Reborn As Vegeta 21 Androids, Androids, Cyborgs

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In the alternate future timeline, Trunks was sleeping in his house when the alarms went off inside Capsule Corp.

He woke up and ran over to where Bulma and Vegeta were, seeing them talking with a frustrated look, Trunks heard them say, "Someone stole the time machine!"

Trunks frowned and asked, "What happened?"

Bulma turned to her son and sighed, "Someone broke into the lab and stole the time machine."

Trunks started to worry, "What did the cameras show?"

"Nothing, they were broken by a rock," Bulma answered.

Trunks walked up to the cameras and picked up the rock that struck it, "Mom, tell me you can build another one."

Bulma nodded her head, "I saved the coordinates on my computer, I'll get to working on a new Time Machine, but, it won't be done for more than a month."

Trunks gripped his fist, "I got a bad feeling about this."


Back in the main timeline, the person who stole the time machine ended up at Dr.Gero's lab.

"They must be here!" The green spotted monstrous humanoid stood at the base of the mountainous cave, he stepped up and was about to enter Gero's lab, when Cell felt a hand on his shoulder, "I've been waiting for you."

Cell turned around but all he saw was black, without even being able to put up a fight, Cell was knocked unconscious, the purple-skinned man laughed and said, "I got another toy!"

Opening up the door he carried Cell inside the lab and met with Dr. Gero, "Oh, it's you again." Doctor Gero said turning his back to the Purple Skinned man and continuing his current project.

"What are you working on Doc?" The Purple Skinned man said with a grin while looking over the Blue Prints of Project Zero. Doctor Gero turned around and saw the giant beast like Cell and frowned.

"Odd, how did you get ahold of the previous prototype for Cell? I thought I sc.r.a.pped that embryo," Dr. Gero said looking extremely interested.

"Never mind that, how has the Gete A.I working out?" The Purple Skinned man said walking closer to him.

Gero grunted, "It's worked wonders, I've been able to make leaps and bounds in my research, right now, I've started from scratch, my new design is the Zero Project, the Ultimate Andriod Warrior."

Gero stared at the Android he was constructing, it was in the shape of a young man, that had long red hair and a body that looked like Base form Broly. He was wearing a black tank top with a high collar, a pair of loose fitting jeans, and combat boots.

"Zero will be my strongest Android yet, as for the projects you've had me working on, Super 17 and Super 18 aren't ready yet, Super 13 is," Gero stated walking over to a large pod.

The Purple Man smiled and said, "I was referring to your new body, not the Androids, but, thank you for informing me about Super 13's completion."

Gero grunted, "Number 1 isn't ready yet either, it will take me another two years to complete it." Gero then pressed a b.u.t.ton on Super 13's Pod and turned it into a Dyno Capsule. "Here take it, as we agreed."

Taking the capsule, the Purple Skinned man turned around and said, "I'll be back to visit."

After teleporting away, the purple-skinned man reappeared inside his hideaway s.p.a.ce, he placed Cell on the ground and walked over to his torso before placing his finger on the surface of Cell's head.

After injecting a strange kind of Ki into Cell's body, he woke him up and said, "Who do you follow?"

"You Master!" Cell replied with a simple expression.

"Good! Now absorb this Android!" The Purple Skinned man opened up Super 13's Capsule.

Cell quickly opened up the end of his tail and absorbed Super 13, thanks to the purple man's requested modifications done on Super 13, it was compatible to be absorbed by Cell and was several times stronger than its original designs.

Cells body quickly began to morph into his final and Perfect Form, a blast of powerful energy that was dozens of times stronger than his original power in the true timeline.

Cell's power level was approximately 800 Billion, he laughed loudly as he said, "I am complete! Perfect Cell at last."

The Purple Skinned man clapped his hands, "Now all you need to do is train up my other toy."

Cooler appeared beside him and bowed, "Master, is this, my opponent?"

The Purple Skinned man laughed and said, "Yes he will train with you until the time comes to exact the revenge against the Saiyans you despise."

Cooler nodded his head while gripping his fist, "Just you wait, you filthy monkies will perish at my hand, and I can free myself from ridiculous servitude."

Cooler transformed into his Golden state when Cell turned to him and tilted his head, "A golden form, can my Frost Demon genetics do this too?"

Cell and Cooler began to face off, the Purple Skinned man watched from the distance and started to float above them as he carefully observed their fight like some kind of obsessed fanboy.

"I'm going to get so much energy from this, why didn't I think of this sooner, a life and death tournament! Those guys won't be able to resist," The Purple Skinned man chuckled.


Three days before the beginning of the Android invasion, Dr. Gero opened up the pods for Super 17 and Super 18, the two Androids opened their eyes and sat up, "Good morning Dr. Gero," 17 said with a fake smile on his face.

18 followed suit with the act, "What have we been activated for this time."

"I couldn't help but notice you seem much younger and stronger than before Dr. Gero," 17 said with an expressionless tone.

Gero grunted, he pulled out a remote and said, "Of course this is my new body, as for what I've woken you up for, just stand there,"

He then started to walk towards Android Zero, opening up the pod's hatch, Gero began explaining, "Did you know that you two aren't really Androids?"

17's fingers began to itch, he was aiming for the remote when Gero continued to speak about their past, "When I was looking for someone to test the synthesis of the bio-organic metals and reactors I had made."

Gero turned around to face them, "Your names were Lapis and Lazuli, two delinquent orphans that no one would miss, and as a bonus, your physiques were met all the parameters to become prime subjects for my experiments,"

Dr. Gero then sighed, "Unfortunately you two couldn't be controlled. I blame the human part of you that I was never able to completely erase. Even this latest upgrade was unable to stifle your resistances, that disgusting human spirit." Dr. Gero raised his hand at waved the controller in his face, "I could end you both right now."

17 made his move, with a quick Ki blast he destroyed the remote and charged towards Dr. Gero, 17 pulled his hand back, he was ready to swing for the kill when Dr. Gero grabbed his hand.

"Did you think I needed the remote to kill you?" Dr. Gero said while he crushed 17's arm.

Gero started to apply some of his strength down on 17's body and forced him on to the ground, kneeling on one knee, 17 tried to struggle when he shouted, "18, no, Lazuli, run."

Lapis triggered his self destruct sequence, causing Dr. Gero to shout in worry, "What the h.e.l.l are you doing!?" he was about to kill Lapis when Lazuli raised her hand at Zero and shouted, "Back off or I'll kill your newest creation."

Gero smiled and threw Lapis onto Android Zero, while he fell forward, Lapis raised his hand and shot a Ki blast into the cavern wall, the entire area filled up with smoke as he landed on the body of Android Zero.

Lazuli knew that her brother had done this for her to escape, she bit her lip and forced herself to leave, she flew out of the cave and swore revenge in her mind as she disappeared into the dark horizon of the starlit skies.

The body of Lapis started to sink into Android Zero, similar to how Android 13 had absorbed Android 11 and 12.

"d.a.m.nit, she got away, Android Zero, capture her at once and absorb her." After absorbing 17, Android Zero which looked just like Android 16 started to change his appearance slightly, his cleft chin disappeared, his hair grew longer until it reached the bottom of his back, the Andriod's facial structure became more handsome; resembling 17 somewhat, and lastly his muscles slimed down slightly, but, his hight remained the same.

As Android Zero opened his eyes, the orange haired Andriod sat up and said a simple, "Confirming Order." before he started to chase down Lazui.

Lazuli was flying over the ocean as fast as she could, however, no matter how fast she could move it would never be quick enough, Android Zero had already blocked her off in a blur of speed, surprising and frightening Lazuli, she shouted, "How did you track me!?" as she was backing up slowly.

"I followed the path of your sonic boom, and cut off your trajectory." Android Zero replied.

"What did you do to my brother?" Lazuli asked while looking for a chance to escape.

"I absorbed him." Android Zero stated plainly, Lazuli felt like razor blades were cutting into her heart, she began to cry and shouted, "Give him back to me!"

Android Zero seemed curious over her emotional reaction and said, "I don't wish to do this, I would rather not exist at all if my purpose is for killing, however, I have my orders."

Android Zero appeared in front of her and placed his hand into her abdomen, Lazuli felt her body grow weaker as she felt both the bomb and the Infinite Energy Reactor was pulled from her body.

Android Zero's appearance changed once again, he grew even more handsome, and his muscles became more defined.

"I don't need the rest of the parts, only the unique Infinity Reactor that has grown in your organic body interests me, so I can at least give you back your brother's body." Android Zero sent out a powerless Lapis from his body and watched as the two fell into the ocean below.

The two continued to carried away by the waves while Android turned his back and flew back to the lab.


At Kame House, the sun started to come up and Krillin was the first to walk outside and begin his training, he moved over to the ocean and started to power up, the sky shook as Krillin's power level of 2 Billion continued to shoot into the sky, although his ba.s.s power wasn't as great as Goku nor Vegeta, the bald monk has earned the t.i.tle of Strongest Human.

Krillin had been working on altering the Kaio-Ken, he took the Buddist teachings of the Zen state of mind and created a whole new technique that let him better control the intense levels of stress on the body.

Krillin continued to power up as he shouted, "Zen-Kaio-Ken Times 50!" his White Ki turned into an orange-colored instead of the Crimson Red color of the Kaio-Ken's Aura. His power level quickly shot up to 100 Billion, while the aura from his Ki started to cause the ocean to twist and churn, making dozens of whirlpools and waves appear.

"Zen-Kaio-Ken Times 100!" Krillin's body started to creak as the orange color started to gain a bit of red tint to it, he knew he was starting to lose control, Krillin continued to focus on his controlling his state of mind through the method of Zen breathing exercises to try and stabilize it.

Krillin Power Level shot up to 200 Billion, using the state of Zen, Krillin's mind stayed still; like a boat on the raging waves of an ocean, it allowed him to hold onto the Kaio-Ken much longer than any other human could ever attempt.

Reborn As Vegeta 21 Androids, Androids, Cyborgs

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Reborn As Vegeta 21 Androids, Androids, Cyborgs summary

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