Rise Of Myraid Magic Emperor 9 Dream Becomes Reality

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"I said I can make you a magic user" said again Daoma

"but I it's was found through the potential test that I have no magic channels and that I can never become a magic user in my life nor a fighter" said Kai to Daoma

potential test?

As such Kai end up explaining how it was awaken his mage root and found the he was no magic channels and how his making mage root was still not mature even at age of 6 and how suddenly he end on appearing at the forest and how in the first day of his forest was like and the night pain and how he woke up after a year just to feel like it was tomorrow, to find he has lost his mage root and attempted his current body and how he defeated all the beast in the forest and become the lord of the forbidden forest.

"after hearing you story it seems that you have been through a lot for a kid of your age and your body must have went through a mysterious change that night, because I can feel and see magic power of magic lord level in your body but it is not moving and is stand still but in the purest form, that why I was surprised on that you want to become a magic user as you possess so much magic power already so I thought that you must be a magic user with unusual level of magic"said Daoma

Come here let me take a look and such Daoma put out his middle finger between Kai eyebrows and feel the inner working of Kai body for sometime he remain composite and silent but later his eyebrows started twitching

And his whole body started shaking

"how how in the world is his possible your mage gate has two way opening and you have no magic channels nor magus channels but a mysterious veins formed due to complete merging of the two channels as its is very thick but wide with ten vast magic pool with ten different magic origin seeds surrounded a small pool but all mystic veins and your mage root are in deep slumber and will require a large amount of magic power that also of very high quality, even your bloodline, bone structure, and body is all weird and unheard of

Which allows your body strength and endurance and to store so much magic power at a same time stop it from flowing out and cause explosion of your body due to over pressure " said Daoma with bewildered face

" can my mage root and mystic veins be awaken "Kai asks seriously

" yes because I am here or else you would not have ever awaken as a magic user, for this large astonis.h.i.+ng and pure magic power is need so follow me I will take you to that place where the end mouth of magic terminal exist "said Daoma

Saying that Daoma started looking and touching the Eastern wall of the altar room and a part of a crystal wall suddenly sunk inwards and disappears, creating a path

" let's go this is the path towards the terminal "Said Daoma

Kai nod and said to five beast load" you guys wait here for me, I will return back"

"but Master can we really trust Daoma after all we have just come to know him and what if he done something disadvantageous to you" said Jai nod other beast

"do not worry I cannot fill any ill intentions from him, it will be already and I may be only chance to complete by dream" said Kai

The six beast have been defeat by Kai, but Kai has nerve treated them as his servant, but as a family and in these years spending time with each other they have formed strong bonds, they share their good and bad memories and also from Kai heard of his past and his dreams to become magic user while the six beasts have wanted to break through 7th rank and become a saint beast and wanted to leave this forest and wanted to see the world beyond the barrier.

After discussing among them

"Ok master we will wait here for you please take care, we hope all things work well and when you return you become a magic user" said Jai

After that when Kai was about to enter the gate his vision falls on the ring still left on the altar, suddenly he felt it calling and went back to took the ring without observing it and went inside the gate.

On entering the gate Kai a narrow path appears and he saw staircases leading downward with magic crystals fitted on both side of the walls, illuminating the path as Kai moves downward on the stairs, he saw many magic circles on each step and each reached the end of the path, he saw the ghostly figure of Daoma waiting for him behind him has a 10feet big crystal gate.

On seeing that Kai is here, he finally sigh in relief "Oh! you are finally hear I thought you might have got lose or trigger some magic trap or killing arrays, through I had disactivated most of them but after this many years I have just forgotten how many I have put" in a casual manner as it was not a big issue

On hearing Daoma words Kai has a very complicated expression on his face "did he say I could have died on my way to this place"

"Anyway as you are finally here we can enter the terminal chamber" said Daoma as he place his hand on the stone gate was it s.h.i.+ne and various magic circles appeared on it,

As he looked at Kai "if someone else other than me touches the gate we will trigger the magic traps which can even kill ordinary magic Emperor" saying so the door shakes a bid and the door opens as a sudden gust of magic power comes from the entrance and Kai felt as his whole body is bathing in a comfortable and never ending divine feeling

"kid how do you feel is not this feeling divine and unforgettable,this is just a small portion of what you are about to feel" said Daoma

So Daoma and Kai enters the chamber while the gates closes behind them with a bang as he saw magic circles a room completely made of transparent crystals and a big pool full of white milk and a stone pillar in the middle of it

"kid this place is the center of the terminal and the power source of the barriers around the forbidden forest but his place is not, the place, come with me it is a place which I used for cultivation and training" as such Kai left with Daoma for the training hall.

The training hall was not so big and was of a size of 10cubic meter with a same kind of pillar but a section of about half a meter was removed 1 meter above the ground level and magic circles where drawn in both the ends with similar patterns and a magic circle was carved on surface of down end of the pillar.

As Daoma went and placed his hand on the magic circle the magic circle on both ends glow and a white drop suddenly appeared floating at the middle of them as he took a small wooden bottle of 5cm depth and put the white drop in it while closing it with a wooden cork and stopping the magic circle as he run towards Kai.

"kid drink it and your mystic veins will jump start again and you will become a magic user" said Daoma

"what is that white drop, how can I start my Mystic veins" asked Kai in curiosity

"this is a drop of world milk which takes billions of years to form, it is magic power at it purest state,what you saw before in the pool was a pool full of it but even if I drink a gla.s.s full of it my body will explode as one drop contains 100billions magic power as magic Emperor peak capability is 1 trillions" said Daoma

so what is that wooden bottle?

"It is a wooden bottle made up of world tree a tiny roots part which is the one of the few things which can hold such about of magic power" said Daoma

So what about the pool?

"that is made of peak divine rank magic array"

"now drink it quickly and sit on that magic circle near you I will help of you control the magic flow"

As such Kai drunk the drop but nothing happened on see this Daoma made a strange face as he fell that all that magic power just disappeared in a bottom less pit and the process continues for times but still no reaction occur and Daoma was speechless and bewildered by it as it was already the max capacity of a magic user but he still did not give up and on 11 drop finally a reaction occurred as a vortex occurred with Kai at the center and Daoma was thrown to the corner of the room and whole of Kai body stared to flow in golden light and long chains of silver and golden colors can be seen around Kai

"those are magic laws and world laws" said Daoma astonished it was not his first time seeing them but he never as seen them materialize

After sometime all silver chains break down and disappear and one of the 10 golden chains also breaks down as completely room started to shake and the chain disappeared into thin air and Kai vomits our a mouthful of blood completely golden in color.

and the vortex stops and Kai opens his eyes slowly as a smile appears on his face.


Rise Of Myraid Magic Emperor 9 Dream Becomes Reality

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