Wild About You Part 36

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She grinned. "You're treating me like a bride."

He kicked the door shut and strode through the kitchen area to the front of the cabin.

"Nice open floor plan. Can I have a tour?"

"Later." He turned into the bedroom and deposited her on the bed.

"Howard." She sat up. "You're forgetting. You need to s.h.i.+ft to heal those wounds."

"Later." He kicked off his shoes.

"But your arms are b.l.o.o.d.y."

"Oh." She might consider that a turnoff. He pulled his polo s.h.i.+rt over his head and used it to wipe the blood.

She winced. "You're smearing it. Is there a bathroom where I can clean your wounds?"

"There's a shower." That would work. He grabbed her hand and led her into the adjoining bathroom.

"Very nice." She looked around as he pulled off his socks. "Lovely tile work." She removed a hand towel from the towel bar.

By the time she had it dampened in the sink, he'd dropped his pants and underwear.

She turned toward him with the wet towel. "Okay, let me see-" Her mouth fell open.

He took advantage of her surprise by unzipping her jeans and pus.h.i.+ng them down, taking her panties with them. "Step out of them."

"Huh?" Her eyes were still focused on his erection.

He turned on the water in the shower to give it time to warm up. "We're going to shower, right?"

"I thought I was going to clean your wounds."

"You can. In the shower." He grabbed the wet towel and tossed it onto the counter. Then he pulled her T-s.h.i.+rt over her head and unhooked her bra. "Let's go."

He tested the water with his hand, then stepped into the tiled stall, leaving the door open for her. Quickly he rinsed the blood off his arms and forehead.

"Where do you keep the washcloths?" She peered in at him.

He pulled her inside and closed the door.

"Aagh." The spray hit her in the face.

He moved her against the tile wall, brushed her wet hair out of her face, and kissed her.

With a moan, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back.

He devoured her mouth as his hands slid up and down her wet, slick body. He palmed a breast and squeezed.

"I want you," he whispered, nibbling on her lips. "I can't wait."

Her breaths panted against his mouth. "I noticed you were ready."

"How are you?" He slipped a hand between her legs and caressed the soft folds.

She shuddered.

He rubbed her c.l.i.toris as he nuzzled her ear. "I love it when you get juicy. I can smell it, and it drives me wild."

With a groan, she seeped moisture onto his fingers. "Howard."

He grasped her rump and lifted her. "Put your legs around me."

She did. "Will this work?" She wrapped her arms around his neck. "I've never done it like-ack!"

He drove deep inside her and froze. Holy c.r.a.p, she was so tight and sweet.

She blinked, staring at him. "I guess it does work."

He adjusted his grip on her rear. "I don't think I'll last very long."

"Completely understandable. After all, it's"-she whimpered when he dragged himself out to the tip-"our first ... agh!"

He plunged back in.

"Oh, Howard. You're so-" She gasped when he pushed into her again. "So-"

She gave up speaking altogether as he pumped harder and faster. Her fingers dug into his shoulders, and her heels pressed into his back. With each plunge, he ground her against him.

She tensed and her breath caught. He pulled her hard against him, and she cried out. Her body shuddered, her inner muscles spasmed, and with a shout, he thrust into her, releasing his seed.

Mine. He held her tight. The bear inside him purred like a kitten. My mate My mate.

Elsa woke the next morning with the feel of Howard's big body pressed against her back and his fingers gently teasing her nipples. She smiled to herself and closed her eyes. The man was insatiable.

After the shower, he'd taken her to bed, claiming he needed to thoroughly examine his mate. He'd pushed her onto her stomach, and then he'd counted her toes and tasted them. He'd nibbled the entire length of her legs, tickling the backs of her knees. He'd nuzzled her rear and licked a path up her spine. And he'd told her numerous times how beautiful she was.

Then he'd rolled her over to explore the front side. When moisture had pooled between her legs, he'd growled softly.

He'd inserted two fingers inside her, and then he'd licked her juice off them.

Just remembering it made her wet again.

Howard growled softly behind her. "I love your scent." He slid his hand to the curls between her legs.

She loved what he did to her. After s.e.x in bed, they'd gone to the kitchen in search of food, and they'd had s.e.x again on the table. When night had fallen, they'd taken a blanket outside to make love under the stars. That hadn't worked out because too many animals came to see her. So they'd gone back to bed.

She stretched her legs. She was a bit sore. But still getting excited at the thought of another day with him. She rolled onto her back. "Good morning."

"Good morning." His hand slipped between her legs. "You smell so good. I could eat you for breakfast."

More moisture seeped from her.

He threw the covers back and nipped at her thighs till she opened them wide, exposing herself. She clutched the sheets in her fists, dying with antic.i.p.ation.

With his first lick, she shuddered.

"Relax." He blew on her. "We have all day."

She didn't relax. Within five minutes, she was squirming and panting. He stroked her, tickled her, teased her, suckled her. With a scream, she climaxed.

She climaxed again when he plunged into her. The man was insatiable. And it was contagious.

Thirty minutes later, they were in the shower, soaping each other up.

She rubbed soap over his broad back and shoulders. "We never compared our family curse stories."

He shrugged. "They're the same, aren't they? Three sisters, three guardians. The Guardian of the Forest made the berserkers to protect some village in Norway."

"Wolf and bears." She ran her soapy hands down his arms, then back to his shoulders. "But they lost control and started attacking the villagers."

"And then she betrayed them," he grumbled.

"Excuse me? They betrayed her."

He turned to face her. "She told the villagers where to find the secret berserker lair in the forest. The berserkers were caught by surprise, and a few of them were killed before they could retaliate."

"I never heard that."

"She even betrayed the were-bear she was sleeping with."

"What? She was having an affair with one of them?"

Howard gave her a wry look. "Your family has the PG-rated version?"

She snorted. "Why am I not surprised that your version has s.e.x in it?"

"Ours is better, obviously."

She shook her head. "All I know is that the guardian created the berserkers, and then they betrayed her."

"After she betrayed them."

"I think what they did was worse. They actually killed her."

He shrugged. "She was a traitor."

She narrowed her eyes. "Are you saying she deserved it?"

He raked a hand through his wet hair. "Am I getting myself in trouble?"

Her mouth twitched. "No. We need to stop taking it so personally. I'd like to think we've beaten the curse."

"I agree." He leaned into the spray to rinse off.

"So there are other s.h.i.+fters that aren't berserkers? Like panthers?"

"Yes. And I've met some tigers and dolphins."

"Dolphins?" She pressed a hand to her chest. "Wow. I wonder if my great-aunt Ula knows any of them."

"You'll have to ask." He squirted liquid soap onto his hands and ma.s.saged her back.

She moaned. "That feels so good."

His hands slipped around to fondle her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

"So is Shanna a s.h.i.+fter, too?"

His hands stilled.

She turned to face him. "What's wrong?"

"I'm their guard. They trust me to keep their secrets."

She bit her lip. It didn't seem right for him to keep secrets from her. "What about Tino? Shanna said he was a hybrid."

Howard nodded. "Half human. The human half came from Shanna."

"Oh. So she's a normal human?"

"Not anymore." He nudged Elsa under the water nozzle to rinse off.

"Then what is she?" Elsa turned the water off and grabbed a towel. "She can teleport. She only comes out at night. She s.h.i.+fts into some kind of night creature?"

With a wince, Howard dried himself off.

"Doesn't Shanna expect us to be together? If I'm going to live in your world, I should know what's going on."

Frowning, Howard wrapped the towel around his waist. "You have a point."

"So tell me." She pulled on a terry-cloth robe and belted it. "What exactly is Tino?"

"Half human, half"-Howard took a deep breath-"vampire."

Elsa blinked. "What?"

"Vampire. Tino's father, Roman, is a vampire. Shanna is, too, but she wasn't when Tino was born. Vampire women can't carry a baby to term, because they're dead half the time. They could use a surrogate, I suppose-"

Wild About You Part 36

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