Rebellious Consort: Profligate Elder Miss Chapter 3 Part1

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Chapter 3.1

Feng Qingcheng got out of her bed with frustration, she decided to fix herself a good meal but before she started on that, she thought to herself, why did she even dream about such an event that occurred ages ago?

Could it be that she had been really stressed out recently?

Three days later, at the engagement ceremony of Xuanyuan Hao and his fiancée, popular female celebrity, Su Wan.

Though Xuanyuan Hao wasn't the eldest son, he was still the second young master of the Xuanyuan family. The entire Xuanyuan family had tried their best to support him in all ways and hence the engagement ceremony was rather extravagant too.

It was held at a castle and there were 9999 stalks of roses decorating the place. The entire venue was filled with delicacies, champagne towers, as well as other varieties of fresh flowers.

Feng Qingcheng was dressed in a striking red cheongsam as she stood in a corner, reading through the file. She was hissing while reading it.

Though Xuanyuan Hao appeared to be uncared for by the Xuanyuan family and was extremely humble and approachable, he had great talent for business management. He took a mere three years to expand the Xuanyuan family's business by twice as much as it was.

It was only because of his capabilities that the Old Master Xuanyuan had to close one eye and allow him to return to the Xuanyuan family. He was registered under the family registry and became a legitimate member of their family.

But that wasn't all, Xuanyuan Hao had even more to him. He was the Overlord of 's.n.a.t.c.h', the biggest organized crime organization in Eurasia… What mattered most was that he was only 27 years old!

"He's only 27 years old and had already managed to achieve so much. Most people are sure to be jealous of such a capable person like him. It's no wonder if someone is trying to kill him. He deserves it~"

The live band started to perform and the tunes started playing. Su Wan was wearing a beautiful white wedding gown and she was walking down the steps with Xuanyuan Hao, who wore an off-white suit. At that moment, everyone only had eyes for the suave man in front of them, including Feng Qingcheng. Though she was slightly impressed by his looks when she looked through his photographs, she was even more shocked when she saw him in real life. Even after seeing many good-looking hunks and beauties, Xuanyuan Hao's looks were on another level. He had this charm to him that he was born with, something that could garner the attention of everyone.

The emcee only started speaking when Old Master Xuanyuan was done with his speech.

Feng Qingcheng was interested in their words, since it was almost about the same at every engagement ceremony.

She was wearing a striking red cheongsam that day and the slit was very high, revealing her long and fair legs. She had a champagne colored shawl draped over her shoulders, revealing her slender arms at times. She held a green jade colored fan in one hand and the other was occupied with a gla.s.s of champagne, she stood in an unnoticeable corner and others could only spot her silhouette But from that spot, she had a bird's eye view of the entire venue.

Feng Qingcheng was also an ethereal beauty, though many were attracted by her good looks, there weren't many people who actually dared to go upfront and approach her. That was because she still couldn't compare with the popular female celebrity, Su Wan, though she was already all dolled up. She seemed a little more tackier than Su Wan.

It was an event organized by the Xuanyuan family, attendees weren't most concerned with picking up beauties, but rather to expand their connections and network with each other. Though Feng Qingcheng was indeed beautiful as a woman, she didn't have a partner accompanying her and no one ever noticed her attendance at other parties organized by the high society. Naturally, no one would want to approach her.

But Feng Qingcheng was somewhat pleased about the outcome, she didn't have to put up a facet facing those people.

Noticing someone gazing at her, Feng Qingcheng showed a faint smile before she slumped against a flower stand. Batting her eyelashes, the corners of her lips kicked up and she exuded an indescribably charm that made her look incredibly seductive.

Xuanyuan Hao glanced over at her while she hung out in the lobby, the corners of his lips were raised into a bigger smile. Once the emcee stopped speaking, he quickly had some phatic exchanges with the people trying to suck up to him and he strode towards the flower stand that Feng Qingcheng was beside. Everyone's gaze s.h.i.+fted and followed him, they were stunned once again. How was she even considered tacky, she was trying to escape without a trace and hide her beauty earlier on. Compared with Su Wan's haughty ways, she was even more beautiful and charming.

Xuanyuan Hao lifted Feng Qingcheng's hand and kissed her fingertip. He murmured, "Beauty, I haven't seen you around before."

Feng Qingcheng whispered in Xuanyuan Hao's ear, "Is Young Master Xuanyuan going to lose interest in me just because you haven't seen me around before?"

Xuanyuan Hao smiled, biting on Feng Qingcheng's ear lightly. "How is that possible? The more unfamiliar I am with you, the more exciting it gets. I'll be waiting for you."

He then pa.s.sed her a room key card. The Royal Hotel, room number 2333.

Feng Qingcheng was rendered speechless when she looked at the room number, she couldn't help it but the corners of her mouth twitched.

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Rebellious Consort: Profligate Elder Miss Chapter 3 Part1

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Rebellious Consort: Profligate Elder Miss Chapter 3 Part1 summary

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