Howling Moon Part 19

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A clear gla.s.s awning had kept most of the patio clear of snow, so the two of them were able to walk hand in hand to the huge stone and iron grill without wading through drifts. The metal doors of the built-in cabinet squealed only slightly when Raphael opened them to retrieve the bag of charcoal. A little lighter fluid, a few matches, and the coals began burning merrily.

Cat waited until he'd finished putting away the coal and lighter fluid. She knew they didn't have long, maybe only a minute or two, before Raphael's guests demanded his attention. While she had the chance, she took advantage of it. Stepping forward she put both hands on his chest and kissed him.

It started out as a gentle press of lips, but that wasn't what either of them truly wanted. It grew and deepened, pa.s.sion and power both flaring as Cat and Raphael each explored the other's mouth. Raphael's hands cupped her thighs. He lifted her easily, lowering her onto the edge of the stone table, spreading her legs so that he stood between them, her knees bending so that her legs wrapped around his waist. Cat couldn't think, could barely breathe, her entire body felt as though it were on fire with the need to have him inside her as her hands slid beneath his clothing in a quest to find skin.

She moaned when he moved his head to her throat, his mouth seeking the throbbing pulse at the base of her neck, his hand sliding beneath the thick fabric of her sweater to tease her nipples through her thin silk bra.

"You f.u.c.king b.a.s.t.a.r.d!. Let her go. b.a.s.t.a.r.d!. Let her go. She belongs to me!" She belongs to me!"

Raphael pulled away so suddenly Cat nearly fell. He moved to stand protectively between Cat and the intruder. "Michael?" "Michael?" Cat gasped the name. "What " Cat gasped the name. "What "

"You can't have her," Michael growled. "She's mine!" mine!" He was drunk, smelling of whiskey, beer, and who knew what else. He was enraged beyond measure. But even in his fury his Sazi magic barely raised the hair on Cat's arms. Cat moved to step forward, but Raphael continued to block her way, so that she was forced to speak her mind from behind his broad shoulders. "What in the He was drunk, smelling of whiskey, beer, and who knew what else. He was enraged beyond measure. But even in his fury his Sazi magic barely raised the hair on Cat's arms. Cat moved to step forward, but Raphael continued to block her way, so that she was forced to speak her mind from behind his broad shoulders. "What in the h.e.l.l h.e.l.l do you think you're doing? And who do you think you are anyway? You don't own me!" do you think you're doing? And who do you think you are anyway? You don't own me!"

"You shut the f.u.c.k up, woman! This is between me and him."

"The h.e.l.l you say!" Cat's temper ignited and her power flared with it. The snow at the edge of the patio sizzled and began to melt. Cat, go back in the house. Now.

Cat hesitated. She didn't want to fight with Mike, but she didn't want to leave, either. She half turned toward the door and saw Raven and Emma standing in the open doorway. The expressions on their faces were serious.

"I won't let you take her from me! I challenge you!" Furious, Cat spun back to face Michael. How dare dare he! The stupid, egotistical he! The stupid, egotistical idiot! idiot! He honestly believed he He honestly believed he owned owned her, that she was her, that she was his? his? Her power built, pouring off of her in waves. She heard Emma gasp with pain. As if from a distance she heard Raphael's sharp intake of breath as she moved around him to face Mike down. Her power built, pouring off of her in waves. She heard Emma gasp with pain. As if from a distance she heard Raphael's sharp intake of breath as she moved around him to face Mike down.

"Michael," her voice was a soft hiss. He turned, mouth open to berate her, but she continued over the top of whatever he would have said. "You can't have what you can't hold." She quoted one of the few rules she actually remembered from the training manual at him. "Hold this!" "Hold this!"

In a blast of pure energy she called out her beast, transforming in a flare of power and blinding light before bounding over the grill in a single leap to disappear into the night.

IT WASN'T HARD to find her. Raphael would know her scent anywhere, and she hadn't even tried to hide her tracks. Good for his purposes, but stupid otherwise. Cat had enemies. While Jack was foremost among them, he wasn't the only one. h.e.l.l, half the wolves in the pack would attack her just to drive her out of their territory. to find her. Raphael would know her scent anywhere, and she hadn't even tried to hide her tracks. Good for his purposes, but stupid otherwise. Cat had enemies. While Jack was foremost among them, he wasn't the only one. h.e.l.l, half the wolves in the pack would attack her just to drive her out of their territory.

It would have been both simpler and faster to travel in wolf form. But as a wolf he wouldn't be able to bring a pack large enough to carry a warm set of clothes for Cat. And she'd need them. Even in animal form she was too thin-blooded for the cold. So he'd brought a backpack with her purse and the coat he'd given her. He also took the time to go to the store and pick her up a change of clothes. It took an extra half-hour, but he knew Cat would appreciate it. Without even really trying, he'd been able to pick up her thoughts. He knew that she'd spent a long, miserable night huddled in the back of a small cave. He could practically feel the ache in her bones from sleeping on unforgiving stone.

He waited until he was only a short distance from where she had spent the night before calling out to her with his thoughts.

Cat, are you awake?

Raphael? Is that you?

In the flesh. I'm about a hundred yards from you. I brought warm clothes with me. I figured you could change back and we'd walk down to the Wolf's Run for breakfast. There are things we need to talk about.

Last night. Cat's embarra.s.sment colored her thoughts. He could actually feel feel her blus.h.i.+ng. her blus.h.i.+ng.

"Don't be embarra.s.sed," Raphael rea.s.sured her with both voice and mind. Raphael rea.s.sured her with both voice and mind.

He watched the rocks where he knew the entrance to the cave to be. Sure enough, she emerged, head hanging low, her entire posture announcing her misery.

"You didn't do anything wrong." didn't do anything wrong."

"Oh, no? I only screeched at Michael like a shrew, exploded half of your patio, and took off in cat form." She gave him a look look that was no less expressive on feline features. "Perfectly acceptable behavior. that was no less expressive on feline features. "Perfectly acceptable behavior. And And in front of your son and his girlfriend." in front of your son and his girlfriend."

Raphael crossed the distance between them. He slid the backpack off his shoulders, letting it drop by her feet. Leaning against a boulder he pulled a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from the pocket of his denim jacket. "Under the circ.u.mstances, you were the very picture of restraint."


"Seriously." Raphael took a long draw of tobacco and exhaled it slowly. "Normally, I would've let you come down on your own. But Michael's actions last night have some serious consequences that you can't possibly be aware of. I wanted to warn you about them before "

Raphael didn't finish the sentence, and put on a tight s.h.i.+eld so she couldn't read his thoughts. He'd been going to say before Tatya and Lucas try to save Michael by tricking you into agreeing to something you shouldn't. before Tatya and Lucas try to save Michael by tricking you into agreeing to something you shouldn't. Not a politic train of thought. Of course that didn't mean they Not a politic train of thought. Of course that didn't mean they wouldn't wouldn't do it, if they could. The thing was, he couldn't let them. They were his Alphas. Michael was pack. Raphael do it, if they could. The thing was, he couldn't let them. They were his Alphas. Michael was pack. Raphael should should support them against the interloper. But he couldn't. support them against the interloper. But he couldn't.

Cat Turner brought out every chivalrous and protective instinct he'd ever had and he knew why. He didn't need the appointment with Betty. It was too late for testing to find out if he was mated far too late.

She was staring at him, those penetrating green eyes making him even more nervous. "Look, why don't you take the bag in the cave and get changed."

"Sure." She grabbed one of the shoulder straps in her teeth and carried the bag back through the cave opening and out of sight.

Raphael started speaking. Surprisingly, it was easier to talk to her if he didn't have to look at her. Then again, maybe it wasn't so surprising. Every time he looked at her, in either form, he tended to get distracted by her beauty, grace. It was only a short step from there to having his s.e.x drive kick in and shut down higher brain function.

"Has Betty or anyone else told you anything about challenges within the wolf packs?"

"No." Cat's voice was m.u.f.fled. It sounded like she was pulling on the sweater. "I'm a cat. I don't think Betty figured I'd need to know." Her voice was clearer. Raphael had to fight the picture his imagination provided of her sliding black lace panties over those long, shapely legs.

Get a grip Ramirez. We've got a crisis here. The logic of that did not clear the image from his mind, or keep his jeans from binding. The logic of that did not clear the image from his mind, or keep his jeans from binding.

"Fine." Raphael crushed the stub of his cigarette against the boulder. "There are two kinds of challenges: mating challenges and challenges for position. For the positions of Alpha male and female, a position challenge is to the death."

There was utter silence in the cave. Raphael couldn't even hear her breathing. He hadn't had to explain the implications, but that was no surprise. After a long, silent moment she asked die question he was expecting.

"And mating challenges?"

Raphael struggled to keep his voice utterly neutral. "If you publicly claim that I am your mate, Michael has the ability to challenge me. He and I fight. If I win, I am am your mate. For your mate. For life. life. Since we're both fairly powerful, life for us could be several Since we're both fairly powerful, life for us could be several hundred hundred years." He paused, letting her digest that bit of information. It took a minute or two. "And we all know how Jack is liable to react to the news." years." He paused, letting her digest that bit of information. It took a minute or two. "And we all know how Jack is liable to react to the news."

"He already wants me dead, Raphael."

"There are worse things than dying." And he didn't doubt for a minute that Jack would put her through every one he could think of if he ever even suspected Raphael was attached to her. And he was. was. G.o.d help him, more every day. G.o.d help him, more every day.

The scent of Cat's emotions was strong enough to drift out to him from the cave. A complex mixture of too many feelings to sort, although fear was prominent, followed closely by anger.

"Michael isn't strong enough to beat me, so I am going going to win." Raphael plodded on. to win." Raphael plodded on.

"But that would mean " She swallowed hard. "I mean, me other night was spectacular, but... I barely know you!"

"Exactly." He sighed. "Now, if you claim you're Michael's mate, he'll believe it. In his current frame of mind "

"That's bound to cause major problems." She finished his sentence for him as she stepped out of the cave into the sunlight.

"In the long term, yes. In the short term, though, he has the right right to challenge me because I stepped on his turf. When I beat him, I win the right to court you for six months." to challenge me because I stepped on his turf. When I beat him, I win the right to court you for six months."

"Court me?"

"Date, try to convince you to choose me, win you away from him. For that six months, no Sazi is going to approach or date you. They're honor bound to give me my chance." He gave her a crooked smile, but it wasn't happy. "The upside is that Mike will have to stay completely away from you for six months, by which time, with therapy, he may may be able to function normally." be able to function normally."

"The downside?"

"I was just getting to that," Raphael answered. "We already talked about Jack. If he learns of it, which is likely, I will once again be pursuing another of his his women." women."

Cat shuddered. She came over and leaned up against the boulder next to him, their bodies not quite touching.

"But there are other things you need to take into consideration as well. During the six months that we're seeing each other exclusively, we can't have s.e.x."

Her eyebrows raised. "Excuse me?"

He looked at her strongly. "If we have s.e.x it will mean you've accepted me. I'll I'll be considered mated, again, for life. No other Sazi woman will have me. Or if she does, she'll be disgraced. Although, honestly, it might not be an issue." be considered mated, again, for life. No other Sazi woman will have me. Or if she does, she'll be disgraced. Although, honestly, it might not be an issue."


Raphael weighed his words carefully. "I'm relatively certain that I actually am am mated to you already. If we see each other regularly, and particularly if we have s.e.x again, I will bond to you. If mat happens, losing you could literally kill me." mated to you already. If we see each other regularly, and particularly if we have s.e.x again, I will bond to you. If mat happens, losing you could literally kill me."


She seemed a little stunned by that. He didn't blame her. "What about me? If you die will I die, too?"

"You're a feline. They tend to react differently to the mating bond. Even if you do mate with me, you could lose me and probably be just fine."

"No." She said it softly. "I wouldn't."

Raphael looked over to where she stood, the breeze tugging at loose strands of hair that gleamed like spun gold in the morning sunlight. "Sweetheart "

"Look," Cat interrupted him. "Are there any signs, symptoms, that let you know if you're mated?"


"Just answer the question... please." She added the last word almost as an afterthought when he started to look annoyed.

Raphael sighed. He thought for a moment, trying to go into teaching mode and treat it as if it were an academic matter rather than one of the most intensely personal issues of his life. "It's very much like being in love, only more so, almost an obsession. You actually need need to be around the person as much as possible. You can't stop thinking about her. You don't want anybody else, h.e.l.l you can't even imagine wanting anyone else. Eventually, mated males are incapable of s.e.x with anyone other than their mate." to be around the person as much as possible. You can't stop thinking about her. You don't want anybody else, h.e.l.l you can't even imagine wanting anyone else. Eventually, mated males are incapable of s.e.x with anyone other than their mate."


Raphael didn't look at her. Instead, he stared straight ahead. "If the mating is one-sided, the person on the receiving end can pull power from her partner. The magical link can kick in if the person she's mated to is hurt or in danger, and there's magic... real real magic between them when they touch." He paused, swallowing hard. "And you magic between them when they touch." He paused, swallowing hard. "And you need need to touch the person; as much and as often as possible. It's almost an addiction." to touch the person; as much and as often as possible. It's almost an addiction."

"What if they're both mated to each other?"

"That's very rare," Raphael acknowledged. "There have been a few double-mated pairs, but not many. But fully mated pairs can talk mind-to-mind even without telepathy, and they share their strengths and talents without really trying."

"You mean like me being able to see that you glowed blue the night with Corrine? Isn't that one of your your talents?" A pregnant silence stretched between them. talents?" A pregnant silence stretched between them.

Raphael turned to her, his eyes wide. "Are you saying..." His voice was tense with excitement, his scent a combination of hope, joy, and fear.

Cat nodded. "I think so. Is there any way we can find out for sure?"

"Yes. Like I said, there are tests. I've been scheduled for mine for a few days." He smiled sadly. "I was waiting for a particular person to be on vacation. I didn't want word about my condition to get out. I would never deliberately put you in any danger."

Cat reached over, taking his hand in hers. Electric power trickled between the two of them. She saw Raphael shudder with pleasure. It felt so d.a.m.ned good.

"So what's the plan?" She asked. "Can it be a mating challenge if we acknowledge I've been dating you and Mike's mated to me? Or do I have to say I'm mated to one of you, or what?"

"I'm not sure." He frowned. "I was a.s.suming it was one sided: mat Mike and I were both mated to you. That's pretty common with powerful alpha females. There are lots of onesided matings among the wolves. Under those circ.u.mstances, you claim to be interested in him, I challenge, and we date for six months without s.e.x."

"Celibacy?" She turned to face him, giving him a disbelieving look. "I don't think either one of us is going to be too good at that" that"

"I know." He sighed, and pulled his hand from hers. He took the cigarette pack from his pocket and took a stick from the pack, but didn't light it. "Particularly if it is a mutual mating. But d.a.m.n it, I don't want Jack knowing for certain about us. It's too dangerous!" Raphael ground his teeth in frustration. This should should be the happiest moment of his life. He loved Cat. He was mated to her. She'd just acknowledged that she might be mated to him. By all rights they should be celebrating together. Instead, he was stuck trying to figure out a way to keep her safe from not only Jack, but the pack, and find a way to keep Michael alive as well. "You'd be safer if Mike was dead." Raphael hated to say it, but it was true. Mike was mated to Cat, and unstable from it. He wouldn't harm her himself, but there were others in the pack who'd be more than happy to do it for him. be the happiest moment of his life. He loved Cat. He was mated to her. She'd just acknowledged that she might be mated to him. By all rights they should be celebrating together. Instead, he was stuck trying to figure out a way to keep her safe from not only Jack, but the pack, and find a way to keep Michael alive as well. "You'd be safer if Mike was dead." Raphael hated to say it, but it was true. Mike was mated to Cat, and unstable from it. He wouldn't harm her himself, but there were others in the pack who'd be more than happy to do it for him.

"I can't do that," Cat answered simply. "I just can't. I mean he's an a.s.s and an idiot, and I'm royally p.i.s.sed "

"But you can't let him die."


He turned, and she was suddenly in his arms. Before he could think, she was kissing him. It started gentle, almost chaste, a silent acknowledgment that they were in this together. But even that small touch made heat and need flare through his body like wildfire. Raphael's jaws worked, forcing her mouth to open for his, their tongues exploring. He pressed her against the boulder, bringing his knee between her thighs as his hand slid beneath the heavy knit of her sweater to cup the fullness of her breast.

She moaned into his mouth, her hand sliding down the front of his jeans along the length of his erection.

His mouth moved away from hers to nestle at the base of her neck. He could see and hear the thundering of her pulse. The scent of her need made his body ache. He'd gone so far as to open his mouth to bite down when he recognized the urge for what it was. Cat Turner was was his mate and a primal part of him wanted to mark her as his mate and a primal part of him wanted to mark her as his his so that the world would know it. d.a.m.n the consequences. so that the world would know it. d.a.m.n the consequences.

"Raphael." Cat pushed him back gently.




TUESDAY MORNING DAWNED cold and clear. Cat wandered downstairs to check the answering machine. cold and clear. Cat wandered downstairs to check the answering machine.

The first message was Jake's from last night. Cat fought down a wave of irritation. Jerk. Jerk.

The next message was from Mike. Apologizing endlessly. Or rather, it would have been endlessly if the machine hadn't cut him off. Cat had almost made her mind up to just erase the rest without listening in case they were just more from him, but she changed her mind when Holly's voice came on the line.

"Cat, are you all right? I'm so sorry! I can't believe my dad is being such a fricking a.s.s! Anyway, I'll bring by your check tomorrow morning and we can talk. We can cruise down to Denver if you like. I've got the whole day off."

The machine beeped again.

"This is Brownstown Movers calling for Cat Turner. We understand that you're scheduled to meet with us at the property owned by Mr. Ned Thornton Thursday afternoon. We've had a change of schedule and would like to move the time up to 10:00 A.M. A.M. Tuesday. Please call and let us know if that will work for you at 303-555-4828." Tuesday. Please call and let us know if that will work for you at 303-555-4828."


"Catherine, it's me... Brad. I'm... worried about you. You haven't returned my calls, and your e-mail was so... cold. I really want to see you, see if we can work things out. Please Please call me back." call me back."


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