The Classical World Part 18
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9. I suspect the 'Callaneus' in the Milesian 'parapegma' (DielsRehm no. 456A) really is our 'Calanos': text in Liba Taub, Ancient Meteorology Ancient Meteorology (2003), 248. (2003), 248.
10. Aristobulus, in Strabo, 15.1.62, amplified by Onesicritus, in Strabo, 15.1.30 and then Diodorus, 19.33; I differ from A. B. Bosworth, Legacy of Alexander Legacy of Alexander (2002), 1814. (2002), 1814.
11. Edict 13, in Beni Mahab Barun, Inscriptions of Asoka Inscriptions of Asoka (1990, 2nd edn.). (1990, 2nd edn.).
12. Heraclides Ponticus, 840F23 (Jacoby) with Fraser, op. cit. (note 5), 1867.
1. A. Erskine, Troy between Greece and Rome Troy between Greece and Rome (2001), 13156, with 149 note 81. (2001), 13156, with 149 note 81.
2. J. G. Pedley, Paestum Paestum (1990), 12025; E. Dench, (1990), 12025; E. Dench, From Barbarians to New Men From Barbarians to New Men (1995), 646; M. W. Frederiksen, (1995), 646; M. W. Frederiksen, Dialoghi di archeologia Dialoghi di archeologia (1968), 323. (1968), 323.
3. Aristotle, in Plutarch, Life of Camillus Life of Camillus 22.3; T. J. Cornell, 22.3; T. J. Cornell, The Beginnings of Rome The Beginnings of Rome (1995), 31518, for variants; N. Horsfall, in (1995), 31518, for variants; N. Horsfall, in Cla.s.sical Journal Cla.s.sical Journal (1981), 298311. (1981), 298311.
4. Diodorus, 14.93.4.
5. Pliny, Natural History Natural History 34.26, with Dench, 34.26, with Dench, From Barbarians From Barbarians, 62, notes 1423.
6. Polybius, 3.22; Diodorus, 16.69.1 and Livy, 7.27.2; Livy, 9.43.12; I accept all three and put Polybius' second treaty in the 340s; for the debate, Cornell, Beginnings of Rome Beginnings of Rome, 21014.
7. Duris, 76 (Jacoby) F 56.
8. David Potter, in Harriet I. Flower (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to the Roman Republic The Cambridge Companion to the Roman Republic (2004), 6688 is a very important rethink of these issues. (2004), 6688 is a very important rethink of these issues.
9. M. H. Crawford, Roman Statutes Roman Statutes, volume II (1996), 579703.
10. A. W. Lintott, in Aufstieg und Niedergang der Romischen Welt Aufstieg und Niedergang der Romischen Welt, volume I.ii (1972), 22667.
11. Livy, 3.26.8.
12. N. M. Horsfall, in J. N. Bremmer and N. M. Horsfall, Roman Myth and Mythology Roman Myth and Mythology (1987), 68. (1987), 68.
13. M. W. Frederiksen, Campania Campania (1984), 1839. (1984), 1839.
14. Appian, Samnitica Samnitica 3.7.2; Ca.s.sius Dio, 9.F39.510. 3.7.2; Ca.s.sius Dio, 9.F39.510.
15. Appian, Samnitica Samnitica 3.7.1 where I side with M. Cary, in 3.7.1 where I side with M. Cary, in Journal of Philology Journal of Philology (1920), 16570 against P. Wuilleumier, (1920), 16570 against P. Wuilleumier, Tarente Tarente (1939), 87, 95, 102 in an excellent treatment. (1939), 87, 95, 102 in an excellent treatment.
1. J. P. V. D. Balsdon, Romans and Aliens Romans and Aliens (1979), 3058, at 33, in a fine treatment. (1979), 3058, at 33, in a fine treatment.
2. Cicero, Pro Flacco Pro Flacco 9.14; 9.14; Pro Sestio Pro Sestio 141. 141.
3. Polybius, 6.53, with Harriet I. Flower, Ancestor Masks and Aristocratic Power in Roman Culture Ancestor Masks and Aristocratic Power in Roman Culture (1996). (1996).
4. Virgil, Georgics Georgics 4.276. 4.276.
5. M. W. Frederiksen, Campania Campania (1984), 200 note 53 for the problem; Livy, 8.911; H. W. Versnel, in (1984), 200 note 53 for the problem; Livy, 8.911; H. W. Versnel, in Le Sacrifice dans l'antiquite Le Sacrifice dans l'antiquite, Entretiens de la Fondation Hardt, volume XXVII (1981), 13594.
6. Polybius, 12.41.1; Plutarch, Roman Questions Roman Questions 97; Festus 190 L; W. Warde Fowler, 97; Festus 190 L; W. Warde Fowler, The Roman Festivals The Roman Festivals (1899), 24150. (1899), 24150.
7. Ovid, Fasti Fasti 5.331; Valerius Maximus, 2.10.8, for young Cato's reaction; Warde Fowler, 5.331; Valerius Maximus, 2.10.8, for young Cato's reaction; Warde Fowler, Roman Festivals Roman Festivals, 915.
8. Servius, on Virgil, Aeneid Aeneid 9.52. 9.52.
1. Plutarch, Life of Pyrrhus Life of Pyrrhus 19.67, with P. Leveque, 19.67, with P. Leveque, Pyrrhos Pyrrhos (1957), 355 note 7 and in general 34556. (1957), 355 note 7 and in general 34556.
2. Florus, 1.13.9, with H. H. Scullard, The Elephant in the Greek and Roman World The Elephant in the Greek and Roman World (1973), 110, on the story's credentials. (1973), 110, on the story's credentials.
3. Plutarch, Life of Pyrrhus Life of Pyrrhus 21.14. 21.14.
4. Ibid. 23.8.
5. Diodorus, 23.1.4.
6. Hanno the Carthaginian, Periplus Periplus, with introduction and notes by Al. Oikonomides and M. C. J. Miller (1995, 3rd edn.).
7. Lawrence E. Stager, in H. G. Niemeyer, Phonizier im Westen Phonizier im Westen (1982), 15565: W. Huss, (1982), 15565: W. Huss, Geschichte der Karthager Geschichte der Karthager (1985), 53242; Diodorus, 20.14.47; Plutarch, (1985), 53242; Diodorus, 20.14.47; Plutarch, Moralia Moralia 171D. 171D.
8. C. Semp.r.o.nius Tudita.n.u.s, F5 (Peter), for the legend; Diodorus, 24.12, for the torturing.
9. Polybius, 3.11, with F. W. Walbank, Commentary Commentary, volume I (1957).
10. Livy, 21.18.1314.
1. V. D. Hanson, 'Cannae', in R. Cowley (ed.), The Experience of War The Experience of War (1992), with Gregory Daly, (1992), with Gregory Daly, Cannae: The Experience of Battle in the Second Punic War Cannae: The Experience of Battle in the Second Punic War (2002), 156201. (2002), 156201.
2. Polybius, 3.78.1.
3. Ibid. 3.88.1.
4. Pliny, Natural History Natural History 3.103, with Justin, 3.103, with Justin, Epitome Epitome 32.4.11. 32.4.11.
5. Livy, 22.51.
6. Livy, 21.62.3 and 22.1.815.
7. Michael Koortbojian, in Journal of Roman Studies Journal of Roman Studies (2002), 3348. (2002), 3348.
8. Livy, 27.37, and M. Beard, J. North and S. R. F. Price, Religions of Rome Religions of Rome, volume I (1998), 82.
9. M. W. Frederiksen, Campania Campania (1984), 24350. (1984), 24350.
10. Tim Cornell, in Tim Cornell, Boris Rankov and Philip Sabin (eds.), The Second Punic War: A Reappraisal The Second Punic War: A Reappraisal (1996), 97117. (1996), 97117.
11. Seneca, Epistle Epistle 86.46. 86.46.
12. Suetonius, Life of Domitian Life of Domitian 10. 10.
1. Polybius, 5.104.
2. Appian, Illyrica Illyrica 7, P. S. Derow, in 7, P. S. Derow, in Phoenix Phoenix (1973), 11834, for its value. (1973), 11834, for its value.
3. R. K. Sherk, Rome and the Greek East to the Death of Augustus Rome and the Greek East to the Death of Augustus (1988), number 2, the text; Polybius, 9.39.15 for reactions to it. (1988), number 2, the text; Polybius, 9.39.15 for reactions to it.
4. Plutarch, Life of Flamininus Life of Flamininus 10.6 ff. 10.6 ff.
5. E. T. Salmon, Roman Colonization under the Republic Roman Colonization under the Republic (1969), 95112. (1969), 95112.
6. A. Erskine, in Mediterraneo antico: economie, societa, culture Mediterraneo antico: economie, societa, culture, 3.1 (2000), 16582, an excellent study.
7. P. J. Rhodes and D. M. Lewis, The Decrees of the Greek States The Decrees of the Greek States (1997), 53149 is now fundamental on the changes in inscribed decrees. (1997), 53149 is now fundamental on the changes in inscribed decrees.
8. Polybius, 3.4.12, with F. W. Walbank, Polybius Polybius (1972), 17481, arguing however that the 'troubled times' began (1972), 17481, arguing however that the 'troubled times' began c. c. 152 BC. 152 BC.
9. Polybius, 30.15; for a subsequent (and differently based) 'change for the worse', Polybius, 6.57.5 and 31.25.6.
10. John Briscoe, in Journal of Roman Studies Journal of Roman Studies (1964), 6677. (1964), 6677.
1. A good overview by Matthew Leigh, in Oliver Taplin (ed.), Literature in the Greek and Roman Worlds: A New Perspective Literature in the Greek and Roman Worlds: A New Perspective (2000), 288310. (2000), 288310.
2. O. Skutsch, The Annals of Quintus Ennius The Annals of Quintus Ennius (1985), the basic study. (1985), the basic study.
3. Polybius, 30.22.
4. G. Clemente, in A. Giardina and A. Schiavone (eds.), Societa romana e produzione schiavistica Societa romana e produzione schiavistica, volume I (1981), 114, a very good survey; M. Coundry, in Chroniques italiennes Chroniques italiennes, 54 (1997), 920, for history up to Tiberius.
5. Cato, in Festus 350 L.
6. Plutarch, Life of Cato Life of Cato 51; also, 2.13; 20.24. 51; also, 2.13; 20.24.
7. Ibid. 21.8.
8. Cato, in Cicero, De Officiis De Officiis 2.89; Cato, preface to 2.89; Cato, preface to On Agriculture On Agriculture.
9. Cato, in Aulus Gellius, Attic Nights Attic Nights 6.3.7: I owe the emphasis on 'ill-gotten gains' to discussion with T. J. Cornell. 6.3.7: I owe the emphasis on 'ill-gotten gains' to discussion with T. J. Cornell.
10. Cato, in Pliny, Natural History Natural History 29.14. 29.14.
11. Plutarch, Life of Cato Life of Cato 27. 27.
12. Polybius, 30.18.
13. Ibid. 29.4 and 30.5.
14. 2 Maccabees, 5.116.2, with the important reconsideration by F. Millar, in Journal of Jewish Studies Journal of Jewish Studies (1978), 121. (1978), 121.
15. 2 Maccabees, 7.9 ff.
16. Polybius, 3.4.12.
17. Polybius, 12.25 E, with F. W. Walbank, Commentary Commentary and his and his Polybius Polybius (1992), 6696. (1992), 6696.
18. A. Erskine, in Mediterraneo antico: economie, societa, culture Mediterraneo antico: economie, societa, culture, 3.1 (2000), 16582, an excellent study of this too.
19. Polybius, 10.15.46.
20. Polybius, 31, 25.38; on Romans and money, A. Erskine, in F. Cairns (ed.), Papers of Leeds 'International' Latin Seminar Papers of Leeds 'International' Latin Seminar (1996), 1. (1996), 1.
21. F. W. Walbank, Polybius Polybius (1972), 13056 and his (1972), 13056 and his Polybius, Rome and the h.e.l.lenistic World Polybius, Rome and the h.e.l.lenistic World (2002), 27792 for further thoughts. (2002), 27792 for further thoughts.
1. Sall.u.s.t, Catiline Catiline 10. 10.
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