Wild About You Part 34

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She gasped.

"Is that better?" He kissed her cheek, then her temple and brow. "I never stopped loving you. I've been aching for you."

"Oh, Howard." She wrapped her arms around his neck. "I love you, too. I don't want to ever lose you."

"You won't." He planted his mouth on hers, kissing her hungrily.

She couldn't get close enough. She tightened her grip around his neck and wrapped her legs around his torso. He trailed kisses down her neck as his hands skimmed down to her rump.

"Elsa." He lifted her, dragging her up his chest.

She gasped as her core skidded across his skin. Her heels dug into his back so she could press harder against him. He lifted her till he could draw one of her nipples into his mouth. With each tug on her breast, she grew hotter and more desperate.

She squirmed against him. "Howard. Please."

He lowered her and whispered in her ear. "Are you mine, Elsa?"


His hand slipped between her thighs. With her legs wrapped around him, she was fully exposed to his touch. She groaned as his fingers explored her folds.

"Will you shudder and scream for me?" he whispered, his lips against her ear.

She felt moisture building inside. "Yes."

He rubbed against her c.l.i.toris, then tugged gently on it. She cried out.

"Will you open for me? Will you let me inside you?"

"Oh yes!" She gasped when his finger slid inside her. Then two fingers. She clenched around him.

"So hot and wet." He kissed her hard as he stroked her.

She broke the kiss, struggling to breathe as tension grew. He stroked harder and faster.

"Howard." She dug her fingers into his shoulders. He was so good. Merciless. She teetered on the edge for a glorious moment, then shattered. Her cry echoed in the woods around them.

She gasped for air as delicious aftershocks racked her body. "Oh, Howard." She hugged him tight.

He nuzzled her neck. "You naughty wench. You seduced me."

With a snort, she swatted his shoulder. "You seduced me, and you know it."

"Me? I've barely gotten started." He lowered her until her core rested on the tip of his erection.

She gasped at the size. And that was just the tip. "Howard. You're such an animal."

He smiled.

She kissed his brow. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

With a grin, she tilted her head back to gaze at the blue sky. The day couldn't be more perfect.

She stiffened.

"What?" He looked around. "Are we being watched by some perverted racc.o.o.ns?"

She pointed to the top of the granite wall where the stream curved. Along the edge was a row of large birds. Brown hawks and black crows. More than twenty of them.

She unhooked her legs so she could stand in the stream. Danger Danger. She heard it echo through the forest. The woodland creatures were warning her. Danger! Run! Danger! Run!

She stepped back. "We need to get out of here."

"It's okay." Howard reached for her. "They're just birds."

Half of the birds took wing and flew in the direction of the house.

She shook her head. "Those are more than birds. They're spying for the Guardian of the Sky."

"Your aunt?"

Elsa rushed toward her clothes to get dressed. "Hurry. Before she gets here with a shotgun!"

Chapter Twenty-four

"Where are you parked?" Elsa asked. They had both dressed quickly and were now hurrying through the woods to the gatehouse.

"In the driveway," Howard replied.

She winced. It would have been better if he'd parked along the main road and taken the shortcut through the woods. He'd done that before in order to keep their picnics secret. "You parked next to my aunt?"

"I have nothing to hide." He glanced around. "We're being followed by deer on both sides."

"I know. They're worried about me. I can hear them."

"They're talking to you? They warned you about the birds?"

"Yes." She jumped over a fallen log. They were still saying Danger. Run Danger. Run. She looked back. Howard had stopped and was staring at her. "What's wrong?"

"Two weeks ago you were afraid of the animals. Now, look at you. You're ... connected to them."

She gave him a wry smile. "Stranger things have happened. I'm in love with a were-bear."

"You're amazing." He stepped closer and took her hand. "I'm sorry I hurt you."

"You were hurting, too. I'm so sorry about Harry."

He nodded. "I was ... drowning in regret. I didn't want to cause you regret-"

"You won't." She tugged on his hand. "Let's go."

They jogged to the back of the house. The sound of screeching electric saws and pounding hammers emanated from the building.

Good, Elsa thought. The workers would be too busy to notice them sneaking around outside. She led Howard to the right. "Okay. This is the plan. You take the shortcut through the woods. I'll have one of your cousins drive your SUV to the main road to pick you up. Okay? Give me the keys." Elsa thought. The workers would be too busy to notice them sneaking around outside. She led Howard to the right. "Okay. This is the plan. You take the shortcut through the woods. I'll have one of your cousins drive your SUV to the main road to pick you up. Okay? Give me the keys."

"No. I'm not hiding from your aunt." He strode toward the front of the house.

"You have to!" Elsa ran after him. "She has a shotgun!"

"Then don't stand too close to me."

"Are you crazy?"

"Maybe." He gave her a wry look. "Time to meet one of my future in-laws." He rounded the corner and strode toward the driveway.

"What?" She followed him. "Was that some sort of proposal?"

"You're my mate. I'm not letting you go."

She halted with a huff. "That's about the most unromantic-you're supposed to ask, you big-" She gasped when Greta pumped her shotgun.

"Hold it right there!" Her aunt leveled the gun at Howard.

He lifted his hands.

"Greta, stop!" Elsa moved next to him and he shook his head at her, frowning.

"Step away," Greta demanded. "My birds know a predator when they see one. He's the berserker, isn't he?"

"He's not dangerous!" Elsa insisted.

"I can speak for myself," he muttered. "How do you do? I'm Howard Barr."

"Barr?" Greta lowered her weapon, her eyes narrowed. "You're a bear berserker?"

"I'm a descendant. My family's from Alaska, far removed from the ancient Nordic curse. I have no desire to harm your niece."

Greta snorted. "We can never trust a berserker."

"I'm in love with Elsa," Howard continued. "And I would be greatly honored if she would consent to marry me."

Elsa's heart lurched. "Oh." She turned toward him. "Howard."

He gave her a wry look. "Was that romantic enough?"

"Step away from him!" Greta shouted. "You can't trust him."

Elsa gasped as Greta raised the shotgun. "No!" She jumped in front of Howard.

"Elsa!" He grabbed her around the waist to shove her aside.

"No!" She dug her heels into the gravel driveway, skidding as she fought to stay in front of him.

"Dammit." He lifted her up and planted her to the side. "I won't let you get hurt."

She latched onto his arm. "Don't you see, Greta? He's trying to protect me."

Aunt Greta lowered the shotgun. "You poor child. He has you completely fooled."

"He would never hurt me," Elsa insisted. "He's a sweet and wonderful man."

"He's an animal," Greta muttered. She glared at Howard, then jerked her head toward the other cars. "Leave. Before I change my mind and blast a hole in you."

Howard moved slowly toward his SUV. "I realize it will be hard for you to accept me, but-"

"Go!" Greta shouted.

"As you wish. Till we meet again." He nodded at Elsa. "I'll talk to you later."

"Of course." She watched him climb into his SUV and start the engine. "Thank you for not shooting him, Greta. I know you'll like him once you get to know him."

She snorted. "I don't want to know him. I only let him go because you were in the way. I was afraid I'd shoot you."

"Oh, come on." Elsa waved at Howard as he drove slowly past them. "Couldn't you see how nice he was? He was trying to protect me."

"He will betray you." Greta closed her eyes. "I have to kill him before he can kill you."

Elsa gasped. "Don't say that ..." She looked up as the sky turned suddenly dark. Hundreds of birds were circling overhead. Dozens of black crows gathered along the roof of the gatehouse. It was an army, waiting for their orders.

Her skin p.r.i.c.kled with goose b.u.mps. "Greta. Please don't do this."

"You wouldn't let me shoot him." She lifted her hands to the sky. "I have another way."

"No!" Elsa watched, stunned as a thick wave of birds moved across the sky, headed for the main road. "Call them off!"

Greta ignored her, keeping her eyes on her birds.

Wild About You Part 34

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