Reborn As Vegeta 20 3 Years Later; For Real This Time

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Vegeta and Goku were sitting in the Training Grounds floating in the lotus position and maintaining their Super Saiyan 4 forms, they had spent almost 15 years trying to master it before they made any headway.

The closer they got to mastering Super Saiyan 4, a change occurred in their hair, it was slowly transforming into that of a vibrant orange-color, just like Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta.

Another 15 years pa.s.sed inside the Training Grounds, Vegeta and Goku's hair had completely turned bright orange, they opened their eyes and each revealed their crimson red irises and black pupils.

Vegeta landed on the ground and took a deep breath in, "I finally understand why it's called a transformation ability," Vegeta said out loud.

"What'cha mean?" Goku asked as he stretched out feeling the power of the Mastered Super Saiyan 4.

"When we transform why don't our bodies explode from the sudden increase in Ki?" Vegeta answered his question with another question.

Goku scratched his head, "It's because the Super Saiyan form is a full body transformation rather than a technique like the Kaio-Ken."

"Precisely, because our bodies transform on a physical scale, our muscles, bones, and organs all grow strong enough to handle the increased pressure, Super Saiyan 4 truly is the pinnacle for our physique, you could say that it's G.o.d level, while the Red Super Saiyan G.o.d form is a reflection to our Ki reaching G.o.d level," Vegeta explained.

"I wonder if we can combine the two?" Goku tilted his head and placed his hand on his chin with a thinking-like gesture.

"Hah! What would we call it?" Vegeta mulled over the name.

"How About Super Saiyan 4, Super Saiyan G.o.d," Goku said with a simple tone.

Vegeta Vetoed the name, "Nah, how about True Super Saiyan G.o.d, one that is both G.o.d in Physique, and Ki."

Goku shook his head, "Mine sounds better!"

Vegeta laughed, "I beg to differ!"

The two started b.u.t.ting heads, "I came up with the name first, so I get to choose!" Goku shouted.

"We'll fight to decide!" Vegeta grunted, and with that said, the two started a cataclysmic battle.

Every punch and kick was capable of shattering entire solar systems, luckily the training grounds could handle the shockwaves, Vegeta and Goku traded punches for hours, and fought for entire days with neither being able to gain an advantage.

After fighting for three days straight, the two Saiyans were running on fumes as they punched each other in the face. A loud booming noise echoed throughout the area as they both fell backward, it looked like it was going to be another tie, when Vegeta suddenly used his Full Heal Spell, with great speed he appeared over Goku and punched him in the face causing a ma.s.sive explosion.

Goku lost consciousness and when he woke up he frowned before saying, "Cheater!"

Vegeta laughed, "This was a fight, not a spar or training. You lost Kakorot."

Vegeta held out his hand and helped him up, Goku sighed before saying, "True Super Saiyan G.o.d it is. Now how do we access it?"

Vegeta had some ideas, but he figured he needed Whis's advice on that, lately, he's been trying to refine his Ki, he kept condensing it over and over inside his body, but he didn't know if this was working, because he hadn't seen any benefit yet.

Another thing that bothered him was that his Kokoro-Ken had stopped working once he mastered his Super Saiyan 4, he had to rebuild the spell from the ground up so that it would work with a G.o.d Physique.

The new Specs where that it had a maximum Limit of 100 Times Bonus and sapped away 1% of his MP Every 30 Seconds. Once he made the changes there was no going back to the old spell module.

Struck by a sudden idea, Vegeta smiled and took a deep breath, shouting as loud as he can, he pushed his power level to the limit and flushed out all his Ki, he literally had nothing left, but he continued to try and go beyond, without Ki he was left with raw emotions, desperately trying to draw on some other source of energy, Vegeta felt his body grow weak before falling over unconscious.

Goku fed him a Sensu Beans and shouted, "What happened, did you crazy or something? What was that all about?"

Vegeta grinned, "I just think I figured something out. Empty out our Ki, and tap into G.o.d Ki, it should be possible, but first, we have to learn to sense it. Maybe we can ask the Kaio-s.h.i.+ns."

Goku scratched his head, "The Kaio-What?"

Vegeta laughed, "They may not even be necessary, this rudimentary method of draining our Ki might work as well." Vegeta thought back to how he trained in the Cannon, all he could remember was Vegeta exuding a bunch of Ki recklessly. Almost like he was trying to drain his reserves.

"When we are out of Ki, there is a window for us to sense G.o.d Ki, we just have to keep trying." Vegeta followed up.

Goku thought about what he said and agreed with his method of training.

However, the two missed their families and decided to stop their training for a while, after traveling back to earth they decided to spend some time with their family.

After Vegeta came back from the future, he and Bulma spent a lot of alone time together, and one year later, Bra was born. Vegeta begged to let him name her, but Bulma gave him a pinch and said, "I let you have the next one."

Vegeta sighed and said, "Fine, you win again."

"Strongest Momma on the planet!" Bulma showed the sign v for victory with her fingers.

A year later, Raditz had become a father as well and gotten married to Tights, and just like the nightmare Vegeta had envisioned, Goku had the gall to call him Onii-Chan.

Bulma fell over laughing and it took all of Vegeta's will power not to Kill Goku for messing with him like that.

The child of Raditz and Tights was a young blond haired girl named, Spra. (Short for Sports Bra) (How to p.r.o.nounce: Spee~ruah)

When Vegeta saw that Tights and their daughter retain their hair color as Saiyans, he was convinced that some gene in Bulma's family was far superior to that of his Saiyan Gene, at least when it comes to hair color.

After the wedding, Vegeta noticed that Hercule and Videl had joined the dojo, Vegeta almost spit out his wine when he sensed their power levels.

"Well, it looks like something good came of my interference," Vegeta thought as he looked at Videl trying to get Gohan's attention.

Although Videl was only 8, the same age as Gohan, she had a power level of 280,000, Videl was truly a prodigy, however, Hercule seemed to be lacking, as his power level was only 28,000.

"Probably slacking off in his training." Vegeta thought.

Videl held out a box covered in a black cloth, and was stuttering as she tried to say, "I made this for you?"

Gohan smiled and opened up the present, it was a specially made lunch box, pulling the top open, he saw a small feast of meat, eggs, and vegetables, Gohon grinned and started to eat.

Looking at him with an anxious stare Videl waited for his judgment on her present.

"This is amazing!" Gohan shouted, Videl blushed and smiled as she thought, "I should have put the heart on it!"

Gohan started to chow down quicker, when Goten and Trunks suddenly appeared around them and started to run around the two while teasing them by chanting, "Videl and Gohan sitting in a tree!"

Vegeta slapped his forehead while watching Goten and Trunk's childish actions, looking over to Bra who had a whopping power level of 30,000 as a baby, he hoped she would be a future powerhouse that handled herself like a real martial artist.

"Who's my little genius!" Vegeta smiled and played with Bra.

Bulma smiled before giving him a kiss on the cheek, the two continue to chat while Goku and Raditz were in the middle of an eating contest, and Napa was off hitting on one of the female humans that enrolled in the Turtle Dojo.

After the wedding, Vegeta continued to go back and forth between training and spending time with his family, and like magic, the final year pa.s.sed by without notice.

A few months before the Androids were supposed to arrive, almost all of the Saiyans had mastered Super Saiyan 2, only a hand full of them were still working on mastering Super Saiyan 3, with Gohan being the closest to mastering it, only Bardock managed to reach Super Saiyan 4 before anyone else, impressing Vegeta once again, Goku and Bardock spared for several days, and was even making good progress towards mastering Super Saiyan 4.

Thank's to the existence of the Super Saiyan Core in the Galatic Patrol's forces, a peace that had been lost for a long time in the Milkyway started to show signs of recovering.

Vegeta was fiddling with the seed from the Tree of Might, he was mulling over whether he should plant it on Salada, out of all the planets, Salada's regeneration factor gave it the best chances to grow without killing the planet and everyone on it.

He also couldn't decide whether this could be considered a sloppy way to raise one's power, he didn't want the Saiyans to become compliant and lazy in their training.

Vegeta sighed when he decided to use Salada's Dragon b.a.l.l.s to make a pocket world that would support the growth of the Tree of Might to its fullest, he also set it up so that time pa.s.sed by much quicker around 1 million times quicker.

The Pocket world could only be opened by the royal family, and they had to know the pa.s.sword to open it up, he decided that every 5 Years he would hold a tournament to grant a single fruit to the winner.

Second place could Get their Hidden Potential unlocked by Dende.

While third place would obtain a cash prize of a large sum.

Vegeta watched as a small green bead appeared in his hand, containing a ma.s.sive world inside it that solely existed to grow the Tree of Might, Vegeta centered the pocket world around the largest tournament stadium that existed on Salada, flying up to the King's spectators box, Vegeta placed the bead into the top of the King's throne chair, "Open Sesame!" Vegeta said as a portal appeared in front of him.

Looking through all he could see was an endless sea of green plains and blue skies, countless rivers ran across the surface of the world and was actually made of a type of G.o.d Water, throwing the seed inside he watched as the roots rapidly began to stretch out into infinity.

Because of the time difference between the realms, Vegeta felt like he was watching everything play in fast forward, the time difference not only helped the tree grow faster, but it would keep people out of it as well, after all, one minute inside there is equivalent to almost 2 Years outside.

The best way to retrieve the fruit was to teleport with his Zoom spell or to use the second stage of Instant Transmission on a machine connected to a string, by teleporting the object in, they could collect the fruit and have it exit the pocket world in less than a second.

Nodding his head and proud of his achievement, Vegeta stood up and said, "Shut Down!" causing the portal to close.

He then went back to training and trying to sense G.o.d Ki for the next three months.


Deep in the vastness of s.p.a.ce and Time, a purple-skinned man wearing a cloak was standing in front of the PTO's latest regeneration pod, inside was none other than the Frost Demon Cooler. The world they were on did not exist in regular s.p.a.ce, but rather the s.p.a.ce between the Mortal and Demon realm, completely hidden from the eyes of the Kais and G.o.ds.

"I've gotten such a fun toy!" The purple man laughed as he stared at Cooler as if he were some kind of prize.

"Now, what will I do about Cell and the Androids, maybe I could a.s.sist Dr. Gero a bit. Hehehe! This is so fun, our game is going to be so fun!" the purple-skinned man held out a strange chip in his hand, if Vegeta were here he would recognize it as the Big Gette A.I chip, except this one wasn't malfunctioning and was in perfect condition.

Reborn As Vegeta 20 3 Years Later; For Real This Time

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Reborn As Vegeta 20 3 Years Later; For Real This Time summary

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