Lord, Change My Attitude_ Before Its Too Late Part 13

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What about abuse occurring outside the home? I think you understand how it works in society. Christians don't take other believers to court. Just read 1 Corinthians 6. If I have a problem with another believer, and the relations.h.i.+p structure has broken down and failed, I appeal to the elders in my church and ask them to intervene and work that out. But if it's someone in society who has wronged me-engaged in a legitimate, significant wrongdoing-it is not wrong to go to court to ask for justice. Remember, G.o.d loves loves justice. That's why He has established that system. That's why we have munic.i.p.al courts, appellate courts, and supreme courts. You appeal to the higher authority. justice. That's why He has established that system. That's why we have munic.i.p.al courts, appellate courts, and supreme courts. You appeal to the higher authority.

That's what Christ did, but He only had one option. We have many options. If it's a criminal activity, what do you do? You call the police. You call the local child welfare agency. (In Illinois, we have the Department of Child and Family Services.) Those are not wrong decisions. Those are the authority structures that G.o.d has established. If the authority structure over you is failing you and injuring you significantly over an extended period of time, it is not right to remain in that situation. That is not biblical submission. It is right to appeal to the next higher authority as a way of allowing G.o.d to accomplish the transformation that He wants to bring.

Christians who overlook these principles often help bad situations go on that could have been healed. G.o.d desires wise, proactive submission, not slavery or ignorance from us. But having said that, let me add this: The vast majority of Christians who are struggling with issues of submission are not in abusive situations. I have dealt with the terrible situations reflected in the previous paragraphs, because I'm not oblivious to the kind of sinful people that we all are. But for most of us, the struggles that we're having in our lives are not abusive situations. Our difficulties are just the basic relational hards.h.i.+ps of "I am tired of that person telling me me what to do." In those contexts, we need to remember that submission is duty to G.o.d. Submission is our protection. what to do." In those contexts, we need to remember that submission is duty to G.o.d. Submission is our protection.

In summary, Peter says we are free, not slaves, but we are not to use our freedom to do whatever we want. "Act as free men, and do not use your freedom as a covering for evil, but use it as bondslaves of G.o.d" "Act as free men, and do not use your freedom as a covering for evil, but use it as bondslaves of G.o.d" (2:16). Do not use your freedom as an excuse to do what you want. Remember that as one who is free, you are not to be enslaved to any person-but you are to be slaves to G.o.d's will. (2:16). Do not use your freedom as an excuse to do what you want. Remember that as one who is free, you are not to be enslaved to any person-but you are to be slaves to G.o.d's will.


Here's the reason submission takes us out of the wilderness: Submission is favor from G.o.d. Submission is favor from G.o.d. This is the phenomenal truth of this text. G.o.d loves heartfelt, willing humility. This is the phenomenal truth of this text. G.o.d loves heartfelt, willing humility.

Some of the most powerful wors.h.i.+p songs that we sing at Harvest Bible Chapel focus on humility. When we raise our voices, I know G.o.d is pleased. I sense His presence moving through our congregation. It's like, "Look at My brother over here. Look at My daughter over there. Look at My son over here. He is so humble. Look at the way he bears up under-." G.o.d loves loves a gathering of humble, submitted hearts. He's there! a gathering of humble, submitted hearts. He's there!

When G.o.d sees you bearing up under injustice with a submissive spirit, get ready to get blessed, because G.o.d loves that! G.o.d invites us to submit, and honors us when we do. "Servants, be submissive to your masters with all respect, not only to those who are good and gentle, but also to those who are unreasonable" "Servants, be submissive to your masters with all respect, not only to those who are good and gentle, but also to those who are unreasonable" (1 Peter 2:18). Most of us, sooner or later, have to work or live with someone in authority who is unreasonable. Peter explains why we do: (1 Peter 2:18). Most of us, sooner or later, have to work or live with someone in authority who is unreasonable. Peter explains why we do: "For this finds favor, if for the sake of conscience toward G.o.d a person bears up under sorrows when suffering unjustly" "For this finds favor, if for the sake of conscience toward G.o.d a person bears up under sorrows when suffering unjustly" (verse 19). If you bear up under unjust suffering, you get favor from G.o.d. How great is (verse 19). If you bear up under unjust suffering, you get favor from G.o.d. How great is that that promise? But Peter's not done. "Fo promise? But Peter's not done. "Fo r what credit is there if, when you sin and are harshly treated, you endure it with patience?" Remember r what credit is there if, when you sin and are harshly treated, you endure it with patience?" Remember , if the problem is you , if the problem is you r r fault, G.o.d is not up in heaven saying, "Look at him hanging in there." He's going, "Boy, I wish he would stop doing that." fault, G.o.d is not up in heaven saying, "Look at him hanging in there." He's going, "Boy, I wish he would stop doing that."

But there is favor with G.o.d when we endure for the right reasons: "But if when you do what is right and suffer for it you patiently endure it, this finds favor with G.o.d" "But if when you do what is right and suffer for it you patiently endure it, this finds favor with G.o.d" (verse 20). (verse 20).


Lastly, and I think most wonderfully, 1 Peter 2 offers this truth: Submission is intimacy with G.o.d. Submission is intimacy with G.o.d. There is a unique fellows.h.i.+p with Christ that comes through submission to suffering. There is a unique fellows.h.i.+p with Christ that comes through submission to suffering. "For you have been called for this purpose, since Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example for you to follow in His steps" "For you have been called for this purpose, since Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example for you to follow in His steps" (verse 21). What steps? The steps of suffering. The steps of submitting to unG.o.dly authority and finding G.o.d's favor through it. Suffering is not incompatible with biblical Christianity; it's part of it. Notice Christ's example: (verse 21). What steps? The steps of suffering. The steps of submitting to unG.o.dly authority and finding G.o.d's favor through it. Suffering is not incompatible with biblical Christianity; it's part of it. Notice Christ's example: "While being reviled, He did not revile in return; while suffering, He uttered no threats, but kept entrusting Himself to Him who judges righteously; and He Himself bore our sins" "While being reviled, He did not revile in return; while suffering, He uttered no threats, but kept entrusting Himself to Him who judges righteously; and He Himself bore our sins" - how unjust is that?- - how unjust is that?- ". . . so that we might die to sin and live to righteousness; for by His wounds you were healed. For you were continually straying like sheep, but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Guardian of your souls" ". . . so that we might die to sin and live to righteousness; for by His wounds you were healed. For you were continually straying like sheep, but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Guardian of your souls" (verses 2325). If, in fact, you have returned to the shepherd of your soul, make no mistake about what it means to follow in His steps. To follow in His steps is to embrace suffering. (verses 2325). If, in fact, you have returned to the shepherd of your soul, make no mistake about what it means to follow in His steps. To follow in His steps is to embrace suffering.

For most of us, the challenge, almost all the time, is to embrace suffering, to submit to it, knowing that there is a G.o.d who loves us and is watching. G.o.d is so capable of pouring favor into our lives if we live in submission to Him. This means submitting even when we don't seur sinsctions on our behalf, even when submitting brings suffering and heartache. G.o.d is opposed to the proud, but He gives grace to the humble.


What is the greatest injustice that you've ever suffered? In the past or maybe in the present? Maybe someone in authority just jerked you around, really badly. Think about it for a minute. It happens to all of us, doesn't it? It's part of life. I remember three times when I experienced great abuses of authority. Each time G.o.d taught me a submissive response, and used it to bring blessing (though once He had to show me the hollow victory of resisting the person in authority).


During my high school years, basketball was everything to me, and in my senior year I encountered a great disappointment. Leading in every statistical category, I should have been the person on my team picked for the league's all-star game. It's just a fact. I should have been there, but I wasn't. I could give you all the reasons that the person in authority did not choose me. (Some, no doubt, were my own fault.) But, bottom line, in that moment I was deeply hurt and felt so unjustly treated.

I remember going to the game, sitting in the stands, watching the other players, and thinking, "I should be out out there! This isn't right!" It was so hurtful to me at the time. Now it's laughable. I'm embarra.s.sed to even bring it up. But maybe someone will relate to it. there! This isn't right!" It was so hurtful to me at the time. Now it's laughable. I'm embarra.s.sed to even bring it up. But maybe someone will relate to it.

What I felt in my own heart was, "This is death of my basketball dream." Of course, I was at the end of high school, and thought maybe college ball awaited. But I look back now and realize it was the birth of my ministry dream. "I'm not going to be the person I thought I was going to be. I'm going to go in a very different direction instead." My response brought favor with G.o.d, as I didn't make a big scene or say a lot of things that I would regret. That ill treatment by a G.o.d-established authority was used by G.o.d to bring favor and blessings that I simply could never have imagined at the time.


Later, during Bible college, I had a professor who taught preaching but didn't like me at all. I'm sure it was partly my own fault. You don't see these things about yourself when you're younger. But, for whatever reason, he didn't like me. Every time I would preach a message in front of all of the other students, he would get up and criticize me and belittle me. He made me feel so lousy, like I had no ability at all to speak for G.o.d! It was such a hard thing.

I didn't handle this one very well. I got so troubled about it one day that I borrowed a paper from one of my buddies in school. I recopied and improved it a little, and put my name at the top to prove a point. We both turned in the exact same paper. My buddy got an "A;" I got a "D." I was upset! I took both papers to his office and laid them down right in front of the professor. I challenged his authority, and on a human level I was 100 percent in the right. But you know what? I didn't win; I lost. He didn't back down. My actions injured my reputation, and I didn't get favor from G.o.d in that instance.

It was only later, through submission, that G.o.d's blessing rested upon me, when I realized nothing good was accomplished by taking things into my own hands. I was right, but I was wrong!


I think of some of the early days at Harvest when twelve of the eighteen people that we started the church with turned their backs on Pastor Rick and myself and walked out and said some awful things about us. I tried to leave and Rick tried to leave. It was such such a hard time. I can remember just weeping before the Lord, but G.o.d broke us during that and we submitted to the hards.h.i.+p. a hard time. I can remember just weeping before the Lord, but G.o.d broke us during that and we submitted to the hards.h.i.+p.

None of the favor and blessing that have come since could have happened apart from submission. It seems to me that the history of my life has been seasons of struggle under difficult authorities involving choices of submission, followed by abundant favor and blessing from G.o.d.

What if in any of those opportunities I would have said, "I'm out of here! I don't want to put up with this! I don't care anymore"? I would have missed the favor of G.o.d. If there is anything in my life that will stand at the judgment seat of Christ, I trace it directly to those choices of submission and the favor of G.o.d that followed abundantly those seasons of hards.h.i.+p.

LET'S TALK SOLUTION I asked you at the beginning of this chapter to set aside, for a time, your understanding of submission. I pray you now understand the critical way that submission affects your relations.h.i.+ps with others and your relations.h.i.+p with G.o.d. Here are three questions to measure this att.i.tude in your life and three action steps to develop this Promised Land att.i.tude.

1. Do I practice submission? Do I practice submission? Here's an easy way to find the answer to that question. Make a list of the primary authorities in your life. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being total rebellion and 10 being total submission, what has been your att.i.tude of submission to each of them? Put the number after the person's name. Then list next to each authority what you plan to do as a way to improve your att.i.tude of submission toward them. Here's an easy way to find the answer to that question. Make a list of the primary authorities in your life. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being total rebellion and 10 being total submission, what has been your att.i.tude of submission to each of them? Put the number after the person's name. Then list next to each authority what you plan to do as a way to improve your att.i.tude of submission toward them.

2. Am I experiencing the results of submission? Am I experiencing the results of submission? Can you ill.u.s.trate submission in your life by decisions that have cost you? It's easy to submit to a caring and gentle leader. How have you done with authorities who have placed unpleasant demands on you? When you examine your life, can you see the difference in past situations between the results of submission and the results of rebellion? Can you ill.u.s.trate submission in your life by decisions that have cost you? It's easy to submit to a caring and gentle leader. How have you done with authorities who have placed unpleasant demands on you? When you examine your life, can you see the difference in past situations between the results of submission and the results of rebellion?

3. Am I ready to submit to those whom I am resisting? Am I ready to submit to those whom I am resisting? Consider that some of the authorities in your life may have withdrawn and will not reengage with you unless you confess and state your willingness to recognize their rightful role. As you pray the prayer below, open yourself for direction from G.o.d regarding relations.h.i.+ps that need rebuilding through submission, and those that need to be deepened by a new appreciation on your part of your role as someone who willingly submits for G.o.d's sake. Consider that some of the authorities in your life may have withdrawn and will not reengage with you unless you confess and state your willingness to recognize their rightful role. As you pray the prayer below, open yourself for direction from G.o.d regarding relations.h.i.+ps that need rebuilding through submission, and those that need to be deepened by a new appreciation on your part of your role as someone who willingly submits for G.o.d's sake.

Look Up Father, at this moment, I would just say without apology that I desire Your favor. I have lived my life long enough to know that at the end of the day what really matters is the favor and the blessing of almighty G.o.d. Lord, Your Word says, "If G.o.d is for us, who can be against us?" I realize, G.o.d, that You are for me, and You're for my highest and best. You don't use me or abuse me. You make my life something phenomenal and great and praiseworthy. And so I choose the path of submission for my lifestyle.

Lord, I know there is enough relational conflict in this world to stifle any person's joy. There are enough selfish, sinful people in positions of responsibility who take advantage of others and think only of themselves. But, Lord, I want my eyes to be on You. I choose by faith to walk in obedience to Your Word. I antic.i.p.ate already in my home, my church, and where I work and in my neighborhood the blessing and the favor that come only from a G.o.d who is watching and who knows. So I ask You, Lord, to help me. Help me to put off my pride and rebelliousness and to put on submission and grace and forbearance and hard work in the midst of hards.h.i.+p. Lord, help me wait and rest and live in obedience to You. Give me strength to live in submission, not ultimately to human authorities, but to You and to that lone. I offer myself to You afresh for those kinds of victories. I pray all of this in Jesus' precious name. Amen.

EPILOGUE: CHANGE... BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE I just sent Luke, my fifteen-year-old son, to basketball practice, and before I did I gave him the "att.i.tude speech." He'd been feeling pretty frustrated with his coach recently, thinking his efforts were not being rewarded as quickly or as fully as he would like. So I called him in and gave him the speech. He knows it so well he could give it word for word himself.

"Att.i.tude is everything," I said. "Work hard, encourage others, do your best! Basketball is not your life. Set your eyes upon the long-term goals, and in time you will be rewarded. You have so much to be thankful for; focus upon the positive. Att.i.tude determines outcome, so make sure yours is good. G.o.d will honor that in His time and in His way."

He nodded knowingly, set his jaw as one who is choosing his att.i.tude, and rushed out the door into the cold winter air.

The world is a very cold place and will do all it can to push and pressure you into a miserable att.i.tude. There will always be enough injustice and irritation to keep you in the wilderness if you choose to murmur and complain and criticize and covet and doubt and rebel. On the flip side, though, life also has plenty of people and situations to generate thankfulness and love and faith and submission and contentment-att.i.tudes that cause life to flow with the "milk and honey" of G.o.d's blessing and abiding presence. The choice is truly ours.

Of course, some of our choices are limited. At different times, we reach forks in the road of our lives where we really cannot control very much. I've heard people tell me: "I can't control where I work."

"I can't control where I live."

"I can't control who my authorities are or how they treat me."

Sound familiar? The only thing we can always control is our att.i.tude. The only thing we can always control is our att.i.tude. As we said much earlier in this book, you can As we said much earlier in this book, you can choose choose your att.i.tude. Sometimes it is the only thing you can choose. We all face those times when we have little control. During those times, the only thing that will separate us for good or bad is our att.i.tude. We can choose to respond with Promised Land att.i.tudes. your att.i.tude. Sometimes it is the only thing you can choose. We all face those times when we have little control. During those times, the only thing that will separate us for good or bad is our att.i.tude. We can choose to respond with Promised Land att.i.tudes.


Do you ever find yourself down and you don't know why? Does that ever happen to you? It's like, "Everything is going great! I love living here and I love being with these people and I love what I do!" All of a sudden, it's like, "I don't love any of that anymore." Unexpectedly, you find yourself down in the dumps and discouraged and confused! "What happened!"

Has that ever happened to you? Is it the weather? Is it a relational thing? "What's bothering me exactly?" Well, I used to wonder about that a lot. What's bothering me? But I don't wonder anymore. I know what it is. And I hope after reading this book you know it too! It's an att.i.tude that I've chosen.

As we draw this book to a close, may we never forget how G.o.d feels about bad att.i.tudes and why He feels so strongly.


First of all, the att.i.tude reveals the true person. the att.i.tude reveals the true person. "The things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart," "The things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart," Jesus said (Matthew 15:18 NKJV). Your att.i.tude reveals the person you truly are. You can get your external behavior in order, but Jesus said (Matthew 15:18 NKJV). Your att.i.tude reveals the person you truly are. You can get your external behavior in order, but inside inside you're still a mess. G.o.d is not just interested in soldiers that look the part; G.o.d wants us to be the part! He looks on the heart because that is where the true person resides. The goal is not a makeover but real heart nsformation, and that requires us to work on our att.i.tudes. you're still a mess. G.o.d is not just interested in soldiers that look the part; G.o.d wants us to be the part! He looks on the heart because that is where the true person resides. The goal is not a makeover but real heart nsformation, and that requires us to work on our att.i.tudes.

Second, G.o.d is fired up about att.i.tudes because att.i.tudes predict the future. att.i.tudes predict the future. "As [a person] thinks in his heart, so is he" "As [a person] thinks in his heart, so is he" (Proverbs 23:7 NKJV). Att.i.tudes are patterns of thinking formed over a long period of time. You can't think in critical, negative, faultfinding, complaining ways without becoming that person! People say, "You are what you eat." Well, to some degree that's true, but in a deeper, more spiritual and eternal way, you are what you think! G.o.d is very concerned about our att.i.tudes, because you become what you (Proverbs 23:7 NKJV). Att.i.tudes are patterns of thinking formed over a long period of time. You can't think in critical, negative, faultfinding, complaining ways without becoming that person! People say, "You are what you eat." Well, to some degree that's true, but in a deeper, more spiritual and eternal way, you are what you think! G.o.d is very concerned about our att.i.tudes, because you become what you think think about; your att.i.tudes predict the future. about; your att.i.tudes predict the future.

Third, G.o.d is focused upon heart att.i.tudes because they are primarily vertical. they are primarily vertical. There's a horizontalness to most sin; stealing and lying definitely affect personal relations.h.i.+ps. Ultimately, those actions are against G.o.d as well, but att.i.tudes are definitely vertical. In every pa.s.sage we have studied, there is a phrase that links the att.i.tude to G.o.d. "Why have you done this against G.o.d? Why have you rejected the Lord your G.o.d?" G.o.d considers our att.i.tudes directed against Him. That's why He takes them so seriously. There's a horizontalness to most sin; stealing and lying definitely affect personal relations.h.i.+ps. Ultimately, those actions are against G.o.d as well, but att.i.tudes are definitely vertical. In every pa.s.sage we have studied, there is a phrase that links the att.i.tude to G.o.d. "Why have you done this against G.o.d? Why have you rejected the Lord your G.o.d?" G.o.d considers our att.i.tudes directed against Him. That's why He takes them so seriously.

We can see this clearly in another murmuring recorded in Numbers 21. Forty years after the wilderness rebellion at Kadesh Barnea, the children of those who died in the wilderness finally were on the edge of the Promised Land. Most scholars agree that Numbers 21 records an event that took place after all of the original murmuring generation had died. The children, now adults, knew the whole story; they had an incredible opportunity to learn from their parents mistakes and inherit G.o.d's favor instead of judgment. But they didn't, and G.o.d had to deal with them accordingly.

The land of Edom was in their way and they wanted to cut through, but the Edomites, descendants of Esau, opposed the Twelve Tribes of Israel, who were the descendants of Jacob, Esau's younger brother. And the descendants of Jacob (Israel) "became impatient because of the journey" (Numbers 21:4). And they complained.

"The people spoke against G.o.d and Moses. 'Why have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? For there is no food and no water. We loathe this miserable food!'" (verse 5). What's going on here? Yes, more murmuring, this time in the form of complaints. (verse 5). What's going on here? Yes, more murmuring, this time in the form of complaints.

Notice how aggressively G.o.d dealt with the att.i.tudes in wilderness generation number two: "The Lord sent fiery serpents among the people and they bit the people, so that many people of Israel died" "The Lord sent fiery serpents among the people and they bit the people, so that many people of Israel died" (verse 6). The words "fiery serpents" literally mean (verse 6). The words "fiery serpents" literally mean snakes that produced burning. snakes that produced burning. These snakes apparently had a venomous bite that produced a burning in the bodies of the people. Now These snakes apparently had a venomous bite that produced a burning in the bodies of the people. Now serpent serpent in the Bible is a picture of sin and, in the Garden of Eden, Satan and the serpent. And so it's not surprising that G.o.d sent these fiery serpents as a consequence of the people's sinfulness. in the Bible is a picture of sin and, in the Garden of Eden, Satan and the serpent. And so it's not surprising that G.o.d sent these fiery serpents as a consequence of the people's sinfulness.

After all this, there came an excellent response to the Lord's chastening. "So the people came to Moses and said, 'We have sinned'" "So the people came to Moses and said, 'We have sinned'" (verse 7). Now that's repentance. With all five wilderness att.i.tudes, we have emphasized the need for repentance. Every good step with G.o.d begins with the humility of saying, "Do you know what, G.o.d? I'm wrong; You're right." In this case, "My att.i.tude is wrong, G.o.d. I have no excuse for it. All my rationalizations-I'm done with them! I shouldn't be the critical person that I am. There is no reason for me to be covetous the way I am." (verse 7). Now that's repentance. With all five wilderness att.i.tudes, we have emphasized the need for repentance. Every good step with G.o.d begins with the humility of saying, "Do you know what, G.o.d? I'm wrong; You're right." In this case, "My att.i.tude is wrong, G.o.d. I have no excuse for it. All my rationalizations-I'm done with them! I shouldn't be the critical person that I am. There is no reason for me to be covetous the way I am."


If you have read this whole book and not had an honest point of repentance with G.o.d and said, "G.o.d, that's that's why I've be Garde troubled! That's why I've been so discouraged! It's my att.i.tude, Lord! Right there!" If you haven't done any specific business with G.o.d, then you have sort of wasted your time. But it's not too late! If G.o.d has been faithful to speak to your heart-repentance from murmuring will bring access to G.o.d's provision for victory. why I've be Garde troubled! That's why I've been so discouraged! It's my att.i.tude, Lord! Right there!" If you haven't done any specific business with G.o.d, then you have sort of wasted your time. But it's not too late! If G.o.d has been faithful to speak to your heart-repentance from murmuring will bring access to G.o.d's provision for victory.

The people of Israel couldn't get the grace that they were about to get without that sentence, "'We have sinned, because we have spoken against the Lord and you; intercede with the Lord, that He may remove the serpents from us.' And Moses interceded for the people" "'We have sinned, because we have spoken against the Lord and you; intercede with the Lord, that He may remove the serpents from us.' And Moses interceded for the people" (verse 7). The people were very specific with Moses, and no doubt Moses was the same with G.o.d; they wanted the serpents gone. G.o.d answered Moses' prayer, but He didn't remove the serpents. Sound like your life? Is G.o.d letting you feel the weight of all the garbage you create by not trusting Him? G.o.d seldom removes the hard thing in our lives that brought us to our knees. Instead He gives us the grace and the strength to endure in daily doses and keeps us at the place of dependence. (verse 7). The people were very specific with Moses, and no doubt Moses was the same with G.o.d; they wanted the serpents gone. G.o.d answered Moses' prayer, but He didn't remove the serpents. Sound like your life? Is G.o.d letting you feel the weight of all the garbage you create by not trusting Him? G.o.d seldom removes the hard thing in our lives that brought us to our knees. Instead He gives us the grace and the strength to endure in daily doses and keeps us at the place of dependence.

G.o.d's not quick to take that off our shoulders because He knows "no serpents = no sense of need. No sense of need = no coming to G.o.d."

So we go to G.o.d and we're like, "G.o.d, get that out of here!" and G.o.d's like, "No way! That's the thing that brought this moment about! That's the last last thing that I'm going to take out of your life at this point! That's the thing that brought you to see how much you need Me!" G.o.d seldom removes the serpents, but in His grace He provides relief and healing from their effect. That's what He did for repentant Israel. Look again at Numbers 21. thing that I'm going to take out of your life at this point! That's the thing that brought you to see how much you need Me!" G.o.d seldom removes the serpents, but in His grace He provides relief and healing from their effect. That's what He did for repentant Israel. Look again at Numbers 21.

The Lord said to Moses, "Make a fiery serpent and set it on a standard; and it shall come about, that everyone who is bitten, when he looks at it, he will live." And Moses made a bronze serpent and set it on the standard; and it came about, that if a serpent bit any man, when he looked to the bronze serpent, he lived. (verses 89) The Lord said to Moses, "Make a fiery serpent and set it on a standard; and it shall come about, that everyone who is bitten, when he looks at it, he will live." And Moses made a bronze serpent and set it on the standard; and it came about, that if a serpent bit any man, when he looked to the bronze serpent, he lived. (verses 89) Moses had a craftsman make this bronze serpent, and he stuck it up on the top of the pole in the middle of the camp. So everyone was getting bitten by these snakes, and G.o.d's deal was, "Do you know what? If you'll just look look you'll be healed." I doubt if they needed any training workshops; G.o.d always makes His provision simple and available. If a snake bites you, what do you do? Look and you will be healed. How simple is that? But the text clearly seems to imply that some people didn't look, and some people weren't healed. you'll be healed." I doubt if they needed any training workshops; G.o.d always makes His provision simple and available. If a snake bites you, what do you do? Look and you will be healed. How simple is that? But the text clearly seems to imply that some people didn't look, and some people weren't healed.


You say, "No way!" Way! There were people, I believe, right in that camp who understood the plan, needed healing, but they would not look.

You say, "Why would people not look?"

First, they may have been denying their need for help. They were like, "I can heal myself. I don't need G.o.d's remedy; I don't like G.o.d. I don't like His authority in my life. I'm going to handle this my way!"

Second, maybe they denied the goodness of G.o.d. "Well, maybe G.o.d won't won't heal me. Maybe it's a trick. Maybe it won't be best for me. I'm going to keep control of things myself." heal me. Maybe it's a trick. Maybe it won't be best for me. I'm going to keep control of things myself."

And, third, maybe they denied the problem. They were like, "I'm not really sick."

"But, dude! What are those teeth marks on your leg?"

"Oh, that? I scratched myself. That's not a serpent bite. I don't really have a problem." Just like today with so many denying their true need.

CHANGE ...BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE It would be wrong to a.s.sume that you will always be as open to the message of G.o.d's Word as you are in this moment. The call to change is one you should act on now. If you are a Christian, heed the warnings of the Scriptures in Numbers 1116, and begin, with G.o.d's help, to change your att.i.tude. If you do not know Christ, realize fundamental change can only take place through a relations.h.i.+p with Him.

In John 3:14 we are told that the bronze serpent is a picture of Christ. I'm not one of those people who likes to turn the Bible into an allegory, but when the New Testament says that something in the Old Testament is a picture-it is! In this context, Jesus Christ Himself was talking with Nicodemus, a man who was searching to find the truth.

He came to Christ and asked, "How does this work, exactly?"

Jesus answered, "You have to be born again."

Nicodemus was like, "What? How can I enter into my mother a second time?"

Jesus was like, "No, no. Not born twice physically. You have to be born spiritually just like you were born physically." (See John 3:27 for the actual dialogue.) Later Jesus looked to the events in Numbers 21 and told Nicodemus, "'As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up; so that whoever believes will in Him have eternal life. For G.o.d so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life" "'As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up; so that whoever believes will in Him have eternal life. For G.o.d so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life" (John 3:1416). If we turn from our sin and look to Christ by faith as the only basis for our forgiveness, we can have eternal life. As someone has said: "Born once, die twice. Born twice, die once." (John 3:1416). If we turn from our sin and look to Christ by faith as the only basis for our forgiveness, we can have eternal life. As someone has said: "Born once, die twice. Born twice, die once."

Do you have a.s.surance that your sins are forgiven? If you were to die in this moment, step into eternity, and stand before a holy and righteous G.o.d, what you would say? If G.o.d asked you, "Why should I let you into heaven?" what would you say? Can you look to a time in your life where you turned from your sin and embraced Jesus Christ by faith as the only basis for your forgiveness? Have you simply heard about that, or have you made that choice yourself? This is something you want to be sure about. Maybe today it's time for you to decide.

Just like the Israelites did with the bronze serpent on the pole, if we look to Christ, we can be healed of our sin problem and know that our sins have been forgiven. These are my final paragraphs in the "att.i.tudes" study. There is an urgency to this message. I hope you will never think that this book is about trying harder trying harder to have a good att.i.tude. Christ is the answer! If you're not turning to Him and walking intimately and personally with Him, you will never escape the wilderness. Even if you are a Christian, but are trying to do it yourself, it won't work. Resolutions like, "I'm going to try to be more thankful. I'm going to try to be more loving," simply won't work. If you don't allow Christ to live His life through you, if you don't allow the Lord to accomplish what He wants through your yielded heart, your efforts will surely fail. to have a good att.i.tude. Christ is the answer! If you're not turning to Him and walking intimately and personally with Him, you will never escape the wilderness. Even if you are a Christian, but are trying to do it yourself, it won't work. Resolutions like, "I'm going to try to be more thankful. I'm going to try to be more loving," simply won't work. If you don't allow Christ to live His life through you, if you don't allow the Lord to accomplish what He wants through your yielded heart, your efforts will surely fail. "Christ in you [is] the hope of glory" "Christ in you [is] the hope of glory" (Colossians 1:27), the Scripture says. It also affirms, (Colossians 1:27), the Scripture says. It also affirms, "I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me" "I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me" (Galatians 2:20). (Galatians 2:20).

A personal, intimate, daily walk with Christ is the only thing that can fuel the fire of your spiritual victory. If you don't have it, you won't experience it. Period. Looking to Christ is the only way to come to G.o.d, and looking to Christ is the only way to walk with G.o.d. He alone can lead us out of the wilderness of our own murmuring att.i.tudes and lead us into the joy and fullness of G.o.d's abiding presence.


Maybe as you were reading this epilogue, you were acutely aware that you're in that first group: You're not sure that you've ever made a commitment of your life to Christ. You can do that right now. This could be your day of decision. It's simple, but not easy: A ccept the fact that you're a sinner and that you deserve the judgment of a holy G.o.d. ccept the fact that you're a sinner and that you deserve the judgment of a holy G.o.d.

B elieve in your heart that Jesus died to pay the penalty for your sins. elieve in your heart that Jesus died to pay the penalty for your sins.

C onfess Him as your Lord and Savior. We commit our lives to Christ by doing the above, and we can affirm these steps by praying to G.o.d, which is simply calling out to Him. Here is a prayer to receive Christ that I commend. Let's look up now, and do that. onfess Him as your Lord and Savior. We commit our lives to Christ by doing the above, and we can affirm these steps by praying to G.o.d, which is simply calling out to Him. Here is a prayer to receive Christ that I commend. Let's look up now, and do that.

G.o.d, I believe that You love me and sent Jesus Christ, Your Son, into this world to die and to pay the penalty for my sin. I acknowledge that I'm a sinner and have failed You in many ways. I know that I stand in need of Your forgiveness. Right now, by faith, I repent of my sin. I turn from that pattern of living that says, "You don't matter, G.o.d." I confess all the wrong that I have done, and I embrace Jesus Christ by faith as the only basis for my forgiveness. I'm not trying to earn Your favor. I'm not trying to work my way into heaven anymore.

Lord, I thank You for the promise that as many as receive You, to those you give the authority to be called the children of G.o.d, to those who believe in Your name [see John 1:12]. I thank You, Lord, in this moment by faith for allowing me to make the choice to trust in Christ alone. Thank You that in Jesus' name I can pray. Amen.

Finally, here's a prayer for those who have received Jesus and want a change of att.i.tude through Him. through Him.

Lord, I do not have the strength to follow You. Forgive me for thinking that while I needed You to save me, that I was going to change myself. I'm asking You to flow Your grace and strength into my life. Every week of failed attempts reinforces to me how desperately I need Your help.

I invite You to fill me with Your Spirit and give me the strength that I need for every difficult circ.u.mstance and person I encounter. I ask that Your grace would help me put off all sinful att.i.tudes and put on righteous ones in their place. I declare with grat.i.tude that I trust You will change my att.i.tudes, and that it's definitely not too late! In Your name, Jesus, I pray. Amen.



Before It's Too Late!


Objective : As a result of this study, partic.i.p.ants will grasp the central theme of the book and begin to identify the "wilderness experiences" in their lives. : As a result of this study, partic.i.p.ants will grasp the central theme of the book and begin to identify the "wilderness experiences" in their lives.

Welcome to this study of the book Lord, Change My Att.i.tude Before It's Too Late. Lord, Change My Att.i.tude Before It's Too Late. It may come as some surprise to you, but half this book is based on the Old Testament book of It may come as some surprise to you, but half this book is based on the Old Testament book of Numbers Numbers. As you will discover, this much neglected book deserves closer attention.

The book of Numbers Numbers records a startling and troubling occurrence among the population of Israel. Within a relatively short time span, an entire generation disappeared. During forty years, everyone over the age of twenty died. The book of records a startling and troubling occurrence among the population of Israel. Within a relatively short time span, an entire generation disappeared. During forty years, everyone over the age of twenty died. The book of Numbers Numbers tells us how and why this tragedy occurred. And it offers us a vivid picture that explains certain key lessons in our own lives. It literally helps us "do the math" in our relations.h.i.+p with G.o.d! tells us how and why this tragedy occurred. And it offers us a vivid picture that explains certain key lessons in our own lives. It literally helps us "do the math" in our relations.h.i.+p with G.o.d!

If you haven't read the Invitation and Introduction of the Lord, Change My Att.i.tude Lord, Change My Att.i.tude (pp. 1329), take a few minutes to do that right now. (pp. 1329), take a few minutes to do that right now.

#1-Prelude and Judgment: Read Numbers Numbers 1314 1314 The concept of muring muring is defined and subdivided into five distinct att.i.tudes in the book. Each of these negative att.i.tudes has a positive, identifiable counter-att.i.tude, and these five positive outlooks can be summarized in a single term "contrastable" with is defined and subdivided into five distinct att.i.tudes in the book. Each of these negative att.i.tudes has a positive, identifiable counter-att.i.tude, and these five positive outlooks can be summarized in a single term "contrastable" with murmuring- murmuring- Praising. Praising.

Suggested remedy: If If murmuring murmuring is a demonic dissonance of destructive negative att.i.tudes (complaining, coveting, criticizing, doubting, and rebelling), is a demonic dissonance of destructive negative att.i.tudes (complaining, coveting, criticizing, doubting, and rebelling), Then Then praising praising is a holy harmony of Promised-Land att.i.tudes (grat.i.tude, contentment, love, faith, submission). is a holy harmony of Promised-Land att.i.tudes (grat.i.tude, contentment, love, faith, submission). When we murmur, we turn any circ.u.mstance and surrounding into a wilderness; when we praise, we allow G.o.d to transform our circ.u.mstances and surroundings into hints of paradise. When we murmur, we turn any circ.u.mstance and surrounding into a wilderness; when we praise, we allow G.o.d to transform our circ.u.mstances and surroundings into hints of paradise.

#2-Five Invitation Questions: (pp. 1417) Read the five questions again and mark your answers below.

1. ___ yes ___ no 2. ___ yes ___ no 3. ___ yes ___ no 4. ___ yes ___ no 5. ___ yes ___ no The Central Theme/Application Point of this book: Those who choose murmuring as their lifestyle will spend their lifetimes in the wilderness.

#3-Write a brief definition for each of the following terms that expresses your current understanding: Choose- Murmuring- Lifestyle- Wilderness- #4-Based on what you have read so far, describe below at least one (or more) short or lengthy period in your life you would identify as a "wilderness experience": I was in a wilderness experience during the time I was _____________________ _____________________ The Central Question of the book: Why did G.o.d decide to wipe out an entire generation of His chosen people?

Lord, Change My Attitude_ Before Its Too Late Part 13

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