Howling Moon Part 18

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Cat considered it for a long moment. "It happened a long time ago."

He just nodded.

"You couldn't possibly have known how he'd react. I mean n.o.body expects expects somebody to flip out and become a serial killer. It's just not somebody to flip out and become a serial killer. It's just not done." done."

Raphael let out a harsh bark of laughter at her choice of words. He knew she hadn't meant to, but she made it sound like Jack's insanity was the ultimate in bad manners.

"Seriously," Cat asked, "did you know that it was Fiona?"

"No. But I should've guessed. There aren't that many cougars."

"But you didn't guess, and you didn't know. Even if you did, while it would've been a stupid thing to do, you couldn't possibly have surmised that Jack would go off the deep end. You yourself said she'd played around on him before. Why would you expect things to be any different this time?"

He didn't answer. She watched him think about her words, really consider them. Cat was glad. From what she could see he'd let his guilt fester, and had blamed himself for everything Jack did. She guessed it had been killing him, a little bit at a time.

"I don't know." Raphael said the words with obvious reluctance. He wouldn't look at Cat, choosing instead to focus all of his considerable attention into pulling the Jeep absolutely straight into his labeled spot in the nearly empty parking lot.

"There you go then." She gave him an impish look. She wanted to lighten his mood. She hoped hoped what she was about to say would do it. She what she was about to say would do it. She thought thought he had enough of a sense of humor. "I've got to ask " he had enough of a sense of humor. "I've got to ask "

"What?" He shut off the engine, glaring across at her.

"Did they really really call you 'Studly Screwright?'" call you 'Studly Screwright?'"

RAPHAEL'S TOWING OFFICE was a small tan brick building with tinted gla.s.s doors and windows on the front. The elaborate hand-painted sign above the door was of professional quality, but the style was familiar. It reminded her forcibly of the wolf on the press box in the high school gym. was a small tan brick building with tinted gla.s.s doors and windows on the front. The elaborate hand-painted sign above the door was of professional quality, but the style was familiar. It reminded her forcibly of the wolf on the press box in the high school gym.

Inside were four desks with worn office chairs. Each had its own computer. All were buried under mounds of file folders and loose papers. A bank of black metal file cabinets lined one wall, under a gray metal cabinet that was currently wide open, displaying hooks with various sets of keys. Against the back wall there was a table with an elaborate radio system and large, silver microphone. Above it, a huge, detailed map of the Denver-Boulder street system.

Raphael introduced her to "Fast Eddie" Malone, his a.s.sistant manager. Ed was a huge man, standing a good six foot eight, most of it solid, tattooed muscle. There was even an ornate Oriental dragon that wound its way up through the collar of his long-sleeved Harley-Davidson sweats.h.i.+rt, its head adorning his perfectly smooth scalp.

Raphael answered calls while, in a surprisingly gentle voice, Fast Eddie lived up to his name, giving Cat a lightning-quick summary of how the phones and the radio worked. Fortunately, it actually was was a simple system. Hit the switch to turn on the mike, press down on the b.u.t.ton to transmit, let up to receive. It would broadcast to every one of the nine trucks Raphael had in his fleet. a simple system. Hit the switch to turn on the mike, press down on the b.u.t.ton to transmit, let up to receive. It would broadcast to every one of the nine trucks Raphael had in his fleet.

"Mona uses color-coded push pins to keep track of everybody, but you don't have time for that tonight. We'll just keep in touch by radio." Eddie smiled. "And by the way, thanks. I hate hate doing dispatch." He gave Cat a quick peck on the cheek, and was rewarded with her laugh and a low growl from Raphael. doing dispatch." He gave Cat a quick peck on the cheek, and was rewarded with her laugh and a low growl from Raphael.

Grinning, he backed away, hands held up in surrender. "Right, boss, I get it. Look but don't touch!"

"d.a.m.n straight!" Raphael was grinning, but his tone of voice left no room for doubt that the warning, at least, was serious.

"I think I'd better get out of here!" Eddie gave Cat a broad wink. "Want me to take the flatbed?"

"Nah," Raphael answered. "Take number seven."

"Aw man, the heater's out in seven."

"I know." know." Raphael walked over to the key cabinet and took down two sets of keys. He tossed the first set to Eddie, pocketing the second. He took the jacket Cat held out to him, but dropped it on the desk. Then, much to her surprise, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her completely breathless. She was still standing there, blinking somewhat stupidly, when the two men disappeared through the door. Raphael walked over to the key cabinet and took down two sets of keys. He tossed the first set to Eddie, pocketing the second. He took the jacket Cat held out to him, but dropped it on the desk. Then, much to her surprise, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her completely breathless. She was still standing there, blinking somewhat stupidly, when the two men disappeared through the door.

The day went by in a blur of work. Cat found she liked liked the men Raphael worked with, their easy banter. More to the point, they liked the men Raphael worked with, their easy banter. More to the point, they liked him. him. She could tell from the way they talked to and about him on the radio. But despite the joking, there was no question who was boss. It was obvious his workers respected him. She could tell from the way they talked to and about him on the radio. But despite the joking, there was no question who was boss. It was obvious his workers respected him.

Business was steady, with a fair mix of local and highway calls. Cat had to wonder how busy they'd be if weather like this. .h.i.t on a weekday, with rush-hour traffic. Late afternoon, when the temperature dropped, the roads became slick with black ice and most people gave up on driving altogether. At that point the calls slowed to a near halt, giving Cat a breather.

She used the downtime to her advantage, exploring the office to find me supply cabinet and, more important, die restroom. She also stumbled across a box with a couple of half-stale donuts that she washed down with coffee strong enough to stand up without the cup.

She almost choked on the coffee when she she became the topic of radio conversation. became the topic of radio conversation.

"So, Eddie, you got to see the new girl. Is she as hot as she sounds?"

"Hotter. Definitely hotter: a natural blonde with legs up to her armpits. But you don't even wanna think think about it, Joey. h.e.l.l, all I did was wink at her, and I thought I was gonna get the boys handed to me." about it, Joey. h.e.l.l, all I did was wink at her, and I thought I was gonna get the boys handed to me."

"Aw, man!"

"Now I'm freezing my a.s.s off in number seven. Take an honest warning from an old man who should know better. You do not not want to go there." want to go there."

"d.a.m.n straight you don't." Raphael's voice was teasing and light, but it stilled the chatter.

Cat barely got the coffee she'd spilled cleaned up when the next call came in, and they were off and running again.

It was after six when the calls finally dwindled to a stop and Raphael announced over the radio that they should all head "back to the barn." He thanked everybody for the hard work. "Cat, you did a great job. Thanks again for pitching in. Oh, and if you want to be nice, you could put some coffee on to help thaw Eddie out. Don't want to send him home to his wife with frostbite. She'll kick my a.s.s."

"Not if you tell her why why he was in number seven," someone else joked. he was in number seven," someone else joked.

"Shut up. Everybody just shut up," Eddie responded.

Laughing, Cat emptied the stale coffee and began brewing a fresh pot. By the time it was done, she heard the stamp of booted feet and male voices outside the office door. "d.a.m.n "d.a.m.n would you look at the size of that paw print. That must be one h.e.l.luva dog." would you look at the size of that paw print. That must be one h.e.l.luva dog."

The two man pa.s.sed into the building still arguing good-naturedly as they shook the snow from their clothing. "I'm surprised anything's out in this weather. I sure don't intend to be. Soon as I get my a.s.s home I'm stayin' stayin' there!" there!"

"Oh, no you're not, Joe. It's your night to take calls," Eddie answered.


Eddie pointed a meaty finger at a cell phone sitting on the main desk. "Take the cell. I'll set the phones to forward to it."

The smaller man grumbled, but did as he was told. Meanwhile several of the others had arrived and started pouring coffee and introducing themselves to Cat. A few were exchanging war stories about the big pileup they'd worked last spring, comparing it to other wrecks over the years. At some point during the confusion Raphael arrived. She didn't have to look; she caught his scent on the breeze that blew in as he opened the door, but she was glad she did.

He looked good. The wind tugged at the dark brown curls that had worked their way loose from the ponytail he'd tried to confine them in, framing a face that looked even better with just the hint of stubble. His eyes were sparkling with mischief when he walked up to her, hands behind his back. He tried hard, but unsuccessfully to keep a straight face.

"What are you up to?" She asked suspiciously, backing slowly away from him.

"What makes you think I'm up to anything?" He was all innocence, and she wasn't buying a bit of it. Conversation in the room faded out as the men watched him stalking her around the edge of the desks, a big handful of snow cupped in his left hand. Cat made a dash for the door, diving through with Raphael hot on her heels. He caught her as she paused to reach into a s...o...b..nk, shoving snow down the back of her sweater at the same time she threw a handful of the cold, white flakes directly into his face.

Laughing, he scooped her off of her feet and dumped her unceremoniously into the drift, only to have her kick his legs out from under him to join her.

He rolled over, pinning her body beneath his. In that instant the laughter left his eyes, replaced by something more serious, and far more primal. He kissed her then, heedless of their audience. His mouth claimed hers fiercely. She felt him hard and ready against her thigh and in that moment she knew nothing of the cold, or the snow, only a deep, aching need.

"Get a room!"

Cat didn't know who made the catcall, but it brought both her and Raphael back to their senses. Laughing, he rolled off of her and sprang to his feet. He held his hand out to help her up, but she forced him to wait as she did something she'd seen in movies but had never had the chance to do: make a snow angel.

RAPHAEL RETRIEVED HIS cell phone from the seat of the Jeep. Three missed calls. He hit the b.u.t.ton to check the numbers. Raven's cell phone number was first on the list, then two calls from Raphael's own home phone. cell phone from the seat of the Jeep. Three missed calls. He hit the b.u.t.ton to check the numbers. Raven's cell phone number was first on the list, then two calls from Raphael's own home phone.

Raphael felt a surge of happiness. Raven was home! While he was incredibly proud of the fact that his boy had risen to the position of second in command at Wolven, he hated that it forced them to see so little of each other. Still, his son was due to be on leave for months yet. There was a better-than-average chance he'd come up to Boulder for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Raphael grinned. Between the two of them, by the time Star was done with her visit she'd feel like a whole new woman.

He was still smiling when he retrieved his messages. They were short and to the point. Raven was in town for a few days and had brought someone along he wanted his father to meet. He'd brought steaks and would hold dinner until whatever time his father managed to get back to the house.

"Cat, would you mind if we eat at my place instead of going out?" Raphael asked. "I've got unexpected company and there's somebody I want you to meet."

"Sure. Why not?" Cat climbed into the pa.s.senger seat and fastened her seat belt. Reaching over she turned all the heat vents to blow directly on her. "Besides, I'm curious to see where you live."

If she was disappointed that they wouldn't be alone, it didn't show. With the vents all blowing her scent away from him he couldn't tell if she'd been hoping for some intimate time together as much as he had. Ever since the other night his imagination had been giving him very specific images of what he'd like to do to and with Cat the next time he had the opportunity. Their little romp in the snow hadn't helped, either.

With the four-wheel-drive engaged, he moved easily over the unplowed side streets. The roads were nearly deserted now. Pretty much everyone was either home or wherever else he wanted to be. Only the salt trucks and snowplows were moving in force. He could hear their heavy diesel engines in the distance.

It was a short drive. Raphael's shop and house were both located on large plots of land on the far outskirts of the city. He'd planned it that way. After all, why make the commute worse than it had to be?

"It's beautiful!" Cat exclaimed softly.

The house perched atop a tall hill, surrounded by a stone wall. The lights of the city spread out below like glitter on black velvet. A heavy blanket of snow lay across the manicured lawn leading up to a ranch-style house with a comfortably wide front porch just meant for sitting and looking out at the view.

Raphael was looking at a view just not the one she was. Every time he looked at her she was more amazing. It wasn't just her looks, or any one thing. It was everything. He was captivated by her smile, and by the dry wit that made made her smile; her courage in dealing with the changes in her life, her intelligence, and those long, long legs. Raphael found himself grinning as he watched a playful breeze tug at the ends of her long blonde hair. Light moved against her skin in a soft caress, throwing her perfect features into stark relief. her smile; her courage in dealing with the changes in her life, her intelligence, and those long, long legs. Raphael found himself grinning as he watched a playful breeze tug at the ends of her long blonde hair. Light moved against her skin in a soft caress, throwing her perfect features into stark relief.

He watched the tension slowly ease out of her body as she took deep breaths of fresh air, the sights and scents working their own type of healing magic. He loved this place, and a part of him was hugely pleased to see that she admired it.

The porch lights came on and Raven appeared at the door with a woman behind him.

" 'Bout time you got here," Raven groused good-naturedly. "Let me guess. The towing business was busier than usual?"

"Yeah, well not everybody's driving a Hummer." Raphael nodded toward the rental vehicle that took up a fairly large section of his driveway.

"Seemed like a good choice, considering."

"Cat Turner, this is my son, Raven." Cat stepped forward to shake the hand Raven extended. He watched as in one glance she took in his appearance from head to toe, all six foot six of him, from the steel-toed work boots he wore, past the jeans and Harley-Davidson T-s.h.i.+rt, to the hair that hung to his waist, held back by black rubber bands.

He saw her note the ways in which Raven looked like his father, and the ways he didn't. And he could almost hear her puzzlement over the fact that standing next to each other almost anyone would have guessed Raven to be the older man.

Raphael turned to the elegant woman who stood next to his son. She wasn't pretty, but she was striking, with milk-white skin and sharp features. Her hair was prematurely white. She wore black dress slacks with a b.u.t.ton-down blouse of royal purple silk that brought out the color of her eyes and was cut to emphasize her spectacular cleavage. "You must be Emma." He extended his hand, and she shook it. "Raven's mentioned you."

"And you." She smiled. "It's a pleasure." She stepped forward, extending her hand to Cat.

Raphael watched as Cat took a delicate sniff and tried to identify their species the way he had trained her.

So, what are they?

I think think Emma is a bird of some sort. She's not very tall and has the long arms and overdeveloped chest you said were common among the raptors. Emma is a bird of some sort. She's not very tall and has the long arms and overdeveloped chest you said were common among the raptors.

Overdeveloped chest? chest?

I'm quoting you, you, Raphael. Raphael.


Now, Raven... That's easy. Despite the name, he's a wolf, just like his dad.

Very good! Right on both counts. She is a raptor, a snowy owl. good! Right on both counts. She is a raptor, a snowy owl.

Cat s.h.i.+vered as a gust of wind hit her.

"You're cold," Emma observed. "Shall we go inside?"


Cat stopped just a few steps inside the doorway. Taking her time, she took a good look around. A person's dwelling can say a lot about him. Raphael's home was just that, a home. home. The style was reminiscent of Frank Lloyd Wright, with lots of natural wood and stone, combining s.p.a.cious rooms with remarkable details. It was immaculately clean, beautifully decorated, and undeniably masculine. It was The style was reminiscent of Frank Lloyd Wright, with lots of natural wood and stone, combining s.p.a.cious rooms with remarkable details. It was immaculately clean, beautifully decorated, and undeniably masculine. It was not not impersonal or sterile. The living room was s.p.a.cious and airy, with one wall dominated by a bank of west-facing windows. The entire north wall was a natural stone fireplace, its broad mantel adorned with dozens of family photos: Raphael standing next to a tow truck with the company logo on it. School photos of Raven and other brown-eyed, dimpled children at various ages, an aged and faded black-and-white wedding picture of a couple, the man looking remarkably like an older version of her host. impersonal or sterile. The living room was s.p.a.cious and airy, with one wall dominated by a bank of west-facing windows. The entire north wall was a natural stone fireplace, its broad mantel adorned with dozens of family photos: Raphael standing next to a tow truck with the company logo on it. School photos of Raven and other brown-eyed, dimpled children at various ages, an aged and faded black-and-white wedding picture of a couple, the man looking remarkably like an older version of her host.

She stepped over to the fire, both to warm herself and to get a better look at the painting that hung above the fireplace. It was huge, an original landscape done in oils depicting a night not so different from this one, but with a pack of wolves gliding through the shadowed winter woods. It had been framed in distressed hardwood that perfectly matched the coffee and end tables.

All of the furnis.h.i.+ngs were of southwestern style, both beautiful and functional. Exactly what she would've expected of him.

Again her eyes were drawn to the painting. It was signed and dated, but she couldn't quite make out either because of the glare on the protective gla.s.s.

"Do you like it?" Raphael appeared at her elbow.

"It's gorgeous." She couldn't keep the admiration from her voice, and didn't try. "You can practically smell the snow."

"Thank you."

It was his tone of voice that let her know. He wasn't just thanking her for complimenting her taste. At that moment she just knew. Raphael had painted not only this canvas, but the sign at the tow company and the wolf mascot on the press box. "You should paint professionally."

"No, I'll leave that to Star."


"Raven's mother, and Charles's granddaughter. She's brilliant, a genius really. Makes my stuff look like paint by numbers."

"I doubt that!" Cat protested, her eyes irresistibly drawn to the painting.

"Trust me," he answered wryly. "If you're a very good girl, later I'll show you a couple of the pieces she did for me back when we were together. I got them appraised recently. They're insured for more than the house."

"Hey, Dad," Raven interrupted them, calling from the kitchen over Emma's laughter. "Do you want to fire up the grill? I brought enough steaks for everybody."

"Sure. No problem." Raphael took Cat's hand in his and led her down a short hall and out a set of French doors onto a flagstone patio.

Howling Moon Part 18

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