Kyn: Blood Vow Part 6

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I would have one condition Anything, sweetheart. Whatever you need, he agreed instantly. Id give you the world for making you feel like less.

She nodded, her breath leaving her in a shuddering sigh.

I dont want the world. Just, please, promise me that I never have to go to court

Chapter 8.

Had everything she told him been a lie? Even the little sister lost to the rogue?

Marak snarled and brought up his sword just in time to stop Feral from sinking a blade deep into his throat. There was a twinkle in the other warriors eyes as he broke away, turning to circle Marak again. Hed almost landed the blow and they both knew it. Marak swore under his breath. On a normal night, even as fast and ruthless as Feral was as a fighter, hed never have gotten close.

Tightening his focus, he stalked Feral around the practice circle. A round ring marked out on the concrete floor of the compound, it was where they all trained. Sometimes against each other in single bouts, sometimes two, three or even four on one to simulate rogue attack methods. Once, theyd even dragged a captured rogue in here and pit it head to head with the newer warriors, to give them some experience. Unfortunately, the Lords Council had found out about that and had a hissy fit. Maraks ears hadnt stopped ringing for months with their complaints, so theyd never tried it again.

Pity. He rolled his shoulders. He could have done with some quality one-on-one time with a rogue to take the edge off the rage that welled up in his soul.

Spotting an opening, he launched himself forward, a grin splitting his face as he brought both his swords to bear. It wouldnt matter, Feral was too good a warrior to actually let the blows land and take his head off. Any second now, Marak thought as the blades traveled in a glittering arc toward Ferals unprotected throat any second now hed bring his guard up into place and Maraks swords would skitter off the blades across the backs of his hands.

Time slowed. Any second now s.h.i.+t, he wasnt going to defend. Maraks eyes widened. Swearing, he froze, his muscles screaming in protest as he stopped the blades a hairsbreadth from Ferals throat. So close, in fact, he could feel the guys pulse beating against the very edge of one blade, vibrating through the length of the metal. He s.n.a.t.c.hed the blades away, hands shaking.

What the f.u.c.k? I could have killed you! he all but roared at the other warrior.

Yeah, but you didnt, did you? Feral shrugged. And it seemed as good a way as any to get your attention.

Marak busied himself with checking his blades over for damage before sliding them away in the twin sheaths across his back. They were both dressed for training, their leathers discarded in favor of wife-beaters and loose training pants, but their weaponry was always the same. Not one of them ever changed the configuration they carried them in. Knowing instinctively where your backup weapons were in a fight was vital, even a couple of inches could mean the difference between life and death.

His preoccupation with his weapons didnt stop Feral stepping closer, his voice low as he put a hand on Maraks arm. Were worried about you, brother.

Marak closed his eyes for a second. Here it came, the plenty more fish in the sea, bros before hos speech. Hed been expecting it. What he hadnt expected though was for Feral to be handing it out. The warrior was normally the opposite of garrulous, so he must have pulled a seriously short straw to get lumbered with this task.

Youre not sleeping, barely feeding, and youre taking on the rogues en Not that I got an issue with wholesale slaughter of the f.u.c.kers, Ferals voice hardened for a second. But, seriously, if thats what you wanna do, you gotta be on your a-game. And youre not.

His grip tightened on Maraks bicep, making him look up. The expression on the other warriors hard face was concerned. Whatever bee you got in your bonnet, sort it and sort it fast before the kyn lose a king and, more importantly, I lose my friend. I dont got many, so I cant afford to lose even your ugly mug. You read me?

Maraks throat tightened, a thick lump in the back as he realized Feral cared. Really cared. It was a surprising insight into the big man. Like Vixen, he was tough to get to know, and even after years hunting together, hed never been sure Feral saw him as anything more than a n.o.ble playing warrior. To have the guy name him a friend It was enough to crack the wall hed built around his emotions.

She lied to me Feral lifted an eyebrow. Lied? Sorry, bro, you aint got a leg to stand on there. Cmonpretending you were Mikal? Yeah we all heard about that.

Marak groaned and rubbed at his face with his hands. Im never going to live that down, am I?

Nope, Feral said cheerfully. So what else? Come on, lets get it all out since were sharing.

As long as we dont have to hold hands and take long walks along the beach Marak groused, striding to the benches along the wall and grabbing his water bottle. He downed half of it in three long swallows. Fortified with blood, the stuff infused him with energy. It wasnt as good as blood from the source, but it would keep him going. Was all that had been keeping him going for the last few days.

She lied and schemed to get into my bed. Trading up from a knight to a king, he snorted. And I f.u.c.king fell for it, didnt I?

Feral dropped down onto the bench, sprawling with the elegant grace all kyn possessed. Sorry, dont buy it.

What? Marak blinked in surprise.

I dont buy it, the heavily built warrior repeated slowly, lifting his bottle to slug back some water as he eyed Marak. He took a drink and then capped it. Sorry, but from what I hear she had more of a b.o.n.e.r for killing rogues than seduction. And come on, its a little far-fetched, isnt it? That a gold digger would risk getting killed in the hopes youd come along and save her in the nick of time. Sorry, bud, white knight rescues like that are for fairy stories, not real life.

He had a point, Marak mused to himself as he took another drink. She hadnt showed for their training that night, and had put Kalen off the scent, indicating she hadnt wanted to be foundwanted to be left alone while she hunted the rogues. There was no way she could have known theyd arrive in the nick of time. Perhaps hed been wrong about her The doors crashed open behind them, making both warriors turn to see Kalen storming their way. His face set into hard lines, he paused in front of Marak, pulled back his arm, and punched him square in the face.

What the f.u.c.k was that for? Marak staggered back a step, pain exploding out from his nose before he recovered himself.

Thats for my cousin, Kalen growled, then, disconcertingly, grinned broadly. That and Ive always wanted to punch a king in the face.

Youve punched me in the face plenty before, Marak hissed as he wiped blood from his nose. Already the pain was dissipating, his kyn physiology mending the damage. Why did you feel the need to do it again What the h.e.l.l have I done to your cousin? And which one? Youve got hundreds.

Kalen danced lightly on his feet, shadowboxing. His skin was flush, and there was a sparkle in his eyes that said hed just fed. This particular one is Anamaria Ravensford. Remember her? Shes the cutie you turned and f"

Maria is your cousin? Marak cut him off with a growl. Thats news to me.

Big family, lots of links to others. Kalen shrugged. Aunt Bett was talking about it with my father over supper. Turns out the Ravensfords are cousins on my mothers side, four times removed or something.

Feral chuckled. In other words, barely related.

Meh, theres still a link. But thats not the interesting part. He stopped moving, and looked directly at Marak. Turns out shes getting married. Tonight.

The world tilted on its axis, Maraks ears thumping as reality seemed to zoom in and out around him.

Maria, his Maria was getting married Where? he heard himself growling, the edges of his vision tinting red.

The temple on the Ravensford estate, just before two I believe Kalen made a show of studying his fingernails. I have an invite fancy being my plus one?

Stupid. f.u.c.king. Question.

Marak snarled. Saddle up. We have a pit stop first.

The temple was packed. Utterly packed.

Maria couldnt help her gasp when the double doors opened in front of her and what looked like the entire kyn n.o.bility turned to look at her. Her hand tightened on her fathers arm and it was only the fact she knew she looked the part that kept her from turning on her heel and fleeing that second. Her wedding dress was white, trimmed with silver to indicate her n.o.ble blood, and her roses were the pure scarlet of fresh blood. Her dark hair was caught up and hidden beneath her veil, defiantly pulled back off her face. The kyn didnt subscribe to the old human superst.i.tions of concealing the brides ident.i.ty to confuse malicious spirits. They were kyn, demon-born, and whatever spirits wanted to mess with them did so at their own peril.

The muttering died down as the music started. She took a deep breath, ready to start the slow walk down the aisle, doing her best to ignore the packed into the pews.

Even though shed asked for low key and quiet, shed expected a few extra guests. Kyn society thrived on gossip"who was sleeping with whom, the scandal of some earls second son running off with a Seneschal lad that kind of thing. The story of her disappearance and subsequent conversion would have gone around like wildfire, although, thankfully not the fact that shed also bonded.

Nothing would have saved her from public condemnation had that been made public. A woman who had been rejected by her bond-mate there must be something very wrong with her, and theyd use her dhampir birth as evidence of that failing.

Her father paused for a second to look at her. You dont have to do this, love. If you need more time The concerned expression and love in his eyes broke her heart all over again. He really did care how she felt, cared about her happiness rather than just marrying her off to the first well-bred man who would take her on. She looked up, her gaze traveling down the aisle to where Verran waited for her, dressed in his best uniform. For a moment her mind played tricks on her and she saw Mik Marak there instead. Her handsome kyn warrior dressed in his leathers. She couldnt think of him as the king. To her he would always be a warrior.

A warrior who didnt want her The smile that curved her lips was bittersweet, and her voice was soft as she replied, No, its fine. Its time to leave the past where it belongs.

The music swelled as they stepped forward. She gripped her bouquet tightly, knowing the long sleeves of her gown covered the marks around her wrists. From now until the day she died, she would need to wear long sleeves or gloves, lest someone notice them and start asking questions. Or worse, a.s.sume that she and Verran had bonded She would learn to love him, she vowed. Or, at the least, feel affection and grat.i.tude for what hed done for her. He was kind, gentle and safe. No pa.s.sion meant no danger. Her heart would not be broken again. a.s.suming it ever recovered.

They reached the altar and her father transferred her hand silently to her grooms. She smiled to cover the surge of nausea she felt at his touch, her entire body rejecting a man who was not her bonded. Taking a deep breath, she forced it down. It served no purpose. The past was the past, over and done with. Time to move on. She turned to face the priest as the ceremony began, his words all merging together as she focused on the statue of the Lady G.o.ddess behind him.

Im sorry, Bella, she said silently, hoping the G.o.ddess would take her words to wherever her sister was now. I didnt get them all. I didnt kill enough of them The night breeze chose that moment to pick up, s.h.i.+fting the drapes and, for a moment, it looked like the G.o.ddess was looking right down at her. A sense of peace filled Maria, a sigh of relief escaping her lungs. It was going to be all right. She didnt know how or when, but it was all going to work out.

If any man knows of any lawful impediment to this marriage, let him speak now or forever hold his peace.

The words filtered through Marias daze. In the dreams she refused to acknowledge in her waking mind, this was the point the door crashed open and Marak strode through them to say Wait. I object.

And there it was. Her eyes fluttered open at the deep voice and the horrified gasp that rolled through the guests packed in the temple. Her dreams were often vivid, but the look of surprise on the priests face was so realistic. Then she frowned. Wait she hadnt known what the priest would look like until she walked down the aisle today.

Yyou object? The priest, a tall slender man with a shock of red hair unusual in the kyn, looked like he was going to faint, have kittens or possibly both as heavy footsteps approached from behind her.

I do.

He was right behind her, his familiar deep voice making her heart ache.

She shut her eyes, squeezing them tightly as a tear leaked from beneath one to trail down her cheek. If this was a joke or another dream, it was just too cruel.

Oon what grounds? The priests voice was little more than a high pitched squeak.

Does the king need grounds to object to anything? A new voice demanded. It took her less than a second to place it. The blond warrior who hunted with Marak. The king. Oh my lady, he was here. He was really here.

In the case of my daughters wedding, which he is interrupting, yes, her father said firmly. Even the king needs a reason to object.

Maria? Verran asked softly, taking her hand in his. She opened her eyes to find him watching her, sadness and the weight of realization in his eyes. His thumb stroked meaningfully over the inside of her wrist. Are you going to tell him or am I?

No. She doesnt have to say anything. Maraks voice was a growl but still held a note of command. She doesnt have to do anything but listen. Maria, look at me Slowly, feeling like she was in a horrible dream, she turned. Her gaze latched onto his feet first, onto the heavy combat boots shed seen him wear every night when they trained. The tiniest little frown creased her brow as her eyes traveled upward. He was dressed in his leathers, as was the man next to him, as though hed nipped in on her wedding before heading out to hunt rogues. He even wore blades strapped to each hip and his usual ones across his back. Perhaps it was new blades, new man, and hed already moved on.

Finally, she looked him in the eye. His expression was haggard, the look in his eyes haunted.

Im sorry, little one, for all the things I said for everything. He moved closer, but it was in no way to conceal his words from their fascinated audience. I was an idiot, and I was wrong. So very wrong. I dont believe you schemed to he paused for a moment and then cleared his throat.

I dont believe you set out to catch yourself a king or that you are a gold digger. I know, he said sharply when her father growled in anger, stepping forward as though ready to knock Marak on his a.s.s for the slur on her character. I was wrong and now Im trying to apologize. That and trying to ask if its not too late for us, little one?

He stepped forward but rather than take her hand as she expected, he dropped to one knee, watching her face carefully as he unbuckled the sword belt around his hips. I know that your wedding is the s.h.i.+ttiest timing possible for this, but marry me? I dont have a ring to offer you, yet, but I thought these would do in their place?

He offered up the swords in his palms, his gaze locked onto her face. I love you, Maria. Be mine Hunt rogues with me, rule with me love me?

Her hands flew up, covering her mouth as tears welled. The packed temple and its occupants melted away, leaving just the two of them, and everything she wanted was right there. Marak, watching her with hope in his eyes. The blades, smaller than his and exquisite in make, in place of a betrothal ring could mean only one thing.

He believed in her, not just as a woman, but as a warrior as well.

Oh lady, yes, please yes, she breathed and the next instant she was in his arms, laughing and crying as he kissed her fiercely.

Thank you, he groaned against her neck, holding her tightly. I thought Id screwed everything up and lost you. The things I said"

Shhh, its in the past. She pressed her fingers against his lips. It doesnt matter anymore. You love me and I love you. Thats all that matters.

He closed his eyes for a second, sheer relief on his face, and then opened them to spear her with a direct look. Youll marry me then?

She nodded and then blinked as she recalled where they were. A flush on her cheeks, she looked up to find the temple empty. Only her father, Verran, and Maraks friend remained.

Father Verran oh, Verran, Im so sorry she began, reaching out to him but he shook his head.

No apologies needed. I knew I was second choice. No one can come between a he stopped suddenly, but she knew what hed been about to say.

Come between what? Marak asked in confusion, looking between them both.

No one can come between bond-mates, she said softly, turning back the sleeves of her dress to reveal the marks. His face froze in shock and then disbelief as he caught her wrists, tracing the marks with gentle fingertips.

These are were Bonded, yes, she said with a smile, reaching up to kiss him. Im afraid, Your Majesty, youre stuck with me now.

I wouldnt have it any other way, he chuckled, catching her against him and giving her the kiss shed needed for days.

She sighed, relaxing against him and sending a silent thank you up to the Lady G.o.ddess.

Shed been right. Everything had turned out all right in the end.


Maria hurried across the large lobby and headed for the front door. Navigating on instinct, she was thankful the place was simply laid out and, more importantly, pretty much empty. Her steps were silent as she padded across the empty lobby. Sure shed eluded her pursuer, she ginned and started to open the door.

She didnt complete the action.

A large hand reached over her shoulder, slamming the door shut with a resounding crash. Maria whirled around, a retort ready on her lips, but it died unuttered as her gaze collided with one of heat and need. Before she could move, the big warrior crowded her against the door, hard muscled body pressing against hers. His hand drove into her hair, holding her still at the nape of her neck.

Youre not going anywhere, Your Majesty, he growled as he leaned down to kiss her.

It was the hottest kiss shed had ever experienced. No gentle exploration, but a deep and darkly dominant kiss, plundering her soft lips and demanding entrance to the silken depths of her mouth. His tongue brushed over hers as he thrust seductively, pressing his body into her until they both moaned.

And then when Maria didnt think she could possibly take any more, he lifted his head, eyes boring down into hers. In them she read everything: burning need, hunger, desire, love, belonging She caught her breath, the sheer depth of emotion there shocking her to her core. Eyes wide, she lifted her hand to smooth gentle fingers across his cheekbone. A lovers touch as inside her soul stirred and called out to him, recognizing a kindred spirit.

He turned into her hand, nuzzling for a second before he captured it with his. Eyes never leaving hers, he nipped the soft pads of her fingers. The thrill that shot through her made her catch her breath.

He kissed the palm of her hand before dragging the tip of a fang across the sensitive flesh on the inside of her wrist, a look of such erotic promise in his eyes that she groaned. Leaning her head back against the door, she was surprised she hadnt melted into a puddle and slithered to the floor at his feet.

Youre staying right here, and you know whatll happen next, dont you? He leaned in to drop a kiss on the soft skin of her neck, right over where hed bitten her, and breathed in deeply. Scenting her.

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