Mr Lion, Please Divorce Me 19 Beast's Memory

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At the 100th floor of Li Building, YuFang watched the rare expression of the King. LiMingHu seemed more peaceful than usual but not in his high mood. There was a sadness look whenever he has a thinking. Although he was still focus to read all doc.u.ments today but YuFang knew that his mind was not there and definitely he was not thinking about what were written in the doc.u.ments.

Yes, the King slash, the beast slash, LiMingHu was thinking about his lovely rabbit.

'Last night, her responds was a little bit different...has she open her heart to him yet?'

While YuFang was the one who patiently waiting LiMingHu to finish checking and signing all doc.u.ments he needed today.

Suddenly LiMingHu asked him,

" ever said that treating the animals softly can make them close and fond to you, but why my little rabbit still scare to me?"

YuFang knew exactly who was the little rabbit LiMingHu mentioned, he just irritated that they must discussed about it in busy hours like this but he still answered him politely,

"It needs a patience to make them closer to you...just treat them gently then don't worry, quickly or not the rabbit will be yours"

LiMingHu actually already knew that answer, he just felt to be confirmed about his actions. Coz in his mind, there was a struggle,

"I want to kiss her again...but no...I must be patience...or she will run away again...'

Finally LiMingHu had signed the last doc.u.ment YuFang needed so the white fox just took them right away and ready to excuse himself. But before he left, he felt needed to remind him,

"Please don't forget that you have an important lunch later with 'Him'!"

"I know"

YuFang left the room. A reminder just now makes LiMingHu took a pause for a while, he laid down his back and sighed.

Then he opened the last drawer and took out the photo, the one with a little girl inside. He stared on that photo, reminisced the little girl in that photo...

"Brother Li...don't be sad...I'll stay with you...I won't leave you..." He remembered that little voice ever said that. It was the day of his parents funeral. The death of his parents had changed everything. When he was a child, he accidentally heard some business partners of his parents speaking to each other, their conversation indicated that the accidents couldn't be a coincidence, someone did it purposely to destroy Li Company. Since that, LiMingHu made a promise to himself...that he would be strong and just kept focus to find who killed his parents. That's the day the cold beast born in his heart. He closed his heart to everyone but there was someone who innocently kept trying to enter, it was ShuLian, the girl in the photo. Unfortunately it's ended badly... An accident that made ShuLian couldn't be with him anymore, and LiMingHu knew he was the main cause of it.

LiMingHu closed his eyes, sticking the edges of the photo to his forehead, like a praying gesture, he whispered,

"I owned you a lot...XiaoShu..."

Suddenly his phone was ringing, a message came. He checked it, it came from home, from Ali, the bodyguard. His eyes be wrinkled as he read the message,

'Meeting WenWen at lunch?'

The king pushed the b.u.t.ton to call his secretary by phone.


"Yes, President Li?"

"Check for me the schedule of WenWen, our new product model"

"Ok, President Li. Please wait for a moment"


While waiting, LiMingHu started to think 'why this rabbit so fool? caring about someone who doesn't return any goodness to her! But maybe that's what so attracting from her' He smiled for himself.

Mr Lion, Please Divorce Me 19 Beast's Memory

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