Howling Moon Part 28

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Raphael walked to the refrigerator and glanced inside. "Let's see. We have eggs, bread, some leftover baked potatoes, and some of my world-famous green chile." He pointed at the counter over the top of the open fridge door and Cat's gaze followed. She smiled when she noted the high-end coffeemaker. "How about you brew up some coffee and I make huevos rancheros?"

She nodded and started toward the counter, searching for where the coffee might be. He motioned to the cupboard above her with his chin, his arms loaded with supplies. She opened the cabinet door and let out a delighted squeal that nearly made him drop the egg carton.

"What's the matter?" he asked with alarm, moving quickly toward her.

She removed a box with a distinctive brown and gold logo from the lower shelf almost reverently. "You drink Gevalia Kaffe and even Breakfast Blend! Awesome! This is my absolute favorite favorite coffee! Where in the world do you buy it around here? I've looked absolutely coffee! Where in the world do you buy it around here? I've looked absolutely everywhere!" everywhere!"

He chuckled at the reason for her squeal and turned back toward the island. "It's what Jake uses at the restaurant, so when he orders he makes sure he gets me a few pounds."

Cat raised her eyebrows. Even though she'd worked there, she hadn't known that. "Really? No wonder wonder I like the coffee there! How can a restaurant afford such pricey ground?" I like the coffee there! How can a restaurant afford such pricey ground?"

Raphael let out a little growl and his scent matched the frustrated tone. "Before the whole credit credit fiasco, the restaurant made pretty good money. Not enough to retire on, but my brother raised all five girls comfortably. I suppose Jake kept trying to convince himself that it would get better, so he never stopped his regular supply orders." fiasco, the restaurant made pretty good money. Not enough to retire on, but my brother raised all five girls comfortably. I suppose Jake kept trying to convince himself that it would get better, so he never stopped his regular supply orders."

She spooned out the coffee into the filter, and tried to keep her tone light. She was curious about so many many things about Raphael, but didn't want to seem nosy. "You say he's your brother, but you have different last names. Are you steps?" things about Raphael, but didn't want to seem nosy. "You say he's your brother, but you have different last names. Are you steps?"

She heard the sound of eggs cracking and turned with coffee pot in hand to fill it at the sink. "No," he replied, his scent not revealing any anger or concern. "We're not actually related. But when I got kicked out of the house by my stepfather as a kid for being too aggressive, Jake's parents took me in as a foster kid. I wasn't easy for them* but they got me turned around. After they died... well, Jake and the girls are the closest thing I have to family."

She finished filling the coffeemaker and turned it on, then took a seat at the table to watch him cook. "But you have kids, right? Holly said you have more than just Raven."

He glanced at her a bit nervously. "Did Holly explain the breeding program? Do you understand how that works, and what I did as Second of this pack?"

She nodded and watched as he took a casual whiff of air from her direction. She didn't mind that he was checking her reaction. It actually didn't bother her. "Yeah. I still think it's a little weird, but I guess no more than a surrogate mother is. You're just a surrogate father. father. But do you treat them like But do you treat them like your your kids? Do they even know who you are?" kids? Do they even know who you are?"

The pan he was tending started to sizzle and he added chopped onions and peppers to the egg and potato mixture. "Oh, sure. They all know me. Their parents explain it to them when they're pretty young. I get school photos every year and Christmas cards from the parents. Sometimes I'll get the odd wedding invitation, and a few even send me birthday cards. But I only really got to raise raise Raven. Star made sure that I was involved in all the major decisions, and we did the whole visitation rights thing when he was a kid. He moved in here with me in his soph.o.m.ore year. He turned really late, and it was hard for him. He's probably the one who understands most what Raven. Star made sure that I was involved in all the major decisions, and we did the whole visitation rights thing when he was a kid. He moved in here with me in his soph.o.m.ore year. He turned really late, and it was hard for him. He's probably the one who understands most what you're you're going through. He had a life, friends, plans for his future until he turned. He lost it all." going through. He had a life, friends, plans for his future until he turned. He lost it all."

Cat felt her brow furrow. "Why did he lose it all just because he turned?"

Raphael glanced at her with a sad expression. "He was a football player, and a good one. All-state running back where he lived with his mom. He had his pick of colleges, even as a soph.o.m.ore, and scouts for the pros were already knocking. But Sazis can't compete with humans. It's not allowed. One wrong scratch during a game "

Cat's hand flew to her mouth. "Oh, my G.o.d! I never even thought of that! What about Holly? She was going to school to be a vet. That's still okay, isn't it?"

Raphael wouldn't meet her eyes, but his scent was worried and angry. "What's been happening when you walk through a neighborhood of pet owners, sweetheart?"

She thought about it. "Well, the dogs start to bark, and the stray cats will run away..." Her voice trailed off as understanding sunk home. "They'll be afraid afraid of her. Dogs, cats... of her. Dogs, cats... rabbits." rabbits." She felt tears come to her eyes. "Oh, Raphael! Do you mink she knows?" She felt tears come to her eyes. "Oh, Raphael! Do you mink she knows?"

"Probably. She and Raven spent a lot of time together when he was here. He confided in her a lot. If it hasn't occurred to her yet, it will. I think that maybe she's trying not to consider anything past the next full moon."

An uncomfortable silence followed, where the only sounds were the dripping coffee and frying food. She really didn't want this evening to wallow in anger and sadness, so perhaps a subject change was in order. "So... how 'bout them Cubbies?"

He looked at her, startled, and then burst out laughing. "Better change it to Rockies Rockies if you don't want to get lynched around here." if you don't want to get lynched around here."

She stood up as she noticed the food was nearly ready to eat and wandered over to the cupboards again to find some plates and flatware. "What can I say? It was all I could think of. How about, 'So, what do you do for fun?' instead?"

He poured a bowlful of green... goo goo over the top of the egg mixture and put a lid on the top as she brought the dishes back to the table and set them in place. She went back and opened a few more cupboards until she found the cups and poured them each a cup. over the top of the egg mixture and put a lid on the top as she brought the dishes back to the table and set them in place. She went back and opened a few more cupboards until she found the cups and poured them each a cup.

"Hope you like your food hot," he said. "My green chile is four-alarm. Oh, and one spoon of sugar in my coffee, please."

She grimaced at the thought of sugar in coffee, but did as he requested. "Sugar? Ick. I've never had green chile, so I don't know how I like it. But back to fun... fun..."

He smiled slightly and tipped the lid off the pan to check inside. The scent of the mixture was making her mouth water. He waggled his head and replaced it, being careful not to let the moisture drip onto the stove top. "Let's see for fun? Well, I paint, as you saw. I play a little keyboard, but I'm not really very good. I read novels and listen to music mostly, rock and bluegra.s.s and I used to play a lot of computer games. Things have been pretty hectic lately, though, so I've fallen off on a lot of stuff. How about you?"

A small laugh escaped her. "Ditto on everything except the painting. I can't draw a straight line. But I design design computer games, in addition to playing them. Oh, and I spend hours online in hacker chat rooms and love RPGs." computer games, in addition to playing them. Oh, and I spend hours online in hacker chat rooms and love RPGs."

Raphael raised his brows as he turned again to the skillet. "You're a computer hacker? I thought you wrote software. By the way, I have to tell you I was pretty d.a.m.ned impressed at your credentials when I saw them in the file. But I didn't picture you as a hacker, and I don't even know know what an RPG is." what an RPG is."

She laughed, and it was the right kind of laughter bright and happy. It felt good. "What do you think hackers are, Raphael? They write code, the same as software designers. It just depends on who you write the code for. for. I'm not a hacker, but I know a lot of them. RPGs are role-playing games you know, Dungeons and Dragons? But a lot of the new ones are way more intricate. I should show you some of them if you have a good connection." I'm not a hacker, but I know a lot of them. RPGs are role-playing games you know, Dungeons and Dragons? But a lot of the new ones are way more intricate. I should show you some of them if you have a good connection."

"I've got DSL. I figured you'd want to go online once you've looked at the file. So, tell me about college and your family. What went sour with... Brad, Brad, was it?" was it?"

Cat took a deep breath. "G.o.d, where to start? Actually, college wasn't so bad. I got lots done because I wasn't in any clubs or cliques. It was pretty much a cakewalk. My professors all said I was a savant in computers. And, like many savants, I didn't deal well with people. Even now, it's hard for me all this politics and stuff. But I have to admit, it is great training to hopefully take over Dad's company someday."

"Ivan mentioned your father. Said he was a brilliant computer designer, very rich and very powerful. It seems strange I never heard of him before now. Is it a big company?" Cat noticed that while Raphael tried not to appear concerned, his scent gave him away. Big company meant big investment of time and energy. She instinctively knew all of the questions it would raise in his head. Would she have to move back to run the company, or make frequent trips? Would he forever be Mr. Turner, Mr. Turner, like Ned was probably going to accidentally wind up like Ned was probably going to accidentally wind up Mr. Wildethorne Mr. Wildethorne when he accompanied Violet to her book signings and conferences? when he accompanied Violet to her book signings and conferences?

She didn't want to lie to him. He could make a conscious choice, and now was a good time to discuss it "Yeah, it's a pretty big company. I'm not surprised you haven't heard of TI that's Turner Industries. We make the stuff you don't don't see inside a computer the motherboards and capacitors and do R&D on new ways to make chips faster. There's a board of directors and management who actually run the day-to-day business, but Dad was very involved in the direction of the company the products to manufacture and marketing. Fortunately, he did most of it by e-mail, and only visited the plant about once a month. But, yeah, it is an issue in my future, see inside a computer the motherboards and capacitors and do R&D on new ways to make chips faster. There's a board of directors and management who actually run the day-to-day business, but Dad was very involved in the direction of the company the products to manufacture and marketing. Fortunately, he did most of it by e-mail, and only visited the plant about once a month. But, yeah, it is an issue in my future, if if the board ever decides that I've grown beyond the airhead flake I was ten years ago so that I can run things." the board ever decides that I've grown beyond the airhead flake I was ten years ago so that I can run things."

Raphael turned to her, his expression mixed between horror and amus.e.m.e.nt. "Is that an issue? Why would they think that you hadn't? I mean, you have a doctorate, doctorate, for G.o.d's sake!" for G.o.d's sake!"

She raised one finger in the air with raised brows. "Ah, but degrees can be bought... for me right price. There was some question whether I was savant in computers, or just rich rich to have finished so quickly. Dad was trying to convince them I was talented. He helped me with some investment capital to start my own software company so I could prove... as he called it, my to have finished so quickly. Dad was trying to convince them I was talented. He helped me with some investment capital to start my own software company so I could prove... as he called it, my business, business, before he turned over the reins. But men everything sort of blew up when the news about Mom hit, and then the rather... sudden end to my engagement to Brad." She couldn't help it. Tears welled in her eyes before she wiped them angrily away. The pain and outrage didn't just suddenly stop because she willed it to. before he turned over the reins. But men everything sort of blew up when the news about Mom hit, and then the rather... sudden end to my engagement to Brad." She couldn't help it. Tears welled in her eyes before she wiped them angrily away. The pain and outrage didn't just suddenly stop because she willed it to.

Raphael must have smelled something, even though she tried to hide it with a smile. He touched her hand lightly. "If you'd rather not talk about it "

She waved it off. "No, it's okay. It's over. Talking about it won't stop the hurting, but it won't make it any worse, either. Okay, so Brad Jenkins was the son of my father's vice president. We sort of grew up together, ran in the same circles. But his folks decided to send him to boarding school in Europe after middle school, so we lost track of each other. I'd already gone through my period of finding my center, finding my center, as Mom tastefully referred to it." She caught Raphael's grin out of the corner of her eye and it made her laugh lightly. "Actually, it was closer to as Mom tastefully referred to it." She caught Raphael's grin out of the corner of her eye and it made her laugh lightly. "Actually, it was closer to partying till my eyes bled. partying till my eyes bled. But then I got accepted to college, and by die time Brad returned to the States after graduating from Oxford, I'd already finished grad school. We met up again at... oh, h.e.l.l, I don't even remember which company function, and started to date. It seemed a natural progression to getting engaged." She drought back to the event and was amused by die realization. "I loved him, but mere was no wild excitement when he offered die ring. It was just... I don't know... But then I got accepted to college, and by die time Brad returned to the States after graduating from Oxford, I'd already finished grad school. We met up again at... oh, h.e.l.l, I don't even remember which company function, and started to date. It seemed a natural progression to getting engaged." She drought back to the event and was amused by die realization. "I loved him, but mere was no wild excitement when he offered die ring. It was just... I don't know... expected!" expected!"

Raphael turned off the stove, brought die skillet over to the table, and scooped a healthily portion onto her plate. He did die same for himself before taking the pan to the sink and filling it with water to soak. "But then something went wrong? Must have been pretty serious to break you guys up after all that history."

Cat nodded and then poked her fork into the strange colored mix of food on her plate. Tentatively, she speared a pepper along with some egg and slid it into her mouth. Wow! Tastes rolled and collided on her tongue and she eagerly followed the first bite with a second. She'd never in her life tasted anything as good as Raphael's green chile. It was thick and meaty with pork chunks and some sort of sausage, and seemed to have a variety of peppers and onions.

"Omgawd! This is amazing!" amazing!" She swallowed quickly and tried to get her thoughts back on track. "Yeah, it was pretty serious. We announced the engagement in the paper and, of course, it was picked up by all the society pages in the city. Naturally, they did all the She swallowed quickly and tried to get her thoughts back on track. "Yeah, it was pretty serious. We announced the engagement in the paper and, of course, it was picked up by all the society pages in the city. Naturally, they did all the proper proper tie-ins company background of both the parents, charitable donations, and the like. Dad and Mom were both on lots of committees and boards. Education, literacy, animal charities, disaster relief. All the obvious ones. But then one of the papers did some digging and broke the scandal." tie-ins company background of both the parents, charitable donations, and the like. Dad and Mom were both on lots of committees and boards. Education, literacy, animal charities, disaster relief. All the obvious ones. But then one of the papers did some digging and broke the scandal."

She'd been diligently trying to ignore the heat that started slowly, but it sank deeper to sear through her tongue and gums. Despite her best efforts, she finally gave in and raced to the sink for water to stop the burning, much to his amus.e.m.e.nt. By the third filling of her gla.s.s he was chuckling.

"Stop laughing!" she said, trying hard not to laugh herself. "It's hot!" hot!"

"You'd better get used to it. This is how I eat all the time. Jalapenos are the mildest thing you'll find in my cooking. So, what was the scandal?"

The plate was nearly empty when she sat back in her chair and sighed. "I'd always grown up hearing that Mom was a debutante from one of the southern states Daughters of the American Revolution, cotillions, all that sort of stuff. Turns out she wasn't. I guess n.o.body had ever asked the right questions, or they knew and never printed it because of Dad, but my mother was apparently a high-priced call girl when my father met her." That raised Raphael's eyebrows, but he didn't comment one way or the other. "Naturally, or... actually, not so naturally... Brad decided that perhaps I wasn't the best fit for his family. He used all the proper methods, said all the proper things... and dumped me." Tears threatened again, so she took a deep breath and smiled instead. "And that was that. Life sucks, and all that jazz. Anyway, let's not talk about that anymore. Let's talk about how great a cook you are. That was truly an incredible meal."

Raphael dipped his head in acknowledgment, stood up, and walked around the table, carrying his plate. He picked up her plate and carried them to the sink. For reasons she couldn't quite fathom, she stood and followed him the few short steps and then leaned against the counter, watching him. Her heart leapt into her throat when his nose twitched and he turned to fix her with a penetrating stare.

"I'm sorry that happened to you. You deserve better," Raphael said softly and looked down. "You missed a bite." She followed his gaze down to her plate. There were still a few bits of egg and potato buried under the thick sauce. He slowly... ever so slowly sc.r.a.ped her fork around the edges of the plate until he'd scooped it up. He raised the fork and held it out to her. She opened her mouth and let him slide the food in, all the while being transfixed by his complete focus on her and the thick scent of rising musk. She closed her mouth and chewed, this time relis.h.i.+ng the burning that seemed to seep through her whole body, making her palms moist and her skin tingle.

She felt a tickle on her chin, and watched him reach out to wipe a dollop of chile away with his finger. She couldn't tear her eyes away as he eased it to his own mouth and licked it clean.

She'd stopped chewing, had nearly stopped breathing, breathing, and swallowed convulsively, nearly choking on the food in the process. and swallowed convulsively, nearly choking on the food in the process.

A slow, lazy smile curved his lush lips and she realized she was trembling. He reached forward again and ran the back of his fingers along her jaw lightly. "You deserve so much better." Her eyes closed, reveling in the sensation. She heard, felt smelled him move forward and when he brushed his lips against hers, a jolt ran through her body that weakened her knees.

She became lost in the sensation of his lips coaxing her entire body to need through her mouth. He sucked lightly on her lips, one at a time, and then her tongue, as though seeking the last taste of chile. One hand cupped under her cheek while the other reached for her waist. Instead of pulling her closer, he pressed her back against the counter. She could feel him, hard and ready, against the sensitive nerves of her hip and a moan escaped her.

She reached up into his dark curls, let the soft strands slide through her fingers. The fine trembling in her fingers was growing worse, causing heat to rise to her face and making her palms sweat. He pulled back from the kiss and fire burned deep in his eyes when they met hers. The golden glow made her s.h.i.+ver.

"You're shaking," he whispered.

She nodded jerkily and let out a nervous chuckle. "I don't know why. We've had s.e.x before."

He surprised her by not laughing. His face, his eyes, grew even darker and more serious. "Are you certain that's what this is?"

She felt suddenly lost in the intensity of the moment, as scents swirled in the air strong enough to make her entire body clench. "I "

He leaned forward again and her lips opened, waiting. But he dipped lower, and she felt his breath hot on her throat. Her pulse thundered so hard that she could feel her temples throb as his teeth grazed a sharp line from her jaw to her shoulder. The growl that reached her ears was from deep in his chest and she gasped as his fingers dug into her shoulders to pull her closer. She inhaled and her nose fought to sort the scents. Sultry cologne blended with thick musk and mingled with a dizzying blend of emotions to create a combination so erotic that each breath nearly brought her to climax.

The whisper into her ear was a husky, rolling rumble that told her his wolf was close to the surface. It weakened her knees once more. "I'm pretty sure this won't just be s.e.x, Cat." He moved back again and slid slow hands down her arms and then cupped her b.r.e.a.s.t.s while he stared at her. The trembling in her body became a throb that flushed her skin and made her suddenly wet. "What do you think?"

She couldn't think of what to say. Her tongue felt thick and useless. She could only nod in agreement, wondering what she'd gotten herself into. A small part of her was suddenly afraid of the intensity, of something that was deeper inside her, bigger than she'd ever imagined. But she didn't fear Raphael, or what mating might mean. She realized that nothing he could ever do would frighten her.

"C'mon." Raphael stepped back and took her hand in his. He backed up and she followed smoothly, knowing without asking where they were going. They walked through the quiet house hand in hand. Sunlight was fading through the curtains of the bedroom as she stepped inside. He closed the door with a faint click and then once again cupped her jaw with his hands and kissed her slowly. She ran her fingers along his forearms as she met his searching lips and tongue with ever increasing need.

He ended the kiss and stepped back a pace. The husky whisper made her s.h.i.+ver again. "Take off my clothes, Cat. I want to feel your fingers on my body feel your lips on my skin."

She suddenly wanted the same thing. She stepped forward and started to unb.u.t.ton his s.h.i.+rt, placing a gentle kiss on his smooth chest each time the s.h.i.+rt opened wider. His breathing grew deeper and she felt his fingers slide through her hair. She let her hands wander up his ribcage and around to the strong muscles of his back and shoulders while her lips and tongue teased his nipples, each in turn. His hands began to clench knots in her hair and groans began to replace breaths as she eased the s.h.i.+rt off his shoulders and let it drop to the ground.

Make love to me, Cat. Raphael's voice touched her mind and a violent shudder raced through her. I want to be yours. I want to make you mine.

He reached for her, and began to remove her clothes as she removed his, bending down to tease her ear with lips and heated breath while she ran a slow tongue over his collarbone. His shoes and pants quickly followed the s.h.i.+rt, and her clothes joined them on the floor as both of their actions grew more frantic hungry to touch skin to skin. The feelings he was arousing in her made her want to scream, to shout, to beg to go further, faster.

"G.o.d, Raphael! I can't stand this teasing anymore." She wanted him to possess her, take her. His erection was pressing mercilessly against her as he hooked his thumbs under the sides of her panties to pull them down. She reached her hand down, inside the elastic band of his briefs and felt his whole body clench as she wrapped her hand around his thick c.o.c.k. He growled lightly and stripped off the underwear, then moved her hand back to his shoulder.

With a movement sudden enough to make her gasp, Raphael grabbed die backs of her bare thighs and lifted her until her legs were wrapped around his waist. He moved her back and forth across his stomach several times, flared his nostrils, and then smiled hungrily at her. "You're wet. I like that. Let's make you wetter."

His glowing eyes and bared teeth sent another jolt trough her body. She tipped his head and desperately claimed his mouth, needing to feel his jaw working against hers.

He didn't disappoint her. The kiss was fierce, hungry his tongue thrusting deep into her mouth as he walked forward toward the bed. He crawled up onto the comforter without ever releasing her and leaned forward until her back sank into die puffy goose down.

He began to rub himself against her slick opening, not entering her, but teasing her swollen flesh. Her breathing erupted into shallow pants as he kissed her nearly breathless. One hand moved to her breast and began to flick the hardened, sensitive nipple, while the other snaked between their bodies and began to flick between her legs with the same maddening slowness.

She squirmed under him restlessly, trying to satisfy the growing need deep inside her, but he'd managed a position that she couldn't escape from unless she wanted to end this completely and she didn't.

He finally pulled back from the kiss, and Cat gasped for air desperately before he lowered his face to her chest. She cried out as his mouth found her breast and sucked greedily at the nipple just as his fingers slid inside her. Something deep inside her wanted, needed, needed, more. She didn't know what it was, but the need pounded her heart with fear. more. She didn't know what it was, but the need pounded her heart with fear.

Raphael seemed to know and raised his head. "Let go, Cat. Just let it happen. Trust me."

She did trust him. With her life. And with her heart. And with her heart.

He bit down lightly and then growled. "You're mine now. n.o.body else's." His mouth moved to the other breast, where he laved that nipple with his tongue until she whimpered.

Without warning, magical energy filled the room. She couldn't think, couldn't move. As he entered her, his power washed over her, making every hair on her body stand up. The sensations that raced through her as he thrust his powerful hips against her, as he worked her body into a frenzy, were too intense, too strong. Powerful convulsions wracked her as his mouth found her neck. She felt his teeth bite down, deep into the skin over her pulse.

Yes. This... This... this is what she needed. "Yes," she groaned. "I'm yours. n.o.body else's." this is what she needed. "Yes," she groaned. "I'm yours. n.o.body else's."

His fingers convulsed on her hips and he thrust again hard. hard. The ripples of pleasure abruptly became cras.h.i.+ng waves of a violent o.r.g.a.s.m. Her breath raged in her lungs as her entire body shuddered and collapsed from sheer exhaustion. But Raphael wasn't done with her yet. He slowed his thrusts, moved his hips from side to side so that every movement touched a new part inside her. The ripples of pleasure abruptly became cras.h.i.+ng waves of a violent o.r.g.a.s.m. Her breath raged in her lungs as her entire body shuddered and collapsed from sheer exhaustion. But Raphael wasn't done with her yet. He slowed his thrusts, moved his hips from side to side so that every movement touched a new part inside her.

When his face rose to hers again, she smiled lazily. "Your turn," she said and thrust her hips against him, enjoying the look on his face from desire.

"Yeah," he said with a wolfish grin. "I agree. But I think we can make you even wetter first."

He didn't lie.

Magic became a flame that touched her, filled her with fire and an aching need for release. Her skin felt swollen, engorged with blood and magic. She raised her legs even farther to take him in deeper. And then she felt the press of power from a new source. The moon had risen. It pulled at her seductively, called to the cat inside. Raphael felt it, too, and gave himself to both her and the moon. His hands dug in to her hips, and he began to thrust hard enough to leave bruises if she were still human. But in that moment, she knew she wasn't. She was something else, something new and with conscious thought, she gave herself to this new life, gave herself to the man in her arms.

Every thrust took her higher, and his strong arms held her firmly against the heady new sensations. He pushed her further, forcing her body to release once more. "Oh, G.o.d! Raphael!" A second, mind-shattering climax ripped through her, bowing her back enough to raise him into the air. She felt his body clench as her muscles pulled at him literally dragged the climax out of him with a harsh cry, followed by a deep moan.

"Mine." He whispered the word into her ear huskily and then let himself collapse onto her. He whispered the word into her ear huskily and then let himself collapse onto her.

She smiled into his sweat-soaked hair and sighed. "Yours."

IT WAS NEARLY 2:00 2:00 A.M. A.M. when Raphael walked silently down the darkened hall that led to his home office with a coffee cup in hand. He wore only a pair of lightweight gray sweatpants held up by a drawstring. Normally he wouldn't even have bothered with that much, but Cat was still too human to be completely comfortable with casual nudity. when Raphael walked silently down the darkened hall that led to his home office with a coffee cup in hand. He wore only a pair of lightweight gray sweatpants held up by a drawstring. Normally he wouldn't even have bothered with that much, but Cat was still too human to be completely comfortable with casual nudity.

Raven had called a bit ago. He would be by in the morning to take pictures for Cat's and Holly's new driver's licenses and pa.s.sports, and to drop off the keys to the car registered in her new name. Holly would pack up everything at the hotel and be ready for Raven to pick her up first thing in the morning.

Raphael stopped in the doorway, content to simply watch Cat huddled over the keyboard. She wore one of her new T-s.h.i.+rts, black with white lettering that read "I hear voices, and they don't like you." He stifled a snicker. He'd been amazed to find out just how similar their senses of humor were. He was still discovering all the amazing little things about her, like the way she tapped her lip with her index finger when she was lost in thought.

Right now she was doing exactly that as she sat with one foot curled beneath a bare thigh, the keyboard clattering with rapid staccato from her one-handed typing on the number keypad. The only light in the room was from the computer screen. It threw her face in sharp relief, giving him a clear view of the absolute intensity with which she was working.

He didn't want to interrupt her, so he blurred himself with illusion and stepped into the room, then replaced the nearly empty coffee cup with the full one in his hand and left before she could scent him.

He was nearly back to the kitchen when he heard, "Raphael? Are you up?"


She laughed lightly. "Thank G.o.d! I nearly dropped the cup when I took a sip of coffee and it was hot hot!"

He chuckled, filled a cup for himself, and then joined her in the office. "Sorry about that. I was trying not not to disturb you. What are you working on?" He leaned forward, putting one hand on the edge of the desk and the other on the back of her chair. This close the scent of her was nearly overwhelming, heavy as it was with musk from their earlier lovemaking. He took a deep breath, reveling in the heady smells, before turning his attention to the work that so absorbed her. to disturb you. What are you working on?" He leaned forward, putting one hand on the edge of the desk and the other on the back of her chair. This close the scent of her was nearly overwhelming, heavy as it was with musk from their earlier lovemaking. He took a deep breath, reveling in the heady smells, before turning his attention to the work that so absorbed her.

"Corporate records?"

"Yup." She turned her head so that he felt her warm breath on his cheek. "Bluebird Express Delivery Service was incorporated in Arizona in 1960. The corporate offices were at 2150 W. Ironfall, Suite 480, and the registered agent was one Lloyd E. Waters, Esq. of Waters, Wilson, and Jones."

"And why do I care about Bluebird and Mr. Waters?"

"Because until 1975 there was no national s.h.i.+pping agreement between the forty-eight contiguous states. You'd sometimes have a package go through two or three different carriers to get to its destination." Cat gestured at the pair of boxes sitting on his desk. Each had contained a copy of Jack's file; the first was from Charles, the second from Lucas. "Both of those are UPS boxes, with the old labels on them. But But I noticed a second label on each of them with a bluebird logo. I've been spending the last several hours doing research. The I noticed a second label on each of them with a bluebird logo. I've been spending the last several hours doing research. The only only s.h.i.+pping company I can find with a bluebird trademark back then was Bluebird Express. So I went into the property tax records for Phoenix. Guess who owned several apartment buildings in the area in 1964 when these babies were s.h.i.+pped?" s.h.i.+pping company I can find with a bluebird trademark back then was Bluebird Express. So I went into the property tax records for Phoenix. Guess who owned several apartment buildings in the area in 1964 when these babies were s.h.i.+pped?"

"That doesn't prove Waters is the attorney," Raphael said.

"No. But it gives me a starting point. Because somebody somebody filed the deeds on those properties, and filed the deeds on those properties, and that that information will be right there in the records, ready to be looked up." Cat's eyes gleamed, her body was almost quivering with excited tension. information will be right there in the records, ready to be looked up." Cat's eyes gleamed, her body was almost quivering with excited tension.

Howling Moon Part 28

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