Military Memoirs of Capt. George Carleton Part 3

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We had little to do except Marching and Counter-marching all the Campaign after; till it was resolv'd in a Council of War, for the better preserving of _Brussels_ from such Insults, as it had before sustain'd from the _French_, during the Siege of _Namur_, to fortify _Anderlech_; upon which our Regiment, as well as others, were commanded from our more pacifick Posts to attend that Work. Our whole Army was under Movement to cover that Resolution; and the Train fell to my Care and Command in the March. There accompany'd the Train a Fellow, seemingly ordinary, yet very officious and courteous, being ready to do any thing for any Person, from the Officer to the common Soldier. He travell'd along and mov'd with the Train, sometimes on Foot, and sometimes getting a Ride in some one or other of the Waggons; but ever full of his Chit-chat and Stories of Humour. By these insinuating Ways he had screw'd himself into the general good Opinion; but the Waggoners especially grew particularly fond of him. At the End of our March all our Powder-Waggons were plac'd breast a-breast, and so close, that one miscarrying would leave little doubt of the Fate of all the rest. This in the Camp we commonly call _the Park_; and here it was that our new Guest, like another _Phaeton_, though under Pretence of Weariness, not Ambition, got Leave of the very last Carter to the Train to take a Nap in his Waggon. One who had entertain'd a Jealousy of him, and had watch'd him, gave Information against him; upon which he was seiz'd and brought to me as Captain of the Guard. I caus'd him to be search'd; and upon search, finding Match, Touchwood, and other dangerous Materials upon him; I sent him and them away to the Provoe. Upon the Whole, a Council of War was call'd, at which, upon a strict Examination, he confess'd himself a hir'd Incendiary; and as such receiv'd his Sentence to be burnt in the Face of the Army. The Execution was a Day or two after: When on the very Spot, he further acknowledged, that on Sight or Noise of the Blow, it had been concerted, that the _French_ Army should fall upon the Confederates under those lamentable Circ.u.mstances.

The Peace of _Riswick_ soon after taking place, put an End to all Incendiarisms of either Sort. So that nothing of a Military Kind, which was now become my Province, happen'd of some Years after. Our Regiment was first order'd into _England_; and presently after into _Ireland_: But as these Memoirs are not design'd for the Low Amuzement of a Tea-Table, but rather of the Cabinet, a Series of inglorious Inactivity can furnish but very little towards 'em.

Yet as little as I admir'd a Life of Inactivity, there are some Sorts of Activity, to which a wise Man might almost give Supineness the Preference: Such is that of barely encountring Elements, and wageing War with Nature; and such, in my Opinion, would have been the spending my Commission, and very probably my Life with it, in the _West Indies_. For though the Climate (as some would urge) may afford a Chance for a very speedy Advance in Honour, yet, upon revolving in my Mind, that those Rotations of the Wheel of Fortune are often so very quick, as well as uncertain, that I my self might as well be the First as the Last; the Whole of the Debate ended in somewhat like that Couplet of the excellent _Hudibras_:

_Then he, that ran away and fled, Must lie in Honour's Truckle-bed._

However, my better Planets soon disannull'd those melancholy Ideas, which a Rumour of our being sent into the _West Indies_ had crowded my Head and Heart with: For being call'd over into _England_, upon the very Affairs of the Regiment, I arriv'd there just after the Orders for their Transportation went over; by which Means the Choice of going was put out of my Power, and the Danger of Refusing, which was the Case of many, was very luckily avoided.

It being judg'd, therefore, impossible for me to return soon enough to gain my Pa.s.sage, one in Power propos'd to me, that I should resign to an Officer then going over; and with some other contingent Advantages, to my great Satisfaction, I was put upon the Half-pay List. This was more agreeable, for I knew, or at least imagin'd my self wise enough to foretel, from the over hot Debate of the House of Commons upon the Part.i.tion Treaty, that it could not be long before the present Peace would, at least, require patching.

Under this Sort of uncertain Settlement I remain'd with the Patience of a _Jew_, though not with Judaical Absurdity, a faithful Adherer to my Expectation. Nor did the Consequence fail of answering, a War was apparent, and soon after proclaim'd. Thus waiting for an Opportunity, which I flatter'd my self would soon present, the little Diversions of _Dublin_, and the moderate Conversation of that People, were not of Temptation enough to make my Stay in _England_ look like a Burden.

But though the War was proclaim'd, and Preparations accordingly made for it, the Expectations from all receiv'd a sudden Damp, by the as sudden Death of King _William_. That Prince, who had stared Death in the Face in many Sieges and Battles, met with his Fate in the Midst of his Diversions, who seiz'd his Prize in an Hour, to human Thought, the least adapted to it. He was a Hunting (his customary Diversion) when, by an unhappy Trip of his Horse, he fell to the Ground; and in the Fall displac'd his Collar-bone. The News of it immediately alarm'd the Court, and all around; and the sad Effects of it soon after gave all _Europe_ the like Alarm. _France_ only, who had not disdain'd to seek it sooner by ungenerous Means, receiv'd new Hope, from what gave others Motives for Despair. He flatter'd himself, that that long liv'd Obstacle to his Ambition thus remov'd, his Successor would never fall into those Measures, which he had wisely concerted for the Liberties of _Europe_; but he, as well as others of his Adherents, was gloriously deceiv'd; that G.o.d-like Queen, with a Heart entirely _English_, prosecuted her royal Predecessor's Counsels; and to remove all the very Faces of Jealousy, immediately on her Accession dispatch'd to every Court of the great Confederacy, Persons adequate to the Importance of the Message, to give a.s.surances thereof.

This gave new Spirit to a Cause, that at first seem'd to languish in its Founder, as it struck its great Opposers with a no less mortifying Terror; And well did the great Successes of her Arms answer the Prayers and Efforts of that royal Soul of the Confederacies; together with the Wishes of all, that, like her, had the Good, as well as the Honour of their Country at Heart, in which the Liberties of _Europe_ were included. The first Campaign gave a n.o.ble Earnest of the Future. _Bon_, _Keyserwaert_, _Venlo_, and _Ruremond_, were sound Forerunners only of _Donawert_, _Hochstet_, and _Blenheim_. Such a March of _English_ Forces to the Support of the tottering Empire, as it gloriously manifested the ancient Genius of a warlike People; so was it happily celebrated with a Success answerable to the Glory of the Undertaking, which concluded in Statues and princely Donatives to an _English_ Subject, from the then only Emperor in _Europe_. A small Tribute, it's true, for ransom'd Nations and captiv'd Armies, which justly enough inverted the Exclamations of a _Roman_ Emperor to the _French_ Monarch, who deprecated his Legions lost pretty near the same Spot; but to a much superior Number, and on a much less glorious Occasion.

But my good Fortune not allowing me to partic.i.p.ate in those glorious Appendages of the _English_ Arms in _Flanders_, nor on the _Rhine_, I was resolv'd to make a Push for it the first Opportunity, and waste my Minutes no longer on Court Attendances. And my Lord _Cutts_ returning with his full Share of Laurels, for his never to be forgotten Services at _Venlo_, _Ruremond_, and _Hochstet_, found his active Genius now to be repos'd, under the less agreeable Burden of unhazardous Honour, where Quiet must provide a Tomb for one already past any Danger of Oblivion; deep Wounds and glorious Actions having antic.i.p.ated all that could be said in Epitaphs or litteral Inscriptions. Soon after his Arrival from _Germany_, he was appointed General of all her Majesty's Forces in _Ireland_; upon which going to congratulate him, he was pleas'd to enquire of me several Things relating to that Country; and particularly in what Part of _Dublin_ I would recommend his Residence; offering at the same time, if I would go over with him, all the Services that should fall in his Way.

But Inactivity was a Thing I had too long lamented; therefore, after I had, as decently as I could, declin'd the latter Part, I told his Lords.h.i.+p, that as to a Place of Residence, I was Master of a House in _Dublin_, large enough, and suitable to his great Quality, which should be at his Service, on any Terms he thought fit. Adding withal, that I had a Mind to see _Spain_, where my Lord _Peterborow_ was now going; and that if his Lords.h.i.+p would favour me with a Recommendation, it would suit my present Inclinations much better than any further tedious Recess. His Lords.h.i.+p was so good to close with both my Overtures; and spoke so effectually in my Favour, that the Earl of _Peterborow_, then General of all the Forces order'd on that Expedition, bad me speedily prepare my self; and so when all Things were ready I embarqu'd with that n.o.ble Lord for _Spain_, to pursue his well concerted Undertaking; which, in the Event, will demonstrate to the World, that little Armies, under the Conduct of auspicious Generals, may sometimes produce prodigious Effects.

The _Jews_, in whatever Part of the World, are a People industrious in the increasing of _Mammon_; and being accustom'd to the universal Methods of Gain, are always esteem'd best qualify'd for any Undertaking, where that bears a Probability of being a Perquisite. Providing Bread, and other Requisites for an Army, was ever allow'd to carry along with it a Profit answerable; and _Spain_ was not the first Country where that People had engag'd in such an Undertaking. Besides, on any likely Appearance of great Advantage, it is in the Nature as well as Practice of that Race, strenuously to a.s.sist one another; and that with the utmost Confidence and prodigious Alacrity. One of that Number, both competent and willing enough to carry on an Undertaking of that kind, fortunately came at that Juncture to solicit the Earl of _Peterborow_ to be employ'd as Proveditor to the Army and Troops, which were, or should be sent into _Spain_.

It will easily be admitted, that the Earl, under his present Exigencies, did not decline to listen. And a very considerable Sum being offer'd, by way of Advance, the Method common in like Cases was pursu'd, and the Sum propos'd accepted; by which Means the Earl of _Peterborow_ found himself put into the happy Capacity of proceeding upon his first concerted Project. The Name of the _Jew_, who sign'd the Contract, was _Curtisos_; and he and his Friends, with great Punctuality, advanc'd the expected Sum of One Hundred Thousand Pounds Sterling, or very near it; which was immediately order'd into the Hands of the Pay-master of the Forces. For though the Earl took Money of the _Jews_, it was not for his own, but public Use. According to Agreement, Bills were drawn for the Value from _Lisbon_, upon the Lord _G.o.dolphin_ (then Lord Treasurer) all which were, on that Occasion, punctually comply'd with.

The Earl of _Peterborow_ having thus fortunately found Means to supply himself with Money, and by that with some Horse, after he had obtain'd Leave of the Lord _Galoway_ to make an Exchange of two Regiments of Foot, receiv'd the Arch-Duke, and all those who would follow him, aboard the Fleet; and, at his own Expense, transported him and his whole Retinue to _Barcelona_: For all which prodigious Charge, as I have been very lately inform'd, from very good Hands, that n.o.ble Earl never to this Day receiv'd any Consideration from the Government, or any Person whatsoever.

We sail'd from _Lisbon_, in order to join the Squadron under Sir _Cloudsley Shovel:_ Meeting with which at the appointed Station off _Tangier_, the Men of War and Transports thus united, made the best of their Way for _Gibraltar_. There we stay'd no longer than to take aboard two Regiments out of that Garrison, in lieu of two out of our Fleet.

Here we found the Prince of _Hesse_, who immediately took a Resolution to follow the Arch-Duke in this Expedition. He was a Person of great Gallantry; and having been Vice-Roy of _Catalonia_, was receiv'd on board the Fleet with the utmost Satisfaction, as being a Person capable of doing great Service in a Country where he was well known, and as well belov'd.

Speaking _Latin_ then pretty fluently, it gave me frequent Opportunies of conversing with the two Father Confessors of the Duke of _Austria_; and upon that Account I found my self honour'd with some Share in the Favour of the Arch-Duke himself. I mention this, not to gratify any vain Humour, but as a corroborating Circ.u.mstance, that my Opportunities of Information, in Matters of Consequence, could not thereby be suppos'd to be lessen'd; but that I might more reasonably be imagin'd to arrive at Intelligence, that not very often, or at least not so soon, came to the Knowledge of others.

From _Gibraltar_ we sail'd to the Bay of _Altea_, not far distant from the City of _Valencia_, in the Road of which we continu'd for some Days.

While we were there, as I was very credibly inform'd, the Earl of _Peterborow_ met with some fresh Disappointment; but what it was, neither I nor any Body else, as far as I could perceive, could ever dive into: Neither did it appear by any outward Tokens, in that n.o.ble General, that it lay so much at his Heart, as those about him seem'd to a.s.sure me it did.

However, while we lay in _Altea_ Bay, two Bomb-Vessels, and a small Squadron, were order'd against _Denia_, which had a small Castle; but rather fine than strong. And accordingly, upon our Offer to bring to bear with our Cannon, and preparing to fix our Bomb-Vessels, in order to bombard the Place, it surrender'd; and acknowledg'd the Arch-Duke as lawful King of _Spain_, and so proclaim'd him. From this time, therefore, speaking of that Prince, it shall be under that t.i.tle.

General _Ramos_ was left Commander here; a Person who afterwards acted a very extraordinary Part in the War carry'd on in the Kingdom of _Valencia_.

But notwithstanding no positive Resolutions had been taken for the Operations of the Campaign, before the Arch Duke's Departure from _Lisbon_, the Earl of _Peterborow_, ever solicitous of the Honour of his Country, had premeditated another Enterprize, which, had it been embrac'd, would in all Probability, have brought that War to a much more speedy Conclusion; and at the same time have obviated all those Difficulties, which were but too apparent in the Siege of _Barcelona_.

He had justly and judiciously weigh'd, that there were no Forces in the Middle Parts of _Spain_, all their Troops being in the extream Parts of the Kingdom, either on the Frontiers of _Portugal_, or in the City of _Barcelona_; that with King _Philip_, and the royal Family at _Madrid_, there were only some few Horse, and those in a bad Condition, and which only serv'd for Guards: if therefore, as he rightly projected within himself, by the taking of _Valencia_, or any Sea-Port Town, that might have secur'd his Landing, he had march'd directly for _Madrid_; what could have oppos'd him? But I shall have occasion to dilate more upon this Head a few Pages hence; and therefore shall here only say, that though that Project of his might have brought about a speedy and wonderful Revolution, what he was by his Orders afterwards oblig'd to, against his Inclinations, to pursue, contributed much more to his great Reputation, as it put him under a frequent Necessity of overcoming Difficulties, which, to any other General, would have appear'd unsurmountable.

_VALENCIA_ is a City towards the Centre of _Spain_, to the Seaward, seated in a rich and most populous Country, just fifty Leagues from _Madrid_. It abounds in Horses and Mules; by reason of the great Fertility of its Lands, which they can, to great Advantage, water when, and as they please. This City and Kingdom was as much inclin'd to the Interest of King _Charles_ as _Catalonia_ it self; for even on our first Appearance, great Numbers of People came down to the Bay of _Altea_, with not only a bare Offer of their Services, but loaded with all Manner of Provisions, and loud Acclamations of _Viva Carlos tercero, Viva_.

There were no regular Troops in any of the Places round about it, or in the City it self. The nearest were those few Horse in _Madrid_, one hundred and fifty Miles distant; nor any Foot nearer than _Barcelona_, or the Frontiers of _Portugal_.

On the contrary, _Barcelona_ is one of the largest and most populous Cities in all _Spain_, fortify'd with Bastions; one Side thereof is secur'd by the Sea; and the other by a strong Fortification call'd _Monjouick_. The Place is of so large a Circ.u.mference, that thirty thousand Men would scarce suffice to form the Lines of Circ.u.mvallation.

It once resisted for many Months an Army of that Force; and is almost at the greatest Distance from _England_ of any Place belonging to that _Monarchy_.

This short Description of these two Places will appear highly necessary, if it be consider'd, that no Person without it would be able to judge of the Design which the Earl of _Peterborow_ intended to pursue, when he first took the Arch-Duke aboard the Fleet. Nevertheless the Earl now found himself under a Necessity of quitting that n.o.ble Design, upon his Receipt of Orders from _England_, while he lay in the Bay of _Altea_, to proceed directly to _Catalonia_; to which the Arch-Duke, as well as many Sea and Land Officers, were most inclin'd; and the Prince of _Hesse_ more than all the rest.

On receiving those Orders, the Earl of _Peterborow_ seem'd to be of Opinion, that from an Attempt, which he thought under a Probability of Success, he was condemn'd to undertake what was next to an Impossibility of effecting; since nothing appear'd to him so injudicious as an Attempt upon _Barcelona_. A Place at such a Distance from receiving any Reinforcement or Relief; the only Place in which the _Spaniards_ had a Garrison of regular Forces; and those in Number rather exceeding the Army he was to undertake the Siege with, was enough to cool the Ardour of a Person of less Penetration and Zeal than what the Earl had on all Occasions demonstrated. Whereas if the General, as he intended, had made an immediate March to _Madrid_, after he had secur'd _Valencia_, and the Towns adjacent, which were all ready to submit and declare for King _Charles_; or if otherwise inclin'd, had it not in their Power to make any considerable Resistance; to which, if it be added, that he could have had Mules and Horses immediately provided for him, in what Number he pleas'd, together with Carriages necessary for Artillery, Baggage, and Ammunition; in few Days he could have forc'd King _Philip_ out of _Madrid_, where he had so little Force to oppose him. And as there was nothing in his Way to prevent or obstruct his marching thither, it is hard to conceive any other Part King _Philip_ could have acted in such an Extremity, than to retire either towards _Portugal_ or _Catalonia_.

In either of which Cases he must have left all the middle Part of _Spain_ open to the Pleasure of the Enemy; who in the mean time would have had it in their Power to prevent any Communication of those Bodies at such opposite Extreams of the Country, as were the Frontiers of _Portugal_ and _Barcelona_, where only, as I said before, were any regular Troops.

And on the other Side, as the Forces of the Earl of _Peterborow_ were more than sufficient for an Attempt where there was so little Danger of Opposition; so if their Army on the Frontiers of _Portugal_ should have march'd back upon him into the Country; either the _Portugueze_ Army could have enter'd into _Spain_ without Opposition; or, at worst, supposing the General had been forc'd to retire, his Retreat would have been easy and safe into those Parts of _Valencia_ and _Andahzia_, which he previously had secur'd. Besides, _Gibraltar_, the strongest Place in _Spain_, if not in the whole World, was already in our Possession, and a great Fleet at Hand ready to give a.s.sistance in all Places near the Sea.

From all which it is pretty apparent, that in a little time the War on our Side might have been supported without entering the _Mediterranean_; by which Means all Reinforcements would have been much nearer at Hand, and the Expences of transporting Troops and Ammunition very considerably diminish'd.

But none of these Arguments, though every one of them is founded on solid Reason, were of Force enough against the prevailing Opinion for an Attempt upon _Catalonia_. Mr. _Crow_, Agent for the Queen in those Parts, had sent into _England_ most positive a.s.surances, that nothing would be wanting, if once our Fleet made an invasion amongst the _Catalans_: The Prince of _Hesse_ likewise abounded in mighty Offers and prodigious a.s.surances; all which enforc'd our Army to that Part of _Spain_, and that gallant Prince to those Attempts in which he lost his Life. Very much against the Inclination of our General, who foresaw all those Difficulties, which were no less evident afterwards to every one; and the Sense of which occasion'd those Delays, and that Opposition to any Effort upon _Barcelona_, which ran thro' so many successive Councils of War.

However, pursuant to his Instructions from _England_, the repeated Desires of the Arch-Duke, and the Importunities of the Prince of _Hesse_, our General gave Orders to sail from _Altea_ towards the Bay of _Barcelona_, the chief City of _Catalonia_. Nevertheless, when we arriv'd there, he was very unwilling to land any of the Forces, till he saw some Probability of that a.s.sistance and Succour so must boasted of, and so often promis'd. But as nothing appear'd but some small Numbers of Men, very indifferently arm'd, and without either Gentlemen or Officers at the Head of them; the Earl of _Peterborow_ was of Opinion, this could not be deem'd sufficient Encouragement for him to engage in an Enterprize, which carry'd so poor a Face of Probability of Success along with it. In answer to this it was urg'd, that till a Descent was made, and the Affairs thoroughly engag'd in, it was not to be expected that any great Numbers would appear, or that Persons of Condition would discover themselves. Upon all which it was resolv'd the Troops should be landed.

Accordingly, our Forces were disembark'd, and immediately encamp'd; notwithstanding which the Number of Succours increas'd very slowly, and that after the first straggling Manner. Nor were those that did appear any way to be depended on; coming when they thought fit, and going away when they pleas'd, and not to be brought under any regular Discipline.

It was then pretended, that until they saw the Artillery landed as well as Forces, they would not believe any Siege actually intended. This brought the General under a sort of Necessity of complying in that also.

Though certainly so to do must be allow'd a little unreasonable, while the Majority in all Councils of War declar'd the Design to be impracticable; and the Earl of _Peterborow_ had positive Orders to proceed according to such Majorities.

At last the Prince of _Hesse_ was pleas'd to demand Pay for those Stragglers, as Officers and Soldiers, endeavouring to maintain, that it could not be expected that Men should venture their Lives for nothing.

Thus we came to _Catalonia_ upon a.s.surances of universal a.s.sistance; but found, when we came there, that we were to have none unless we paid for it. And as we were sent thither without Money to pay for any thing, it had certainly been for us more tolerable to have been in a Country where we might have taken by Force what we could not obtain any other way.

However, to do the _Miquelets_ all possible Justice, I must say, that notwithstanding the Number of 'em, which hover'd about the Place, never much exceeded fifteen Hundred Men; if sometimes more, oftner less; and though they never came under any Command, but planted themselves where and as they pleas'd; yet did they considerable Service in taking Possession of all the Country Houses and Convents, that lay between the Hills and the Plain of _Barcelona_; by means whereof they render'd it impossible for the Enemy to make any _Sorties_ or Sallies at any Distance from the Town.

And now began all those Difficulties to bear, which long before by the General had been apprehended. The Troops had continu'd under a State of Inactivity for the s.p.a.ce of three Weeks, all which was spent in perpetual Contrivances and Disputes amongst our selves, not with the Enemy. In six several Councils of War the Siege of _Barcelona_, under the Circ.u.mstances we then lay, was rejected as a Madness and Impossibility. And though the General and Brigadier _Stanhope_ (afterward Earl _Stanhope_) consented to some Effort should be made to satisfy the Expectation of the World, than with any Hopes of Success.

However, no Consent at all could be obtain'd from any Council of War; and the _Dutch_ General in particular declar'd, that he would not obey even the Commands of the Earl of _Peterborow_, if he should order the Sacrifice of the Troops under him in so unjustifiable a Manner, without the Consent of a Council of War.

And yet all those Officers, who refus'd their Consent to the Siege of _Barcelona_, offer'd to march into the Country, and attempt any other Place, that was not provided with so strong and numerous a Garrison; taking it for granted, that no Town in _Catalonia, Barcelona_ excepted, could make long Resistance; and in case the Troops in that Garrison should pursue them, they then might have an Opportunity of fighting them at less Disadvantage in the open Field, than behind the Walls of a Place of such Strength. And, indeed, should they have issu'd out on any such Design, a Defeat of those Troops would have put the Province of _Catalonia_, together with the Kingdoms of _Aragon_ and _Valencia_, into the Hands of King _Charles_ more effectually than the taking _of Barcelona_ it self.

Let it be observ'd, _en pa.s.sant_, that by those Offers of the Land Officers in a Council of War, it is easy to imagine what would have been the Success of our Troops, had they march'd directly from _Valencia_ to _Madrid_. For if after two Months Alarm, it was thought reasonable, as well as practicable, to march into the open Country rather than attempt the Siege of _Barcelona_, where Forces equal, if not superior in Number, were ready to follow us at the Heels; what might not have been expected from an Invasion by our Troops when and where they could meet with little Opposition? But leaving the Consideration of what might have been, I shall now endeavour at least with great Exactness to set down some of the most remarkable Events from our taking to the Relief of _Barcelona_.

The repeated Refusals of the Councils of War for undertaking the Siege of so strong a Place, with a Garrison so numerous, and those Refusals grounded upon such solid Reasons, against a Design so rash, reduc'd the General to the utmost Perplexity. The Court of King _Charles_ was immerg'd in complaint; all belonging to him lamenting the hard Fate of that Prince, to be brought into _Catalonia_ only to return again, without the Offer of any one Effort in his Favour. On the other Hand, our own Officers and Soldiers were highly dissatisfy'd, that they were reproach'd, because not dispos'd to enter upon and engage themselves in Impossibilities. And, indeed, in the Manner that the Siege was propos'd and insisted upon by the Prince of _Hesse_, in every of the several Councils of War, after the Loss of many Men, thrown away to no other purpose, but to avoid the Shame (as the Expression ran) of coming like Fools and going away like Cowards, it could have ended in nothing but a Retreat at last.

It afforded but small Comfort to the Earl to have foreseen all these Difficulties, and to have it in his Power to say, that he would never have taken the Arch-Duke on Board, nor have propos'd to him the Hopes of a Recovery of the _Spanish_ Monarchy from King _Philip_, if he could have imagin'd it probable, that he should not have been at liberty to pursue his own Design, according to his own Judgment. It must be allow'd very hard for him, who had undertaken so great a Work, and that without any Orders from the Government; and by so doing could have had no Justification but by Success; I say, it must be allow'd to be very hard (after the Undertaking had been approv'd in _England_) that he should find himself to be directed in this Manner by those at a Distance, upon ill grounded and confident Reports from Mr. _Crow_; and compell'd, as it were, though General, to follow the Sentiments of Strangers, who either had private Views of Ambition, or had no immediate Care or Concern for the Troops employ'd in this Expedition.

Such were the present unhappy Circ.u.mstanches of the Earl of _Peterborow_ in the Camp before _Barcelona_: Impossibilities propos'd; no Expedients to be accepted; a Court reproaching; Councils of War rejecting; and the _Dutch_ General refusing the a.s.sistance of the Troops under his Command; and what surmounted all, a Despair of bringing such Animosities and differing Opinions to any tolerable Agreement. Yet all these Difficulties, instead of discouraging the Earl, set every Faculty of his more afloat; and, at last, produc'd a lucky Thought, which was happily attended with Events extraordinary, and Scenes of Success much beyond his Expectation; such, as the General himself was heard to confess, it had been next to Folly to have look'd for; as certainly, _in prima facie_, it would hardly have born proposing, to take by Surprize a Place much stronger than _Barcelona_ it self. True it is, that his only Hope of succeeding consisted in this: That no Person could suppose such an Enterprize could enter into the Imagination of Man; and without doubt the General's chief Dependence lay upon what he found true in the Sequel; that the Governor and Garrison of _Monjouick_, by reason of their own Security, would be very negligent, and very little upon their Guard.

However, to make the Experiment, he took an Opportunity, unknown to any Person but an _Aid de Camp_ that attended him, and went out to view the Fortifications: And there being no Horse in that strong Fortress; and the _Miquelets_ being possess'd of all the Houses and Gardens in the Plain, it was not difficult to give himself that Satisfaction, taking his Way by the Foot of the Hill. The Observation he made of the Place it self, the Negligence and Supineness of the Garrison, together with his own uneasy Circ.u.mstances, soon brought the Earl to a Resolution of putting his first Conceptions in Execution, satisfy'd as he was, from the Situation of the Ground between _Monjouick_ and the Town, that if the first was in our Possession, the Siege of the latter might be undertaken with some Prospect of Success.

From what has been said, some may be apt to conclude that the Siege afterward succeeding, when the Attack was made from the Side of _Monjouick_, it had not been impossible to have prevail'd, if the Effort had been made on the East Side of the Town, where our Forces were at first encamp'd, and where only we could have made our Approaches, if _Monjouick_ had not been in our Power. But a few Words will convince any of common Experience of the utter Impossibility of Success upon the East Part of the Town, although many almost miraculous Accidents made us succeed when we brought our Batteries to bear upon that Part of _Barcelona_ towards the West. The Ground to the East was a perfect Level for many Miles, which would have necessitated our making our Approaches in a regular Way; and consequently our Men must have been expos'd to the full Fire of their whole Artillery. Besides, the Town is on that Side much stronger than any other; there is an Out-work just under the Walls of the Town, flank'd by the Courtin and the Faces of two Bastions, which might have cost us half our Troops to possess, before we could have rais'd a Battery against the Walls. Or supposing, after all, a competent Breach had been made, what a wise Piece of Work must it have been to have attempted a Storm against double the Number of regular Troops within?

On the contrary, we were so favoured by the Situation, when we made the Attack from the Side of _Monjouick_, that the Breach was made and the Town taken without opening of Trenches, or without our being at all incommoded by any Sallies of the Enemy; as in truth they made not one during the whole Siege. Our great Battery, which consisted of upwards of fifty heavy Cannon, supply'd from the s.h.i.+ps, and manag'd by the Seamen, were plac'd upon a Spot of rising Ground, just large enough to contain our Guns, with two deep hollow Ways on each Side the Field, at each End whereof we had rais'd a little Redoubt, which serv'd to preserve our Men from the Shot of the Town. Those little Redoubts, in which we had some Field Pieces, flank'd the Battery, and render'd it intirely secure from any Surprize of the Enemy. There were several other smaller Batteries rais'd upon the Hills adjacent, in Places not to be approach'd, which, in a manner, render'd all the Artillery of the Enemy useless, by reason their Men could not play 'em, but with the utmost Danger; whereas ours were secure, very few being kill'd, and those mostly by random Shot.

But to return to the General; forc'd, as he was, to take this extraordinary Resolution, he concluded, the readiest Way to surprize his Enemies was to elude his Friends. He therefore call'd a Council of War a-sh.o.r.e, of the Land Officers; and aboard, of the Admirals and Sea Officers: In both which it was resolv'd, that in case the Siege of _Barcelona_ was judg'd impracticable, and that the Troops should be re-imbark'd by a Day appointed, an Effort should be made upon the Kingdom of _Naples_. Accordingly, the Day affix'd being come, the heavy Artillery landed for the Siege was return'd aboard the s.h.i.+ps, and every thing in appearance prepar'd for a Re-imbarkment. During which, the General was oblig'd to undergo all the Reproaches of a dissatisfy'd Court; and what was more uneasy to him, the Murmurings of the Sea Officers, who, not so competent Judges in what related to Sieges, were one and all inclin'd to a Design upon _Barcelona_; and the rather, because as the Season was so far spent, it was thought altogether improper to engage the Fleet in any new Undertaking. However, all Things were so well disguis'd by our seeming Preparations for a Retreat, that the very Night our Troops were in March towards the Attack of _Monjouick_, there were publick Entertainments and Rejoicings in the Town for the raising of the Siege.

The Prince of _Hesse_ had taken large Liberties in complaining against all the Proceedings in the Camp before _Barcelona_; even to Insinuations, that though the Earl gave his Opinion for some Effort in public, yet us'd he not sufficient Authority over the other General Officers to incline them to comply; throwing out withal some Hints, that the General from the Beginning had declar'd himself in favour of other Operations, and against coming to _Catalonia_; the latter Part whereof was nothing but Fact. On the other Side, the Earl of _Peterborow_ complain'd, that the boasted a.s.sistance was no way made good; and that in failure thereof, his Troops were to be sacrificed to the Humours of a Stranger; one who had no Command; and whose Conduct might bear a Question whether equal to his Courage. These Reproaches of one another had bred so much ill Blood between those two great Men, that for above a Fortnight they had no Correspondence, nor ever exchang'd one Word.

The Earl, however, having made his proper Dispositions, and deliver'd out his Orders, began his March in the Evening with twelve Hundred Foot and two Hundred Horse, which of necessity were to pa.s.s by the Quarters of the Prince of _Hesse_. That Prince, on their Appearance, was told that the General was come to speak with him; and being brought into his Apartment, the Earl acquainted him, that he had at last resolv'd upon an Attempt against the Enemy; adding, that now, if he pleas'd, he might be a Judge of their Behaviour, and see whether his Officers and Soldiers had deserv'd that Character which he had so liberally given 'em. The Prince made answer, that he had always been ready to take his Share; but could hardly believe, that Troops marching that way could make any Attempt against the Enemy to satisfaction. However, without further Discourse he call'd for his Horse.

By this we may see what Share Fortune has in the greatest Events. In all probability the Earl of _Peterborow_ had never engag'd in such a dangerous Affair in cold Blood and unprovok'd; and if such an Enterprize had been resolv'd on in a regular Way, it is very likely he might have given the Command to some of the General Officers; since it is not usual, nor hardly allowable, for one, that commands in chief, to go in Person on such kind of Services. But here we see the General and Prince, notwithstanding their late indifferent Harmony, engag'd together in this most desperate Undertaking.

Brigadier _Stanhope_ and Mr. _Methuen_ (now Sir _Paul_) were the General's particular Friends, and those he most consulted, and most confided in; yet he never imparted this Resolution of his to either of them; for he was not willing to engage them in a Design so dangerous, and where there was so little Hope of Success; rather choosing to reserve them as Persons most capable of giving Advice and a.s.sistance in the Confusion, great enough already, which yet must have been greater, if any Accident had happen'd to himself. And I have very good Reason to believe, that the Motive, which mainly engag'd the Earl of _Peterborow_ in this Enterprize, was to satisfy the Prince of _Hesse_ and the World, that his Diffidence proceeded from his Concern for the Troops committed to his Charge, and not for his own Person. On the other Hand, the great Characters of the two Gentlemen just mention'd are so well known, that it will easily gain Credit, that the only Way the General could take to prevent their being of the Party, was to conceal it from them, as he did from all Mankind, even from the Archduke himself. And certainly there never was a more universal Surprize than when the firing was heard next Morning from _Monjouick_.

But I now proceed to give an exact Account of this great Action; of which no Person, that I have heard of, ever yet took upon him to deliver to Posterity the glorious Particulars; and yet the Consequences and Events, by what follows, will appear so great, and so very extraordinary, that few, if any, had they had it in their Power, would have deny'd themselves the Pleasure or the World the Satisfaction of knowing it.

Military Memoirs of Capt. George Carleton Part 3

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