Howling Moon Part 29

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"Are the records online?"

"Nope. I tried. Too old. I'm going to have to go in person."

"Not you."

She stiffened, her jaw thrusting forward aggressively. Raphael set his hand lightly on her shoulder and squeezed gently to head off the almost inevitable argument. "The press are looking for you and and you still haven't figured out how to keep Jack out of your thoughts. We don't want to tip our hand. No, it has to be somebody Jack won't be watching which means I can't go, either." you still haven't figured out how to keep Jack out of your thoughts. We don't want to tip our hand. No, it has to be somebody Jack won't be watching which means I can't go, either."

She obviously didn't like it, but she was smart enough to realize the sense of his argument.

"Raven?" Cat suggested.

"Or Ivan, either one."

"Fine. I trust them." Her sigh let him know that while she saw the sense of sending someone else, she'd really rather perform the research herself. "But in the meantime I'm going to do a little cross-checking, see if Mr. Waters or any of his partners turn up on the donors lists for any of Jack's political campaigns."

Raphael grinned wickedly then leaned down to nuzzle her neck. "Can it wait a couple of hours?" The words were a warm whisper that played against her sensitive skin. "I can't even tell you how irresistibly s.e.xy I find a woman with brains."

She swiveled the office chair so that she was facing him, and raised a single finger to trace a lazy path from the center of his chest down to the drawstring of his pants.

"Prove it."

A low, delighted chuckle escaped him then, and he claimed her lips with his. She opened her mouth to him, their tongues dancing as he moved his hands until he held her by her waist beneath the T-s.h.i.+rt.

He lifted her from the chair, pulling her close as she wrapped her long supple legs around his waist, one hand sliding between their bodies to tug at the drawstring of his trousers. His body throbbed with need, pressing hard and ready against the thin barrier of fabric. Power and need built between them until it was nearly painful.

Her legs and one of his hands held her as he swept files and loose papers off of the desktop with his other arm. He set down her bare a.s.s on the very edge of the wood. He backed away from her seeking hands and sank to his knees. Her eyes widened as he used his hands to spread her thighs and slowly, gently, began kissing and licking his way from her knees inward, on first one leg, then the other, coming close, but never quite taking the invitation to put his mouth to her and taste the sweet wetness.

She whimpered and squirmed, her back arching so that her weight was on her hands. He could see the hardness of her nipples pressed against the thin cotton of the s.h.i.+rt, could scent the deep musk of her need. He moved in closer, her bare legs resting on his shoulders, his hands sliding along her outer thighs and up her back as he used his tongue to taste and tease. Again and again he brought her to the edge, only to pull back, leaving her gasping and moaning with need. Electric heat filled the room, raising the hair on his arms, calling to the beast within him. Raphael stood and pulled down the sweat pants so that she could see every throbbing inch of him for a long moment before he stepped forward and slid himself deep inside her.

She cried out, her body spasming as her back arched, forcing him deeper inside. A low moan escaped his lips, and he fought to maintain his control. He started a slow, deep rhythm, but she would have none of that. She ground herself against him, their flesh pounding ever faster. She came then, screaming as she did, and still he wouldn't let himself go. Instead he used his strength and the power of his thrusts to build her pleasure toward a second, deeper o.r.g.a.s.m. He felt it coming, felt his own pleasure build in response until there was no thought, no reason only the deep, sweet, electric sensation of claiming his mate. mate.

CAT TILTED HER head sideways, looking skeptically at the photograph in the book in front of her. "Wow. I'm limber, but I'm not head sideways, looking skeptically at the photograph in the book in front of her. "Wow. I'm limber, but I'm not that that limber." limber."

Holly peeked over Cat's shoulder at the book in her hands. "Urn, I think that's one of the advanced postures. Maybe we'd better start with the easy ones?" Holly took the book from Cat's hand and flipped to one of the earlier pages until she found something that appealed to her. She showed the picture to Cat, who nodded. "That looks doable."

The two women stood in the center of the living room of a small apartment that smelled of fresh paint and sawdust and had been decorated with an eclectic mix that combined furnis.h.i.+ngs from the flea market and an inexpensive rental store and the framed posters that Violet had sent to her niece, I I Was a Teenage Werewolf Was a Teenage Werewolf with Michael Landon had a place of honor above the entertainment center, while with Michael Landon had a place of honor above the entertainment center, while An American Werewolf in London An American Werewolf in London hung above a plush tan couch, its throw pillows striped in black, tan, and cream. Inexpensive bookshelves took up a third wall, and they were already almost filled. It was an odd mix. On the top shelf there were ancient-looking hardback books that Violet and Ned had found at an antique dealer discussing shapes.h.i.+fter legends, the battered copies of the training manuals. The lower shelves held several books and videotapes on both jaguars and wolves, and, of course, yoga. hung above a plush tan couch, its throw pillows striped in black, tan, and cream. Inexpensive bookshelves took up a third wall, and they were already almost filled. It was an odd mix. On the top shelf there were ancient-looking hardback books that Violet and Ned had found at an antique dealer discussing shapes.h.i.+fter legends, the battered copies of the training manuals. The lower shelves held several books and videotapes on both jaguars and wolves, and, of course, yoga.

Cat stood in the middle of the one truly expensive item she'd used to furnish the house, a twelve-by-twelve cream-colored rug that was thick, plush, and incredibly soft between the toes when you walked on it. She would've considered it worth it at twice the price, but had debated long and hard over the purchase.

After all, Cerise Boudreaux was a corporate cleaning woman. She did not have extra money to waste on luxuries. She would've had to save for months for a purchase like this. And if anyone asked, that's exactly what she'd say she'd done. Not that she expected anyone to inquire.

In the background, Cat and Holly could hear Ivan and Raphael discussing the best way to wire die exhaust and air filtration systems in the office where Cat would be doing most of her work. They were doing major renovations, including an overhaul of the electrical systems for the entire building to accommodate everything that would be needed. It was a nuisance, but n.o.body had even tried to argue the necessity of it.

"All right," Holly announced. "This is called the Eagle Pose. Stand erect. Lift the right leg and twist it over the left leg."

Cat did as she was bid.

"Now cross your elbows in front of your chest with the left arm on top and the arms pressed together."


Holly stepped forward and showed her the picture. Once she could see what she was supposed to do it was simple enough. "Now reverse the position and stand on your right leg, with the left leg hooked over the left."

"I still don't see what this has to do with magical training," Cat complained.

"It strengthens the mind/body/magic connection and increases control," Raphael called from the office.

Cat made a harrumphing noise and rolled her eyes, but tried to listen carefully as Holly read the section describing the five sheaths covering the soul: the annamaya kosha, pranamaya kasha, the manomaya kosha, vijnanomaya kosha, and finally the anandamaya kosha and what each represented.

There was no point in arguing. Raphael was absolutely determined that she was going to do this as part of her training. She needed to be able to keep Jack from sifting through her thoughts and finding out the details of their plans for him. h.e.l.l, she just wanted the ability to keep him out period.

Cat gave an involuntary shudder. Jack was never far from her thoughts, but on those rare occasions when she started to put him aside something something always moved him back to the foreground. Last weekend was a good example. She'd been at Raphael's eating breakfast, utterly happy after a night of research and spectacular s.e.x. Then Holly and Raven had shown up with all of the stuff from the hotel. Including, of course, Jack's anniversary present for Fiona. Cat had completely forgotten about it until she opened the card tucked inside the velvet Carrier box. "Something to remind you of me." always moved him back to the foreground. Last weekend was a good example. She'd been at Raphael's eating breakfast, utterly happy after a night of research and spectacular s.e.x. Then Holly and Raven had shown up with all of the stuff from the hotel. Including, of course, Jack's anniversary present for Fiona. Cat had completely forgotten about it until she opened the card tucked inside the velvet Carrier box. "Something to remind you of me."

Cat s.h.i.+vered from a cold that had nothing to do with the snow outside, goose flesh crawling up her arms.

She'd recognized the jewelry the minute she'd opened the box: the collection Panthere de Carrier. An absolutely stunning heavy gold necklace and ring both perfectly depicting the head of a jaguar with emeralds for the eyes, and a diamond-encrusted clasp that connected the necklace to the gold stick chain. It was exquisite, but the mere thought of it made her nauseous, and Cat couldn't keep herself from wiping her hands against her jeans as if to rid them from some clinging filth.

"Cat, what's wrong? You smell weird."

"Nothing," Cat lied. She untangled her arms and began rubbing them briskly. "Read me that last part again. I need to get it right."

They started again from the beginning. This time Cat was able to do the exercise with relative ease. Of course it was at the worst possible moment that the phone rang. Holly dashed into the kitchen to pick it up. Cat listened to the conversation as she exhaled on the count of five and slowly straightened up.

"Cerise is tied up right now. Can I help you?"

"Oh! I'll go check. Hang on."

"Ca Cerise," Holly corrected herself in midsyllable. "Your boss is on the phone. He wants to know if you can come in to work tonight after all. Somebody called in sick."

Cat untangled her legs with a sigh. She could hear Raphael grumbling in the background. They'd planned on going out to dinner this evening on an actual date. date. But it was important that she make a good impression on her new employer. She'd only been working for them for three days. It was absolutely typical for people to call in sick the day before a big holiday, too. Cat remembered hearing But it was important that she make a good impression on her new employer. She'd only been working for them for three days. It was absolutely typical for people to call in sick the day before a big holiday, too. Cat remembered hearing that that complaint from her father more than once. complaint from her father more than once.

She walked into the kitchen, goose b.u.mps rising on her skin in reaction to the cold of a draft coming from beneath the back door. She picked up the receiver. It was her supervisor from the cleaning company. He talked quickly, firing words off like bullets, as though he expected an argument. Then again, he probably had. After all, this was a plum night to have off the day before a major holiday.

"No, it's fine." Cat a.s.sured him. "I understand. I'll be there at six." She started to hang up the phone, but turned at the sound of someone coming through the door behind her. It was Raphael. This morning when he'd arrived he'd looked positively scrumptious in tattered, faded jeans and a tight navy-blue T-s.h.i.+rt that hugged every inch of his muscular chest and washboard abs, his dark hair in loose curls that positively begged to be touched. Now a thin layer of white plaster dust was sprinkled lightly over his skin and work clothes. He still looked scrumptious but now he was more of a powdered donut.

She snickered and set the receiver in its cradle.

"What's so funny?" Raphael stepped close, putting one hand on either side of her so that she was pinned lightly between him and the counter. He smelled of sweat, fur, and plaster dust, but beneath that, more subtly, of baking bread and cookie spices. Cat's heart caught in her chest when she remembered which emotions those scents were supposed to represent. Love and happiness. Love and happiness. Not l.u.s.t, not mating. Real, honest-to-G.o.d love. Not l.u.s.t, not mating. Real, honest-to-G.o.d love.

Raphael gave her an inquiring look as she reached up to cup his face with her left hand. She leaned forward, kissing him with a chaste brush of lips. "I love you, Raphael Ramirez."

"I love you, too." He raised one hand to brush a stray hair from her face. Just that small touch sent tingles of electricity between them, her body tightening in response. Yes, she loved him, but l.u.s.t was definitely a part of the mix.

"You still haven't told me what you were laughing about." He whispered the words as he moved his mouth to the base of her throat, nipping gently at the pulse point. There was something so primal about that particular movement that her body ached with sudden, intense need, her breath catching in a soft gasp that was almost a moan.

He leaned forward, and his body pressed against hers, hard and ready. His hands moved to her hips, pulling her tight against him so that she could feel every muscular inch of him pressed against her as his mouth moved up to claim hers in a kiss that was anything but chaste.

"Ahem." Ivan gave a pointed cough from the kitchen doorway.

Raphael turned his head, his grin utterly unrepentant.

"You said said you were coming in here to get us each a beer." The old bear complained good-naturedly. He stepped past them to the corner where the refrigerator stood. Pulling the door open he retrieved a bottle for each of them, plus a can of Cat's favorite soda for her. you were coming in here to get us each a beer." The old bear complained good-naturedly. He stepped past them to the corner where the refrigerator stood. Pulling the door open he retrieved a bottle for each of them, plus a can of Cat's favorite soda for her.

"I would've gotten around to it." Raphael s.h.i.+fted away from Cat to take the bottles from Ivan's hand. He pa.s.sed Cat's drink to her before he twisted off the cap of his beer. He turned so that he was leaning against the counter next to her, the length of their bodies touching, his free arm wrapping automatically around her waist.

"Did I hear correctly? You are working tonight?"

Cat nodded as she took a long swig of her drink.

"Are you enjoying enjoying your work?" your work?"

"It's not too bad." Cat set her drink down on the counter, her expression wary. "I've only been working a couple of days, so I'm still learning the job. Why?" Why?"

Cat felt the tension sing through Raphael's body. His scent changed. He was eager. He'd known Ivan a long time, and apparently sensed that something was up.

"I just got a call on my cell phone from Raven."

A s.h.i.+ver of antic.i.p.ation ran through her body. "What did he have to say?"

Ivan's smile was a beauteous thing. "The deeds were prepared by your Mr. Waters. He is not only still alive, but he maintains his old office even though he is semiretired."

Cat held her breath. There was more. There had to be. She could scent the joy and fierce antic.i.p.ation pouring off both Ivan and Raphael.

"The safe is an old one, and wasn't top of the line in the fifties when it was installed."

"He saw saw the safe?" Cat whispered. the safe?" Cat whispered.

"He opened opened the safe," Ivan corrected her. "He the safe," Ivan corrected her. "He saw saw the file, and took many, many beautiful pictures so that you, and I, can make our replica the file, and took many, many beautiful pictures so that you, and I, can make our replica perfect" perfect"

If Raphael hadn't been holding her she might have fallen. Her knees just gave way. They'd found the file. They'd found the file. found the file. And it wasn't inaccessible, in some high-security vault that would require months of work to access. Raven had gotten to it And it wasn't inaccessible, in some high-security vault that would require months of work to access. Raven had gotten to it easily. easily.

"Is he sure it's not a trap?" Raphael's words had raised a concern that it had been too too easy. easy.

He shrugged, and his scent was a mixture of worry and hope. "As sure as we can can be." be."

Cat gave Raphael a fierce hug and a huge kiss before stepping out of his embrace. She then did the same thing to Ivan just not quite the same kind kind of kiss. When she released him, she began walking out of the room. of kiss. When she released him, she began walking out of the room.

"Where are you going?" Raphael asked.

"I have to get ready for work."

"That doesn't really seem to be necessary," Ivan pointed out.

"Maybe. Maybe not. But either way I am not not leaving them shorthanded the night before a holiday weekend." She turned, grinning at both of them. "Anybody need in the bathroom before I get in the shower?" leaving them shorthanded the night before a holiday weekend." She turned, grinning at both of them. "Anybody need in the bathroom before I get in the shower?"

RAPHAEL STRETCHED. T THE bones in his spine popped audibly. He'd been standing in one position for a long time now, putting the last detailed brush strokes on the canvas. He stepped back to look at it. It was good, bones in his spine popped audibly. He'd been standing in one position for a long time now, putting the last detailed brush strokes on the canvas. He stepped back to look at it. It was good, d.a.m.ned d.a.m.ned good, even if he did say so himself. It was, without doubt, the best tiling he'd ever painted. He wanted so badly to get it exactly right. good, even if he did say so himself. It was, without doubt, the best tiling he'd ever painted. He wanted so badly to get it exactly right.

"Ivan, come in here a minute."

"In where?" The bear's voice came from the direction of the den. Raphael could hear the familiar sound of the movie Casablanca Casablanca playing on the television. The delectable scent of b.u.t.tered popcorn filled the house. playing on the television. The delectable scent of b.u.t.tered popcorn filled the house.

The two men had come back to Raphael's house after they dropped Cat off for work. Ivan had wanted to relax. Raphael had needed to finish a project before Cat's birthday tomorrow.

"The spare bedroom."

Ivan stepped through the doorway. He was still wearing the worn jeans and work s.h.i.+rt he'd had on this morning. He stopped abruptly, his eyes widening as he stared at the painting propped on an easel in the center of the room.

"Well?" Raphael turned to his friend, who stood staring in awed silence.

"It is perfect." Ivan stepped forward, but kept his hands clasped behind his back. "I don't know how you did it." He shook his head in amazement, "but you breathed life into their picture. You can see the laughter in Janet's eyes, and the love in his." Ivan leaned close to examine the details. "I know you never met them. Did you get the image from Cat's mind?"

Raphael let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. If Ivan thought he'd gotten the image from Cat, he'd done a very good job indeed. "Nothing that exotic. I was afraid she'd catch me." He shook his head with a laugh. "I had to stoop to having Charles send me a photo by e-mail. Think she'll like it?"

Ivan smiled gently. "She will treasure treasure it, as well she should." He turned to Raphael, his expression serious. "I think I owe you an apology, my friend." it, as well she should." He turned to Raphael, his expression serious. "I think I owe you an apology, my friend."

Raphael tilted his head sideways in inquiry, but didn't say anything.

"I was afraid you would toy with her, break her heart. You have, after all, always had something of a reputation."

Raphael snorted. "Don't remind me."

"Do you love her? I know you are mated, but that is not the same thing at all."

Raphael smiled ruefully. "Yup. And it scares the s.h.i.+t out of me. Because I can't help thinking that that that is exactly what Jack has been counting on. It's not like him to wait like this. I don't like it." is exactly what Jack has been counting on. It's not like him to wait like this. I don't like it."

Raphael gathered up the various brushes he'd used and dropped them into an old coffee can that he'd half filled with water. Acrylic paints cleaned up easier and dried fast, which is why he'd always preferred them. He'd never had the patience to work in oils. He used a damp cloth to wipe spots of black paint from his hands.

"Neither do I," Ivan agreed. "How is the training coming?"

Raphael wiggled his hand up and down. "Cat's got plenty of talent, but she needs to practice harder and more consistently."

"A lot has been happening to distract her."

"She can't afford to be be distracted. When Jack comes for her, she'll need every ounce of skill and more." Raphael sighed. distracted. When Jack comes for her, she'll need every ounce of skill and more." Raphael sighed.

"You don't think she'll be ready." It was a simple statement of fact.

"I don't know. h.e.l.l, I'm not sure I could be ready, or you, or... h.e.l.l, Lucas if it came to that. Jack may be totally insane, but he's d.a.m.ned good." Raphael gathered up the paint tubes lying on the top of the dresser, checked each to make sure the lids were screwed on tight and placed them neatly in the carved wooden box he used to store them.

"So are you. Between the two of you, you and Cat will be a match for him. You'll see to it."

Howling Moon Part 29

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