The Classical World Part 19

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2. M. Pobjoy, in E. Herring and Kathryn Lomas (eds.), The Emergence of State Ident.i.ty in Italy in the First Millennium The Emergence of State Ident.i.ty in Italy in the First Millennium (2000), 187247. (2000), 187247.

3. Plutarch, Life of Tiberius Gracchus Life of Tiberius Gracchus 14.1, 19.2; Florus, 2.14.7; C. Gracchus, Fragment 62 (Malcovati). 14.1, 19.2; Florus, 2.14.7; C. Gracchus, Fragment 62 (Malcovati).

4. Diodorus, 37.9.

5. A. N. Sherwin-White, in Journal of Roman Studies Journal of Roman Studies (1982), 28, part of a very important study. (1982), 28, part of a very important study.

6. Plutarch, Life of Sulla Life of Sulla 38.3; Appian, 38.3; Appian, Civil War Civil War 1.106. 1.106.


1. Stressed by F. G. B. Millar, The Crowd in Rome in the Late Republic The Crowd in Rome in the Late Republic (1998), 20426, and his (1998), 20426, and his The Roman Republic in Political Thought The Roman Republic in Political Thought (2002), 19. (2002), 19.

2. A. W. Lintott, in Journal of Roman Studies Journal of Roman Studies (1998), 116, moving between the two concepts. (1998), 116, moving between the two concepts.

3. Sall.u.s.t, The Histories The Histories, ed. P. McGus.h.i.+n, volume II (1994), 2731.

4. Macrobius, Sat Sat. 3.13.10; Varro, De Re Rustica De Re Rustica 3.6.6. 3.6.6.

5. Plutarch, Life of Lucullus Life of Lucullus 39.241; Pliny, 39.241; Pliny, Natural History Natural History 15.102; P. Grimal, 15.102; P. Grimal, Les Jardins romains Les Jardins romains (1984 edn.), 12830. (1984 edn.), 12830.

6. Plutarch, Life of Pompey Life of Pompey 2.6. 2.6.

7. Helvius Mancia, in Valerius Maximus, 6.2.8.

8. Cicero, De Imperio De Imperio 412. 412.

9. A. N. Sherwin-White, Roman Foreign Policy in the East Roman Foreign Policy in the East (1984), 186234, for the detailed results. (1984), 186234, for the detailed results.

10. Plutarch, Life of Pompey Life of Pompey 14.6; Pliny, 14.6; Pliny, Natural History Natural History 8.4. 8.4.

11. Cicero, Ad Attic.u.m Ad Attic.u.m 2.1.8. 2.1.8.

12. S. Weinstock, Divus Julius Divus Julius (1971), 43, and Cicero, (1971), 43, and Cicero, Pro Sestio Pro Sestio 129. 129.

13. Valerius Maximus, 6.2.7 and Ammia.n.u.s, 17.11.4.

14. Julian, The Caesars The Caesars, Loeb Library, volume II (1913), ed. W. C. Wright, 384 for the 'lion'; Caelius, in Cicero, Ad Familiares Ad Familiares 8.1.3; compare Cicero, 8.1.3; compare Cicero, Ad Attic.u.m Ad Attic.u.m 4.9, another cla.s.sic. 4.9, another cla.s.sic.


1. J. P. V. D. Balsdon, in T. A. Dorey (ed), Cicero Cicero (1965), 171214, at 205, in a brilliant appreciation of the man. (1965), 171214, at 205, in a brilliant appreciation of the man.

2. S. Treggiari, in Transactions of the American Philological a.s.sociation Transactions of the American Philological a.s.sociation (1998), 1123. (1998), 1123.

3. Ibid. 17; E. Rawson, in M. I. Finley (ed.), Studies in Roman Property Studies in Roman Property (1976), 85101, a fine study on Cicero's properties; S. Treggiari, (1976), 85101, a fine study on Cicero's properties; S. Treggiari, Roman Social History Roman Social History (2002), 74108, on 'privacy'. (2002), 74108, on 'privacy'.

4. Ibid. 4973; Cicero, Ad Familiares Ad Familiares 4.6. 4.6.

5. Commentariolum Pet.i.tionis Commentariolum Pet.i.tionis, 1.2.

6. Ibid. 5.18.

7. Ibid. 11.1.

8. Cicero, Ad Familiares Ad Familiares 5.7; Scholia Bobiensia 167 (Strangl). 5.7; Scholia Bobiensia 167 (Strangl).

9. Cicero, Ad Attic.u.m Ad Attic.u.m 2.3.34, with the very useful debate and discussion by A. M. Ward, B. A. Marshall and many others in 2.3.34, with the very useful debate and discussion by A. M. Ward, B. A. Marshall and many others in Liverpool Cla.s.sical Monthly Liverpool Cla.s.sical Monthly, 3.6 (1978), 14775.

10. Cicero, Ad Quintum Fratrem Ad Quintum Fratrem 3.2.4. 3.2.4.

11. Cicero, De Legibus De Legibus 3.28 and 3.349, especially 39. 3.28 and 3.349, especially 39.

12. E. Rawson, in Liverpool Cla.s.sical Monthly Liverpool Cla.s.sical Monthly, 7.8 (1982), 1214, a very good study of this tantalizing subject.

13. S. Treggiari, Selection and Translation of Cicero's Cilician Letters Selection and Translation of Cicero's Cilician Letters (1996, 2nd edn.). (1996, 2nd edn.).

14. Cicero, Ad Attic.u.m Ad Attic.u.m 8.16.2; compare 8.9.4. 8.16.2; compare 8.9.4.


1. Aulus Gellius, 1.10.4.

2. Suetonius, Life of Caesar Life of Caesar 22.23. 22.23.

3. Plutarch, Life of Caesar Life of Caesar 11.4. 11.4.

4. Asconius, In Toga Candida In Toga Candida 71, on which I agree with E. Rawson, in 71, on which I agree with E. Rawson, in Liverpool Cla.s.sical Monthly Liverpool Cla.s.sical Monthly, 7.8 (1982), 123.

5. L. R. Taylor, in Historia Historia (1950), 4551, is still a basic study: Cicero, (1950), 4551, is still a basic study: Cicero, Ad Attic.u.m Ad Attic.u.m 2.24. 2.24.


1. Caesar, Gallic War Gallic War 3.10. 3.10.

2. Pliny, Natural History Natural History 9.11; 36.11415, for the theatre. 9.11; 36.11415, for the theatre.

3. B. M. Levick, in Kathryn Welch and Anton Powell (eds.), Julius Caesar as Artful Reporter Julius Caesar as Artful Reporter (1998), 6184. (1998), 6184.

4. Pliny, Natural History Natural History 36.116, on Curio; 36.115 on Scaurus' villa. 36.116, on Curio; 36.115 on Scaurus' villa.

5. G. O. Hutchinson, in Cla.s.sical Quarterly Cla.s.sical Quarterly (2001), 15062. (2001), 15062.

6. Cicero, De Oratore De Oratore 301; A. C. Dionisiotti, in 301; A. C. Dionisiotti, in Journal of Roman Studies Journal of Roman Studies (1988), 3549, on Nepos and comparative history, especially 389, an excellent study. (1988), 3549, on Nepos and comparative history, especially 389, an excellent study.

7. Sall.u.s.t, Catiline Catiline 25, with R. Syme, 25, with R. Syme, Sall.u.s.t Sall.u.s.t (1964), 1335. (1964), 1335.

8. Valerius Maximus, 9.1.8.

9. Cicero, Ad Familiares Ad Familiares 8.14. 8.14.

10. Suetonius, Life of Caesar Life of Caesar 29.2; Appian, 29.2; Appian, Civil War Civil War 2.32; Plutarch, 2.32; Plutarch, Life of Caesar Life of Caesar 31. 31.

11. Ibid. 32.8.

12. Suetonius, Life of Caesar Life of Caesar 81.2. 81.2.


1. Cicero, Ad Familiares Ad Familiares 8.14.3. 8.14.3.

2. Cicero, Ad Attic.u.m Ad Attic.u.m 7.11.1. 7.11.1.

3. Ibid. 9.18.1.

4. Ibid. 9.10.7 and 9.18.2.

5. Ibid. 9.18.3.

6. Cicero, Ad Familiares Ad Familiares 7.3.2. 7.3.2.

7. Plutarch, Life of Pompey Life of Pompey 38.23. 38.23.

8. Dio, 42.14.34.

9. Anthologia Palatina Anthologia Palatina 9.402; Cicero, 9.402; Cicero, Ad Attic.u.m Ad Attic.u.m 11.6.7. 11.6.7.

10. For context, E. E. Rice, Cleopatra Cleopatra (1999), 4671, a very clear survey. (1999), 4671, a very clear survey.

11. Cicero, Ad Attic.u.m Ad Attic.u.m 10.10.5. 10.10.5.

12. Dio, 43.23.3; S. Weinstock, Divus Julius Divus Julius (1971), 769. (1971), 769.

13. Dio, 43.23.6 and Suetonius, Life of Caesar Life of Caesar 39.2; Weinstock, 39.2; Weinstock, Divus Julius Divus Julius, 8890.

14. Cicero, Ad Familiares Ad Familiares 9.16.3. 9.16.3.

15. Macrobius, Saturnalia Saturnalia 2.7.4; Cicero, 2.7.4; Cicero, Ad Familiares Ad Familiares 12.18.2. 12.18.2.

16. Ibid. 4.5.

17. Dio, 43.44.1, with Weinstock, Divus Julius Divus Julius, 13345.

18. Cicero, Ad Attic.u.m Ad Attic.u.m 12.43.3 and 13.28.3, with S. Weinstock, in 12.43.3 and 13.28.3, with S. Weinstock, in Harvard Theological Review Harvard Theological Review (1957), 212. (1957), 212.

19. Cicero, Ad Attic.u.m Ad Attic.u.m 13.40.1; Nepos, 13.40.1; Nepos, Atticus Atticus 18.3. 18.3.

20. Cicero, Ad Familiares Ad Familiares 7.26.2. 7.26.2.

21. Ibid. 13.52, a cla.s.sic letter.

22. Dio, 44.10.13; I disagree with Weinstock, Divus Julius Divus Julius, 330, that it was a pre-planned 'advent' as a king.

23. Suetonius, Life of Caesar Life of Caesar 77.1. 77.1.

24. Ibid. 81.2: I cannot, sadly, accept 'ubertimque flere'.

25. Suetonius, Life of Caesar Life of Caesar 79.3; Cicero, 79.3; Cicero, De Divinatione De Divinatione 2.110; Dio, 44.15.3; Appian, 2.110; Dio, 44.15.3; Appian, Civil War Civil War 2.110. 2.110.


1. Appian, Civil War Civil War 2.11819; Suetonius, 2.11819; Suetonius, Life of Caesar Life of Caesar 82.34; Appian, 82.34; Appian, Civil War Civil War 2.134. 2.134.

2. Cicero, Ad Familiares Ad Familiares 11.1.1: the dating is famously disputed, some delaying this letter until 20 March. 11.1.1: the dating is famously disputed, some delaying this letter until 20 March.

3. Cicero, Ad Attic.u.m Ad Attic.u.m 14.13.6. 14.13.6.

4. Against Suetonius, 84.2, I set Cicero, Ad Attic.u.m Ad Attic.u.m 14.10, 14.11, 14.22 and 14.10, 14.11, 14.22 and Philippic Philippic 2.91, pointing to more. Surely Appian, 2.91, pointing to more. Surely Appian, Civil War Civil War 2.1447, is usable evidence of what did go on. 2.1447, is usable evidence of what did go on.

5. Appian, Civil War Civil War 3.2. 3.2.

6. Cicero, Ad Attic.u.m Ad Attic.u.m 14.3. 14.3.

7. R. Syme, Augustan Aristocracy Augustan Aristocracy (1986), 39, with Suetonius, (1986), 39, with Suetonius, Life of Augustus Life of Augustus 2.3. 2.3.

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