Mr Lion, Please Divorce Me 20 The Grand Restaurant 1

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A luxury black car arrived at the Grand Restaurant. TianTian came out with her simple blue dress. Before she came out, she told Ali who drive her there to wait outside the restaurant.

"Maybe I can be long inside...just enjoy your day around, Ali...don't wait for me...I'll is fine". TianTian knew that Ali is faithful for his job as a bodyguard but she still uncomfortable to be followed everywhere.

"I'll wait at outside restaurant, Ms. TianTian. I'll ready to come whenever you call later." Ali gave his words firmly.

TianTian just sighed and smiled to him,


When she entered the restaurant, she wonders,

'Is this restaurant really just too expensive or just not having good taste?' Coz she saw there were not too many guests eating lunch there. Among some empty tables, she recognizes a man who also noticed her and gestures her to come. It was Philip Huang, he smiled seeing TianTian walked toward his table, he stood and greeted her politely.

"It's nice to meet you again, Ms. TianTian...please, have a seat!"

TianTian sat and then observed Philip huang. Last night she was only paying attention to WenWen. Now she noticed that Philip Huang had a quite handsome face like an idol, younger than LiMingHu obviously and clearly a metros.e.xual man with his style of hair, clothes and a diamond earring on his left ear. But somehow TianTian didn't like his eyes. 'Like a liars' eyes' But TianTian didn't want to judge people too early.

"Where is WenWen?" TianTian just wanted to settle the problem soon.

"She will be late...coz suddenly she had a job to do, you know the business as a new product model...but don't worry, she will come so why don't we eat first while waiting for her..?" Philip Huang tried his angel smile, that usually could melt many women. But it even made TianTian more uncomfortable.

"It's fine. I am not eating, thank you. I just come to meet WenWen..."

"Well, at least let me buy you a drink" Philip Huang didn't wait for the reply, he called a waitress to come and ordered some drinks, two of juice.

After the waitress left, Philip Huang gazes back to TianTian,

"Miss TianTian, there's something to make me curious since our meeting last time if I may ask ?"

"What is it, Mr. Phillip?" TianTian wondered.

"What is your real relations.h.i.+p with President Li?..." Phillip Huang stared on her deeply...

"Its... it's complicated..." TianTian herself wasn't sure what their relations.h.i.+p was.

"You must be special for him, seeing how he treated you last night...but it must be hard for you to stay with the beast like him right?" Phillip Huang smiled, once again he tried to charm TianTian...

"It's not really..." TianTian found it's hard to answer that question.

"I heard that you come from a very simple family and then you decided to choose the beast than your own must be like the beast so much or maybe her riches has charming you as well?" As he said, Philip Huang moved his hand closer to TianTian's hand which holding the gla.s.s, till their finger almost touched to each other.

In reflex, TianTian moved her hands far from Philip Huang's hands.

"If WenWen is busy, perhaps I can see her in another time" TianTian followed her instinct to get away. She raised and willing to go, but Philip Huang grabbed her hand,

"Wait..wait...Why so hurry?"

"Please let my hand go, Mr. Philip!" TianTian tried to free her hand but the grip was getting stronger, while Mr. Philip Huang seemed didn't care and looked around, after he managed to see a figure he waited entered the restaurant and noticed their presence, suddenly, Mr. Philip came closer and pulled TianTian's body closer to him,

"What are you...let me go" TianTian surprised with the unexpected gestures of Philip Huang...while he whispered to TianTian,

"Oh come on...stop pretending! How much did he pay to have you? I can pay double...even more, I can offer you anything you want...How 'bout it, not bad right...Just leave that beast and be mine!" and he forced kissed TianTian.

With all her strength, she wanted to push back him but suddenly a hard fist landed on Philip Huang's face, it even makes Philip fell down on the floor.


TianTian turned to see and shocked to know who was it. LiMingHu with so angry pulled her hand harshly and took her away from the restaurant.

"Wait...auch, you hurt my hand..."

TianTian felt pain but the king seemed didn't care, he didn't give any response.

Outside the restaurant, LiMingHu seemed had instructed Ali to prepare the car, as it had ready at the front and He pushed TianTian entered the car harshly.

Inside the car, LiMingHu ordered Ali to stop driving when they were still in the restaurant's front field and asked Ali to go out for a while. And then before TianTian could say anything, LiMingHu's hand had to be around TianTian's neck, choked her. In a raging tone, he stared on TianTian widely,

"What are you doing with that son of the b****! Who gives you permission to kiss another man???!!!"

"I am...ugh...not..." TianTian tried to remove the king's hands from her neck coz she started hard to speak.

"TianTian, I warned you that you are mine! Only mine!" The king loosed his hand but then kissed her harshly, TianTian didn't like that kind of kisses, it rough and hurting...she tried to fight back, as she managed to bite his lips at the end.

"Auch" The king stopped and a little fresh blood was coming out from his lower lip. He then pushed TianTian away from himself.

He looks to TianTian who already crying but giving a very offensive look to him. LiMingHu startled as he felt hurt to see TianTian's face like that, he felt sad but also angry at himself. TianTian was really angry, that she wanted to slap him but LiMingHu caught her hand before it successfully landed on his face. They looked to each other in anger but then LiMingHu released TianTian's hand and TianTian was also didn't want to slap him anymore.

He turned to look at the car window and also with TianTian, she looked to another side of the car window. There was an intense silence between them but not in their minds.

LiMingHu kept feeling rage, for the first time he felt rage because of a woman. No matter what reason might be, he just couldn't stand to see TianTian kissing with another man.

"She is mine...I won't let anyone have her!!"

While TianTian felt angry for what the beast just did. He didn't give her a chance to explain but just giving her a bad treat right away.

"He is the worst man ever...!!!" TianTian tried to stop her crying by wiping her eyes and also her lips.

Sudden a smartphone in LiMingHu's pocket has rung. He looked to the id caller and his face suddenly shown a little bit of worry. He picked it up and answered carefully.

"Yes? I am sorry...I had something to do just now..." He glanced to TianTian, but then back to his phone, "No...its nothing...I'll be there in a minute" The phone call was off and the king went out from the car. He ordered Ali to drive TianTian home while he returned to the restaurant.

Mr Lion, Please Divorce Me 20 The Grand Restaurant 1

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Mr Lion, Please Divorce Me 20 The Grand Restaurant 1 summary

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