Lord, Change My Attitude_ Before Its Too Late Part 14

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#5-As you begin this study, what is your present answer to this key question?

Crucial References to the event: Psalm 95:7b11 1 Corinthians 10:5 Hebrews 3:718; 4:13 #6-Read each of the above pa.s.sages. If you are in a group study, discuss their significance in your understanding of "wilderness". Otherwise, note their significance below:

LOOK UP! (p. 29) Use or adapt this prayer as you apply the challenges of this lesson.

Next a.s.signment: Read Chapter 1 of Lord, Change My Att.i.tude Before It's Too Late. Lord, Change My Att.i.tude Before It's Too Late.


Before It's Too Late!

Those who choose murmuring as their lifestyle will spend their lifetimes in the wilderness.

Chapter 1.


Objective: As a result of this lesson, partic.i.p.ants will identify areas in their lives where As a result of this lesson, partic.i.p.ants will identify areas in their lives where complaining complaining has a destructive effect and will decide to seek a replacement. has a destructive effect and will decide to seek a replacement.


Complaining is an att.i.tude that if left unchecked will wither my capacity to experience joy and genuine thankfulness.


#1-Key Pa.s.sage: Read Numbers 10:1111:3 The people of Israel were on the move. G.o.d gave them supernatural guidance. Yet after three days' journey, the people complained.

What clues can you find in this pa.s.sage about what motivated the people's complaints? What clues can you find in this pa.s.sage about what motivated the people's complaints? How would you have responded (how do you respond) to complaints? How would you have responded (how do you respond) to complaints? What phrases or expressions most represent complaining in your life? What phrases or expressions most represent complaining in your life? How does James explain his admission, "I like complaining" (see p. 32 )? How does James explain his admission, "I like complaining" (see p. 32 )?

#2-We choose our att.i.tudes and train them into habits (see pp. 3334).

Why is it important to acknowledge the fact that we choose our att.i.tudes? Why is it important to acknowledge the fact that we choose our att.i.tudes? In what sense would you agree that complaining can become a habit? In what sense would you agree that complaining can become a habit?

#3-Defining Att.i.tude (see pp. 3436) How does James combine "patterns of thinking" and "time" to develop a definition of "att.i.tude"? How does James combine "patterns of thinking" and "time" to develop a definition of "att.i.tude"? What is the definition of att.i.tude and how accurately does it describe your experiences with "att.i.tudes"? What is the definition of att.i.tude and how accurately does it describe your experiences with "att.i.tudes"?

#4-Defining Complaining (see pp. 3840): Complaining is expressing dissatisfaction with circ.u.mstances that are not wrong and about which I'm doing nothing to correct. Complaining is expressing dissatisfaction with circ.u.mstances that are not wrong and about which I'm doing nothing to correct. How does James explain the addition of two qualifications to the definition of complaining: 1) circ.u.mstances that are not wrong, and 2) circ.u.mstances about which I am doing nothing? Why are these qualifications important? How does James explain the addition of two qualifications to the definition of complaining: 1) circ.u.mstances that are not wrong, and 2) circ.u.mstances about which I am doing nothing? Why are these qualifications important? In what senses does a persistent att.i.tude of complaining equal wilderness living no matter what our actual circ.u.mstances? In what senses does a persistent att.i.tude of complaining equal wilderness living no matter what our actual circ.u.mstances? What characteristics put complaining into the sin category? What characteristics put complaining into the sin category? What kind of complaining does this chapter describe as the worst kind of complaints? What kind of complaining does this chapter describe as the worst kind of complaints?

#5-How G.o.d Responds to Complaining (see pp. 4445): How did complaints affect G.o.d (see Numbers 11:1)? How did complaints affect G.o.d (see Numbers 11:1)? What did G.o.d do as a result? What did G.o.d do as a result? How should that response affect our view of G.o.d today? How should that response affect our view of G.o.d today? How does the laundry room story help you identify with G.o.d's response to complaints (p. 46)? How does the laundry room story help you identify with G.o.d's response to complaints (p. 46)?

#6-The Principle of Replacement: Matthew 12:4345 How would you state in your own words Jesus' point about cleaning out but not filling up in this pa.s.sage? How would you state in your own words Jesus' point about cleaning out but not filling up in this pa.s.sage? Which of the three questions on p. 50 presented the hardest challenge for you in the area of complaining? Which of the three questions on p. 50 presented the hardest challenge for you in the area of complaining?

LOOK UP! (pp. 5152) Use or adapt this prayer as you apply the challenges of this lesson.

Next a.s.signment: Read Chapter 2 of Lord, Change My Att.i.tude Before It's Too Late Lord, Change My Att.i.tude Before It's Too Late


Before It's Too Late!

Those who choose murmuring as their lifestyle will spend their lifetimes in the wilderness.

Chapter 2.


Objective: As a result of this lesson, partic.i.p.ants will focus on deliberate expressions of thanksgiving in those areas where they are habitual complainers. As a result of this lesson, partic.i.p.ants will focus on deliberate expressions of thanksgiving in those areas where they are habitual complainers.


Thankfulness is the att.i.tude that perfectly displaces my sinful tendency to complain and thereby releases joy and blessing into my life.


#1-Key Pa.s.sage: Luke 17:1119 Luke (the doctor) alone describes this event. A group of lepers presented Jesus with a cla.s.s-action request for mercy. He sent them to do what healing required. On the way, they realized they were healed. What happened next is a profound lesson in uncommon grat.i.tude.

Ten were healed; what do we know about the one who turned back to say, "Thanks"? Ten were healed; what do we know about the one who turned back to say, "Thanks"? What does Jesus point out by His response to the man's grat.i.tude (pp. 5556)? What does Jesus point out by His response to the man's grat.i.tude (pp. 5556)? What lesson can we take from the man's response to G.o.d's grace? What lesson can we take from the man's response to G.o.d's grace?

#2-G.o.d, Our acious Provider (see pp. 5657) According to Romans 1:19-21, what do all of us instinctively know about G.o.d? According to Romans 1:19-21, what do all of us instinctively know about G.o.d? What four negative results followed from humans failing to acknowledge their awareness of G.o.d (see Romans 1:21)? What four negative results followed from humans failing to acknowledge their awareness of G.o.d (see Romans 1:21)?

#3-More Than Words (see p. 58) How can we express grat.i.tude in ways other than words? How can we express grat.i.tude in ways other than words? Why do you think social scientists are noting connections between thankfulness and people's mental and physical health? Why do you think social scientists are noting connections between thankfulness and people's mental and physical health? Based on the definition, grat.i.tude involves actions and words that "show that a kindness received is valued," how did you do on the grat.i.tude test (pp. 6061)? Based on the definition, grat.i.tude involves actions and words that "show that a kindness received is valued," how did you do on the grat.i.tude test (pp. 6061)?

#4-Levels of Grat.i.tude (pp. 6263): Describe why and how each of the verses below identifies a level of grat.i.tude we can learn.

Elementary (Hebrews 13:15) Elementary (Hebrews 13:15) High School (1 Thessalonians 5:18 KJV) High School (1 Thessalonians 5:18 KJV) Graduate Level (Ephesians 5:18, 20 NKJV) Graduate Level (Ephesians 5:18, 20 NKJV) #5-Three Lessons from Psalm 107:8 Under each of the three "lessons" below, note an area (1) of your life or experience where you've discovered that truth. Then record an area (2) where you need to apply that truth more consistently.

Thankfulness is a decision/choice-not could but would (pp. 6366). Thankfulness is a decision/choice-not could but would (pp. 6366). 1. 1. 2. Thankfulness is a decision based on reality (pp. 6668). 1. 1. 2. Thankfulness is life-changing (destination & journey-altering decision) (pp. 6869). 1. 1. 2.

Crucial Insight from this chapter: The same capacities and skills we use to complain we can use for practicing gratefulness. The same capacities and skills we use to complain we can use for practicing gratefulness.

#6-Reflect on the Insight above and then answer the following questions: What skills and capacities do you use each time you complain? What skills and capacities do you use each time you complain? Think of several examples that ill.u.s.trate how those same skills or capacities could be used to express grat.i.tude. Think of several examples that ill.u.s.trate how those same skills or capacities could be used to express grat.i.tude.

#7-Review the Let's Talk Solution section and apply the personal a.n.a.lysis questions to your life (pp. 7173).

LOOK UP! (p.73) Use or adapt this prayer as you apply the challenges of this lesson.

Next a.s.signment: Read Chapter 3 of Lord, Change My Att.i.tude Before It's Too Late. Lord, Change My Att.i.tude Before It's Too Late.


Before It's Too Late!

Those who choose murmuring as their lifestyle will spend their lifetimes in the wilderness.

Chapter 3.


Objective: As a result of this lesson, partic.i.p.ants will identify areas in their lives where coveting has a "blocking" effect and will decide to seek a replacement. As a result of this lesson, partic.i.p.ants will identify areas in their lives where coveting has a "blocking" effect and will decide to seek a replacement.


Covetousness, rampant in the Western world and the evangelical church, blocks the flow of G.o.d's fullness in our lives.


#1-Key Pa.s.sage: Read Numbers 11:435 Very quickly the miraculous daily manna became the taken-for-granted boring routine. Very quickly the miraculous daily manna became the taken-for-granted boring routine. Who were the original spokespeople for an expanded diet and how did their "movement" spread (verses 46)? Who were the original spokespeople for an expanded diet and how did their "movement" spread (verses 46)? H9;sses react to this fresh set of problems (verse 1015)? H9;sses react to this fresh set of problems (verse 1015)? What did G.o.d do to deal with a) Moses' problem, and b) the people's demands for meat? What did G.o.d do to deal with a) Moses' problem, and b) the people's demands for meat? Describe at least one significant lesson each of the following individuals/groups learned through these events: Describe at least one significant lesson each of the following individuals/groups learned through these events: Moses- Moses- Joshua- Joshua- Eldad and Medad- Eldad and Medad- Those who h.o.a.rded meat- Those who h.o.a.rded meat- #2-The Problem: We've met the enemy and he is us.

How do the statistics quoted on pages 7879 develop of picture of rampant coveting in our society today? How do the statistics quoted on pages 7879 develop of picture of rampant coveting in our society today? In what specific way does coveting parallel the physical experience of being stranded in a desert wilderness? In what specific way does coveting parallel the physical experience of being stranded in a desert wilderness?

#3-Four-Part Definition of Covetousness: (pp. 8081) 1) Covetousness is wanting wrong things.

Check Exodus 20:17. How does the tenth commandment define basic covetousness? Check Exodus 20:17. How does the tenth commandment define basic covetousness? What are some of the obvious coveting traps in your life? What are some of the obvious coveting traps in your life?

2) Covetousness is wanting right things for wrong reasons.

What example(s) of this kind of coveting can you identify in your life? What example(s) of this kind of coveting can you identify in your life?

3) Covetousness is wanting right things at the wrong seasons/ time.

What example(s) of this kind of coveting can you identify in your life? What example(s) of this kind of coveting can you identify in your life?

4) Covetousness is wanting right things in the wrong amount.

What example(s) of this kind of coveting can you identify in your life? What example(s) of this kind of coveting can you identify in your life? What do these four expressions of coveting have in common that characterizes this wilderness-living mentality? What do these four expressions of coveting have in common that characterizes this wilderness-living mentality?

#4-Bible Study in Three Acts PRELUDE - Acknowledging the Problem Why is it so difficult to acknowledge coveting? Why is it so difficult to acknowledge coveting?

ACT 1 - Numbers 11:410 (pp. 8287) Yielding to covetousness and why G.o.d hates it How does the term "yielding" help us understand the difference between awareness of desire and acting on desire? How does the term "yielding" help us understand the difference between awareness of desire and acting on desire? What does covetousness express about G.o.d? What does covetousness express about G.o.d?

ACT 2 - Numbers 11:1620 (pp. 8791) A gift from G.o.d you don't want How does Psalm 106:15 explain G.o.d's answer to the people's demand for meat? How does Psalm 106:15 explain G.o.d's answer to the people's demand for meat? Respond to this caution: Beware of begging G.o.d for nonessentials. In time you may hate what you had to have. Respond to this caution: Beware of begging G.o.d for nonessentials. In time you may hate what you had to have.

ACT 3 - Numbers 11:3135 (pp. 9296) Consequences of Covetousness How does covetousness destroy the concept of "enough"? How does covetousness destroy the concept of "enough"? What are the telltale signs of cactus country? What are the telltale signs of cactus country?

#5-Solution Reread each of the probing questions on pages 9697. What personal decisions were provoked by those questions? Reread each of the probing questions on pages 9697. What personal decisions were provoked by those questions?

LOOK UP! (pp. 97 98) Use or adapt this prayer as you apply the challenges of this lesson.

Next a.s.signment Read Chapter 4 of Lord, Change My Att.i.tude Before It's Too Late. Lord, Change My Att.i.tude Before It's Too Late.


Before It's Too Late!

Those who choose murmuring as their lifestyle will spend their lifetimes in the wilderness.


A Holy Harmony of Healthy Att.i.tudes WILDERNESS-ORIENTED LIVING = MURMURING:.

A Demonic Dissonance of Bad Att.i.tudes

Chapter 4.


Objective: As a result of this lesson, partic.i.p.ants will practice contentment in several new areas of life. As a result of this lesson, partic.i.p.ants will practice contentment in several new areas of life.


A consistent att.i.tude of contentment can bring lasting joy and lead you out of the wilderness of covetousness.


Lord, Change My Attitude_ Before Its Too Late Part 14

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