had slid his Forces, except to that very small Party which the Captain and my self commanded, and which was designedly left to bring up the Rear. Nor did we stir till Captain _Collier_, then _Aid de Camp_ to his Brother, now Earl of _Portmore_, came with the Word of Command for us to draw off.
When _Villeroy_ was told of our Retreat, he was much surpriz'd, as thinking it a Thing utterly impossible. However, at last, being sensible of the Truth of it, he gave Orders for our Rear to be attack'd; but we kept fireing from Ditch to Ditch, and Hedge to Hedge, till Night came upon us; and so our little Army got clear of its gigantick Enemy with very inconsiderable Loss. However, the _French_ fail'd not, in their customary Way, to express the Sense of their vexation, at this Disappointment, with Fire and Sword in the Neighbourhood round. Thus Prince _Vaudemont_ acquir'd more Glory by that Retreat than an intire Victory could have given him; and it was not, I confess, the least Part of Satisfaction in Life, that my self had a Share of Honour under him to bring off the Rear at that his glorious Retreat at _Arfeel_.
However, in further Revenge of this political Chicane of the Prince of _Vaudemont_, and to oblige, if possible, King _William_ to raise the Siege from before _Namur, Villeroy_ enter'd into the Resolution of Bombarding _Brussells_. In order to which he encamp'd at _Anderleck_, and then made his Approaches as near as was convenient to the Town.
There he caus'd to be planted thirty Mortars, and rais'd a Battery of ten Guns to shoot hot Bullets into the Place.
But before they fir'd from either, _Villeroy_, in complement to the Duke of _Bavaria_, sent a Messenger to know in what Part of the Town his Dutchess chose to reside, that they might, as much as possible, avoid incommoding her, by directing their Fire to other Parts. Answer was return'd that she was at her usual Place of Residence, the Palace; and accordingly their fireing from Battery or Mortars little incommoded them that Way.
Five Days the Bombardment continu'd; and with such Fury, that the Centre of that n.o.ble City was quite lay'd in Rubbish. Most of the Time of Bombarding I was upon the Counterscarp, where I could best see and distinguish; and I have often counted in the Air, at one time, more than twenty Bombs; for they shot whole Vollies out of their Mortars all together. This, as it must needs be terrible, threw the Inhabitants into the utmost Confusion. Cartloads of Nuns, that for many Years before had never been out of the Cloister, were now hurry'd about from Place to Place, to find Retreats of some Security. In short, the Groves, and Parts remote, were all crowded; and the most s.p.a.cious Streets had hardly a Spectator left to view their Ruins. Nothing was to be seen like that Dexterity of our People in extinguis.h.i.+ng the Fires; for where the red-hot Bullets fell, and rais'd new Conflagrations, not Burghers only, but the vulgar Sort, stood stareing, and with their Hands impocketted, beheld their Houses gradually consume; and without offering prudent or charitable Hand to stop the growing Flames.
But after they had almost thus destroy'd that late fair City, _Villeroy_, finding he could not raise the Siege of _Namur_, by that vigorous Attack upon _Brussels_, decamp'd at last from before it, and put his Army on the March, to try if he could have better Success by exposing to Show his Pageant of one Hundred Thousand Men. Prince _Vaudemont_ had timely Intelligence of the Duke's Resolution and Motion; and resolv'd, if possible to get there before him. Nor was the Attempt fruitless: He fortunately succeeded, though with much Fatigue, and no little Difficulty, after he had put a Trick upon the Spies of the Enemy, by pretending to encamp, and so soon as they were gone ordering a full March.
The Castle of _Namur_ had been all this Time under the Fire of the Besieger's Cannon; and soon after our little Army under the Prince was arriv'd, a Breach, that was imagin'd practicable, being made in the _Terra Nova_ (which, as the Name imports, was a new Work, rais'd by the _French_, and added to the Fortifications, since it fell into their Hands in 1692 and which very much increas'd the Strength of the Whole) a Breach, as I have said, being made in this _Terra Nova_, a Storm, in a Council of War, was resolv'd upon. Four entire Regiments, in conjunction with some Draughts made out of several others, were order'd for that Work, my self commanding that Part of 'em which had been drawn out of Colonel _Tiffins_. We were all to rendevouze at the Abbey of _Salsines_, under the Command of the Lord Cutts; the Signal, when the Attack was to be made, being agreed to be the blowing up of a Bag of Gun-powder upon the Bridge of Boats that lay over the _Sambre_.
So soon as the Signal was made, we march'd up to the Breach with a decent Intrepidity, receiving all the Way we advanc'd the full Fire of the _Cohorn_ Fort. But as soon as we came near enough to mount, we found it vastly steep and rugged. Notwithstanding all which, several did get up, and enter'd the Breach; but not being supported as they ought to have been, they were all made Prisoners. Which, together with a Wound my Lord _Cutts_ receiv'd, after he had done all that was possible for us, necessitated us to retire with the Loss of many of our Men.
_VILLEROY_ all this while lay in fight, with his Army of One Hundred Thousand Men, without making the least Offer to incommode the Besiegers; or even without doing any thing more than make his Appearance in favour of the Besieged, and reconnoitring our Encampment: And, at last, seeing, or imagining that he saw, the Attempt would be to little purpose, with all the good Manners in the World, in the Night, he withdrew that terrible Meteor, and reliev'd our poor Horses from feeding on Leaves, the only Inconvenience he had put us to.
This Retreat leaving the Garrison without all Hope of Relief, they in the Castle immediately capitulated. But after one of the Gates had been, according to Articles, delivered up and Count _Guiscard_ was marching out at the Head of the Garrison, and _Bouflers_ at the Head of the Dragoons; the latter was, by order of King _William_, arrested, in reprize of the Garrison of _Dixmuyd_ (who, contrary to the _Cartel_, had been detain'd Prisoners) and remain'd under Arrest till they were set free.
At the very Beginning of the Year 1696 was discover'd a Plot, fit only to have had its Origin from h.e.l.l or _Rome_. A Plot, which would have put _Hottentots_ and Barbarians out of Countenance. This was call'd the Plot_, from the Design of it, which was to have King _William_ a little before the Time of his usual leaving _England_ to head the Army of the Confederates in _Flanders_.
And as nothing could give a n.o.bler Idea of the great Character of that Prince than such a nefarious Combination against him; so, with all considerate Men, nothing could more depreciate the Cause of his inconsiderate Enemies. If I remember what I have read, the Sons of ancient _Rome_, though Heathens, behav'd themselves against an Enemy in a quite different Manner. Their Historians afford us more Instances than a few of their generous Intimations to Kings and Generals, under actual Hostilities, of barbarous Designs upon their Lives. I proceed to this of our own Countrymen.
Soon after the Discovery had been made, by Persons actually engag'd in that inhuman Design, the Regiment, in which I served, with some others then in _Flanders_, receiv'd Orders, with all Expedition, to embarque for _England_; though, on our Arrival at _Gravesend_, fresh Orders met us to remain on board the Transports, till we had surther Directions.
On my going to _London_, a few Days after, I was told, that two Regiments only were now design'd to come a-sh.o.r.e; and that the rest would be remanded to _Flanders_, the Danger apprehended being pretty well over. I was at _White Hall_ when I receiv'd this Notice; where meeting my Lord _Cutts_ (who had ever since the storming of the _Terra Nova_ at _Namur_ allow'd me a Share in his Favour) he express'd himself in the most obliging Manner; and at parting desir'd he might not fail of seeing me next Morning at his House; for he had somewhat of an extraordinary Nature to communicate to me.
At the time appointed, I waited on his Lors.h.i.+p, where I met Mr. _Steel_ (now Sir _Richard_, and at that time his Secretary) who immediately introduc'd me. I found in company with him three Gentlemen; and after common Salutations, his Lords.h.i.+p deliver'd into my Hands, an Order from the King in Council to go along with Captain _Porter_, Mr. _de la Rue_, and Mr. _George Harris_ (who prov'd to be those three with him) to search all the Transports at _Gravesend_, in order to prevent any of the Conspirators getting out of _England_ that Way. After answering, that I was ready to pay Obedience, and receiving, in private, the further necessary Instructions, we took our Leave, and Oars soon after for _Gravesend_. 'Twas in our Pa.s.sage down, that I understood that they had all been of the Conspiracy, but now reluctant, were become Witnesses.
When we came to _Gravesend_, I produc'd my Authority to the Commanding Officer, who very readily paid Obedience, and gave a.s.sistance; But after our most diligent Search, finding nothing of what we look'd for, we return'd that very Night to _London_.
Next Day a Proclamation was to come out for the apprehending three of four Troopers, who were sent over by King _James_, with a thousand Pounds Reward for each: Mr. _George Harris_, who was the fourth, being the only Evidence against the other three. No sooner were we return'd from _Gravesend_, but _Harris_ had Intelligence brought him, that _Ca.s.sells_, one of the three, was at Mr. _Allens_ in the _Savoy_, under the Name of _Green_. Upon which we went directly to the Place; and enquiring for Mr. _Green_, we were told he lodg'd there, and was in his Room.
I was oblig'd by my Order to go along with them, and a.s.sist 'em; and very well was it that I was so: For in consideration of the Reward in the Proclamation, which, as I have said, was to come out the next Day, _Harris_ and the rest were for deferring his Seizure, till the coming out of that Proclamation; but making answer, that in case of his Escape that Night, I must be responsible to my Superiors; who, under the most favourable Aspect, would construe it a Neglect of Duty, they were forc'd to comply; and so he was taken up, and his Name that Night struck out of the Proclamation. It is very true, by this faithful Discharge of my Trust, I did save the Government one Thousand Pounds; but it is equally so, that I never had of my Governors one Farthing Consideration for what others term'd an over-officious Piece of Service; though in Justice it must be own'd a Piece of exact and disinterested Duty.
Some few Days after, attending by Direction at the Secretary's Office, with Mr. _Harris_, there came in a _Dutchman_, spluttering and making a great Noise, that he was sure he could discover one of the Conspirators; but the Mein and the Behaviour of the Man, would not give any Body Leave to give him any Credit or Regard. However, the Man persisting in his a.s.sertions, I spoke to Mr. _Harris_ to take him aside, and ask him what Sort of a Person he was; _Harris_ did so; and the _Dutchman_ describing him, says _Harris_, returning to me, I'll be hang'd if it be not _Blackburn_. Upon which we had him question'd somewhat more narrowly; when having no room to doubt, and understanding where he was, Colonel _Rivet_ of the Guards was sent for, and order'd to go along with us to seize him. We went accordingly; and it proving to be _Blackburn_, the _Dutchman_ had five Hundred Pounds, and the Colonel and others the Remainder. _Ca.s.sels_ and _Blackburn_, if still alive, are in _Newgate_, confin'd by Act of Parliament, one only Witness, which was _Harris_, being producible against them.
When _Blackburn_ was seiz'd, I found in the Chamber with him, one _Davison_, a Watch-maker, living in _Holbourn_. I carry'd him along with me to the Secretary of State; but nothing on his Examination appearing against him, he was immediately discharg'd. He offer'd afterwards to present me with a fine Watch of his own making, which I refus'd; and he long after own'd the Obligation.
So soon as the Depth of this Plot was fathom'd, and the intended Evil provided against, as well as prevented, King _William_ went over into _Flanders_, and our Regiment thereupon receiv'd Orders for their immediate Return. Nothing of any Moment occurr'd till our Arrival at our old Quarters, the _Camerlins_, where we lay dispers'd amongst the Country Boors or Farmers, as heretofore. However, for our better Security in those Quarters, and to preserve us from the Excursions of the neighbouring Garrison of Furnes, we were oblig'd to keep an Out-guard at a little Place call'd _Sh.o.e.rbeck_. This Guard was every forty-eight Hours chang'd, and remounted with a Captain, a Lieutenant, an Ensign, and threescore Men.
When it came to my Turn to relieve that Guard, and for that Purpose I was arriv'd at my Post, it appear'd to me with the Face of a Place of Debauch, rather than Business; there being too visible Tokens, that the hard Duty of both Officers and Soldiers had been that of hard Drinking, the foulest Error that a Soldier can commit, especially when on his Guard.
To confirm my Apprehensions, a little after I had taken Possession of my Guard, the Man of the House related to me such Pa.s.sages, and so many of'em, that satisfy'd me, that if ten sober Men had made the Attack, they might have fairly knock'd all my Predecessors of the last Guard on the Head, without much Difficulty. However, his Account administer'd Matter of Caution to me, and put me upon taking a narrower View of our Situation. In consequence whereof, at Night I plac'd a Centinel a Quarter of a Mile in the Rear, and such other Centinels as I thought necessary and convenient in other Places; with Orders, that upon Sight of an Enemy the Centinel near should fire; and that upon hearing that, all the other Centinels, as well as he, should hasten in to strengthen our Main Guard.
What my Jealousy, on my Landlord's Relation, had suggested, happen'd accordingly: For about one in the Morning I was alarm'd with the Cry of one of my Centinels, _Turn out for G.o.d's sake_; which he repeated, with Vehemence, three or four times over. I took the Alarm, got up suddenly; and with no little Difficulty got my Men into their Ranks, when the Person who made the Outcry came running in, almost spent, and out of Breath. It was the Centinel, that I had luckily plac'd about a Quarter of a Mile off, who gave the Alarm, and his Musket flas.h.i.+ng in the Pan, without going off, he endeavour'd to supply with his Voice the Defect of his Piece. I had just got my Men into their Ranks, in order to receive the Enemy, when by the Moonlight, I discover'd a Party advancing upon us. My out Centinel challeng'd 'em, and as I had precaution'd, they answer'd, _Hispanioli_; though I knew 'em to be _French_.
However, on my Survey of our Situation by Day-light, having mark'd in my Mind a proper Place for drawing up my Men in Case of an Attack, which was too narrow to admit of more than two on a Breast; and which would secure between us and the Enemy a Ditch of Water: I resolv'd to put in practice what had entertain'd me so well in the Theory. To that Purpose I order'd my first Rank to keep their Post, stand still and face the Enemy, while the other two Ranks stooping should follow me to gain the intended Station; which done, the first Rank had Orders to file off and fall behind. All was perform'd in excellent Order; and I confess it was with no little Pleasure, that I beheld the Enemy, for the best Part of an Hour, in Consultation whether they should attack us or no. The result, nevertheless, of that Consultation ended in this; that, seeing us so well upon our Guard, it was most adviseable to draw off. They soon put their Resolution into practice, which I was very glad to see; on Examination a little before having found that my Predecessor, as in other Things, had fail'd of Conduct in leaving me a Garrison without Ammunition.
Next Morning I was very pleasingly surpriz'd with a handsome Present of Wine, and some other necessary Refreshments. At first I made a little Scruple and Hesitation whether or no to receive 'em; till the Bearer a.s.sur'd me, that they were sent me from the Officers of the next Garrison, who had made me a Visit the Night before, as a candid Acknowledgment of my Conduct and good Behaviour. I return'd their Compliment, that I hop'd I should never receive Men of Honour otherwise than like a Man of Honour; which mightily pleas'd them. Every of which Particulars the _Ghent Gazettier_ the Week after publish'd.
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