Kyn: Blood Vow Part 5

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Chapter 7.

Maria had looked so beautiful sleeping in his arms tonight. A small smile curved Maraks lips as he twisted violently and sliced the head off the rogue charging him down. A stunned expression crossed the creatures face for a second before its brain caught up with the fact that it was now very dead. Marak watched it tumble and roll across the floor as the body crumbled to ash in front of him.

Looks like getting laid agrees with you, big man, Kalen chuckled, finis.h.i.+ng off the two rogues that had been dumb enough to take him on with three efficient slices of his blades and coming to stand at Maraks side.

Glad youve finally emerged, though. He flicked his blades clean of blood, the spelled steel shedding the fluid like water from a ducks back, and slid them away. Missed you out here at my back. I mean, Mikals good, but hes no warrior king.

Marak cleaned and slid his own blades away over his back, giving his friend the side eye. You obviously want to make a point. So make it.

Kalen sighed and turned to face him fully. Youve been loved up for days. Barely patrolling, not attending to council business and, well, the lords have noticed. I mean, I tried to cover your a.s.s as long as possible, but questions are being asked.

Marak sighed. He should have known this was coming. Not from Kalen A Lords son as well as a warrior, he was Maraks spy in the council but from that bunch of busybody pains in the a.s.s who thought they sat on the kyn throne, not him.

Sooner or later, Kalen carried on, concern on his face, one of your servants is going to blab that you have a woman in your rooms. One you converted. How is that going to go down?

Marak stood unmoving in the semi-darkness of the alley, his mind mulling the facts over. It wasnt like all this hadnt occurred to him, but hearing it aloud from someone else gave it a weight and importance he hadnt considered before.

Kalen wiped black blood off his face and shrugged. Sorry, man, cant have your cake and eat it. Wish you could, but the world doesnt work that way. Not for us.

Why not though? Why couldnt it be just that way? The scales dropped from Maraks eyes, his body frozen in place as the thought hit him. He was king. The guy in charge, so why couldnt he make Maria his queen? Hed always avoided marriage but not because he had any particular hatred for the inst.i.tution itself. It was because he was a target for scheming gold diggers after wealth and luxury, and matchmaking mamas out to give their daughters the t.i.tle of queen. Kalen himself had fallen prey to just such a female, his beloved wife making a fool of him when shed run off with another man. Scandal had ensued, and Kalen had sworn hed never marry again.

But Maria wasnt like that. She wasnt a gold digger. Originally human, there was no way she knew anything of kyn society or his role in it. To her he was just a kyn warrior. She couldnt know he was so much more than that. Sure, hed lied to her about his ident.i.ty, but she was a reasonable, level-headed woman. As soon as he explained why hed lied, shed understand. Forgive him.

Why cant I? he said suddenly, realizing Kalen was looking at him with that particular expression people used when someone was less than stable mentally. Shes converted, yes. I wont argue that. But she was human, which means she should be fertile when so many of our women arent. And I need an heir Youre crazy, butman, I cant wait to see the look on Elsveths face when you tell him. Kalen snorted in amus.e.m.e.nt, but then his gaze sharpened at the sound of footsteps behind them. Heads up. We got company.

Both warriors turned as a squad of knights marched into the alley. Maraks brows snapped together. The n.o.bilitys solution to the rogue problem, knights stayed well out of the way of the warrior teams. Usually they stuck to the safer areas of the city, aka the ones the warriors had already cleared, stating that their mandate was to protect kyn citizens, not humanity.

Well met, friends. Amus.e.m.e.nt rolled through him as they came to a stop in front of him in an almost perfect parade movement. Sure, like drill training was going to scare the rogues off.

The knight with the most bling and braid on his jacket stepped forward, eyeing them with the contempt all knights treated warriors with right up to the point his gaze fell on Maraks face. Dressed like all warriors, there was nothing to distinguish him among them, apart from the features that had been pa.s.sed down from father to son in every king since their race had crossed into this realm.

Sire, a pleasure. Verran, house of Ravensford, he introduced himself with a low bow, followed by the men behind him. My apologies, I didnt realize you were abroad tonight.

Marak held back his sigh as the alley filled with the clatter of armor when they all stood up at the same time. If the rogues hadnt known where they were before, they certainly did now. They might as well have taken out a billboard in bright neon to announce their presence.

The pleasure is all mine, he replied, looking at them with a frown. Forgive my curiosity, but you are well outside your usual area And in danger of running into actual rogues. He didnt add it, but the words hung in the air. From the worried expressions of some of the faces in the troop, and the way they jumped at shadows, they were well aware and scared as f.u.c.k at the prospect.

Verran didnt seem scared though. At least, not of the rogues. Instead, something akin to controlled panic tightened his expression as he held out a picture to the two warriors.

I know yougentlemen are more concerned with hunting and killing rogues, but would you do me the kindness of keeping your eye out for this girl? My lords daughter, Anamaria, has been missing for days. He drew closer and dropped his voice, as though imparting a shameful secret. The girl is delicate, you see. Half human. But with my lords only other child killed some years ago, shes all he has left A horrible feeling wormed its way up Maraks spine as he reached for the photo. Sure enough, it was of a beautiful young woman, smiling as she turned toward the camera. Her features were a lot younger, but there was no question. It was the same woman hed left sleeping in his bed less than two hours ago.

Maria. His Maria.

Shes very pretty, he said automatically.

Thank you, Verran smiled. Shes also my intended. So you can understand why Im eager to get her back Marak nodded, feeling like hed been sucker punched in the gut. Not only was his Maria not the human shed made out, but she was the daughter of a lord. One promised to another man. Bitter amus.e.m.e.nt twisted his lips into a cruel smile as the knights took their leave. Obviously Lady Ravensford had decided that a mere knight for a husband wasnt good enough and had decided to trade up to a king, inserting herself into his bed with a level of manipulation and duplicity hed never dreamed existed.

Hed been played for a fool.

But that was about to end. Tonight.

Turning on his heel, he strode out of the alley.

Hey! Kalen called out behind him. Patrol?

Ill catch up, Marak growled over his shoulder. This wont take long.

She had to leave, but she didnt want to.

Maria sat on the edge of Mikals bed and ran her hand through her hair with a sigh. The last few days had been blissful, but she had to face facts. They couldnt go on like this. With the rogue attack and her subsequent conversion, her entire life would change. She wasnt a freak anymore, but a full kyn, which meant she had responsibilities She closed her eyes with a groan. Shed have to go back and face her father. But she couldnt do it, not without seeing Mikal again. She couldnt leave without saying a word. In fact, she didnt want to leave at all.

Perhaps they could carry on seeing one another? She could conceal who she was. After all, he hadnt figured out her worst secret, that shed been a dhampir, so perhaps she could hide her lineage from him as well. Warriors didnt tend to mix with the n.o.bility, so he need never find out. As soon as the thought tried to blossom in her mind everything within her said no. Maybe she could hide the truth from him for a short while, but it wouldnt work out long term. With her conversion to kyn, there were other considerations. With any luck, she could keep Mikals name out of it as the vampire who had turned her, but she would be expected to marry now, more so than ever, and her father would never allow her to marry a warrior.

She would have to marry someone else. A n.o.ble like Verran.

Her stomach clenched at the thought, doubling her over as nausea rose. The thought of another man touching her made her feel sick. She didnt want anyone else. She wanted Mikal and only Mikal. The idea of any other man touching her was wrong, utterly wrong. Because Her eyes widened, shock coursing through her.

She was in love with him.

Head over stupid, foolish, heels in love with him.

Oh s.h.i.+t, she groaned, dropping her head back and closing her eyes. Of all the stupid things to go and do, falling in love with a warrior who didnt know her real name or ident.i.ty had to rank up there with the greatest. Lifting her hands to rub at her eyes, she tried to marshal her thoughts and figure a way out of this. But the worst was yet to come. As she dropped her hands, she froze, gaze focused on her wrists.

Delicate marks wound their way around her wrists like bracelets, but not ones of silver or gold. Instead, they were inscribed in her very flesh, buried under the skin where they could never be removed.

Bond marks.

The strength gone from her legs, she sat down heavily on the bed theyd shared for the past few nights, looking blankly at the marks. Scratch falling in love with a warrior as the stupidest thing shed ever done. Going and getting herself bonded to that self-same warrior overtook that by a d.a.m.n country mile.

Maria, you are so screwed, she whispered in shock.

What was her father going to say when she brought home a warrior as her bonded?

Because she had to take him home now. The bond was the most sacred thing in their society, and una.s.sailable. It wouldnt have mattered who her bond-mate was, either the lowliest male in kyn society or the king himself, her father could not argue. Bond-mates were written in blood and destiny. It was just the way it was. A small kernel of hope filled her chest. Perhaps this would work out for the best The door flew open, the crash loud as it hit the wall making her jump. She looked up to find Mikal framed in the doorway, but this wasnt the gentle and pa.s.sionate lover she knew. His body was tight with tension, danger rolling from him in waves, and the look on his face was hard.

Mikal? She was on her feet in a heartbeat, everything within her needing to soothe whatever was wrong. What happened?

When were you going to tell me? he demanded, voice hard with anger.

The bottom dropped out of her stomach, her steps faltering. He knew. Knew that shed been born a freak.

Im sorry, she said softly, tears p.r.i.c.kling the back of her eyes. This couldnt be happening, not now. I was going to, I swear.

He advanced into the room, his gaze never leaving hers. So you dont deny it?

She dropped her gaze, feeling the heat of her shame crawl over her cheeks, and shook her head. How can I? I cant help the way I was born. Youd have found out sooner or later.

d.a.m.n right I would, he growled, advancing on her. And dont give me excuses.

She backed up, fear rolling through her. Shed never seen him look so angry, or so dangerous. Shaking her head, she protested, Im really sorry. I should have told you. But you thought I was human, andand I didnt want you to look at me differently when you found out He barked out a hard laugh, stopping mere inches from her, her back against one of the tall bedposts. Found out what? That youre a lying little b.i.t.c.h who plotted and schemed to get into my bed?

No! she cried out, flinching as he lifted a hand. No kyn n.o.bleman would dare hit a female, but warriors were a law unto themselves.

He snarled at her reaction. Youre just like all the rest. A scheming little gold digger.

No, Im not! she protested, confusion filling her. He was a warrior, why would giving herself to him make her a gold digger? I didnt plan anything. You were the one who found me. You were the one who insisted on training. I just wanted to kill rogues.

Ohhh, now that was a clever bit of playacting, wasnt it? Putting yourself in danger so I would come to your rescue. Well played, my lady. Well played indeed. He moved closer, his face a mask of rage. What, was a knight not good enough for you you decided to trade up to a king instead?

She froze as everything hed said started to make terrible sense. Lifting horrified eyes to his, she whispered, You lied about your name Youre Marak. He smiled without humor and stepped back to take a bow. A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Lady Ravensford.

Straightening up, he looked down at her as though she was something hed sc.r.a.ped off the bottom of his boot. Now get out before I have you flogged for lying to your king.

Tears in her eyes, she did as ordered, running from his rooms as fast as her newly born kyn legs could carry her.

She had no idea how long it took her to get home.

One moment she was desperately fleeing what turned out to be the palace, and the next she stood in the middle of the entrance hall in her fathers home, shaking all over as her father and his knights turned to look at her in stunned surprise.

Maria! Her father crossed the hall in seconds, sweeping her up into his arms. Oh my G.o.d, I thought wed lost you!

She held on for dear life, her eyes squeezed tightly shut. Desperately she tried to forget the events of the last few days and go back to a simpler time. One when her fathers arms were the safest place in the world and nothing could hurt her there. For a moment, she managed it, and her breathing deepened as she sheltered against him. But the illusion couldnt, and didnt, last. Garen stiffened, pulling away to look down at her with narrowed eyes.

Youre She nodded, biting her lower lip to stop it wobbling. Tears werent far away, thickening her throat and making her eyes water.

I-I was attacked. A rogue I nearly died. But a male found me, saved me Her voice broke on a sob as she realized she had to lie. Again. When would it ever end?

Wordlessly, she lifted her hands. Her fathers gaze fastened on the marks around her wrists but the gasps came from the knights behind him. Every one of them knew what they meant, what they were. Bond marks.

He found out Id been a half-breed, she said softly, trying to keep the pain out of her voice. Didnt want me anymore.

There was no point in hiding them. She couldnt conceal her wrists forever. Her father would see them eventually, and far better for everyone to think shed bonded and been rejected for her half-breed blood. No one would question her because none of them wanted a half-breed for a wife, and this just played into the stories they bandied around between them. Besides, if her father knew the truth, hed march right up to the palace and demand the king marry her.

She couldnt let him do that. Not only would the scandal destroy their family, but she couldnt allow Marak to know that she carried his marks. If he did, she would be dragged back to the palace and forced to marry him. He couldnt be seen to abandon a woman who carried his marks, even though he hated her, and she couldnt bear the thought of living with a man who thought she was less than nothing.

Oh, sweetheart Fresh tears filled her eyes as her father gathered her close again. His hand smoothed over her hair as he rocked her gently. Dont you worry. Things will all work out. Theyll be okay. No one will ever hurt you again. I promise.

Sadness welled up as she allowed him to lead her deeper into her home.

No one would ever hurt her again because there was nothing left of her heart but shattered pieces.

In gaining her lifelong wish to be fully kyn, shed lost everything.

The following days pa.s.sed in a blur for Maria. Mind-numbing pain consumed her every waking moment, only eased by sleep when it came. Most days she lay awake, unable to sleep for the misery of being separated from her bond-mate. By nights she haunted her fathers study, looking into the lore of the mate-bond, hoping to find something that would give her hope that the ragged pain where her heart had been would ease over time.

Broken bonds were rare, usually broken by death or in some cases, blood-madness. There were few records of a rejected bond, even fewer of what happened to the unwanted partner. Within a few days she stopped looking, lethargy taking over as she accepted the pain as part of her.

It didnt matter anymore. Nothing mattered.

She stayed out of the way of others, keeping to the darker parts of the house. The short conversations she had with her maid in the evenings were her only interaction, and even that tired her beyond measure. It was as though her mind and any social ability had ceased to function, as had her desire to do anything. Her leathers and weapons were packed away at the bottom of her wardrobe and abandoned.

Hunger was the only thing that seemed real to her. A deep, gnawing hunger that ate away at her gut. Flitting from her room, she padded along the darkened corridors. Now kyn, she needed to feed, needed blood, but the thought of feeding from anyone but she s.h.i.+ed away from his name with a flinch. The thought of feeding from anyone made her feel ill. She knew her father was worried, watching her with concerned eyes each night, but she couldnt bring herself to care.

Shed been useless as a hunter and had failed as a woman. Even being fully kyn hadnt made any difference. Shed always been seen as a freak would always be seen as a freak.

Reaching the stairs, she started to make her way up them slowly, the effort exhausting. Halfway up, her legs buckled and gave out. Closing her eyes, she let the darkness take her, no longer caring If she fell hard enough, perhaps it would be all over.

Strong arms closed around her, scooping her up against a broad chest. Startled, she opened her eyes to find Verran carrying her down the stairs.

Ive had enough of this, he told her, his expression firm. Carry on and you will kill yourself, and what would that do to your father? Hes already lost one child. Do you think he would survive losing another?

She bit her lip, guilt was.h.i.+ng over her. Consumed by her pain she hadnt considered how it would affect others around her.

So, your bonded was an a.s.s and didnt want you? Verran growled as he carried her into the kitchen and deposited her on a stool by the breakfast bar. That just means he was a f.u.c.king a.s.shole. You hear me? Being a half-breed does not make you any less worthy, not by a long shot.

She looked at him as he moved around the kitchen, pulling a blood bag from the fridge and setting it in a jug of hot water to warm.

But you said She paused to clear her throat, her voice scratchy from disuse. Even you said youd have to look past my mixed blood.

Because I was a f.u.c.king a.s.s as well, he growled, making her flinch, but instantly he was there in front of her, crouching down so he was on a lower level than she was. Deliberately nonthreatening, her mind told her absently. He was trying hard not to scare her. Surprisingly, that thought roused her a little from her lethargy.

Maria. He reached out and took her hand in his. Im sorry if I made you feel like less. I didnt mean to. I didnt even think it was an issue youve always been beautiful to me.

His words trailed off as he stroked the marks around her wrists with a thumb. She watched his movement, not looking at the marks in her skin themselves. Her heart ached whenever she did.

Whoever he is, hes an idiot, he murmured, his blond hair falling over his eyes. He looked up through the strands, expression open and honest.

Maria, I know you dont love me, cant love me his thumb swept the marks meaningfully. But let me take care of you?

The heater bleeped behind them, signaling the blood was warm enough to drink.

You are taking care of me, she pointed out softly, nodding toward the gla.s.s hed already set out.

More than this, he a.s.serted gently, reaching up to stroke his thumb over her jaw. Marry me. Ill look after you for the rest of my life. Youll never feel like youre somehow less for how you were born. I promise.

She searched his eyes, looking for the catch, for him to break into amus.e.m.e.nt and tell her he was joking. But there was nothing. No amus.e.m.e.nt, no condemnation.

I wont ask you to feed from me, or to feed me, he carried on softly. Not until youre ready. Even if it takes years, Ill wait.

She didnt reply, biting at her lower lip as he looked at her. She couldnt answer. Didnt know how to answer. Her heart ached at the thought of marrying anyone but Marak.

Marak. Who didnt want her.

Verran sighed and stood up. With swiftly efficient movements he poured the blood for her to drink and set it down gently on the counter next to her. She looked up and caught his gaze.

Kyn: Blood Vow Part 5

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