Lost Amongst The Stars-A Marvel Fanfic 40 39-Unexpected Meeting

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How should I say this but Heimdall is quite intimidating,in the movies seeing the charismatic Idris Elba play him you don't notice it.But in person it feels like his glare pierces through you and can everything about you.

"I can't see you"said Heimdall in a gruff tone.

"Ok"It felt somewhat weird to me that Heimdall could see everyone else at all time and i stress upon it 'AT ALL TIME' no matter what you are doing he could still peep at you.Though it surprised me that he couldn't see me.

"Any specific place you have in mind to land at?"asked Heimdall.

"No,drop me anywhere and i will find my way."

"Usually if someone wants to come back he calls my name and i find him and open the Bifrost but for you,I can't do it since i can't seem to see you with my eyes.You would have to send your coordinates to me with magic to open Bifrost for you."After saying so Heimdall powers up the Bifrost and gestures to me to go.

'The AllFather was right, there are no strings of fate on him.'thought Heimdall as he looked at Vali's back.

Traveling through Bifrost is such a beautiful experience.It's like getting high on drugs.You feel like you are floating in s.p.a.ce with bright lights surrounding you.I was broken out of my state when i suddenly fell on the ground.

Picking myself up and looking around i see lush fields all around me with crop circles drawn on the area i am standing on.The crop circles were due to Bifrost.The designs were actually runes which were responsible for travel between the realm without these runes it would require large amount of energy for traveling through the realms.

I should probably go look for some habitat and find out just where and when in the timeline I am.I walked through the fields for a while looking for someone.I didn't use magic to fly or teleport short distance as I don't want to scare people before i meet them.

Suddenly I felt ripples of mana near me.Someone was teleporting near me.

I see a figure come before me and with a smile greets me.

"h.e.l.lo Asgardian,mind having a tea with me?"

Lost Amongst The Stars-A Marvel Fanfic 40 39-Unexpected Meeting

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