Lost Amongst The Stars-A Marvel Fanfic 41 40-Interrogation

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{In Kamar-Taj}

Currently I am with Ancient One having a nice cup of tea in a room in Kamar-Taj.Nice place with good scenery if i have to say something about it.She seemed to be enjoying her tea having no attention on me.I finally decided to break the silence.

"Am i a special case or do you greet everyone who comes to Midgard?"i asked starting at her.

"Well I usually don't go and take look at every person coming to Earth but when the person visiting Earth could potentially kill a large number of people then i do have to take a look at the person.If you don't mind me asking,what is the reason for visiting Earth?"

So the cross examination starts.She wants to know whether i am a threat or not.

"I am here for traveling,got bored up there not much happens over there to pa.s.s time."Well what i said is the truth though I can't just say to her that Earth is the focal point of the MCU and i am here to play with it.

"Traveling you say huh"said the Ancient One.Though she didn't look convinced.

"Well as long as you don't cause unnecessary destruction then it's all okay.Well did you like the Tea?"

"Yeah,i did one of the best i have ever tasted even better than some present on Asgard."i wasn't lying here.

"That's good to here.So any place you have in mind to visit on your travels?"

"None currently I have just dropped here without any plan so would probably only wander and look around.Could you provide me with a map,it would help me in my travels."

"Sure that's no problem."

She then manifested a map out of thin air and pa.s.sed it to me.

"Do you mind if I stay here for a while and study some of the magic?I have some skills in Asgardian magic."

"You practise magic?"She looked shocked,she should be there are no mana fluctuations near me when i am not in my battle mode.Atleast this give me a trump card for she won't be able to know my level of mastery.

"Well you can stay here for aslong as you want, knowledge is available here for everyone here at Kamar-Taj"

Well this atleast solves my problem of information gathering.

Lost Amongst The Stars-A Marvel Fanfic 41 40-Interrogation

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