Rise Of Myraid Magic Emperor 8 Magic Emperor Daoma

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As the figure become more and more clear to see

Kai and the five beast lord saw the appearance of the ghost, he has a tall and a ordinary body outline, from his face he look to be about 25 years old. His eyebrows were long and tilted downward at the end with black eyes and a Roman nose with smile giving him a look of a handsome gentleman but he has no legs.

As he recovered from his joy and turn around and looked at Kai and the five beast making a stand as they are ready to fight with their life on the line.

On seeing this the ghostly figure only smile

"you, you, who are you" said Maya in trembling voice

"Yes, who are you"said the other beast together while Kai was carefully observeing every movement of the ghost.

" Did you little kids really need me to say it who I am did you not read my name on the gate"said the ghost

On hearing ghost words they started trembling in their spot and sweet appeared on their back and try to hold their ground while Kai was the only one remaining silent and thinking something.

On seeing the reaction of five beast he was surprised and stared thinking did he look scary or something.

"wicked Evil G.o.d Daoma, we five lord of forest challenge you to battle through we are weaker than you but as the will of the past lord who have protected the seal we will fight to the end and master please escape as fast as possible as we are holding him back" said Tyron

"Wait wait wait what do you mean by wicked evil G.o.d I Daoma don't remember doing anything to have such kind of reputation" said the ghost

"Oh! You really are not evil G.o.d but you did take control my body just noe so who are you" said Kai finally breaking his silence

On look at the face of Kai the ghost smiled

"I am Daoma,one of the eleven peak Magic Emperor and the most wise, knowledge and who understands mystery of magic path" said Daoma

"Magic Emperor? What is a magic Emperor" said Kai

"kid you leave in Great magic world and don't even know what magic Emperor is even the small children know that"

As such Kai took at the five beast for and in response they started to shake their head sidewise to deny it

On looking that the five beast deny it Daoma was shocked"did the magic world decline in the duration of my deep slumber that even a basic knowledge of magic path is known by current Era"as he look at the kids on front of him "so what do you know about the realm of magic path"

"I only know about realm till magic champion"

Said Kai

On hearing that Daoma took a sense of relief

"hear me kid and remember what I say

Above magic champion are magic commander, magic lord, magic king realm they just don't have magic power but the understanding of magic laws also and above them is magic Emperor who can control these magic laws and can transform them to their convenience of using below magic Emperor all realms of magic path is nothing but a particles of sand.

Magic commander to magic kings realm magic users are called Saint magic users as they can use Saint rank magic but a magic Emperor are the only once who can use divine rank magic, the place you are living at if a magic Emperor of the 1st stage can completely destroy it".

on hearing that Kai and five beast become speechless as it was to shocking for them that these is a being who can destroy the whole continent just by himself.

"but we have never heard of this knowledge and I have never heard of any magic user above magic champion appearing their are just some ancient books which record them but are also not in details" said Kai in curiosity.

"kid what I say is great magic world not some wild deserted piece of land, the world outlook of yours is very small but I don't blame you are so young and have not even seen the world, the place you are currently in is called wild region most deserted and had no magic elements, no magic user will want to come to this place and only habitat by wild animals and weak beings who don't have any other place to live, it was until I come here to find to kind a secret place for my research lab and found the eternal veins of peak divine rank underneath this land during one of my research by mistake and create a terminal connecting it to the veins and creating a giant magic array to cast a barrier around the magic terminal to hide it and continued to conduct my research hear".

"Were you never worried what some will discover the barriers" said Kai looking at Daoma for answer.

"no never because you cannot even know how worst the reputation of this place in magic users mind and on top of that the barriers that I have cast is of peak divine rank supported by the nearly unlimited amount of magic power".

But the magic Channel I have created is not able to adapt to large changes in magic level due to which time to time a small amount of magic power gets leaked from it. But compare to the first cla.s.s food the magic power which gets released is just like giving a rotten food to eat "

"so what will happen if someone discovered it" said Kai in a serious voice

"if the news is heard by those powerful clan and empires of magic world a great war will occur for the possession of this land but you don't have to worry now this place is covered in world barriers which occurs due to variations in world laws from time to time and continue for thousands and some even for millions of years and from my sense I can say it has existed for millions of years and at most it will be their for thousands of years or so and n.o.body will think it is unusual as many things can change in millions of years"said Daoma

"Now do you understand you do not have to be afraid of me through I am a magic Emperor but I have must awake from a long slumber of billions of years and I am just a soul my physical body was destroyed by the other ten peak magic Emperor" said Daoma in anger and disappointment.

"When I told them I have found a way to increase one potential and that I can turn even a ordinary person to a billion years genius and have them break their current limitation to rise to a higher level, they first were happy and started discussing among them who would have known that they will surround me and try to force the secrets out of my mouth because they did not have their world items as they have left them in their places with them I was barely able to escape to this place but my body was destroyed and was forced to take shelter in the ring to not let my soul disperse time but the anti magic barrier got active and got trapped in this altar as I went to a deep slumber until you came" said Daoma as he looked at Kai with grat.i.tude

"And as a reward for releasing me you can ask be for anything wish which is within my current limit"

On hearing Daoma words Kai started thinking what should he wish as suddenly he remembered his childhood dream of becoming a magic user but he did not have magic channels and 10years ago he also lost his magic sense and attend his current body and thought he exchanged it for his mage root was long come to accept the reality but deep in his heart he never forgot it "should he give it a try after all he is a peak divine magic Emperor and he must have some clue" right thinking so he made up his mind.

"Daoma make me a magic user" that is all I which for said Kai with a hope

On hearing Kai Daoma made a face with a look of confusion, on seeing that face Kai become disappointed and cannot help but think"so it is faith that I will never become a magic user even a magic Emperor who has lived for many billions of years have no solution"

But different from Kai thought unexpected words come from Daoma mouth.

"I don't know why you made such a simple wish but it is a little complicated for your case but it can be done, I can make you a magic user" said Daoma

on hearing those words Kai could not believe

"what did do you said, can you repeat yourself" said Kai in astonishment and surprise.

"I said I can make you a magic user"

Rise Of Myraid Magic Emperor 8 Magic Emperor Daoma

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Rise Of Myraid Magic Emperor 8 Magic Emperor Daoma summary

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